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    案例简介:Directorz 和 Lucky Post 帮助捕捉 TM TM 广告的奇妙世界 佩罗自然科学博物馆发起活动 备受期待的达拉斯佩罗自然与科学博物馆在 TM 广告公司关于发现的活动中被照亮,由 Directorz 的杰夫 · 贝德纳兹执导,由幸运邮报的赛 · 塞瓦拉扬编辑。在一个充满奇迹的世界等待的战略下,TM TM 广告发起了一场运动,让观众从游客的眼中看到博物馆。在这里查看签名点: http://bit.ly/PerotMuseum “新的佩罗自然科学博物馆美丽、鼓舞人心,是最酷的,” TM 广告副总裁/CD/作家 4月 · 斯坦巴赫说。从微笑到咯咯地笑,再到敬畏和惊奇,真实的反应比语言更能表达。知道我们希望这些反应是真实可信的,我们很荣幸能和最著名的捕捉所有年龄段的人诚实和美丽的人杰夫 · 贝德纳兹一起工作。像佩罗博物馆一样,杰夫 · 贝德纳兹是达拉斯最伟大的宝藏之一。我们想不出一个更好的合作伙伴来帮助我们把这个神奇的地方变成现实。 贝德纳兹以他的真人天赋和 docu 风格的导演而闻名,他捕捉到了儿童和成人对博物馆的感人反应。许多最终选择的镜头包含了每个受试者第一次经历的纯粹惊喜和快乐。他笑着说,他经常呼出一个方向,却发现受试者几乎没有注意到他,他们在博物馆的经历中如此投入。 看到这个令人惊叹的世界级博物馆的反应是令人难以置信的; 贝德纳兹说,捕捉孩子们的惊奇和我们拍摄的成年人内心孩子的闪光。Bednarz 和他在 Directorz 的团队在最初的筹款活动以及多年来的其他活动中与 TM 广告合作。导演指出,together 有机会一起工作,看到博物馆取得成果,最终以开幕广告结束这个圈子是特别值得的。 该项目由 Lucky posts 的 Sai Selvarajan 编辑,TM 广告公司 ACD/艺术总监斯蒂芬妮 · 费舍尔说, meticul精心倾注了数小时的超级慢镜头,以捕捉每个孩子脸上的完美瞬间。但他也设法编进了足够多的博物馆镜头,而没有泄露太多.让这场运动成为终极预告片。 电影中的一个标志性元素,红色括号,呼应了佩罗自然科学博物馆的实际结构和设计,目前向所有人开放,截至 12月1日。


    案例简介:Directorz and Lucky Post Help Capture “A World Of Wonder” For TM Advertising’s Perot Museum of Nature & Science Launch Campaign The highly anticipated Perot Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas is illuminated in TM Advertising’s campaign about discovery, directed by Jeff Bednarz of Directorz and edited by Lucky Post’s Sai Selvarajan. Working under the strategy of “a world of wonder awaits,” TM Advertising created a campaign that lets viewers see the museum from the eyes of its’ visitors. View the signature spot here: http://bit.ly/PerotMuseum "The new Perot Museum of Nature & Science is beautiful, inspiring and the coolest of cool,” says April Steinbach, TM Advertising VP/CD/Writer. “From smiles to giggles to awe and wonder, the authentic reactions say more than words ever could. Knowing that we wanted these reactions to be genuine and believable, we were honored to work alongside the man best known for capturing honesty and beauty in people of all ages, Jeff Bednarz. Like the Perot Museum, Jeff Bednarz is one of Dallas’ greatest treasures. And we could not think of a better partner to help us bring this amazing place to life.” Bednarz, known for his talent with real people and docu-style directing, captured the moving reactions of children and adults to the museum. Many of the final shots selected contain the pure surprise and joy each subject had to his or her first experience. Often, he laughs, he’d call out a direction only to find that the subjects hardly noticed him, so engaged they were in the museum’s experience. “It was incredible to see the responses to this amazing, world class museum; to capture the wonderment in the children and the sparkle of the inner child in the adults we filmed,” says Bednarz. Bednarz and his team at Directorz collaborated with TM Advertising on the initial fundraising campaign, as well as on other campaigns throughout the years. “The opportunity to work together and see the museum come to fruition, ultimately closing the circle with the opening commercial was especially rewarding,” notes the director. The project was edited by Lucky Post’s Sai Selvarajan who, says TM Advertising ACD/Art Director Stephanie Fisher, “meticulously poured through hours of super slow motion footage to snag the perfect split second of each child’s face. But he also managed to weave in just enough footage of the museum without giving away too much ... making this campaign the ultimate teaser.” A signature element in the film, the red parenthesis, echoes the actual structure and design of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science – open to all as of December 1.


