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    Oreo Music Box海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 中国饼干和零食市场的增长已达到瓶颈。外国和本土品牌竞争激烈。可以在销售点提供大量的品牌内容和经验。尤其是在电子商务平台上,中国消费者在网上购买所有东西,尤其是电子产品和玩具,但不能购买食品。由于中国消费者行为的这种转变和数字商务的兴起,像Mondelez Oreo这样的品牌在数字商务领域建立品牌资产并立即激活立即购买已成为当务之急。面对来自市场的这些挑战,奥利奥需要: 1.在该类别的其他竞争对手中脱颖而出,主导数字空间2。触发在线消费者购买,使消费者能够从品牌 “与奥利奥一起玩” 的信念中得到启发。在中国如此复杂的零散数字格局中吸引在线消费者对奥利奥品牌的关注,并吸引对奥利奥品牌体验的兴趣 战略 目标受众: 1.每天400毫米活跃的在线购物者以及主要购买电子产品和玩具的人。只有具有独特体验的创新产品才能吸引他们购买的注意力。2.奥利奥微博、微信、奥利奥天猫旗舰店消费 & 渠道洞察粉丝: 1.为了吸引消费者购买他们没有考虑的东西,我们将奥利奥 (Oreo) 转变为他们曾经的一类产品-电子产品,玩具和食品。2.为了激发消费者对奥利奥 “与奥利奥一起玩” 的品牌主张,只有真正的物理和创意消费者体验才能触发分享。3.为了在最短的时间内吸引中国消费者的注意力,正确的平台通过创新技术提供创造力,必须将品牌的信息传达给消费者,并转化为立即购买。有了上述,奥利奥决定将虚拟在线激活与实际产品体验相结合,为消费者在阿里巴巴a Tmall.com上创造新的创新品牌体验。 结果 为期1天的活动2017年天猫超级品牌日的结果: 1。所有奥利奥音乐盒在13小时内售罄。2.天猫旗舰店推出后1小时内产生的总销售额为1万元人民币。3.2017年的超级品牌日的旗舰店总销售额增长了261%,超过了2016的超级品牌日。4.奥利奥品牌在百度上的嗡嗡声增加了54%。(比较2016年超级品牌日活动) 5.奥利奥品牌在社交平台 (微信和微博) 上的提及增加了1500% (与超级品牌日活动2016年) 6。1天的活动展示/浏览次数: 46,657,092和活动参与度: 564,171 (奥利奥天猫的微信微博账号,微信朋友圈,新闻门户网站,搜狐,腾讯新闻,今日头条,知乎) 随着奥利奥音乐盒活动在中国的成功,许多国际品牌都试图通过与天猫的合作来采用这种激活模式,但这已经成为只有奥利奥才能拥有的东西。 执行 该活动在2017年5月15日发布前一天以预告片o n Tmall.com开始,以建立粉丝对发布特殊奥利奥音乐盒包装的期望。我们开发了在所有社交渠道上发布的创意视频,以演示奥利奥音乐盒体验,以触发消费者立即购买并体验奥利奥音乐盒。随后,在天猫一年一度的超级品牌日 (Superbrand Day) 的2017年5月16日上,在举行了正式的活动。这是一个为期1天的活动,仅在奥利奥 (Oreo) 的阿里巴巴a Tmall.com旗舰店上独家推广,所有付费媒体资源都得到天猫的支持,作为与Mondelez的合作伙伴关系,以提高流量和竞选意识。Mondelez还聘请了23位中国当地主要舆论领袖和有影响力的人,并聘请了中国著名名人华晨于在其社交媒体帐户上推广奥利奥音乐盒运动。 运动描述 我们创造了奥利奥音乐盒。享受奥利奥饼干的新体验。每一口奥利奥都会改变一首不同的歌。更多的奥利奥演奏更多的歌曲。消费者可以通过选择自己喜欢的主题来定制自己的包装,并编写自己的信息。在购买后的几天内收到包装后,他们就可以开始玩音乐盒了。此外,当他们使用天猫的移动应用程序扫描包装时,他们可以看到包装主题具有移动AR功能。这是一种独特的包装,专门为将奥利奥产品的享受和体验提升到新的水平而设计。定制的品牌体验是通过数字交互与实际物理产品体验相结合而建立的。这种特殊的奥利奥包装仅在全球最大的电子商务网站阿里巴巴天猫上作为特别版包装独家出售,为期1天的2017年天猫超级品牌日。


