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    Brutal Cut短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 行动援助组织希望更多的人谈论切割女性生殖器官 -- 这是大多数人根本不想面对的问题。但是他们确实花时间看在线内容。因此,为了直接针对年轻的千禧一代观众,我们创建了一个自己的 # BrutalCut: 来自肯尼亚女孩面对 FGM 的视频信息,被 vloggers 、影响者和出版商意外切割成内容。数百万人看到并谈论 # BrutalCut。在最低预算的情况下,这种破坏性的娱乐活动引发了数千次对话 (仅在推特上就有 1,000 多次对话),以声援面临 FGM 风险的年轻女孩。 执行 我们参观了肯尼亚的一所学校,拍摄了 10 秒的 # BrutalCut 视频剪辑。7月28日,这条消息在没有警告的情况下中断了 vlogger 视频、数字出版商的内容、名人帖子、电影广告、节日屏幕和户外数字广告,以传递这样的信息: “这一剪辑可能会令人恼火, 但是一些削减会摧毁生命 ”。该视频链接到 brutalcut.org,访问者可以使用网络应用程序编辑自己自拍的残酷剪辑,并在社交媒体上分享。该网站还提供了一部简短的纪录片,解释了更广泛的背景以及为什么援助行动组织正在为逃离肯尼亚切割女性生殖器官的女孩建立安全中心。发布当天中午,英国各地 132 个数字屏幕被切断,包括伦敦标志性的皮卡迪利大街,这是有史以来首次同步中断户外媒体。# BrutalCut 还中断了 7月纬度电影节的两个屏幕,以及伦敦屋顶电影俱乐部的电影预告片。 活动描述 我们需要一个颠覆性的想法来产生对话: 一个足够大胆的想法,可以打破渠道,成为新闻和社会货币。肯尼亚当地的速记 -- 将 FGM 称为 “切割” -- 启发了这个想法。我们会用我们自己的 “残酷的切割” 来传达这种最残酷的切割: 一个来自肯尼亚女孩的短视频信息,她面临 FGM,可以被切割成我们观众可能正在观看的任何视频内容。消息将在没有解释或警告的情况下发出。就像 FGM 切割一样,它的使用是突然的、无情的和残酷的。# BrutalCut 是通过社会影响者开始的,但这是一个可以在任何频道上生存的想法,让任何人都能够加入进来,通过对自己的内容进行剪辑来团结一致, 引发对话和进一步的社交分享。 战略 我们最初将活动重点放在在线千禧一代社区上。这一代人可以帮助结束 FGM -- 一群积极的共享者,他们可以将这个问题传播给广泛的受众。虽然 FGM 不是观众容易面对的主题,但他们确实花大量时间观看社交视频和 vlogger 内容。因此,为了让事情顺利进行,我们联系了有影响力的视频创作者和出版商,在没有向粉丝解释的情况下,将 # BrutalCut 剪辑编辑到他们的视频内容中。我们采访了来自肯尼亚行动组织的 FGM 幸存者和妇女权利工作者,以确保我们以文化敏感性传达了这个问题。时机和地理重点也至关重要。我们的运动在 7月底开始,因为 “切割季节” 是在肯尼亚受影响最严重的地区之一 -- 孔格莱,那里 75% 的女孩将面临切割。 概要 每年有 300万名 4-12 岁的非洲女孩面临切割女性生殖器官的风险。这种残酷的传统会导致严重的出血、不孕甚至死亡,并会产生毁灭性的心理和社会后果。切割女性生殖器官后,女孩往往被带离学校,被迫早婚。国际慈善机构 ActionAid 正在 10 个非洲国家努力结束这种做法。它开展运动、支持和教育,帮助社区对女性割礼说不。虽然人们对切割女性生殖器官的认识正在增加,但人们对它可能对女孩的生活产生的可怕影响的认识却很少。ActionAid 认为意识是结束它的第一步。因此,目标是在英国人口中产生对话和更大的理解,目标达到 400,000。这将为 ActionAid 在这个问题上的筹款提供一个可信的声音,并有助于永远结束 FGM。 结果 数百万人看到并谈论 # BrutalCut,通过社交、数字和户外媒体,人数超过 1.52亿。这项活动激励了 24 位名人和知名 vloggers 以及主要的在线出版商,如 LadBible 和 Pretty 52,削减他们的社交内容,分享活动视频或发布支持。最重要的是,这场运动引发了成千上万的对话 (仅在推特上就有 1,000 多次对话)。尽管预算微乎其微,但作为一个由社会影响者分享的 10 秒钟视频开始,它迅速成为社会和新闻货币,被独立、青少年时尚、英国广播公司亚洲网络和 Mashable 报道。更新: 该运动帮助援助行动组织获得了大量资金 -- 足以建立社区安全中心,保护肯尼亚女孩免受切割女性生殖器官的侵害。(请 seE 以下机密信息。)


