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    在虚拟现实中回归生活: 菱形龙和长颈鹿

    案例简介:活动描述 我们创造了 “在虚拟现实中回归生活”。两次史前动物从博物馆化石中复活的经历。这些可以在任何地方使用谷歌纸板,以及在博物馆本身。人们可以与灭绝的动物面对面 -- 了解它们是如何生活的,看看我们的行为如何影响今天的物种。给他们一种新的方式来体验过去,并激励他们为未来保护我们星球上的生命。 战略 我们的目标是利用恐龙和技术的吸引力来创造一些能让大量观众对自然历史感兴趣的东西, 开车带他们参观谷歌艺术和文化平台,宣传我们的博物馆合作伙伴。我们使用虚拟现实,这样人们就能真正感受到站在这些动物面前的感觉。我们使用 Youtube 来确保每个人都可以在网上获得这种体验,但也可以在博物馆现场获得。我们与伦敦的自然历史博物馆和柏林的自然博物馆联手,帮助他们讲述数字时代的故事。由此产生的经验表明,当自然历史符合最新技术时会发生什么。 执行 虚拟现实体验引领了谷歌艺术与文化自然历史收藏的在线发布 -- 推动了用户兴趣和媒体参与。我们在博物馆中为发布创建了临时设施允许游客看到化石的事件 in-situ.Scientists 建议我们在整个动物重建过程中确保它们尽可能逼真和准确。从眼睛的大小,到皮肤的质地和颜色,一切都经过了精心的研究和重建。我们使用激光扫描来捕捉高清晰度的历史博物馆空间,这意味着我们可以将恐龙放入一个他们可以互动的现实环境中。 youTube 的虚拟现实模式提供了一个可扩展的解决方案,可供所有人在线使用。该项目创建了 3 个多月。 概要 当 Google Arts & Culture 将自然历史添加到他们的在线收藏中时,我们的任务是创造一种方法来鼓励人们发现这个世界,并把他们带到在线平台。与伦敦自然历史博物馆和柏林自然博物馆合作,我们开始重新想象下一代的自然历史 -- 超越对过去的归档,并使用技术将它变成现实。 结果 迄今为止,已有 1.2 人尝试了虚拟现实体验,他们在《泰晤士报》、《每日邮报》、《天空新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》等国际媒体上产生了 250 多次社交印象和 370 次点击, 有线和世界末日。虚拟现实的经验有助于硬盘 2.3M + 访问谷歌的艺术和文化平台。自然历史是最成功和有盖谷歌的艺术和文化推出过。

    在虚拟现实中回归生活: 菱形龙和长颈鹿

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We created ‘Back to Life in Virtual Reality’. Two experiences where prehistoric beasts come back to life from museum fossils. These can be viewed anywhere using Google Cardboard, as well as in the museums themselves.People can come face to face with extinct animals - learn about how they lived and see how our actions impact species today. Giving them a new way to experience the past and motivating them to help preserve life on our planet for the future. Strategy Our goal was to use the appeal of dinosaurs and technology to create something that will get a large audience interested in Natural History, drive them to visit the Google Arts & Culture platform & promote our museum partners.We used virtual reality so people can truly feel what it might have been like to stand in these animals’ presence. We used Youtube to make sure the experience was accessible online to everyone but also in-situ in the museum.We joined forces with the Natural History Museum in London and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin to help them tell their stories in the digital age. The resulting experiences demonstrate what happens when Natural History meets the latest technology. Execution The VR experiences spearheaded the online launch of Google Arts & Culture’s Natural History collection - driving user interest and media engagement.We created temporary installations in the museums for the launch events that allowed visitors to see the fossils come back to life in-situ.Scientists advised us throughout the reconstruction of the animals to ensure they were as life-like and accurate as possible. Everything from the the size of the eyes, to the texture and colour of the skin was painstakingly researched and recreated. We used laser scanning to capture the historical museum spaces in high definition, which meant we could drop the dinosaurs into a realistic environment they could interact with.YouTube’s Virtual Reality mode provided a scalable solution, available to all online.The project was created over 3 intense months. Synopsis When Google Arts & Culture added Natural History to their online collection, we were tasked to create a way to encourage people to discover this world and drive them to the online platform.Collaborating with the Natural History Museum in London and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, we set out to reimagine what Natural History could be for the next generation - to go beyond archiving the past and use technology to bring it to life. Outcome 1.2 M people have tried the VR experiences to date, they generated 250M+ social impressions and 370 hits across international media including The Times, Daily Mail, Sky News, Huffpost, Wired and Die Welt. The VR experiences contributed to drive 2.3M+ visitors to the Google Arts & Culture platform.Natural History was the most successful and covered Google Arts & Culture launch ever.

