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    Afternoon Stroll短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:TM 广告为动物协会最好朋友发起新活动: “固定在四” 达拉斯,2012年4月24日 -- 经过 15 个月的努力工作,TM Advertising 自豪地宣布推出为最好的朋友动物协会创建的 “四修正” 活动。 一年多前,当最好的朋友动物协会来到 TM 时,他们只是在寻找帮助,制作一个电视节目,传达和宣传他们的使命: 不再有无家可归的宠物。 相反,我们说服他们做一些他们行业中没有人做过的事情: 发起一场完整的运动,教育人们何时给他们的宠物绝育,而不仅仅是为什么。这个想法是由这样一种观点驱动的,即当人们意识到需要对宠物进行绝育和绝育时, 研究表明,意外乱扔垃圾的主要原因是缺乏对适当年龄的了解。 我们也知道,为了突破和提高意识,我们需要做一些不同的事情,避免孤独笼子里悲伤的动物和无聊的音乐中的陈词滥调。 所以 “四点固定” 运动诞生了。这项创造性的工作以我们最喜欢的毛茸茸的朋友为特色,因为他们太快面临养育孩子的艰巨任务。 活动内容包括: 两个 PSA 电视节目 (已经在全国播出) 、视频信息图表、在线广告、动画标志、海报、屏幕保护程序和商品。所有这些都位于一个动态网站中心,利用一些最新的设计技术 (结合 HTML5 、 CSS3 、 Javascript 和视差滚动) 所有这些都是由我们在 MRM/McCann 盐湖城的朋友编码和开发的。该活动可以在 www.fixatfour.com 上完整查看。 关于最好的朋友 最好的朋友动物协会经营着美国最大的虐待和遗弃动物保护区,并在美国各地提供收养、绝育和教育项目。犹他州卡纳布附近 3,700 英亩的避难所 “不杀人” 避难所运动的先驱,是 1,700 多只狗、猫、马的家园, 鸟类和其他动物在任何给定的时间。 关于 TM 广告: TM Advertising 总部位于得克萨斯州达拉斯,是世界上最大的营销传播公司之一麦肯世界集团内部独立管理的全方位服务机构。代理客户包括美国航空公司、博士伦、发现网络、 Superpages.com 、 D 船长海鲜厨房、 AAdvantage 花旗卡、 Statoil 、大金和达拉斯市中心的品牌。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.tm.com。


    案例简介:TM Advertising Launches New Campaign for Best Friends Animal Society: “Fix at Four” DALLAS, April 24 2012 – After 15 months of hard work, TM Advertising is proud to announce the launch of the “Fix at Four” campaign created for Best Friends Animal Society. When Best Friends Animal Society came to TM more than a year ago, they were simply looking for help with producing one TV spot that communicated and brought awareness to their mission: No More Homeless Pets. Instead, we convinced them to do something that no one else in their industry has ever done: Create an entire campaign that educates people on when to spay and neuter their pets, not just why. This idea was driven by the insight that while people are aware of the need to spay and neuter pets, research shows that the leading cause of accidental litters is a lack of understanding of the appropriate age to spay or neuter. We also knew that to break through and gain awareness, we needed to do something different and avoid the clichés of sad animals in lonely cages and sappy music. So the “Fix at Four” campaign was born. The creative work features our favorite furry friends as they face the daunting task of parenting much too soon. Campaign elements include: two PSA television spots (which have been distributed to air nationally), video infographic, online ads, animated logos, posters, screen savers and merchandise. All housed in a dynamic Web site centerpiece that utilizes some of the latest design technology (combining HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and Parallax Scrolling) all coded and developed by our friends at MRM/McCann Salt Lake City. The campaign can be viewed in its entirety at www.fixatfour.com. About Best Friends Best Friends Animal Society operates the nation’s largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals and provides adoption, spay/neuter and educational programs throughout the United States. A pioneer of the “no-kill” shelter movement, the 3,700-acre sanctuary near Kanab, Utah, is home to more than 1,700 dogs, cats, horses, birds and other animals at any given time. About TM Advertising: TM Advertising, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is an independently managed full-service agency within the McCann Worldgroup, one of the world’s largest marketing communications companies. Agency clients include the brands of American Airlines, Bausch & Lomb, Discover Network, Superpages.com, Captain D’s Seafood Kitchen, AAdvantage Citi Card, Statoil, Daikin and Downtown Dallas. For more information, please visit www.tm.com.

