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    Humans Series 2短视频广告营销案例



    人类系列 2

    案例简介:概要 人类系列 1 是第四频道的最高收视率,是英国有史以来最早推出的戏剧。营销活动将该节目中的虚构品牌 Persona Synthetics 带入了现实世界,创造了大量的嗡嗡声,并帮助 610万观众观看第一集。这是一次全能的发射。为了推出第二个系列,我们需要创建一个活动,再次提供重要的观看数字,以确保人类成为一个既定的戏剧。我们不仅需要留住观众,还需要在击败竞争对手的同时引进新的观众。实现一个想法,这个想法将再次在第四频道通过竞选本身而不仅仅是通过演出实现,这是我们的最终抱负。引发关于当代问题和创新的公开辩论是实现这一目标的关键目标。 执行 首先,我们需要使用高影响力公告媒体提醒人们注意安全信息: 我们在全国媒体、第四频道的电视网络和人物合成品牌社交页面上发布了我们的产品召回公告。所有这些接触点都将观众引导到我们的产品召回中心。在欧洲娱乐第一,我们编写了一个人工智能的 Facebook Messenger 聊天机器人,让观众有机会与合成人类客户服务顾问实时互动。超过 700 行的对话是由该节目的编剧在荣誉中编写的,以使该体验尽可能真实。我们与 eBay 合作推出了一个产品召回页面,包括不满的在线 synth 评论。 活动描述 系列 1 的故事情节一直集中在 “合成”,合成人类设计为人类服务。第二个系列的关键概念是合成器现在失灵并获得意识。我们需要抓住这个故事情节,创造一个聪明、挑衅性的想法,并吸引和系列 1 一样多的兴趣。我们的竞选理念包括从表演人物合成材料中重新向消费者介绍虚构的品牌。这一次,Persona Synthetics 发起了一场产品召回活动,提醒客户他们的 synths 可能出现故障。这是一个完美的竞选想法,让第二季的叙事栩栩如生,而不放弃它,并继续第一季成功的叙事, 拿起我们和超级粉丝离开的地方。 战略 这个概念立即改变了我们的媒体行为,从电视节目发布: 我们需要像一个品牌一样,通过使用他们通常会使用的所有渠道来进行产品召回活动,这需要一种集成的方法。产品召回战略提供了跨出版商和平台的集成,将多个接触点相互连接,以最大限度地扩大覆盖面和参与度。我们与 Facebook Messenger 、 eBay 和《新科学家》的在线合作为产品召回概念增加了有趣的可信度。我们的产品召回新闻广告和召回卡车车队扩大了范围,增加了活动的好奇心。 相关性 为了推出第二季《人类》,第四频道的英国最高收视率开创了有史以来的戏剧发行,我们创建了一个全能的产品召回活动。从人工智能驱动的 Facebook Messenger 聊天机器人,该机器人允许观众与客户服务顾问实时互动到 eBay 上的产品召回安全页面,该页面包含不满客户的评论, 我们在各个方面都像一个真正的品牌。 结果 Facebook Messenger 机器人提供了惊人的 5.1 次互动,跟踪广告召回大幅提升。在最初的两周内,personasythetics.com 的访问量超过 500 次在发布当天,推特上有大量的赚来的媒体 -- # 人类趋势,在活动的头 30 天,有 46,000 多条推特承载了我们的标签开了一个巨大的 4.2 米《印象》和《 850万》在第二季中达到高潮,这是自 2008年以来对任何戏剧的最高认识,也是自 2011年以来表演最好的原创回归戏剧 -- 让观众比以往任何时候都更接近人类世界之前。