    Back to Life in Virtual Reality: Rhomaleosaurus & Giraffatitan

    案例简介:活动描述 我们创造了 “在虚拟现实中回归生活”。两次史前动物从博物馆化石中复活的经历。这些可以在任何地方使用谷歌纸板,以及在博物馆本身。人们可以与灭绝的动物面对面 -- 了解它们是如何生活的,看看我们的行为如何影响今天的物种。给他们一种新的方式来体验过去,并激励他们为未来保护我们星球上的生命。 战略 我们的目标是利用恐龙和技术的吸引力来创造一些能让大量观众对自然历史感兴趣的东西, 开车带他们参观谷歌艺术和文化平台,宣传我们的博物馆合作伙伴。我们使用虚拟现实,这样人们就能真正感受到站在这些动物面前的感觉。我们使用 Youtube 来确保每个人都可以在网上获得这种体验,但也可以在博物馆现场获得。我们与伦敦的自然历史博物馆和柏林的自然博物馆联手,帮助他们讲述数字时代的故事。由此产生的经验表明,当自然历史符合最新技术时会发生什么。 执行 虚拟现实体验引领了谷歌艺术与文化自然历史收藏的在线发布 -- 推动了用户兴趣和媒体参与。我们在博物馆中为发布创建了临时设施允许游客看到化石的事件 in-situ.Scientists 建议我们在整个动物重建过程中确保它们尽可能逼真和准确。从眼睛的大小,到皮肤的质地和颜色,一切都经过了精心的研究和重建。我们使用激光扫描来捕捉高清晰度的历史博物馆空间,这意味着我们可以将恐龙放入一个他们可以互动的现实环境中。 youTube 的虚拟现实模式提供了一个可扩展的解决方案,可供所有人在线使用。该项目创建了 3 个多月。 概要 当 Google Arts & Culture 将自然历史添加到他们的在线收藏中时,我们的任务是创造一种方法来鼓励人们发现这个世界,并把他们带到在线平台。与伦敦自然历史博物馆和柏林自然博物馆合作,我们开始重新想象下一代的自然历史 -- 超越对过去的归档,并使用技术将它变成现实。 结果 迄今为止,已有 1.2 人尝试了虚拟现实体验,他们在《泰晤士报》、《每日邮报》、《天空新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》等国际媒体上产生了 250 多次社交印象和 370 次点击, 有线和世界末日。虚拟现实的经验有助于硬盘 2.3M + 访问谷歌的艺术和文化平台。自然历史是最成功和有盖谷歌的艺术和文化推出过。

    Back to Life in Virtual Reality: Rhomaleosaurus & Giraffatitan

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We created ‘Back to Life in Virtual Reality’. Two experiences where prehistoric beasts come back to life from museum fossils. These can be viewed anywhere using Google Cardboard, as well as in the museums themselves.People can come face to face with extinct animals - learn about how they lived and see how our actions impact species today. Giving them a new way to experience the past and motivating them to help preserve life on our planet for the future. Strategy Our goal was to use the appeal of dinosaurs and technology to create something that will get a large audience interested in Natural History, drive them to visit the Google Arts & Culture platform & promote our museum partners.We used virtual reality so people can truly feel what it might have been like to stand in these animals’ presence. We used Youtube to make sure the experience was accessible online to everyone but also in-situ in the museum.We joined forces with the Natural History Museum in London and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin to help them tell their stories in the digital age. The resulting experiences demonstrate what happens when Natural History meets the latest technology. Execution The VR experiences spearheaded the online launch of Google Arts & Culture’s Natural History collection - driving user interest and media engagement.We created temporary installations in the museums for the launch events that allowed visitors to see the fossils come back to life in-situ.Scientists advised us throughout the reconstruction of the animals to ensure they were as life-like and accurate as possible. Everything from the the size of the eyes, to the texture and colour of the skin was painstakingly researched and recreated. We used laser scanning to capture the historical museum spaces in high definition, which meant we could drop the dinosaurs into a realistic environment they could interact with.YouTube’s Virtual Reality mode provided a scalable solution, available to all online.The project was created over 3 intense months. Synopsis When Google Arts & Culture added Natural History to their online collection, we were tasked to create a way to encourage people to discover this world and drive them to the online platform.Collaborating with the Natural History Museum in London and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, we set out to reimagine what Natural History could be for the next generation - to go beyond archiving the past and use technology to bring it to life. Outcome 1.2 M people have tried the VR experiences to date, they generated 250M+ social impressions and 370 hits across international media including The Times, Daily Mail, Sky News, Huffpost, Wired and Die Welt. The VR experiences contributed to drive 2.3M+ visitors to the Google Arts & Culture platform.Natural History was the most successful and covered Google Arts & Culture launch ever.

    在虚拟现实中回归生活: 菱形龙和长颈鹿


    Back to Life in Virtual Reality: Rhomaleosaurus & Giraffatitan










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