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    我们相信 D & T-避免危机

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 想象一个没有喷气式发动机、灯泡、电视或互联网的世界。世界上一些最重要的发明、技术、设计和工程胜利是英国创新的结果,但这一令人难以置信的遗产受到了威胁。 2011 年,英国政府宣布了一项全国课程审查,打算对中小学课程进行重大改革。保证留下来的科目是英语、数学、科学和体育。所有其他都是可选的,只能由学校自行决定。由于所需的设备和资源,设计和技术 (D & T) 比其他科目更昂贵,因此很可能被淘汰。然而,任何短期储蓄都将被重大的长期危险所掩盖。如果 D & T 消失,年轻人的未来机会、成千上万的 D & T 教师工作以及英国作为创新和设计世界领导者的地位将受到严重威胁。 设计和技术协会与其公关机构合作开展游说活动,吸引商界领袖和媒体,并以议员和部长为目标。他们热情地告诉他们,D & T 是英国工业未来成功的关键因素。 这场运动是一次明确的胜利: 2012年6月,宣布对 5-11 岁儿童来说,这一主题仍然是法定的。2013年2月,教育部长迈克尔 · 戈夫宣布,D & T 仍然是所有 14 岁以下儿童的义务教育。 描述客户的简报 这场运动必须在相对较短的时间内证明 D & T 作为一个主题的消亡将剥夺下一代儿童的机会, 损害英国经济增长,减缓创新速度。关键目标是确保 D & T 作为法定科目保留在英语国家课程中。 进行了研究,以确定关键的 D & T 商业利益相关者和政治家。该运动以议员、舆论领袖和其他决策者为目标,得到了商界的认可。主要重点是教育部、财政部和商业、创新和技能部。 结果 -17 个与主要政治家/决策者一对一的简报 -14 个有影响力的商业领袖简报 -与《卫报》工业编辑、下议院科学和技术特别委员会主席和凯文 · 特比特爵士一起吃商业早餐 -13,663 请愿签名 一场潜在的危机被避免了:-2012年6月,教育部宣布 D & T 将仍然是英国学校 5-11 岁儿童的法定科目。2013年2月,教育部长迈克尔 · 戈夫公开宣布,D & T 将继续对所有 14 岁以下的儿童实行义务教育,保护了 18,000 名中学 D & T 教师的大部分工作。 在 D & T 和该协会的关键时刻,该机构在政府的最高级别敞开了大门。由此产生的决定不仅确保了下一代设计师和创新者的机会,还确保了英国作为世界创新领导者的地位。 执行 该机构安排了与著名政治家、公务员、商业和贸易组织的一对一会议。这场运动以坚实的经济论点为支持,表达了 D & T 教育不仅仅是 “木工”,也是英国工业未来成功的关键贡献者。 工程、制造、材料学、产品设计、纺织设计、建筑和建筑企业领导签署公开请愿书, 并被鼓励在无数的演讲和私人午餐中谈论 D & T 的重要性。 该团队宣传了协会令人信服、充满激情的宣言。一系列活动、早餐会议和研讨会强调了对工业和政府 “新经济” 的影响,重点是先进制造、技术、创意产业、绿色工程、发明和出口。专家小组成员包括商界、智库和媒体的主要人物。关键要点已亲自并通过书面简报向政府传达,表明汽车、航空航天和商业组织的支持。 形势 D & T 教育激励孩子们从事制造、设计、工程和创意行业的职业, 但是政府宣布,它的假设是 D & T 不会继续作为 5-14 岁儿童的法定学校科目。这将使公司失去合格的新员工,成千上万的教师工作将面临风险。 设计与技术协会 -- 一个教育慈善机构和专业协会 -- 需要一场游说运动来确保英国仍然是世界第六大经济体,而且后代有机会继续让英国变得伟大; 一场改变政府想法的运动。 战略 政府已经下定决心,让它扭转这个目光短浅的决定,这看起来是一项不可能的任务。 在竞选之前,部长们拒绝与设计和技术协会讨论国家课程,也不了解 D & T 涉及什么,或者它对英国工业和经济的重要性。许多议员不支持竞选,因为害怕违背保守党的路线。商界领袖担心,如果他们大声疾呼,他们与政府的关系将受到威胁。 策略: 招募和授权倡导者保护这个主题。该协会还需要一个有政府和商界耳朵的行业冠军。该机构招募了凯文 · 特比特爵士,当时他是英国第二大航空航天和国防公司 Finmeccanica UK 的主席, 世卫组织同意加大力度,让 D & T 继续留在学校课程中。

    我们相信 D & T-避免危机

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Imagine a world without the jet engine, light bulb, television, or internet. Some of the world’s most important inventions, technological, design and engineering triumphs are a result of British innovation, but this incredible legacy was under threat. In 2011 the UK Government announced a National Curriculum Review, with the intention of making major changes to the primary and secondary school curriculum. Subjects guaranteed to remain were English, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education. All others would be optional, to be taught only at schools’ discretion. Due to the equipment and resources required, Design & Technology (D&T) is more expensive than other subjects making it likely to be eliminated. Any short term savings, however, would be overshadowed by significant long term dangers. If D&T disappeared, the future opportunities for young creative people, thousands of D&T teachers’ jobs and the UK’s position as an innovation and design world leader would be seriously under threat. The Design & Technology Association worked with its PR agency on a lobbying campaign that engaged business leaders and media, and targeted MPs and ministers. They told them, with passion backed by solid economic arguments, that D&T was a critical contributor to the future success of UK industry. The campaign was an unequivocal victory: in June 2012 it was announced that the subject would remain statutory for children aged 5-11. In February 2013 the Education Secretary Michael Gove announced that D&T would remain compulsory for all children up to the age of 14. Describe the brief from the client The campaign had to demonstrate in a relatively short timeframe that the demise of D&T as a subject would deny opportunities to the next generation of children, damage UK economic growth and slow the rate of innovation. The critical objective was to ensure D&T was retained as a statutory subject in the English National Curriculum. Research was undertaken to identify key D&T business stakeholders