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    案例简介:战略 希望激励飞行员在下次遇到哭闹的婴儿时微笑,我们启动了一个三管齐下的方法来发布一个视频,记录与婴儿一起旅行的挑战和压力。在付费、拥有和赢得的渠道中,我们的目标是: 1) 与信任的来源整合,以联系父母; 2)通过利用社交帖子和视频来吸引潜在的捷蓝航空传单的注意力; 3) 深入母亲节,以最大限度地提高消费者的相关性并引起关注。 活动描述 坐在哭泣的孩子旁边有时会感到痛苦。这种令人畏缩的经历对每个参与者来说都是有压力的 -- 事实上,它是航空旅行的第二大挫折 -- 但对新妈妈来说,压力尤其大。根据哈里斯民意测验代表捷蓝航空最近在网上进行的一项调查,65% 的美国成年人报告说,理解父母无法控制他们的孩子是否在飞机上哭泣; 尽管如此,40% 乘飞机旅行的美国成年人报告说,当被限制在一个哭泣的婴儿的空间时,仍然很恼火。为了庆祝母亲节,捷蓝航空为妈妈和他们的孩子挺身而出。在一次越野飞行中,每次婴儿哭泣时,所有乘客都会在未来的机票上获得 25% 的折扣,最终每个人都可以获得免费的往返机票。有史以来第一次,在飞机上哭泣的婴儿是一件好事。 相关性 自 2000 以来,捷蓝航空的品牌使命是将人类带回航空旅行。传统运营商试图用魅力非凡的名人管道发出的昂贵的广告活动侵犯我们的地盘。作为一个挑战者品牌,我们需要提高我们如何将人性带回客户的标准。通过一架特殊的捷蓝飞机,我们做了不可能的事情,把哭泣的婴儿变成了一件好事,并将这一信息传播给大众,让所有的飞行员都感到受欢迎。 结果 # Flybabies 拍下媒体关注,年薪超过 2,000 传统公关职位,Facebook 和 YouTube 的趋势都享有,147 毫米赢得社会的印象,并覆盖在今天晨之美、日都好。强大的视频打破了所有内部基准,提供 5.5 毫米的视频浏览,月 K Facebook Likes,41.1 K 社会一样,和 79% 年城市在 YouTube 上。此外,我们超过了我们的 KPI 目标,推动了每项业务的成本比预计效率高 11 倍,每项业务的成本比预计效率高 3.5 倍。对捷蓝的购买考虑的影响是非常积极的,促使 80% 的消费者考虑捷蓝。 执行 为了营造轰动和兴奋,我们在以妈妈为中心的网站上,在上下文相关的内容中植入视频,并在母亲节前六天实时优化增加的份额。我们利用流行的育儿网站将 # FlyBabies 融入社交对话中,并利用 “日常” 妈妈微影响者分享我们的视频,以及他们自己和孩子一起飞行的个人故事。在我们的波士顿、劳德代尔堡、纽约、奥兰多和长滩等主要市场,高影响力的数字广告牌获得了额外的曝光。通过在 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Twitter 上针对父母和捷蓝航空粉丝的视频投放,推动了增量视频观看和分享。 概要 今年,我们的收费很简单: 提高游戏效率,展示捷蓝航空是如何致力于提供独一无二的飞行体验,所有人都可以获得,甚至是…… 哭泣的婴儿。对于婴儿偶尔会哭,我们无能为力,所以为什么不公开谈论呢?没有人想要一个婴儿坐在他们旁边六个小时的飞行 (甚至是你自己的)。是的,当妈妈们和他们的小宝宝一起登机时,她们会看到你的眼睛和眼神。所以我们创造了一个游戏,你想让婴儿哭。这个母亲节,捷蓝航空鼓励婴儿哭泣; 事实上,每次婴儿哭泣,每个人都为下一次航班赢得了荣誉,直到航班免费。最后,所有乘客都在为婴儿鼓掌哭泣,现在在给妈妈和婴儿一个惊喜之前会三思而后行。