    人类系列 2

    案例简介:Synopsis Humans Series 1 was Channel 4’s highest rating UK originated drama launch of all time. The marketing campaign brought Persona Synthetics, the fictional brand from the show, into the real world, creating a huge amount of buzz and helping drive 6.1 million viewers to the first episode. It was an almighty launch. To launch the second series, we needed to create a campaign that once more delivered significant viewing figures to ensure Humans became an established drama. Not only did we need to retain viewers, we needed to bring in new audiences to the show whilst fighting off our competitors. Landing on an idea that would once again deliver on the Channel 4 remit through the campaign itself, not just through the show was our ultimate ambition. Sparking public debate on contemporary issues and innovation were key objectives in order to deliver this. Execution First we needed to alert people of the safety message using high reach announcement media: we launched our product recall announcements across national press, on Channel 4’s TV network and across the Persona Synthetic branded social pages. All of these touchpoints directed viewers to our product recall hub.In a European entertainment first, we programmed an AI-powered Facebook Messenger chat bot to give viewers the chance to interact in real time with a Synthetic Human customer care advisor. Over 700 lines of dialogue were scripted by the writers of the show at Kudos to make the experience as authentic to the show as possible. We partnered with eBay to launch a product recall page, complete with disgruntled online synth reviews. CampaignDescription The Series 1 storyline had been focused on “synths”, synthetic humans designed to serve humans. The key concept of the second series was that the synths were now malfunctioning and gaining consciousness.We needed to take this storyline and create an idea that would be clever, provocative and would attract just as much interest as the Series 1 idea. Our campaign idea involved reintroducing consumers to the fictional brand from the show Persona Synthetics. This time Persona Synthetics were launching a product recall campaign to alert customers that their synths may be malfunctioning. It was the perfect campaign idea to bring the narrative of Series 2 to life, without giving it away, and continue the successful narrative from Series 1, picking up where we’d left off with our super fans. Strategy This concept immediately redirected our media behaviour from that of a TV show launch: we needed to behave like a brand doing a product recall campaign by using all of the channels they would normally use which demanded an integrated approach.The product recall strategy delivered integration across publishers and platforms, interlinking multiple touchpoints to maximise reach and engagement. Our online partnerships with Facebook Messenger, eBay and New Scientist added a playful credibility towards the product recall concept. Our product recall press ads and fleet of recall lorries extended reach and added curiosity to the campaign. Relevancy To launch the second series of Humans, Channel 4’s highest rating UK originated drama launch of all time, we created an almighty product recall campaign.From an Artificial Intelligence powered Facebook Messenger chat bot that allowed viewers to interact in real-time with a customer care advisor to a product recall safety page on eBay complete with reviews from disgruntled customers, we acted in every way like a real brand. Outcome •The Facebook Messenger Bot delivered an astounding 5.1m interactions with a large uplift in tracked ad recall•Personasynthetics.com had over 500k visits within the first 2 weeks•Plus, there was a huge volume of earned media - #Humans trended on Twitter on the day of launch and there were 46,000+ tweets carrying our hashtag in the first 30 days of the campaign•Our Snapchat filter drove a massive 4.2m impressions and 8.5million playsThis culminated in the second series having the highest awareness of any drama since 2008 and being the best performing original returning drama since 2011 – bringing the audience closer to the world of Humans than ever before.

    Humans Series 2

    案例简介:概要 人类系列 1 是第四频道的最高收视率,是英国有史以来最早推出的戏剧。营销活动将该节目中的虚构品牌 Persona Synthetics 带入了现实世界,创造了大量的嗡嗡声,并帮助 610万观众观看第一集。这是一次全能的发射。为了推出第二个系列,我们需要创建一个活动,再次提供重要的观看数字,以确保人类成为一个既定的戏剧。我们不仅需要留住观众,还需要在击败竞争对手的同时引进新的观众。实现一个想法,这个想法将再次在第四频道通过竞选本身而不仅仅是通过演出实现,这是我们的最终抱负。引发关于当代问题和创新的公开辩论是实现这一目标的关键目标。 执行 首先,我们需要使用高影响力公告媒体提醒人们注意安全信息: 我们在全国媒体、第四频道的电视网络和人物合成品牌社交页面上发布了我们的产品召回公告。所有这些接触点都将观众引导到我们的产品召回中心。在欧洲娱乐第一,我们编写了一个人工智能的 Facebook Messenger 聊天机器人,让观众有机会与合成人类客户服务顾问实时互动。超过 700 行的对话是由该节目的编剧在荣誉中编写的,以使该体验尽可能真实。我们与 eBay 合作推出了一个产品召回页面,包括不满的在线 synth 评论。 活动描述 系列 1 的故事情节一直集中在 “合成”,合成人类设计为人类服务。第二个系列的关键概念是合成器现在失灵并获得意识。我们需要抓住这个故事情节,创造一个聪明、挑衅性的想法,并吸引和系列 1 一样多的兴趣。我们的竞选理念包括从表演人物合成材料中重新向消费者介绍虚构的品牌。这一次,Persona Synthetics 发起了一场产品召回活动,提醒客户他们的 synths 可能出现故障。这是一个完美的竞选想法,让第二季的叙事栩栩如生,而不放弃它,并继续第一季成功的叙事, 拿起我们和超级粉丝离开的地方。 战略 这个概念立即改变了我们的媒体行为,从电视节目发布: 我们需要像一个品牌一样,通过使用他们通常会使用的所有渠道来进行产品召回活动,这需要一种集成的方法。产品召回战略提供了跨出版商和平台的集成,将多个接触点相互连接,以最大限度地扩大覆盖面和参与度。我们与 Facebook Messenger 、 eBay 和《新科学家》的在线合作为产品召回概念增加了有趣的可信度。我们的产品召回新闻广告和召回卡车车队扩大了范围,增加了活动的好奇心。 相关性 为了推出第二季《人类》,第四频道的英国最高收视率开创了有史以来的戏剧发行,我们创建了一个全能的产品召回活动。从人工智能驱动的 Facebook Messenger 聊天机器人,该机器人允许观众与客户服务顾问实时互动到 eBay 上的产品召回安全页面,该页面包含不满客户的评论, 我们在各个方面都像一个真正的品牌。 结果 Facebook Messenger 机器人提供了惊人的 5.1 次互动,跟踪广告召回大幅提升。在最初的两周内,personasythetics.com 的访问量超过 500 次在发布当天,推特上有大量的赚来的媒体 -- # 人类趋势,在活动的头 30 天,有 46,000 多条推特承载了我们的标签开了一个巨大的 4.2 米《印象》和《 850万》在第二季中达到高潮,这是自 2008年以来对任何戏剧的最高认识,也是自 2011年以来表演最好的原创回归戏剧 -- 让观众比以往任何时候都更接近人类世界之前。