    案例简介:Synopsis Growth of biscuits and snacks market in China has reached a bottleneck. Foreign and local brands are in fierce competition. Massive amount of brand content and experience can be delivered at point-of-sales. Especially on e-commerce platforms where Chinese consumers buy everything online especially electronics and toys, but not food. Because of such shift in consumer behavior and rise of digital commerce in China, it has become imperative for brands like Mondelez Oreo to build brand equity & activate immediate purchase instantaneously in the space of digital commerce. With these challenges from market, Oreo needed to: 1. Stand out amongst other competitors in the category to dominate the digital space 2. Trigger online consumer purchases and enabling consumers to be inspired of the brand’s belief “Play with Oreo” 3. Capture online consumers’ attention to Oreo’s brand in such complex fragmented digital landscape in China and drive interest to Oreo’s brand experience Strategy TARGET AUDIENCE: 1. 400MM daily active online shoppers and those who mainly buy electronics and toys. Only innovative products with unique experience will capture their attention to purchase. 2. Fans of Oreo’s Weibo, WeChat and Oreo Tmall’s flagship store CONSUMER & CHANNEL INSIGHT: 1. To attract consumers to buy something they were not considering, we transformed Oreo into a category of product they were – electronics, toys and food. 2. To inspire consumers of Oreo’s brand proposition of ‘Play with Oreo’, only genuine physical and creative consumer experience would trigger sharing. 3. To capture Chinese consumers’ attention within the shortest timeframe, the right platform that offers creativity with innovative technology is imperative to convey brand’s message to consumers that translates into immediate purchase. With the above, Oreo decided to integrate both virtual online activation with actual product experience to create a new innovative brand experience for consumers on Alibaba Tmall.com. Outcome Results for 1-day campaign on 2017’s Tmall Superbrand Day: 1. All Oreo music boxes sold out in 13 hours. 2. Total RMB 1MM worth of sales generated within 1st hour after launch on Tmall flagship store. 3. Total flagship store sales on 2017’s Superbrand Day increased by 261% surpassed 2016’s Superbrand day. 4. Oreo brand buzz volume on Baidu increased by 54%. (compared to 2016 Superbrand Day campaign) 5. Oreo brand mentions on social platforms (WeChat & Weibo), increased by 1500% (compared to 2016 Superbrand Day campaign) 6. Total 1-day campaign impressions / views: 46,657,092 & campaign engagement: 564,171 (Oreo’s & Tmall’s WeChat & Weibo accounts, WeChat moments, news portals ie. Sohu, Tencent news, Today’s Headline, Zhihu) Following the success of Oreo Music Box campaign in China, many international brands have tried to adopt this activation model with partnership with Tmall, but this had become something only Oreo could own. Execution The campaign started with a teaser on Tmall.com one day before the launch on 15 May 2017 to build fans' anticipation for the launch of the special Oreo Music Box packaging. We developed a creative video released on all social channels to demonstrate the Oreo Music Box experience to trigger immediate consumer purchase and experience the Oreo Music Box. Followed with the official campaign launch on 16 May 2017 at 12.00am in conjunction with Tmall's annual Superbrand Day. It was a 1-day campaign promoted exclusively only on Oreo's flagship store on Alibaba Tmall.com with all paid media resources supported by Tmall as a partnership with Mondelez to drive traffic and campaign awareness. Mondelez also engaged 23 local Chinese key opinion leaders and influencers and engaged popular Chinese celebrity Hua Chen Yu to promote the Oreo Music Box campaign on their social media accounts. CampaignDescription We created the Oreo Music Box. A new experience of enjoying the Oreo cookies. Every Oreo bite changes a different song. More Oreos play more songs. Consumers can customize their own packaging by choosing their preferred themes and write their own message. Upon getting their packaging delivery within just a few days after purchase, they can start playing with their music box. Additionally, they can see their packaging theme comes to life with mobile AR function, when they scan their packaging with the Tmall mobile APP. This is a unique packaging specially created to elevate the Oreo product enjoyment and experience to new level. The customised brand experience is built through digital interaction with actual physical product experience combined. This special Oreo packaging was sold exclusively as a special-edition pack for 1 day during 2017’s Tmall Superbrand Day only on Alibaba Tmall – the world’s largest e-commerce site.