    案例简介:Relevancy ActionAid wanted more people talking about female genital mutilation (FGM) – an issue most people simply don’t want to confront. But they do spend time watching online content. So to directly target young millennial audiences, we created a #BrutalCut of our own: video messages from Kenyan girls facing FGM, unexpectedly cut into content by vloggers, influencers and publishers. Millions of people saw and talked about #BrutalCut. On a minimal budget, this disruptive interperrution of entertainment sparked thousands of conversations (over 1,000 conversations on Twitter alone) in solidarity with young girls at risk of FGM. Execution We visited a school in Kenya to film the 10-second #BrutalCut video clip. Without warning on 28 July, the message interrupted vlogger videos, content from digital publishers, celebrity posts, cinema ads, festival screens and outdoor digital ads to deliver the message: “This cut might be irritating, but some cuts are life-destroying”. The video linked to brutalcut.org where visitors could use a web app to edit a brutal cut into their own selfies and share on social media. The website also features a short documentary explaining the broader context and why ActionAid is building safe centres for girls fleeing FGM in Kenya. At noon on launch day, 132 digital screens across the UK were cut, including London’s iconic One Piccadilly, in the first-ever synchronised disruption of outdoor media. #BrutalCut also interrupted two screens at the Latitude festival in July, and cinema trailers at the London Rooftop Film Clubs. CampaignDescription We needed a disruptive idea that would generate conversation: one that was bold enough to break free of channels and become news and social currency. The local shorthand in Kenya – referring to FGM as “the cut” – inspired the idea. We’d communicate this most brutal of cuts with a “brutal cut” of our own: a short video message from a Kenyan girl who faces FGM that could be cut into any video content our audience might be watching. The message would come without explanation or warning. Just like the FGM cut, its use would be sudden, unforgiving, and brutal. #BrutalCut was kicked off through social influencers, but it was an idea that could live on any channel and enable anyone to join in by making the cut to their own content in solidarity for the cause, sparking conversation and further social sharing. Strategy We initially focused the campaign on millennial communities online. This is the generation that can help end FGM – an audience of active sharers who can spread the issue to a wide audience. While FGM is not a subject this audience readily confronts, they do spend plenty of time watching social videos and vlogger content. So to get the ball rolling, we approached influential video creators and publishers to edit the #BrutalCut clip into their video content, without explanation to their fans. We interviewed FGM survivors and women’s rights workers from ActionAid Kenya to ensure we communicated this issue with cultural sensitivity. Timing and geographical focus was vital, too. Our campaign ran at the end of July, as “cutting season” was starting in one of the worst-affected areas of Kenya, Kongelai, where 75% of girls will face the cut. Synopsis Three million girls in Africa aged 4-12 are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) each year. This brutal tradition can cause severe bleeding, infertility and even death, and can have devastating psychological and social consequences. After FGM, girls are often taken out of school and forced into early marriage. International charity ActionAid is working in 10 African countries to end the practice. It campaigns, supports and educates to help communities say no to FGM. While awareness of FGM is increasing, there is low awareness of the horrifying effects it can have on girls’ lives. ActionAid believes awareness is the first step to ending it. So the objective was to generate conversation and greater understanding among the UK population, with a target reach of 400,000. This would give ActionAid a credible voice for fundraising around the issue, and help to end FGM, for good. Outcome Millions of people saw and talked about #BrutalCut, with a reach of over 152 million via social, digital and outdoor media. The campaign inspired 24 celebrities and high-profile vloggers along with major online publishers such as LadBible and Pretty 52 to cut their social content, share the campaign video or post support. Most importantly, the campaign provoked thousands of conversations (over 1,000 conversations on Twitter alone). Despite the minimal budget, what started life as a 10-second video shared by social influencers exploded to become social and news currency, covered by the Independent, Teen Vogue, BBC Asian Network and Mashable. UPDATE: The campaign has helped ActionAid secure significant funding - enough to build community safe centres that will protect Kenyan girls from FGM. (Please see confidential info below.)