    Afternoon Stroll

    案例简介:TM 广告为动物协会最好朋友发起新活动: “固定在四” 达拉斯,2012年4月24日 -- 经过 15 个月的努力工作,TM Advertising 自豪地宣布推出为最好的朋友动物协会创建的 “四修正” 活动。 一年多前,当最好的朋友动物协会来到 TM 时,他们只是在寻找帮助,制作一个电视节目,传达和宣传他们的使命: 不再有无家可归的宠物。 相反,我们说服他们做一些他们行业中没有人做过的事情: 发起一场完整的运动,教育人们何时给他们的宠物绝育,而不仅仅是为什么。这个想法是由这样一种观点驱动的,即当人们意识到需要对宠物进行绝育和绝育时, 研究表明,意外乱扔垃圾的主要原因是缺乏对适当年龄的了解。 我们也知道,为了突破和提高意识,我们需要做一些不同的事情,避免孤独笼子里悲伤的动物和无聊的音乐中的陈词滥调。 所以 “四点固定” 运动诞生了。这项创造性的工作以我们最喜欢的毛茸茸的朋友为特色,因为他们太快面临养育孩子的艰巨任务。 活动内容包括: 两个 PSA 电视节目 (已经在全国播出) 、视频信息图表、在线广告、动画标志、海报、屏幕保护程序和商品。所有这些都位于一个动态网站中心,利用一些最新的设计技术 (结合 HTML5 、 CSS3 、 Javascript 和视差滚动) 所有这些都是由我们在 MRM/McCann 盐湖城的朋友编码和开发的。该活动可以在 www.fixatfour.com 上完整查看。 关于最好的朋友 最好的朋友动物协会经营着美国最大的虐待和遗弃动物保护区,并在美国各地提供收养、绝育和教育项目。犹他州卡纳布附近 3,700 英亩的避难所 “不杀人” 避难所运动的先驱,是 1,700 多只狗、猫、马的家园, 鸟类和其他动物在任何给定的时间。 关于 TM 广告: TM Advertising 总部位于得克萨斯州达拉斯,是世界上最大的营销传播公司之一麦肯世界集团内部独立管理的全方位服务机构。代理客户包括美国航空公司、博士伦、发现网络、 Superpages.com 、 D 船长海鲜厨房、 AAdvantage 花旗卡、 Statoil 、大金和达拉斯市中心的品牌。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.tm.com。

    Afternoon Stroll

    案例简介:TM Advertising Launches New Campaign for Best Friends Animal Society: “Fix at Four” DALLAS, April 24 2012 – After 15 months of hard work, TM Advertising is proud to announce the launch of the “Fix at Four” campaign created for Best Friends Animal Society. When Best Friends Animal Society came to TM more than a year ago, they were simply looking for help with producing one TV spot that communicated and brought awareness to their mission: No More Homeless Pets. Instead, we convinced them to do something that no one else in their industry has ever done: Create an entire campaign that educates people on when to spay and neuter their pets, not just why. This idea was driven by the insight that while people are aware of the need to spay and neuter pets, research shows that the leading cause of accidental litters is a lack of understanding of the appropriate age to spay or neuter. We also knew that to break through and gain awareness, we needed to do something different and avoid the clichés of sad animals in lonely cages and sappy music. So the “Fix at Four” campaign was born. The creative work features our favorite furry friends as they face the daunting task of parenting much too soon. Campaign elements include: two PSA television spots (which have been distributed to air nationally), video infographic, online ads, animated logos, posters, screen savers and merchandise. All housed in a dynamic Web site centerpiece that utilizes some of the latest design technology (combining HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and Parallax Scrolling) all coded and developed by our friends at MRM/McCann Salt Lake City. The campaign can be viewed in its entirety at www.fixatfour.com. About Best Friends Best Friends Animal Society operates the nation’s largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals and provides adoption, spay/neuter and educational programs throughout the United States. A pioneer of the “no-kill” shelter movement, the 3,700-acre sanctuary near Kanab, Utah, is home to more than 1,700 dogs, cats, horses, birds and other animals at any given time. About TM Advertising: TM Advertising, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is an independently managed full-service agency within the McCann Worldgroup, one of the world’s largest marketing communications companies. Agency clients include the brands of American Airlines, Bausch & Lomb, Discover Network, Superpages.com, Captain D’s Seafood Kitchen, AAdvantage Citi Card, Statoil, Daikin and Downtown Dallas. For more information, please visit www.tm.com.



    Afternoon Stroll










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