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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 为了提高人们对巴黎地铁难以接近的认识,我们劫持了巴黎交通系统中最具象征意义的媒介: 地铁地图。 背景 Anonceur: 法国残疾人协会是一个法国非营利协会,帮助残疾人并帮助他们捍卫自己的权利。 情况: 303个地铁站中只有9个,巴黎地铁是世界上交通不便的人最不容易到达的。 简报和目标: 在世界行动日期间,我们如何提高协会的认识并帮助其捍卫残疾人的权利? 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 在世界移动日期间,数百名志愿者和残疾人参与了在巴黎293个不可进入的地铁站进行的非法特技操作。 经典的地铁地图上覆盖着一张新的地铁地图,专门显示了14号线: 残疾人唯一无障碍线路。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们进行了一系列研究,以确定每个巴黎地铁站的可达性水平。我们得出的结论是,303个车站中只有9个可以被所有人访问。 我们确定了几个目标: 首先是一般公众 (7000万法国人,特别是所有巴黎人),特别是那些对社交网络有影响力的人。第二,记者和媒体。最后,那些有能力改变事情的人: 政治家。我们设法引起了巴黎市长安妮 · 伊达尔戈和法国总统埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙的注意。 我们发现,围绕这场运动吸引人们注意力和提高意识的最好方法是瞄准一个为所有法国人所知的强有力的象征: 巴黎地铁计划。 我们劫持了这个符号,让所有人都能看到它。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 媒体渠道和整合: 位于入口和巴黎地铁站内部的当前地铁地图。 实施: 我们重新设计了巴黎地铁地图,使其只显示14号线。然后,我们使用不干胶纸以真实尺寸打印地图。 比例: 我们把这些新地图贴在巴黎293个不可到达的地铁站的经典地铁地图上。 时间表: 这个报道特技发生在2018年9月26日的世界移动日,并在媒体和政治中讨论了3个月。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -5.9亿全球印象 -500万在赚媒体 -0媒体投资 -数百篇文章在媒体 -引起了政治家的注意: 巴黎市长安妮 · 伊达尔戈 (Anne Hidalgo) 向负责巴黎地铁的组织发出了一封正式信函,要求采取具体措施,让所有人都能更方便地使用地铁。 埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙 (Emmanuel Macron) 最近宣布,到2024年,在奥运会/残奥会之前,地铁网络的60% 将对所有人开放。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To raise awareness on how inaccessible the Paris metro is, we hijacked the most symbolic medium from the Paris transportation system : the metro map. Background Annonceur : APF France Handicap is a french non-profit association that assists people with disabilities and helps defend their rights. Situation : With only 9 accessible metro stations out of 303, the Paris metro is the least accessible one in the world for people with reduced mobility. Briefs and objectives : How can we raise awareness around the association & help it defend the rights of people with disabilities during World Mobility Day ? Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) During World Mobility Day, hundreds of volunteers & people with disabilities participated in an illegal stunt operation which took place in the 293 non-accessible metro stations in Paris. The classical metro map was covered with a new metro map that exclusively showed Line 14 : the only accessible line to people with disabilities. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We conducted a series of research to identify the accessibility level of each parisian metro station. We came to the conclusion that only 9 stations out of 303 can be accessed by all people. We identified a few targets : first of all, the general public (70 million french people, especially all parisians), especially those with influence on social networks. Second of all, the journalists & the media. And finally, those who have the power to change things : the politicians. We managed to catch the attention of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and of the french president Emmanuel Macron. We found that the best way to get people’s attention and create awareness around the campaign was to target a strong symbol known to all french people : the Paris Metro plan. We hijacked this symbol, and made it so that it would be visible to all people. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Media channels and integration : the current metro maps located at the entrance and inside Paris metro stations. Implementation : We redesigned the Paris metro map so that it would only show Line 14. We then printed the maps in real size using self adhesive paper. Scale : We stuck these new maps on top of the classical metro maps in the 293 non-accessible metro stations in Paris. Timeline : This covering stunt took place on World Mobility Day, on the 26th of September 2018, and was talked about in the medias & politics for 3 months. List the results (30% of vote) - 590 million global impressions - 6,5 million in earned media - 0 media investments - Hundreds of articles in the media - Caught the attention of the politicians : Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo sent an official letter to the organisation in charge of the Paris Metro, to take concrete measures to make the metro more accessible to all. Emmanuel Macron recently announced that 60% of the metro network would be accessible to all by 2024, in time for the Olympic / Paralympic Games.

