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    Hint Books短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:ZAP 推出书籍,帮助年轻人搬出父母的房子 该项目由 FCB Brasil 设计,重点关注被称为袋鼠一代的现象 圣保罗,2017年5月 -- 袋鼠一代,25 至 34 岁的年轻人仍然和父母住在一起,在巴西继续成长。这个名字是对袋鼠的引用,袋鼠只有在他们有足够的自信时才会离开他们母亲的袋子。根据 IBGE (巴西地理和统计研究所) 的数据,延长与家人在一起或搬回与父母在一起的成年子女人数, 2015年增加 25.3%。同年,仍然和父母住在一起的年轻人的就业率 (71.7%) 与独自生活的年轻人 (75.1%) 相似, 这表明他们不愿离家与失业没有直接关系。 基于这一洞察力,FCB Brasil 为巴西最大的真实国家门户网站 ZAP (www.zapimoveis.com.br) 创建了 “提示书籍” 项目, 一系列的书父母可以给他们的孩子寻找自己的公寓的提示。 这些书是基于三个尚未搬出去的年轻人的简介,比如那些等到结婚的年轻人, 那些追求一个又一个大学学位的人 (因此没有收入),以及那些因为不知道如何照顾自己而不搬出去的人。ZAP 正在发行三本书《没有人移动我的奶酪》 -- 独自生活的好处几步之遥: 到你父母的房子外面, ”“ 我们研究中的错误 -- 书籍是通向知识的大门。在你父母的房子外面,“还有” 合身的床单的秘密 -- 为什么床会自己化妆?为什么盘子会消失?你为什么还和父母住在一起?解决这些和其他谜团。” 这些书的内容很有趣,提供了关于家务管理的实用建议,在紧要关头使用的简单食谱,教读者如何支付账单, 并涵盖了独立生活世界中的其他话题。在 www.zaphintbooks.com.br 网站上,访问者可以选择其中一本书,并选择通过邮件免费接收副本或下载电子书版本。这三本书都是马里亚纳 · 卡瓦略写的,包括插图建议。 竞选视频中所有被模仿的作品都来自大都会艺术博物馆的公共收藏。


    案例简介:ZAP launches books that help young adults move out of their parents' houses The project, by FCB Brasil, focuses on the phenomenon known as the Kangaroo Generation São Paulo, May 2017 – The Kangaroo Generation, young adults aged 25 to 34 who still live with their parents, continues to grow in Brazil. The name is a reference to kangaroos, who only leave their mother's pouches when they feel confident enough to do so. According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), the number of adult children who extended their stays with their families or moved back in with their parents, increased by 25.3% in 2015. During this same year, the employment rate (71.7%) for young adults who still live with their parents was similar to those who lived on their own (75.1%), suggesting that their reluctance to leave home was not directly related to unemployment. Based on this insight, FCB Brasil created for ZAP (www.zapimoveis.com.br), the largest real state portal in Brazil, the "Hint Books" project, a series of books parents can give their children with hints for looking for their own apartment. The books are based on three profiles of young adults who have not yet moved out, such as those waiting until they are married, those who pursue one college degree after another (and therefore have no income), and those who don't move out because they don't know how to take care of themselves. ZAP is launching three books "Nobody Moved My Cheese – The advantages of living alone in a few steps: to the outside of your parents’ house," "The Fault in our Studies – Books are doors to knowledge. And to the outside of your parents' house," and "The Secret of the Fitted Sheets – Why does the bed make up by itself? Why do the dishes disappear? Why do you still live with your parents? Solve those and other mysteries." The content of the books pokes fun and offers practical advice about housekeeping, simple recipes to use in a pinch, teaches readers how to pay their bills, and covers other topics in the world of living on your own and being independent. On the www.zaphintbooks.com.br website, visitors can select one of the books and choose to receive a copy for free by mail or download an e-book version. All three books were written by Mariana Carvalho and include illustrated advice. All the pieces that were parodied for the campaign’s video were taken from the public domain collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    Hint Books

