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    War Correspondents On Breast Cancer活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 十年前,三星开始与西班牙乳腺癌联合会 (FECMA) 合作,合作并推动不同的倡议,目的是筹集资金和支持研究项目。为了纪念这次合作的10周年,FECMA和三星都想做更多的事情: 吸引媒体的注意力,鼓励捐赠,让所有与癌症抗争的人都能看到。挑战是想出一个强有力的想法,在新闻编辑室中引起注意,让他们看到,另一场战争完全没有引起注意。这是我们这个时代最大和最艰难的战斗之一,也是影响每4名女性中的一场战斗。 战略 目标是达到最大人数,以提高认识和捐款。首先,我们必须引起媒体的注意,所以他们会谈论与癌症的战争。但是,当什么是有新闻价值的,完全是其他东西的时候,我们是如何做到这一点的呢?当在媒体上,我们看到一种完全不同的战争类型我们为记者寻找领导者: 马努 · 布拉博。西班牙最重要的战争摄影记者,普利策奖得主。他一直出现在利比亚,叙利亚和科索沃等的冲突中,我们把他变成了我们竞选活动的主角,以及在这场与癌症作斗争的医生和妇女一起,由西班牙的主要媒体报道了由西班牙的主要媒体报道。这项运动在社交媒体上进行了有机的讨论和分享。最终,这一策略使我们能够吸引所有人的注意力。 相关性 这场运动暴露了乳腺癌与战争之间的相似性,这是以前从未见过的。一个信息,向所有看到纪录片的人传达了患者经历的个人战斗,提高了意识,并传达了在媒体上看到这种疾病的必要性。所有这些都带着增加捐款的希望。这就是为什么我们试图在西班牙最著名的战争记者之一的帮助下通过真实的故事来吸引人们的注意。由于这种伙伴关系,取得了独特的视听、摄影和新闻工作。 结果 103,008,265达到4.2亿欧元的AD价值超过200,000欧元捐赠37% 增加对FECMA 187,391下载这本书和纪录片的观点97% 积极的评论 执行 关于乳腺癌的战争记者是一个令人心酸的摄影报道,战争记者和普利策奖获得者马努 · 布拉博报道了这场与癌症作斗争的战争,并以前所未有的方式描绘了它。作为西班牙主要媒体和记者报道的13分钟的视频纪录片,如El Pa í s、El Mundo、Forbes、La Vanguardia、GQ、El Mundo、Vice、L'Officiel等。•社交媒体的20秒点,适应了这种媒体的一种缩小的格式。•网站: 在纪录片、数字图书主持的地方。鼓励直接捐款。•数码写真集下载捐赠。•15张照片的临时展览,以提高社会对所有生活和生存的人的感觉是什么和如何。•一个 # CGCM的标签活动,让人们关注社交媒体上的所有内容。 CampaignDescription 三星和FECMA出席: 战争记者乳腺癌,这是一份令人心酸的照片报告,旨在承认并让人们看到所有每天与乳腺癌作斗争的人的承诺和紧张的工作。一个独特的新闻项目,通过普利策奖获得者西班牙战争摄影记者马努 · 布拉博的眼睛捕捉到了一个独特的新闻项目。他以前所未有的观点揭露了这种疾病。一份将两个不同但惊人相似的世界联合起来的报告。以摄影师个人档案的格式展出42幅摄影作品、一部纪录片和一本特别书籍。对于纪录片的每个视图和每个下载,三星都向FRECMA捐赠了1欧元。