    France Accessible

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 为了提高人们对巴黎地铁难以接近的认识,我们劫持了巴黎交通系统中最具象征意义的媒介: 地铁地图。 背景 Anonceur: 法国残疾人协会是一个法国非营利协会,帮助残疾人并帮助他们捍卫自己的权利。 情况: 303个地铁站中只有9个,巴黎地铁是世界上交通不便的人最不容易到达的。 简报和目标: 在世界行动日期间,我们如何提高协会的认识并帮助其捍卫残疾人的权利? 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 在世界移动日期间,数百名志愿者和残疾人参与了在巴黎293个不可进入的地铁站进行的非法特技操作。 经典的地铁地图上覆盖着一张新的地铁地图,专门显示了14号线: 残疾人唯一无障碍线路。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们进行了一系列研究,以确定每个巴黎地铁站的可达性水平。我们得出的结论是,303个车站中只有9个可以被所有人访问。 我们确定了几个目标: 首先是一般公众 (7000万法国人,特别是所有巴黎人),特别是那些对社交网络有影响力的人。第二,记者和媒体。最后,那些有能力改变事情的人: 政治家。我们设法引起了巴黎市长安妮 · 伊达尔戈和法国总统埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙的注意。 我们发现,围绕这场运动吸引人们注意力和提高意识的最好方法是瞄准一个为所有法国人所知的强有力的象征: 巴黎地铁计划。 我们劫持了这个符号,让所有人都能看到它。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 媒体渠道和整合: 位于入口和巴黎地铁站内部的当前地铁地图。 实施: 我们重新设计了巴黎地铁地图,使其只显示14号线。然后,我们使用不干胶纸以真实尺寸打印地图。 比例: 我们把这些新地图贴在巴黎293个不可到达的地铁站的经典地铁地图上。 时间表: 这个报道特技发生在2018年9月26日的世界移动日,并在媒体和政治中讨论了3个月。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -5.9亿全球印象 -500万在赚媒体 -0媒体投资 -数百篇文章在媒体 -引起了政治家的注意: 巴黎市长安妮 · 伊达尔戈 (Anne Hidalgo) 向负责巴黎地铁的组织发出了一封正式信函,要求采取具体措施,让所有人都能更方便地使用地铁。 埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙 (Emmanuel Macron) 最近宣布,到2024年,在奥运会/残奥会之前,地铁网络的60% 将对所有人开放。

    France Accessible

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To raise awareness on how inaccessible the Paris metro is, we hijacked the most symbolic medium from the Paris transportation system : the metro map. Background Annonceur : APF France Handicap is a french non-profit association that assists people with disabilities and helps defend their rights. Situation : With only 9 accessible metro stations out of 303, the Paris metro is the least accessible one in the world for people with reduced mobility. Briefs and objectives : How can we raise awareness around the association & help it defend the rights of people with disabilities during World Mobility Day ? Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) During World Mobility Day, hundreds of volunteers & people with disabilities participated in an illegal stunt operation which took place in the 293 non-accessible metro stations in Paris. The classical metro map was covered with a new metro map that exclusively showed Line 14 : the only accessible line to people with disabilities. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We conducted a series of research to identify the accessibility level of each parisian metro station. We came to the conclusion that only 9 stations out of 303 can be accessed by all people. We identified a few targets : first of all, the general public (70 million french people, especially all parisians), especially those with influence on social networks. Second of all, the journalists & the media. And finally, those who have the power to change things : the politicians. We managed to catch the attention of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and of the french president Emmanuel Macron. We found that the best way to get people’s attention and create awareness around the campaign was to target a strong symbol known to all french people : the Paris Metro plan. We hijacked this symbol, and made it so that it would be visible to all people. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Media channels and integration : the current metro maps located at the entrance and inside Paris metro stations. Implementation : We redesigned the Paris metro map so that it would only show Line 14. We then printed the maps in real size using self adhesive paper. Scale : We stuck these new maps on top of the classical metro maps in the 293 non-accessible metro stations in Paris. Timeline : This covering stunt took place on World Mobility Day, on the 26th of September 2018, and was talked about in the medias & politics for 3 months. List the results (30% of vote) - 590 million global impressions - 6,5 million in earned media - 0 media investments - Hundreds of articles in the media - Caught the attention of the politicians : Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo sent an official letter to the organisation in charge of the Paris Metro, to take concrete measures to make the metro more accessible to all. Emmanuel Macron recently announced that 60% of the metro network would be accessible to all by 2024, in time for the Olympic / Paralympic Games.



    France Accessible










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