    案例简介:Strategy With the hope of inspiring fliers to smile the next time they experienced a crying baby, we activated a three-pronged approach to release a video documenting the challenges and stress of traveling with babies.Across paid, owned and earned channels our goals were to:1) Integrate with trusted sources to reach parents;2) Capture attention of potential JetBlue fliers by leveraging social posts and video; and3) Lean into Mother’s Day to maximize consumer relevancy and press attention. CampaignDescription Flying next to a crying child can feel painful at times. This cringe-worthy experience is stressful for everyone involved — in fact, it ranks as the number two frustration of air travel — but it’s especially stressful for the new mom. According to a recent survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of JetBlue, 65% of U.S. adults report understanding parents have no control over whether their baby cried inflight; despite this, 40% of U.S. adults who travel by plane still report being annoyed when being confinded to a space with a crying baby.In honor of Mother’s Day, JetBlue stood up for moms and their babies. During a cross-country flight, each time a baby cried, all passengers received a 25% discount on future airfare, ultimately landing everyone free roundtrip tickets. For the first time ever, crying babies on a flight was a good thing. Relevancy Since 2000, JetBlue’s brand mission has been to bring humanity back to air travel. Legacy carriers have attempted to encroach on our turf with expensive ad campaigns voiced by charismatic, celebrity pipes. As a challenger brand, we needed to raise the bar on how we bring humanity back to our customers.Through a special JetBlue flight, we did the impossible and turned crying babies into a good thing, and spread that message to the masses to make all fliers feel welcome. Outcome #Flybabies captured mass media attention, earning over 2,000 traditional PR placements, trending status on both Facebook and YouTube, 147 MM earned social impressions, and coverage on both GOOD MORNING AMERICA and SUNDAY TODAY. The powerful video broke all internal benchmarks, delivering 5.5MM video views, 10K Facebook Likes, 41.1K social shares, and a 79% completion rate on YouTube. Additionally, we surpassed our KPI goals, driving a Cost per Engagement 11 times more efficient than projected, and Cost per View 3.5 times more efficient than projected.The effect on purchase consideration of JetBlue was overwhelmingly positive, driving 80% of consumers to consider JetBlue. Execution In order to build buzz and excitement, we seeded the video within contextually relevant content on mom-focused sites and optimized in real time for increased shares six days before Mother’s Day. We tapped popular parenting sites to incorporate #FlyBabies into social conversations and leveraged “everyday” mom micro influencers to share our video with their own personal stories of flying with children. Additional exposure was garnered through high-impact digital billboards with a high share of voice in our key markets of Boston, Fort Lauderdale, New York, Orlando and Long Beach. Incremental video views and sharing were driven through promoted video placements on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, targeting parents and JetBlue fans. Synopsis This year, our charge was simple: up the game in demonstrating how committed JetBlue is to providing a one-of-a-kind flying experience, attainable for all, even…crying babies. There’s little we can do about the fact that babies occasionally cry, so why not talk about it in the open? No one wants a baby sitting next to them on a six-hour flight (even your own). And yes, moms DO see your eye-rolls and look-aways when they are boarding with their little ones. So we created a game where you wanted the babies to cry. This Mother’s Day, JetBlue encouraged crying babies; in fact, every time a baby cried, everyone earned credit toward their next flight, until the flight was free. In the end, all passengers were applauding babies to cry, and will now think twice before giving mom and baby an eye-roll.


    案例简介:战略 希望激励飞行员在下次遇到哭闹的婴儿时微笑,我们启动了一个三管齐下的方法来发布一个视频,记录与婴儿一起旅行的挑战和压力。在付费、拥有和赢得的渠道中,我们的目标是: 1) 与信任的来源整合,以联系父母; 2)通过利用社交帖子和视频来吸引潜在的捷蓝航空传单的注意力; 3) 深入母亲节,以最大限度地提高消费者的相关性并引起关注。 活动描述 坐在哭泣的孩子旁边有时会感到痛苦。这种令人畏缩的经历对每个参与者来说都是有压力的 -- 事实上,它是航空旅行的第二大挫折 -- 但对新妈妈来说,压力尤其大。根据哈里斯民意测验代表捷蓝航空最近在网上进行的一项调查,65% 的美国成年人报告说,理解父母无法控制他们的孩子是否在飞机上哭泣; 尽管如此,40% 乘飞机旅行的美国成年人报告说,当被限制在一个哭泣的婴儿的空间时,仍然很恼火。为了庆祝母亲节,捷蓝航空为妈妈和他们的孩子挺身而出。在一次越野飞行中,每次婴儿哭泣时,所有乘客都会在未来的机票上获得 25% 的折扣,最终每个人都可以获得免费的往返机票。有史以来第一次,在飞机上哭泣的婴儿是一件好事。 相关性 自 2000 以来,捷蓝航空的品牌使命是将人类带回航空旅行。传统运营商试图用魅力非凡的名人管道发出的昂贵的广告活动侵犯我们的地盘。作为一个挑战者品牌,我们需要提高我们如何将人性带回客户的标准。通过一架特殊的捷蓝飞机,我们做了不可能的事情,把哭泣的婴儿变成了一件好事,并将这一信息传播给大众,让所有的飞行员都感到受欢迎。 结果 # Flybabies 拍下媒体关注,年薪超过 2,000 传统公关职位,Facebook 和 YouTube 的趋势都享有,147 毫米赢得社会的印象,并覆盖在今天晨之美、日都好。强大的视频打破了所有内部基准,提供 5.5 毫米的视频浏览,月 K Facebook Likes,41.1 K 社会一样,和 79% 年城市在 YouTube 上。此外,我们超过了我们的 KPI 目标,推动了每项业务的成本比预计效率高 11 倍,每项业务的成本比预计效率高 3.5 倍。对捷蓝的购买考虑的影响是非常积极的,促使 80% 的消费者考虑捷蓝。 执行 为了营造轰动和兴奋,我们在以妈妈为中心的网站上,在上下文相关的内容中植入视频,并在母亲节前六天实时优化增加的份额。我们利用流行的育儿网站将 # FlyBabies 融入社交对话中,并利用 “日常” 妈妈微影响者分享我们的视频,以及他们自己和孩子一起飞行的个人故事。在我们的波士顿、劳德代尔堡、纽约、奥兰多和长滩等主要市场,高影响力的数字广告牌获得了额外的曝光。通过在 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Twitter 上针对父母和捷蓝航空粉丝的视频投放,推动了增量视频观看和分享。 概要 今年,我们的收费很简单: 提高游戏效率,展示捷蓝航空是如何致力于提供独一无二的飞行体验,所有人都可以获得,甚至是…… 哭泣的婴儿。对于婴儿偶尔会哭,我们无能为力,所以为什么不公开谈论呢?没有人想要一个婴儿坐在他们旁边六个小时的飞行 (甚至是你自己的)。是的,当妈妈们和他们的小宝宝一起登机时,她们会看到你的眼睛和眼神。所以我们创造了一个游戏,你想让婴儿哭。这个母亲节,捷蓝航空鼓励婴儿哭泣; 事实上,每次婴儿哭泣,每个人都为下一次航班赢得了荣誉,直到航班免费。最后,所有乘客都在为婴儿鼓掌哭泣,现在在给妈妈和婴儿一个惊喜之前会三思而后行。