and politicians. The campaign targeted parliamentarians, opinion leaders and other policymakers, using endorsement from the business community. The main focus was the Department for Education, plus the Treasury and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Results - 17 one-to-one briefings with key politicians/decision makers - 14 influential business leader briefings - Business breakfast with the Guardian’s industrial editor, the Chair of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology and Sir Kevin Tebbit - 13,663 petition signatures A potential crisis was averted:- In June 2012, the Department for Education announced D&T would remain a statutory subject in schools in England for children aged 5-11. In February 2013 Education Secretary Michael Gove publicly announced that D&T would remain compulsory for all children up to age 14, safeguarding a significant proportion of 18,000 secondary school D&T teachers’ jobs. The agency opened doors at the highest level of Government at a critical time for D&T and the Association. The resulting decision not only ensured opportunities for the next generation of designers and innovators, but secured the UK’s position as a world leader of innovation. Execution The agency arranged one-to-one meetings with prominent politicians, civil servants, business and trade organisations. The campaign communicated, with passion backed by solid economic arguments, that D&T education was not ‘just woodwork’, but a critical contributor to the future success of UK industry. Engineering, manufacturing, materials science, product design, textile design, construction and architecture business leaders signed a public petition, and were encouraged to talk about the importance of D&T in a myriad of speeches and private lunches. The team promoted the Association’s compelling, passionate manifesto. A series of events, breakfast meetings and workshops highlighted the implications for industry and the Government’s ‘new economy’, with its focus on advanced manufacturing, technology, creative industries, green engineering, inventing and exporting. Expert panellists included leading figures from business, think-tanks and media. The key points were conveyed to the Government in person and via written briefings, indicating the support of automotive, aerospace and business organisations. The Situation D&T education inspires children to follow careers in manufacturing, design, engineering and creative industries, but the Government announced that its presumption was that D&T would not remain as a statutory school subject for 5-14 year olds. This would deprive firms of qualified new starters and thousands of teachers’ jobs would be put at risk. The Design & Technology Association – an education charity and professional association – needed a lobbying campaign to ensure the UK remains the world’s sixth largest economy, and that future generations have the chance to continue making Britain great; a campaign to change the Government’s mind. The Strategy The Government had made up its mind and getting it to reverse the short-sighted decision looked like an impossible task. Before the campaign, ministers refused to discuss the National Curriculum with the Design and Technology Association, and had little understanding of what D&T involved, or its importance to UK industry and the economy. Many MPs would not support the campaign for fear of going against the Conservative Party line. Business leaders were concerned that their relationship with the Government would be threatened if they spoke out. The strategy: recruit and empower advocates to protect the subject. The Association also needed an industry champion who had the ear of Government and the business community. The agency recruited Sir Kevin Tebbit, then chairman of the UK’s second biggest aerospace and defense company, Finmeccanica UK, who agreed to step up and make the case for D&T to remain on the school curriculum.