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    Immortal Adoption短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 当泰国人想养一只宠物狗时,他们倾向于从宠物农场买一只新的,很少从狗收容所收养。与此同时,泰国有许多流浪狗,其中可能最终成为收容所狗 -- 这导致全国有 200,000 多只收容所狗。泰国最大的狗屋建筑商泰国狗屋认为,每只狗都应该有一个幸福的家, 我想为收容所的狗创造新的机会,与那些最想要它们的人找到完美的匹配。 活动描述 与泰国最大的狗收容所泰国狗屋和 Soi 狗基金会合作, 我们创造了 “不朽的收养” 世界上第一个狗识别算法,可以匹配你的已故的狗和一个相同的收容所狗。当宠物主人在网站上上传他们以前的狗的照片时,该算法将分析数据: 狗的品种、颜色、面部外观和大小,与 150 多种狗种的数据库和泰国目前收容所狗的 100,000 多张图像进行对比。一旦完成,狗的主人将会收到潜在的类似收容所的狗,供他们收养。该网站是一个开放平台,任何狗收容所都可以将它们的狗整合到数据库中。数据和人类洞察力的创造性结合,相互增强,并提供切实的结果,真正改变某人的生活。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 当泰国人想养一只宠物狗时,他们倾向于从宠物农场买一只新的,很少从狗收容所收养。与此同时,泰国有许多流浪狗,其中可能最终成为收容所的狗 -- 这导致了更多的流浪狗 结果 -数据库中有 100,000 多只收容所狗。 -全国 64 个狗收容所参加了这项运动。 -与去年同期相比,采用率提高了 130%。自发射以来,超过 3,000 只狗被收养。 战略 我们都喜欢狗,但是狗的预期寿命是人类的 7 倍。失去你的狗会像失去一个家庭成员一样受伤。如果狗和以前的一样,人们得到狗的可能性是以前的 5 倍。在某些情况下,他们甚至给他们起了同样的名字。这是因为外观和相同的品种个性给他们一种温暖和舒适的感觉。 媒体战略 不朽的收养利用了现有的狗品种数据、收容所狗数据和人类对新宠物采集的洞察力的创造性结合 (如果狗看起来像以前的狗,获得狗的可能性增加了 5 倍)加强彼此,带来切实的结果,真正改变某人的生活。我们收集了超过 150 种狗的数据,并从泰国的避难所上传了超过 100,000 张狗的图片。有了这些信息,我们就可以根据用户上传的图片,根据他们以前的狗的品种、颜色、面部外观和大小,有效地分析和推荐匹配的狗。 简要解释 相关性 “不朽的收养” 是世界上第一个狗识别算法,可以将你已故的狗与相同的收容所狗相匹配。通过结合对数据的创造性使用和人类的洞察力,我们创建了一个程序,可以帮助悲伤的宠物主人,同时遏制狗收容所的过度人口。


    案例简介:Synopsis When Thai people want to get a pet dog, they tend to buy a new one from pet farms, and rarely adopt from dog shelters. At the same time, Thailand has many stray dogs, may of which end up as shelter dogs – which has resulted in there being more than 200,000 shelter dogs across the nation. Thai Dog House, the biggest doghouse builder in Thailand, believes that every single dog should have a happy home, would like to create new opportunities for shelter dogs to find a perfect match with those who want them the most. CampaignDescription In partnership with Thai Dog House and Soi Dog Foundation, the biggest dog shelter in Thailand, we created “Immortal Adoption” the world’s first dog recognition algorithm that can match your late dog with an identical shelter dog.When a pet owner uploads a picture of their previous dog on the website ImmortalAdoption.com, the algorithm will analyze the data: breed, color, facial appearance and size of the dog against a database of more than 150 dog species and over 100,000 images of current shelter dogs in Thailand. Once complete, the dog owner will be presented with potential look-alike shelter dogs for them to adopt.The website is an open-platform that any dog shelter can integrate their dogs into the database.A creative combination of data and human insight to enhance each other and deliver tangible results that can truly make a difference in someone’s life. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes When Thai people want to get a pet dog, they tend to buy a new one from pet farms, and rarely adopt from dog shelters. At the same time, Thailand has many stray dogs, may of which end up as shelter dogs – which has resulted in there being more Outcome - 100,000+ shelter dogs in the database.- 64 dog shelters across the country joined the campaign.- Adoption rate increased 130% compared the same period last year.- More than 3,000 dogs were adopted since launched. Strategy We all love dogs but a dog’s expected lifespan is 7 times shorter than a human’s. Losing your dog can hurt as much as losing a family member.People are 5 times more likely to get a dog if it resembles their previous one. They even give them the same name in some cases. It’s because the look and the same breed personality gives them a warm and comforting feeling. MediaStrategy Immortal Adoption utilizes a creative combination of existing dog breed data, shelter dog data and human insight of new pet acquisition (5x more likely to get a dog if it looks like their previous one) to enhance each other and deliver tangible results that can truly make a difference in someone’s life.We gathered dog data for more than 150 dog species and uploaded over 100,000 images of dogs from shelters in Thailand. With this information, we can then effectively analyze and recommend matching dogs based on user uploaded images based on their previous dog’s breed, color, facial appearance and size. BriefExplanation Relevancy “Immortal Adoption” is the world’s first dog recognition algorithm that can match your late dog with an identical shelter dog. By utilizing a combination of a creative use of data and human insight, we created a program that can help both grieving pet owner while curbing the over-population of dog shelters.