    Brutal Cut

    案例简介:相关性 行动援助组织希望更多的人谈论切割女性生殖器官 -- 这是大多数人根本不想面对的问题。但是他们确实花时间看在线内容。因此,为了直接针对年轻的千禧一代观众,我们创建了一个自己的 # BrutalCut: 来自肯尼亚女孩面对 FGM 的视频信息,被 vloggers 、影响者和出版商意外切割成内容。数百万人看到并谈论 # BrutalCut。在最低预算的情况下,这种破坏性的娱乐活动引发了数千次对话 (仅在推特上就有 1,000 多次对话),以声援面临 FGM 风险的年轻女孩。 执行 我们参观了肯尼亚的一所学校,拍摄了 10 秒的 # BrutalCut 视频剪辑。7月28日,这条消息在没有警告的情况下中断了 vlogger 视频、数字出版商的内容、名人帖子、电影广告、节日屏幕和户外数字广告,以传递这样的信息: “这一剪辑可能会令人恼火, 但是一些削减会摧毁生命 ”。该视频链接到 brutalcut.org,访问者可以使用网络应用程序编辑自己自拍的残酷剪辑,并在社交媒体上分享。该网站还提供了一部简短的纪录片,解释了更广泛的背景以及为什么援助行动组织正在为逃离肯尼亚切割女性生殖器官的女孩建立安全中心。发布当天中午,英国各地 132 个数字屏幕被切断,包括伦敦标志性的皮卡迪利大街,这是有史以来首次同步中断户外媒体。# BrutalCut 还中断了 7月纬度电影节的两个屏幕,以及伦敦屋顶电影俱乐部的电影预告片。 活动描述 我们需要一个颠覆性的想法来产生对话: 一个足够大胆的想法,可以打破渠道,成为新闻和社会货币。肯尼亚当地的速记 -- 将 FGM 称为 “切割” -- 启发了这个想法。我们会用我们自己的 “残酷的切割” 来传达这种最残酷的切割: 一个来自肯尼亚女孩的短视频信息,她面临 FGM,可以被切割成我们观众可能正在观看的任何视频内容。消息将在没有解释或警告的情况下发出。就像 FGM 切割一样,它的使用是突然的、无情的和残酷的。# BrutalCut 是通过社会影响者开始的,但这是一个可以在任何频道上生存的想法,让任何人都能够加入进来,通过对自己的内容进行剪辑来团结一致, 引发对话和进一步的社交分享。 战略 我们最初将活动重点放在在线千禧一代社区上。这一代人可以帮助结束 FGM -- 一群积极的共享者,他们可以将这个问题传播给广泛的受众。虽然 FGM 不是观众容易面对的主题,但他们确实花大量时间观看社交视频和 vlogger 内容。因此,为了让事情顺利进行,我们联系了有影响力的视频创作者和出版商,在没有向粉丝解释的情况下,将 # BrutalCut 剪辑编辑到他们的视频内容中。我们采访了来自肯尼亚行动组织的 FGM 幸存者和妇女权利工作者,以确保我们以文化敏感性传达了这个问题。时机和地理重点也至关重要。我们的运动在 7月底开始,因为 “切割季节” 是在肯尼亚受影响最严重的地区之一 -- 孔格莱,那里 75% 的女孩将面临切割。 概要 每年有 300万名 4-12 岁的非洲女孩面临切割女性生殖器官的风险。这种残酷的传统会导致严重的出血、不孕甚至死亡,并会产生毁灭性的心理和社会后果。切割女性生殖器官后,女孩往往被带离学校,被迫早婚。国际慈善机构 ActionAid 正在 10 个非洲国家努力结束这种做法。它开展运动、支持和教育,帮助社区对女性割礼说不。虽然人们对切割女性生殖器官的认识正在增加,但人们对它可能对女孩的生活产生的可怕影响的认识却很少。ActionAid 认为意识是结束它的第一步。因此,目标是在英国人口中产生对话和更大的理解,目标达到 400,000。这将为 ActionAid 在这个问题上的筹款提供一个可信的声音,并有助于永远结束 FGM。 结果 数百万人看到并谈论 # BrutalCut,通过社交、数字和户外媒体,人数超过 1.52亿。这项活动激励了 24 位名人和知名 vloggers 以及主要的在线出版商,如 LadBible 和 Pretty 52,削减他们的社交内容,分享活动视频或发布支持。最重要的是,这场运动引发了成千上万的对话 (仅在推特上就有 1,000 多次对话)。尽管预算微乎其微,但作为一个由社会影响者分享的 10 秒钟视频开始,它迅速成为社会和新闻货币,被独立、青少年时尚、英国广播公司亚洲网络和 Mashable 报道。更新: 该运动帮助援助行动组织获得了大量资金 -- 足以建立社区安全中心,保护肯尼亚女孩免受切割女性生殖器官的侵害。(请 seE 以下机密信息。)