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 想象一个没有喷气式发动机、灯泡、电视或互联网的世界。世界上一些最重要的发明、技术、设计和工程胜利是英国创新的结果,但这一令人难以置信的遗产受到了威胁。 2011 年,英国政府宣布了一项全国课程审查,打算对中小学课程进行重大改革。保证留下来的科目是英语、数学、科学和体育。所有其他都是可选的,只能由学校自行决定。由于所需的设备和资源,设计和技术 (D & T) 比其他科目更昂贵,因此很可能被淘汰。然而,任何短期储蓄都将被重大的长期危险所掩盖。如果 D & T 消失,年轻人的未来机会、成千上万的 D & T 教师工作以及英国作为创新和设计世界领导者的地位将受到严重威胁。 设计和技术协会与其公关机构合作开展游说活动,吸引商界领袖和媒体,并以议员和部长为目标。他们热情地告诉他们,D & T 是英国工业未来成功的关键因素。 这场运动是一次明确的胜利: 2012年6月,宣布对 5-11 岁儿童来说,这一主题仍然是法定的。2013年2月,教育部长迈克尔 · 戈夫宣布,D & T 仍然是所有 14 岁以下儿童的义务教育。 描述客户的简报 这场运动必须在相对较短的时间内证明 D & T 作为一个主题的消亡将剥夺下一代儿童的机会, 损害英国经济增长,减缓创新速度。关键目标是确保 D & T 作为法定科目保留在英语国家课程中。 进行了研究,以确定关键的 D & T 商业利益相关者和政治家。该运动以议员、舆论领袖和其他决策者为目标,得到了商界的认可。主要重点是教育部、财政部和商业、创新和技能部。 结果 -17 个与主要政治家/决策者一对一的简报 -14 个有影响力的商业领袖简报 -与《卫报》工业编辑、下议院科学和技术特别委员会主席和凯文 · 特比特爵士一起吃商业早餐 -13,663 请愿签名 一场潜在的危机被避免了:-2012年6月,教育部宣布 D & T 将仍然是英国学校 5-11 岁儿童的法定科目。2013年2月,教育部长迈克尔 · 戈夫公开宣布,D & T 将继续对所有 14 岁以下的儿童实行义务教育,保护了 18,000 名中学 D & T 教师的大部分工作。 在 D & T 和该协会的关键时刻,该机构在政府的最高级别敞开了大门。由此产生的决定不仅确保了下一代设计师和创新者的机会,还确保了英国作为世界创新领导者的地位。 执行 该机构安排了与著名政治家、公务员、商业和贸易组织的一对一会议。这场运动以坚实的经济论点为支持,表达了 D & T 教育不仅仅是 “木工”,也是英国工业未来成功的关键贡献者。 工程、制造、材料学、产品设计、纺织设计、建筑和建筑企业领导签署公开请愿书, 并被鼓励在无数的演讲和私人午餐中谈论 D & T 的重要性。 该团队宣传了协会令人信服、充满激情的宣言。一系列活动、早餐会议和研讨会强调了对工业和政府 “新经济” 的影响,重点是先进制造、技术、创意产业、绿色工程、发明和出口。专家小组成员包括商界、智库和媒体的主要人物。关键要点已亲自并通过书面简报向政府传达,表明汽车、航空航天和商业组织的支持。 形势 D & T 教育激励孩子们从事制造、设计、工程和创意行业的职业, 但是政府宣布,它的假设是 D & T 不会继续作为 5-14 岁儿童的法定学校科目。这将使公司失去合格的新员工,成千上万的教师工作将面临风险。 设计与技术协会 -- 一个教育慈善机构和专业协会 -- 需要一场游说运动来确保英国仍然是世界第六大经济体,而且后代有机会继续让英国变得伟大; 一场改变政府想法的运动。 战略 政府已经下定决心,让它扭转这个目光短浅的决定,这看起来是一项不可能的任务。 在竞选之前,部长们拒绝与设计和技术协会讨论国家课程,也不了解 D & T 涉及什么,或者它对英国工业和经济的重要性。许多议员不支持竞选,因为害怕违背保守党的路线。商界领袖担心,如果他们大声疾呼,他们与政府的关系将受到威胁。 策略: 招募和授权倡导者保护这个主题。该协会还需要一个有政府和商界耳朵的行业冠军。该机构招募了凯文 · 特比特爵士,当时他是英国第二大航空航天和国防公司 Finmeccanica UK 的主席, 世卫组织同意加大力度,让 D & T 继续留在学校课程中。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Imagine a world without the jet engine, light bulb, television, or internet. Some of the world’s most important inventions, technological, design and engineering triumphs are a result of British innovation, but this incredible legacy was under threat. In 2011 the UK Government announced a National Curriculum Review, with the intention of making major changes to the primary and secondary school curriculum. Subjects guaranteed to remain were English, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education. All others would be optional, to be taught only at schools’ discretion. Due to the equipment and resources required, Design & Technology (D&T) is more expensive than other subjects making it likely to be eliminated. Any short term savings, however, would be overshadowed by significant long term dangers. If D&T disappeared, the future opportunities for young creative people, thousands of D&T teachers’ jobs and the UK’s position as an innovation and design world leader would be seriously under threat. The Design & Technology Association worked with its PR agency on a lobbying campaign that engaged business leaders and media, and targeted MPs and ministers. They told them, with passion backed by solid economic arguments, that D&T was a critical contributor to the future success of UK industry. The campaign was an unequivocal victory: in June 2012 it was announced that the subject would remain statutory for children aged 5-11. In February 2013 the Education Secretary Michael Gove announced that D&T would remain compulsory for all children up to the age of 14. Describe the brief from the client The campaign had to demonstrate in a relatively short timeframe that the demise of D&T as a subject would deny opportunities to the next generation of children, damage UK economic growth and slow the rate of innovation. The critical objective was to ensure D&T was retained as a statutory subject in the English National Curriculum. Research was undertaken to identify key D&T business stakeholders and politicians. The campaign targeted parliamentarians, opinion leaders and other