    案例简介:Synopsis Ten years ago, Samsung started working with the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer (FECMA), collaborating and promoting different initiatives with the aim of raising funds and supporting research projects. To mark the 10th anniversary of this collaboration, both FECMA and Samsung wanted to do something more: capture the attention of the media to encourage donation and give visibility to all those who fight against cancer. The challenge was to come up with a strong idea, to command attention in the newsrooms and let them see, there is another war that goes totally unnoticed. One of the biggest and toughest battles of our time and one that affects 1 in 4 women. Strategy The goal was to reach the maximum number of people to increase awareness and donations. First we had to capture the attention of the media, so they would talk about the war against cancer. But how did we achieve this when what is newsworthy, is something else completely? When in the media, we see a completely different type of war We looked for a leader for journalists: Manu Brabo. The most important war photojournalist in Spain, Pulitzer prize winner. He has been present in conflicts in Libya, Syria and Kosovo, etc. and we turned him into the protagonist of our campaign, along with doctors and women who live through this war with cancer The photoreport created by Manu Brabo was covered by the main media outlets in Spain. The campaign was discussed and shared organically on social media. Ultimately this strategy allowed us to capture the attention of everyone. Relevancy This campaign exposes a similarity between breast cancer and war that has never been seen before. A message that conveys, to all those who see the documentary, the personal battles that patients experience, raising awareness and communicating the need to give visibility to this disease in the media. All of this with the hope of increasing donations. This is why we have tried to capture attention through real stories with the help of one of the most prominent war journalists in Spain. Thanks to this partnership, a unique audio-visual, photographic and journalistic work has been achieved. Outcome 103,008,265 Reach €4.2 M in AD Value More than € 200,000 Donated 37% Increase in donations to FECMA 187,391 Downloads of the book and documentary views 97% positive comments Execution War Correspondents on Breast Cancer is a poignant photoreport in which War Correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Manu Brabo, covers the war on cancer and portrays it in a way never seen before. As a - 13 minute video documentary covered by the main media outlets and journalists in Spain, such as El País, El Mundo, Forbes, La Vanguardia, GQ, El Mundo, Vice, L’Officiel and others. • 20s spot for social media, a reduced format adapted to this medium. • Web: www.samsung.com/es/corresponsalesdeguerraenelcancerdemama Where the documentary, digital book were hosted. Direct donation was encouraged. • Digital photo book for download and donation. • Temporary exhibition of 15 photographs to sensitize society about what and how all the people who live and survive the disease feel. • A hashtag campaign #CGCM, to allow people to follow all the content on social media. CampaignDescription Samsung and FECMA present: War Correspondents on Breast Cancer, an poignant photo report that aims to recognize and give visibility to the commitment and intense work of all those who fight daily against breast cancer. A unique journalistic project, captured through the eyes of the Pulitzer Prize winning Spanish war photojournalist Manu Brabo. He exposes the disease from a never before seen point of view. A report that unites two different but surprisingly similar worlds. An exhibition of 42 photographs, a documentary and a special book in the format of the photographers personal files. For each view of the documentary online and for each download, Samsung donated €1 to FECMA.

    War Correspondents On Breast Cancer

    案例简介:概要 十年前,三星开始与西班牙乳腺癌联合会 (FECMA) 合作,合作并推动不同的倡议,目的是筹集资金和支持研究项目。为了纪念这次合作的10周年,FECMA和三星都想做更多的事情: 吸引媒体的注意力,鼓励捐赠,让所有与癌症抗争的人都能看到。挑战是想出一个强有力的想法,在新闻编辑室中引起注意,让他们看到,另一场战争完全没有引起注意。这是我们这个时代最大和最艰难的战斗之一,也是影响每4名女性中的一场战斗。 战略 目标是达到最大人数,以提高认识和捐款。首先,我们必须引起媒体的注意,所以他们会谈论与癌症的战争。但是,当什么是有新闻价值的,完全是其他东西的时候,我们是如何做到这一点的呢?当在媒体上,我们看到一种完全不同的战争类型我们为记者寻找领导者: 马努 · 布拉博。西班牙最重要的战争摄影记者,普利策奖得主。他一直出现在利比亚,叙利亚和科索沃等的冲突中,我们把他变成了我们竞选活动的主角,以及在这场与癌症作斗争的医生和妇女一起,由西班牙的主要媒体报道了由西班牙的主要媒体报道。这项运动在社交媒体上进行了有机的讨论和分享。最终,这一策略使我们能够吸引所有人的注意力。 相关性 这场运动暴露了乳腺癌与战争之间的相似性,这是以前从未见过的。一个信息,向所有看到纪录片的人传达了患者经历的个人战斗,提高了意识,并传达了在媒体上看到这种疾病的必要性。所有这些都带着增加捐款的希望。这就是为什么我们试图在西班牙最著名的战争记者之一的帮助下通过真实的故事来吸引人们的注意。由于这种伙伴关系,取得了独特的视听、摄影和新闻工作。 结果 103,008,265达到4.2亿欧元的AD价值超过200,000欧元捐赠37% 增加对FECMA 187,391下载这本书和纪录片的观点97% 积极的评论 执行 关于乳腺癌的战争记者是一个令人心酸的摄影报道,战争记者和普利策奖获得者马努 · 布拉博报道了这场与癌症作斗争的战争,并以前所未有的方式描绘了它。作为西班牙主要媒体和记者报道的13分钟的视频纪录片,如El Pa í s、El Mundo、Forbes、La Vanguardia、GQ、El Mundo、Vice、L'Officiel等。•社交媒体的20秒点,适应了这种媒体的一种缩小的格式。•网站: 在纪录片、数字图书主持的地方。鼓励直接捐款。•数码写真集下载捐赠。•15张照片的临时展览,以提高社会对所有生活和生存的人的感觉是什么和如何。•一个 # CGCM的标签活动,让人们关注社交媒体上的所有内容。 CampaignDescription 三星和FECMA出席: 战争记者乳腺癌,这是一份令人心酸的照片报告,旨在承认并让人们看到所有每天与乳腺癌作斗争的人的承诺和紧张的工作。一个独特的新闻项目,通过普利策奖获得者西班牙战争摄影记者马努 · 布拉博的眼睛捕捉到了一个独特的新闻项目。他以前所未有的观点揭露了这种疾病。一份将两个不同但惊人相似的世界联合起来的报告。以摄影师个人档案的格式展出42幅摄影作品、一部纪录片和一本特别书籍。对于纪录片的每个视图和每个下载,三星都向FRECMA捐赠了1欧元。