    Oreo Music Box

    案例简介:概要 中国饼干和零食市场的增长已达到瓶颈。外国和本土品牌竞争激烈。可以在销售点提供大量的品牌内容和经验。尤其是在电子商务平台上,中国消费者在网上购买所有东西,尤其是电子产品和玩具,但不能购买食品。由于中国消费者行为的这种转变和数字商务的兴起,像Mondelez Oreo这样的品牌在数字商务领域建立品牌资产并立即激活立即购买已成为当务之急。面对来自市场的这些挑战,奥利奥需要: 1.在该类别的其他竞争对手中脱颖而出,主导数字空间2。触发在线消费者购买,使消费者能够从品牌 “与奥利奥一起玩” 的信念中得到启发。在中国如此复杂的零散数字格局中吸引在线消费者对奥利奥品牌的关注,并吸引对奥利奥品牌体验的兴趣 战略 目标受众: 1.每天400毫米活跃的在线购物者以及主要购买电子产品和玩具的人。只有具有独特体验的创新产品才能吸引他们购买的注意力。2.奥利奥微博、微信、奥利奥天猫旗舰店消费 & 渠道洞察粉丝: 1.为了吸引消费者购买他们没有考虑的东西,我们将奥利奥 (Oreo) 转变为他们曾经的一类产品-电子产品,玩具和食品。2.为了激发消费者对奥利奥 “与奥利奥一起玩” 的品牌主张,只有真正的物理和创意消费者体验才能触发分享。3.为了在最短的时间内吸引中国消费者的注意力,正确的平台通过创新技术提供创造力,必须将品牌的信息传达给消费者,并转化为立即购买。有了上述,奥利奥决定将虚拟在线激活与实际产品体验相结合,为消费者在阿里巴巴a Tmall.com上创造新的创新品牌体验。 结果 为期1天的活动2017年天猫超级品牌日的结果: 1。所有奥利奥音乐盒在13小时内售罄。2.天猫旗舰店推出后1小时内产生的总销售额为1万元人民币。3.2017年的超级品牌日的旗舰店总销售额增长了261%,超过了2016的超级品牌日。4.奥利奥品牌在百度上的嗡嗡声增加了54%。(比较2016年超级品牌日活动) 5.奥利奥品牌在社交平台 (微信和微博) 上的提及增加了1500% (与超级品牌日活动2016年) 6。1天的活动展示/浏览次数: 46,657,092和活动参与度: 564,171 (奥利奥天猫的微信微博账号,微信朋友圈,新闻门户网站,搜狐,腾讯新闻,今日头条,知乎) 随着奥利奥音乐盒活动在中国的成功,许多国际品牌都试图通过与天猫的合作来采用这种激活模式,但这已经成为只有奥利奥才能拥有的东西。 执行 该活动在2017年5月15日发布前一天以预告片o n Tmall.com开始,以建立粉丝对发布特殊奥利奥音乐盒包装的期望。我们开发了在所有社交渠道上发布的创意视频,以演示奥利奥音乐盒体验,以触发消费者立即购买并体验奥利奥音乐盒。随后,在天猫一年一度的超级品牌日 (Superbrand Day) 的2017年5月16日上,在举行了正式的活动。这是一个为期1天的活动,仅在奥利奥 (Oreo) 的阿里巴巴a Tmall.com旗舰店上独家推广,所有付费媒体资源都得到天猫的支持,作为与Mondelez的合作伙伴关系,以提高流量和竞选意识。Mondelez还聘请了23位中国当地主要舆论领袖和有影响力的人,并聘请了中国著名名人华晨于在其社交媒体帐户上推广奥利奥音乐盒运动。 运动描述 我们创造了奥利奥音乐盒。享受奥利奥饼干的新体验。每一口奥利奥都会改变一首不同的歌。更多的奥利奥演奏更多的歌曲。消费者可以通过选择自己喜欢的主题来定制自己的包装,并编写自己的信息。在购买后的几天内收到包装后,他们就可以开始玩音乐盒了。此外,当他们使用天猫的移动应用程序扫描包装时,他们可以看到包装主题具有移动AR功能。这是一种独特的包装,专门为将奥利奥产品的享受和体验提升到新的水平而设计。定制的品牌体验是通过数字交互与实际物理产品体验相结合而建立的。这种特殊的奥利奥包装仅在全球最大的电子商务网站阿里巴巴天猫上作为特别版包装独家出售,为期1天的2017年天猫超级品牌日。