policymakers, using endorsement from the business community. The main focus was the Department for Education, plus the Treasury and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Results - 17 one-to-one briefings with key politicians/decision makers - 14 influential business leader briefings - Business breakfast with the Guardian’s industrial editor, the Chair of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology and Sir Kevin Tebbit - 13,663 petition signatures A potential crisis was averted:- In June 2012, the Department for Education announced D&T would remain a statutory subject in schools in England for children aged 5-11. In February 2013 Education Secretary Michael Gove publicly announced that D&T would remain compulsory for all children up to age 14, safeguarding a significant proportion of 18,000 secondary school D&T teachers’ jobs. The agency opened doors at the highest level of Government at a critical time for D&T and the Association. The resulting decision not only ensured opportunities for the next generation of designers and innovators, but secured the UK’s position as a world leader of innovation. Execution The agency arranged one-to-one meetings with prominent politicians, civil servants, business and trade organisations. The campaign communicated, with passion backed by solid economic arguments, that D&T education was not ‘just woodwork’, but a critical contributor to the future success of UK industry. Engineering, manufacturing, materials science, product design, textile design, construction and architecture business leaders signed a public petition, and were encouraged to talk about the importance of D&T in a myriad of speeches and private lunches. The team promoted the Association’s compelling, passionate manifesto. A series of events, breakfast meetings and workshops highlighted the implications for industry and the Government’s ‘new economy’, with its focus on advanced manufacturing, technology, creative industries, green engineering, inventing and exporting. Expert panellists included leading figures from business, think-tanks and media. The key points were conveyed to the Government in person and via written briefings, indicating the support of automotive, aerospace and business organisations. The Situation D&T education inspires children to follow careers in manufacturing, design, engineering and creative industries, but the Government announced that its presumption was that D&T would not remain as a statutory school subject for 5-14 year olds. This would deprive firms of qualified new starters and thousands of teachers’ jobs would be put at risk. The Design & Technology Association – an education charity and professional association – needed a lobbying campaign to ensure the UK remains the world’s sixth largest economy, and that future generations have the chance to continue making Britain great; a campaign to change the Government’s mind. The Strategy The Government had made up its mind and getting it to reverse the short-sighted decision looked like an impossible task. Before the campaign, ministers refused to discuss the National Curriculum with the Design and Technology Association, and had little understanding of what D&T involved, or its importance to UK industry and the economy. Many MPs would not support the campaign for fear of going against the Conservative Party line. Business leaders were concerned that their relationship with the Government would be threatened if they spoke out. The strategy: recruit and empower advocates to protect the subject. The Association also needed an industry champion who had the ear of Government and the business community. The agency recruited Sir Kevin Tebbit, then chairman of the UK’s second biggest aerospace and defense company, Finmeccanica UK, who agreed to step up and make the case for D&T to remain on the school curriculum.

    我们相信 D & T-避免危机












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