    War Correspondents On Breast Cancer

    案例简介:Synopsis Ten years ago, Samsung started working with the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer (FECMA), collaborating and promoting different initiatives with the aim of raising funds and supporting research projects. To mark the 10th anniversary of this collaboration, both FECMA and Samsung wanted to do something more: capture the attention of the media to encourage donation and give visibility to all those who fight against cancer. The challenge was to come up with a strong idea, to command attention in the newsrooms and let them see, there is another war that goes totally unnoticed. One of the biggest and toughest battles of our time and one that affects 1 in 4 women. Strategy The goal was to reach the maximum number of people to increase awareness and donations. First we had to capture the attention of the media, so they would talk about the war against cancer. But how did we achieve this when what is newsworthy, is something else completely? When in the media, we see a completely different type of war We looked for a leader for journalists: Manu Brabo. The most important war photojournalist in Spain, Pulitzer prize winner. He has been present in conflicts in Libya, Syria and Kosovo, etc. and we turned him into the protagonist of our campaign, along with doctors and women who live through this war with cancer The photoreport created by Manu Brabo was covered by the main media outlets in Spain. The campaign was discussed and shared organically on social media. Ultimately this strategy allowed us to capture the attention of everyone. Relevancy This campaign exposes a similarity between breast cancer and war that has never been seen before. A message that conveys, to all those who see the documentary, the personal battles that patients experience, raising awareness and communicating the need to give visibility to this disease in the media. All of this with the hope of increasing donations. This is why we have tried to capture attention through real stories with the help of one of the most prominent war journalists in Spain. Thanks to this partnership, a unique audio-visual, photographic and journalistic work has been achieved. Outcome 103,008,265 Reach €4.2 M in AD Value More than € 200,000 Donated 37% Increase in donations to FECMA 187,391 Downloads of the book and documentary views 97% positive comments Execution War Correspondents on Breast Cancer is a poignant photoreport in which War Correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Manu Brabo, covers the war on cancer and portrays it in a way never seen before. As a - 13 minute video documentary covered by the main media outlets and journalists in Spain, such as El País, El Mundo, Forbes, La Vanguardia, GQ, El Mundo, Vice, L’Officiel and others. • 20s spot for social media, a reduced format adapted to this medium. • Web: www.samsung.com/es/corresponsalesdeguerraenelcancerdemama Where the documentary, digital book were hosted. Direct donation was encouraged. • Digital photo book for download and donation. • Temporary exhibition of 15 photographs to sensitize society about what and how all the people who live and survive the disease feel. • A hashtag campaign #CGCM, to allow people to follow all the content on social media. CampaignDescription Samsung and FECMA present: War Correspondents on Breast Cancer, an poignant photo report that aims to recognize and give visibility to the commitment and intense work of all those who fight daily against breast cancer. A unique journalistic project, captured through the eyes of the Pulitzer Prize winning Spanish war photojournalist Manu Brabo. He exposes the disease from a never before seen point of view. A report that unites two different but surprisingly similar worlds. An exhibition of 42 photographs, a documentary and a special book in the format of the photographers personal files. For each view of the documentary online and for each download, Samsung donated €1 to FECMA.



    War Correspondents On Breast Cancer






    广告公司: Cheil (西班牙 马德里) 制作公司: Lobo Kane




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