    Oreo Music Box

    案例简介:Synopsis Growth of biscuits and snacks market in China has reached a bottleneck. Foreign and local brands are in fierce competition. Massive amount of brand content and experience can be delivered at point-of-sales. Especially on e-commerce platforms where Chinese consumers buy everything online especially electronics and toys, but not food. Because of such shift in consumer behavior and rise of digital commerce in China, it has become imperative for brands like Mondelez Oreo to build brand equity & activate immediate purchase instantaneously in the space of digital commerce. With these challenges from market, Oreo needed to: 1. Stand out amongst other competitors in the category to dominate the digital space 2. Trigger online consumer purchases and enabling consumers to be inspired of the brand’s belief “Play with Oreo” 3. Capture online consumers’ attention to Oreo’s brand in such complex fragmented digital landscape in China and drive interest to Oreo’s brand experience Strategy TARGET AUDIENCE: 1. 400MM daily active online shoppers and those who mainly buy electronics and toys. Only innovative products with unique experience will capture their attention to purchase. 2. Fans of Oreo’s Weibo, WeChat and Oreo Tmall’s flagship store CONSUMER & CHANNEL INSIGHT: 1. To attract consumers to buy something they were not considering, we transformed Oreo into a category of product they were – electronics, toys and food. 2. To inspire consumers of Oreo’s brand proposition of ‘Play with Oreo’, only genuine physical and creative consumer experience would trigger sharing. 3. To capture Chinese consumers’ attention within the shortest timeframe, the right platform that offers creativity with innovative technology is imperative to convey brand’s message to consumers that translates into immediate purchase. With the above, Oreo decided to integrate both virtual online activation with actual product experience to create a new innovative brand experience for consumers on Alibaba Tmall.com. Outcome Results for 1-day campaign on 2017’s Tmall Superbrand Day: 1. All Oreo music boxes sold out in 13 hours. 2. Total RMB 1MM worth of sales generated within 1st hour after launch on Tmall flagship store. 3. Total flagship store sales on 2017’s Superbrand Day increased by 261% surpassed 2016’s Superbrand day. 4. Oreo brand buzz volume on Baidu increased by 54%. (compared to 2016 Superbrand Day campaign) 5. Oreo brand mentions on social platforms (WeChat & Weibo), increased by 1500% (compared to 2016 Superbrand Day campaign) 6. Total 1-day campaign impressions / views: 46,657,092 & campaign engagement: 564,171 (Oreo’s & Tmall’s WeChat & Weibo accounts, WeChat moments, news portals ie. Sohu, Tencent news, Today’s Headline, Zhihu) Following the success of Oreo Music Box campaign in China, many international brands have tried to adopt this activation model with partnership with Tmall, but this had become something only Oreo could own. Execution The campaign started with a teaser on Tmall.com one day before the launch on 15 May 2017 to build fans' anticipation for the launch of the special Oreo Music Box packaging. We developed a creative video released on all social channels to demonstrate the Oreo Music Box experience to trigger immediate consumer purchase and experience the Oreo Music Box. Followed with the official campaign launch on 16 May 2017 at 12.00am in conjunction with Tmall's annual Superbrand Day. It was a 1-day campaign promoted exclusively only on Oreo's flagship store on Alibaba Tmall.com with all paid media resources supported by Tmall as a partnership with Mondelez to drive traffic and campaign awareness. Mondelez also engaged 23 local Chinese key opinion leaders and influencers and engaged popular Chinese celebrity Hua Chen Yu to promote the Oreo Music Box campaign on their social media accounts. CampaignDescription We created the Oreo Music Box. A new experience of enjoying the Oreo cookies. Every Oreo bite changes a different song. More Oreos play more songs. Consumers can customize their own packaging by choosing their preferred themes and write their own message. Upon getting their packaging delivery within just a few days after purchase, they can start playing with their music box. Additionally, they can see their packaging theme comes to life with mobile AR function, when they scan their packaging with the Tmall mobile APP. This is a unique packaging specially created to elevate the Oreo product enjoyment and experience to new level. The customised brand experience is built through digital interaction with actual physical product experience combined. This special Oreo packaging was sold exclusively as a special-edition pack for 1 day during 2017’s Tmall Superbrand Day only on Alibaba Tmall – the world’s largest e-commerce site.



    Oreo Music Box






    广告公司: 博达大桥 (中国 上海) 制作公司: VML




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