    Brutal Cut

    案例简介:Relevancy ActionAid wanted more people talking about female genital mutilation (FGM) – an issue most people simply don’t want to confront. But they do spend time watching online content. So to directly target young millennial audiences, we created a #BrutalCut of our own: video messages from Kenyan girls facing FGM, unexpectedly cut into content by vloggers, influencers and publishers. Millions of people saw and talked about #BrutalCut. On a minimal budget, this disruptive interperrution of entertainment sparked thousands of conversations (over 1,000 conversations on Twitter alone) in solidarity with young girls at risk of FGM. Execution We visited a school in Kenya to film the 10-second #BrutalCut video clip. Without warning on 28 July, the message interrupted vlogger videos, content from digital publishers, celebrity posts, cinema ads, festival screens and outdoor digital ads to deliver the message: “This cut might be irritating, but some cuts are life-destroying”. The video linked to brutalcut.org where visitors could use a web app to edit a brutal cut into their own selfies and share on social media. The website also features a short documentary explaining the broader context and why ActionAid is building safe centres for girls fleeing FGM in Kenya. At noon on launch day, 132 digital screens across the UK were cut, including London’s iconic One Piccadilly, in the first-ever synchronised disruption of outdoor media. #BrutalCut also interrupted two screens at the Latitude festival in July, and cinema trailers at the London Rooftop Film Clubs. CampaignDescription We needed a disruptive idea that would generate conversation: one that was bold enough to break free of channels and become news and social currency. The local shorthand in Kenya – referring to FGM as “the cut” – inspired the idea. We’d communicate this most brutal of cuts with a “brutal cut” of our own: a short video message from a Kenyan girl who faces FGM that could be cut into any video content our audience might be watching. The message would come without explanation or warning. Just like the FGM cut, its use would be sudden, unforgiving, and brutal. #BrutalCut was kicked off through social influencers, but it was an idea that could live on any channel and enable anyone to join in by making the cut to their own content in solidarity for the cause, sparking conversation and further social sharing. Strategy We initially focused the campaign on millennial communities online. This is the generation that can help end FGM – an audience of active sharers who can spread the issue to a wide audience. While FGM is not a subject this audience readily confronts, they do spend plenty of time watching social videos and vlogger content. So to get the ball rolling, we approached influential video creators and publishers to edit the #BrutalCut clip into their video content, without explanation to their fans. We interviewed FGM survivors and women’s rights workers from ActionAid Kenya to ensure we communicated this issue with cultural sensitivity. Timing and geographical focus was vital, too. Our campaign ran at the end of July, as “cutting season” was starting in one of the worst-affected areas of Kenya, Kongelai, where 75% of girls will face the cut. Synopsis Three million girls in Africa aged 4-12 are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) each year. This brutal tradition can cause severe bleeding, infertility and even death, and can have devastating psychological and social consequences. After FGM, girls are often taken out of school and forced into early marriage. International charity ActionAid is working in 10 African countries to end the practice. It campaigns, supports and educates to help communities say no to FGM. While awareness of FGM is increasing, there is low awareness of the horrifying effects it can have on girls’ lives. ActionAid believes awareness is the first step to ending it. So the objective was to generate conversation and greater understanding among the UK population, with a target reach of 400,000. This would give ActionAid a credible voice for fundraising around the issue, and help to end FGM, for good. Outcome Millions of people saw and talked about #BrutalCut, with a reach of over 152 million via social, digital and outdoor media. The campaign inspired 24 celebrities and high-profile vloggers along with major online publishers such as LadBible and Pretty 52 to cut their social content, share the campaign video or post support. Most importantly, the campaign provoked thousands of conversations (over 1,000 conversations on Twitter alone). Despite the minimal budget, what started life as a 10-second video shared by social influencers exploded to become social and news currency, covered by the Independent, Teen Vogue, BBC Asian Network and Mashable. UPDATE: The campaign has helped ActionAid secure significant funding - enough to build community safe centres that will protect Kenyan girls from FGM. (Please see confidential info below.)



    Brutal Cut





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