    案例简介:Strategy With the hope of inspiring fliers to smile the next time they experienced a crying baby, we activated a three-pronged approach to release a video documenting the challenges and stress of traveling with babies.Across paid, owned and earned channels our goals were to:1) Integrate with trusted sources to reach parents;2) Capture attention of potential JetBlue fliers by leveraging social posts and video; and3) Lean into Mother’s Day to maximize consumer relevancy and press attention. CampaignDescription Flying next to a crying child can feel painful at times. This cringe-worthy experience is stressful for everyone involved — in fact, it ranks as the number two frustration of air travel — but it’s especially stressful for the new mom. According to a recent survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of JetBlue, 65% of U.S. adults report understanding parents have no control over whether their baby cried inflight; despite this, 40% of U.S. adults who travel by plane still report being annoyed when being confinded to a space with a crying baby.In honor of Mother’s Day, JetBlue stood up for moms and their babies. During a cross-country flight, each time a baby cried, all passengers received a 25% discount on future airfare, ultimately landing everyone free roundtrip tickets. For the first time ever, crying babies on a flight was a good thing. Relevancy Since 2000, JetBlue’s brand mission has been to bring humanity back to air travel. Legacy carriers have attempted to encroach on our turf with expensive ad campaigns voiced by charismatic, celebrity pipes. As a challenger brand, we needed to raise the bar on how we bring humanity back to our customers.Through a special JetBlue flight, we did the impossible and turned crying babies into a good thing, and spread that message to the masses to make all fliers feel welcome. Outcome #Flybabies captured mass media attention, earning over 2,000 traditional PR placements, trending status on both Facebook and YouTube, 147 MM earned social impressions, and coverage on both GOOD MORNING AMERICA and SUNDAY TODAY. The powerful video broke all internal benchmarks, delivering 5.5MM video views, 10K Facebook Likes, 41.1K social shares, and a 79% completion rate on YouTube. Additionally, we surpassed our KPI goals, driving a Cost per Engagement 11 times more efficient than projected, and Cost per View 3.5 times more efficient than projected.The effect on purchase consideration of JetBlue was overwhelmingly positive, driving 80% of consumers to consider JetBlue. Execution In order to build buzz and excitement, we seeded the video within contextually relevant content on mom-focused sites and optimized in real time for increased shares six days before Mother’s Day. We tapped popular parenting sites to incorporate #FlyBabies into social conversations and leveraged “everyday” mom micro influencers to share our video with their own personal stories of flying with children. Additional exposure was garnered through high-impact digital billboards with a high share of voice in our key markets of Boston, Fort Lauderdale, New York, Orlando and Long Beach. Incremental video views and sharing were driven through promoted video placements on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, targeting parents and JetBlue fans. Synopsis This year, our charge was simple: up the game in demonstrating how committed JetBlue is to providing a one-of-a-kind flying experience, attainable for all, even…crying babies. There’s little we can do about the fact that babies occasionally cry, so why not talk about it in the open? No one wants a baby sitting next to them on a six-hour flight (even your own). And yes, moms DO see your eye-rolls and look-aways when they are boarding with their little ones. So we created a game where you wanted the babies to cry. This Mother’s Day, JetBlue encouraged crying babies; in fact, every time a baby cried, everyone earned credit toward their next flight, until the flight was free. In the end, all passengers were applauding babies to cry, and will now think twice before giving mom and baby an eye-roll.









    广告公司: Lowe (美国 纽约) 制作公司: HEY BABY FILMS




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