    Humans Series 2

    案例简介:Synopsis Humans Series 1 was Channel 4’s highest rating UK originated drama launch of all time. The marketing campaign brought Persona Synthetics, the fictional brand from the show, into the real world, creating a huge amount of buzz and helping drive 6.1 million viewers to the first episode. It was an almighty launch. To launch the second series, we needed to create a campaign that once more delivered significant viewing figures to ensure Humans became an established drama. Not only did we need to retain viewers, we needed to bring in new audiences to the show whilst fighting off our competitors. Landing on an idea that would once again deliver on the Channel 4 remit through the campaign itself, not just through the show was our ultimate ambition. Sparking public debate on contemporary issues and innovation were key objectives in order to deliver this. Execution First we needed to alert people of the safety message using high reach announcement media: we launched our product recall announcements across national press, on Channel 4’s TV network and across the Persona Synthetic branded social pages. All of these touchpoints directed viewers to our product recall hub.In a European entertainment first, we programmed an AI-powered Facebook Messenger chat bot to give viewers the chance to interact in real time with a Synthetic Human customer care advisor. Over 700 lines of dialogue were scripted by the writers of the show at Kudos to make the experience as authentic to the show as possible. We partnered with eBay to launch a product recall page, complete with disgruntled online synth reviews. CampaignDescription The Series 1 storyline had been focused on “synths”, synthetic humans designed to serve humans. The key concept of the second series was that the synths were now malfunctioning and gaining consciousness.We needed to take this storyline and create an idea that would be clever, provocative and would attract just as much interest as the Series 1 idea. Our campaign idea involved reintroducing consumers to the fictional brand from the show Persona Synthetics. This time Persona Synthetics were launching a product recall campaign to alert customers that their synths may be malfunctioning. It was the perfect campaign idea to bring the narrative of Series 2 to life, without giving it away, and continue the successful narrative from Series 1, picking up where we’d left off with our super fans. Strategy This concept immediately redirected our media behaviour from that of a TV show launch: we needed to behave like a brand doing a product recall campaign by using all of the channels they would normally use which demanded an integrated approach.The product recall strategy delivered integration across publishers and platforms, interlinking multiple touchpoints to maximise reach and engagement. Our online partnerships with Facebook Messenger, eBay and New Scientist added a playful credibility towards the product recall concept. Our product recall press ads and fleet of recall lorries extended reach and added curiosity to the campaign. Relevancy To launch the second series of Humans, Channel 4’s highest rating UK originated drama launch of all time, we created an almighty product recall campaign.From an Artificial Intelligence powered Facebook Messenger chat bot that allowed viewers to interact in real-time with a customer care advisor to a product recall safety page on eBay complete with reviews from disgruntled customers, we acted in every way like a real brand. Outcome •The Facebook Messenger Bot delivered an astounding 5.1m interactions with a large uplift in tracked ad recall•Personasynthetics.com had over 500k visits within the first 2 weeks•Plus, there was a huge volume of earned media - #Humans trended on Twitter on the day of launch and there were 46,000+ tweets carrying our hashtag in the first 30 days of the campaign•Our Snapchat filter drove a massive 4.2m impressions and 8.5million playsThis culminated in the second series having the highest awareness of any drama since 2008 and being the best performing original returning drama since 2011 – bringing the audience closer to the world of Humans than ever before.

    人类系列 2


    Humans Series 2






    广告公司: OMD UK (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Joi Polloi , 4Creative




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