    案例简介:Directorz 和 Lucky Post 帮助捕捉 TM TM 广告的奇妙世界 佩罗自然科学博物馆发起活动 备受期待的达拉斯佩罗自然与科学博物馆在 TM 广告公司关于发现的活动中被照亮,由 Directorz 的杰夫 · 贝德纳兹执导,由幸运邮报的赛 · 塞瓦拉扬编辑。在一个充满奇迹的世界等待的战略下,TM TM 广告发起了一场运动,让观众从游客的眼中看到博物馆。在这里查看签名点: http://bit.ly/PerotMuseum “新的佩罗自然科学博物馆美丽、鼓舞人心,是最酷的,” TM 广告副总裁/CD/作家 4月 · 斯坦巴赫说。从微笑到咯咯地笑,再到敬畏和惊奇,真实的反应比语言更能表达。知道我们希望这些反应是真实可信的,我们很荣幸能和最著名的捕捉所有年龄段的人诚实和美丽的人杰夫 · 贝德纳兹一起工作。像佩罗博物馆一样,杰夫 · 贝德纳兹是达拉斯最伟大的宝藏之一。我们想不出一个更好的合作伙伴来帮助我们把这个神奇的地方变成现实。 贝德纳兹以他的真人天赋和 docu 风格的导演而闻名,他捕捉到了儿童和成人对博物馆的感人反应。许多最终选择的镜头包含了每个受试者第一次经历的纯粹惊喜和快乐。他笑着说,他经常呼出一个方向,却发现受试者几乎没有注意到他,他们在博物馆的经历中如此投入。 看到这个令人惊叹的世界级博物馆的反应是令人难以置信的; 贝德纳兹说,捕捉孩子们的惊奇和我们拍摄的成年人内心孩子的闪光。Bednarz 和他在 Directorz 的团队在最初的筹款活动以及多年来的其他活动中与 TM 广告合作。导演指出,together 有机会一起工作,看到博物馆取得成果,最终以开幕广告结束这个圈子是特别值得的。 该项目由 Lucky posts 的 Sai Selvarajan 编辑,TM 广告公司 ACD/艺术总监斯蒂芬妮 · 费舍尔说, meticul精心倾注了数小时的超级慢镜头,以捕捉每个孩子脸上的完美瞬间。但他也设法编进了足够多的博物馆镜头,而没有泄露太多.让这场运动成为终极预告片。 电影中的一个标志性元素,红色括号,呼应了佩罗自然科学博物馆的实际结构和设计,目前向所有人开放,截至 12月1日。


    案例简介:Directorz and Lucky Post Help Capture “A World Of Wonder” For TM Advertising’s Perot Museum of Nature & Science Launch Campaign The highly anticipated Perot Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas is illuminated in TM Advertising’s campaign about discovery, directed by Jeff Bednarz of Directorz and edited by Lucky Post’s Sai Selvarajan. Working under the strategy of “a world of wonder awaits,” TM Advertising created a campaign that lets viewers see the museum from the eyes of its’ visitors. View the signature spot here: http://bit.ly/PerotMuseum "The new Perot Museum of Nature & Science is beautiful, inspiring and the coolest of cool,” says April Steinbach, TM Advertising VP/CD/Writer. “From smiles to giggles to awe and wonder, the authentic reactions say more than words ever could. Knowing that we wanted these reactions to be genuine and believable, we were honored to work alongside the man best known for capturing honesty and beauty in people of all ages, Jeff Bednarz. Like the Perot Museum, Jeff Bednarz is one of Dallas’ greatest treasures. And we could not think of a better partner to help us bring this amazing place to life.” Bednarz, known for his talent with real people and docu-style directing, captured the moving reactions of children and adults to the museum. Many of the final shots selected contain the pure surprise and joy each subject had to his or her first experience. Often, he laughs, he’d call out a direction only to find that the subjects hardly noticed him, so engaged they were in the museum’s experience. “It was incredible to see the responses to this amazing, world class museum; to capture the wonderment in the children and the sparkle of the inner child in the adults we filmed,” says Bednarz. Bednarz and his team at Directorz collaborated with TM Advertising on the initial fundraising campaign, as well as on other campaigns throughout the years. “The opportunity to work together and see the museum come to fruition, ultimately closing the circle with the opening commercial was especially rewarding,” notes the director. The project was edited by Lucky Post’s Sai Selvarajan who, says TM Advertising ACD/Art Director Stephanie Fisher, “meticulously poured through hours of super slow motion footage to snag the perfect split second of each child’s face. But he also managed to weave in just enough footage of the museum without giving away too much ... making this campaign the ultimate teaser.” A signature element in the film, the red parenthesis, echoes the actual structure and design of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science – open to all as of December 1.









    广告公司: TM Advertising (美国 达拉斯) 制作公司: Directorz




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