    Immortal Adoption

    案例简介:概要 当泰国人想养一只宠物狗时,他们倾向于从宠物农场买一只新的,很少从狗收容所收养。与此同时,泰国有许多流浪狗,其中可能最终成为收容所狗 -- 这导致全国有 200,000 多只收容所狗。泰国最大的狗屋建筑商泰国狗屋认为,每只狗都应该有一个幸福的家, 我想为收容所的狗创造新的机会,与那些最想要它们的人找到完美的匹配。 活动描述 与泰国最大的狗收容所泰国狗屋和 Soi 狗基金会合作, 我们创造了 “不朽的收养” 世界上第一个狗识别算法,可以匹配你的已故的狗和一个相同的收容所狗。当宠物主人在网站上上传他们以前的狗的照片时,该算法将分析数据: 狗的品种、颜色、面部外观和大小,与 150 多种狗种的数据库和泰国目前收容所狗的 100,000 多张图像进行对比。一旦完成,狗的主人将会收到潜在的类似收容所的狗,供他们收养。该网站是一个开放平台,任何狗收容所都可以将它们的狗整合到数据库中。数据和人类洞察力的创造性结合,相互增强,并提供切实的结果,真正改变某人的生活。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 当泰国人想养一只宠物狗时,他们倾向于从宠物农场买一只新的,很少从狗收容所收养。与此同时,泰国有许多流浪狗,其中可能最终成为收容所的狗 -- 这导致了更多的流浪狗 结果 -数据库中有 100,000 多只收容所狗。 -全国 64 个狗收容所参加了这项运动。 -与去年同期相比,采用率提高了 130%。自发射以来,超过 3,000 只狗被收养。 战略 我们都喜欢狗,但是狗的预期寿命是人类的 7 倍。失去你的狗会像失去一个家庭成员一样受伤。如果狗和以前的一样,人们得到狗的可能性是以前的 5 倍。在某些情况下,他们甚至给他们起了同样的名字。这是因为外观和相同的品种个性给他们一种温暖和舒适的感觉。 媒体战略 不朽的收养利用了现有的狗品种数据、收容所狗数据和人类对新宠物采集的洞察力的创造性结合 (如果狗看起来像以前的狗,获得狗的可能性增加了 5 倍)加强彼此,带来切实的结果,真正改变某人的生活。我们收集了超过 150 种狗的数据,并从泰国的避难所上传了超过 100,000 张狗的图片。有了这些信息,我们就可以根据用户上传的图片,根据他们以前的狗的品种、颜色、面部外观和大小,有效地分析和推荐匹配的狗。 简要解释 相关性 “不朽的收养” 是世界上第一个狗识别算法,可以将你已故的狗与相同的收容所狗相匹配。通过结合对数据的创造性使用和人类的洞察力,我们创建了一个程序,可以帮助悲伤的宠物主人,同时遏制狗收容所的过度人口。

    Immortal Adoption

    案例简介:Synopsis When Thai people want to get a pet dog, they tend to buy a new one from pet farms, and rarely adopt from dog shelters. At the same time, Thailand has many stray dogs, may of which end up as shelter dogs – which has resulted in there being more than 200,000 shelter dogs across the nation. Thai Dog House, the biggest doghouse builder in Thailand, believes that every single dog should have a happy home, would like to create new opportunities for shelter dogs to find a perfect match with those who want them the most. CampaignDescription In partnership with Thai Dog House and Soi Dog Foundation, the biggest dog shelter in Thailand, we created “Immortal Adoption” the world’s first dog recognition algorithm that can match your late dog with an identical shelter dog.When a pet owner uploads a picture of their previous dog on the website ImmortalAdoption.com, the algorithm will analyze the data: breed, color, facial appearance and size of the dog against a database of more than 150 dog species and over 100,000 images of current shelter dogs in Thailand. Once complete, the dog owner will be presented with potential look-alike shelter dogs for them to adopt.The website is an open-platform that any dog shelter can integrate their dogs into the database.A creative combination of data and human insight to enhance each other and deliver tangible results that can truly make a difference in someone’s life. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes When Thai people want to get a pet dog, they tend to buy a new one from pet farms, and rarely adopt from dog shelters. At the same time, Thailand has many stray dogs, may of which end up as shelter dogs – which has resulted in there being more Outcome - 100,000+ shelter dogs in the database.- 64 dog shelters across the country joined the campaign.- Adoption rate increased 130% compared the same period last year.- More than 3,000 dogs were adopted since launched. Strategy We all love dogs but a dog’s expected lifespan is 7 times shorter than a human’s. Losing your dog can hurt as much as losing a family member.People are 5 times more likely to get a dog if it resembles their previous one. They even give them the same name in some cases. It’s because the look and the same breed personality gives them a warm and comforting feeling. MediaStrategy Immortal Adoption utilizes a creative combination of existing dog breed data, shelter dog data and human insight of new pet acquisition (5x more likely to get a dog if it looks like their previous one) to enhance each other and deliver tangible results that can truly make a difference in someone’s life.We gathered dog data for more than 150 dog species and uploaded over 100,000 images of dogs from shelters in Thailand. With this information, we can then effectively analyze and recommend matching dogs based on user uploaded images based on their previous dog’s breed, color, facial appearance and size. BriefExplanation Relevancy “Immortal Adoption” is the world’s first dog recognition algorithm that can match your late dog with an identical shelter dog. By utilizing a combination of a creative use of data and human insight, we created a program that can help both grieving pet owner while curbing the over-population of dog shelters.



    Immortal Adoption






    广告公司: 天联 (泰国 曼谷) 制作公司: Klack Films , 1MOBY




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