    案例简介:ZAP 推出书籍,帮助年轻人搬出父母的房子 该项目由 FCB Brasil 设计,重点关注被称为袋鼠一代的现象 圣保罗,2017年5月 -- 袋鼠一代,25 至 34 岁的年轻人仍然和父母住在一起,在巴西继续成长。这个名字是对袋鼠的引用,袋鼠只有在他们有足够的自信时才会离开他们母亲的袋子。根据 IBGE (巴西地理和统计研究所) 的数据,延长与家人在一起或搬回与父母在一起的成年子女人数, 2015年增加 25.3%。同年,仍然和父母住在一起的年轻人的就业率 (71.7%) 与独自生活的年轻人 (75.1%) 相似, 这表明他们不愿离家与失业没有直接关系。 基于这一洞察力,FCB Brasil 为巴西最大的真实国家门户网站 ZAP (www.zapimoveis.com.br) 创建了 “提示书籍” 项目, 一系列的书父母可以给他们的孩子寻找自己的公寓的提示。 这些书是基于三个尚未搬出去的年轻人的简介,比如那些等到结婚的年轻人, 那些追求一个又一个大学学位的人 (因此没有收入),以及那些因为不知道如何照顾自己而不搬出去的人。ZAP 正在发行三本书《没有人移动我的奶酪》 -- 独自生活的好处几步之遥: 到你父母的房子外面, ”“ 我们研究中的错误 -- 书籍是通向知识的大门。在你父母的房子外面,“还有” 合身的床单的秘密 -- 为什么床会自己化妆?为什么盘子会消失?你为什么还和父母住在一起?解决这些和其他谜团。” 这些书的内容很有趣,提供了关于家务管理的实用建议,在紧要关头使用的简单食谱,教读者如何支付账单, 并涵盖了独立生活世界中的其他话题。在 www.zaphintbooks.com.br 网站上,访问者可以选择其中一本书,并选择通过邮件免费接收副本或下载电子书版本。这三本书都是马里亚纳 · 卡瓦略写的,包括插图建议。 竞选视频中所有被模仿的作品都来自大都会艺术博物馆的公共收藏。

    Hint Books

    案例简介:ZAP launches books that help young adults move out of their parents' houses The project, by FCB Brasil, focuses on the phenomenon known as the Kangaroo Generation São Paulo, May 2017 – The Kangaroo Generation, young adults aged 25 to 34 who still live with their parents, continues to grow in Brazil. The name is a reference to kangaroos, who only leave their mother's pouches when they feel confident enough to do so. According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), the number of adult children who extended their stays with their families or moved back in with their parents, increased by 25.3% in 2015. During this same year, the employment rate (71.7%) for young adults who still live with their parents was similar to those who lived on their own (75.1%), suggesting that their reluctance to leave home was not directly related to unemployment. Based on this insight, FCB Brasil created for ZAP (www.zapimoveis.com.br), the largest real state portal in Brazil, the "Hint Books" project, a series of books parents can give their children with hints for looking for their own apartment. The books are based on three profiles of young adults who have not yet moved out, such as those waiting until they are married, those who pursue one college degree after another (and therefore have no income), and those who don't move out because they don't know how to take care of themselves. ZAP is launching three books "Nobody Moved My Cheese – The advantages of living alone in a few steps: to the outside of your parents’ house," "The Fault in our Studies – Books are doors to knowledge. And to the outside of your parents' house," and "The Secret of the Fitted Sheets – Why does the bed make up by itself? Why do the dishes disappear? Why do you still live with your parents? Solve those and other mysteries." The content of the books pokes fun and offers practical advice about housekeeping, simple recipes to use in a pinch, teaches readers how to pay their bills, and covers other topics in the world of living on your own and being independent. On the www.zaphintbooks.com.br website, visitors can select one of the books and choose to receive a copy for free by mail or download an e-book version. All three books were written by Mariana Carvalho and include illustrated advice. All the pieces that were parodied for the campaign’s video were taken from the public domain collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.



    Hint Books






    广告公司: 博达大桥 (巴西)




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