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    案例简介:概要 Lacta巧克力,一直是希腊爱情的象征。多年的广告已将其作为情人节礼物的完美礼物,将其甜味与坠入爱河的甜蜜相提并论。在过去的十年中,Lacta每年在情人节期间展示一部新的品牌电影或在线系列已成为一种传统,这些电影在年轻观众中特别受欢迎。今年,为了扩大影响力并吸引年长的观众,Lacta不仅想谈论坠入爱河的时期,而且还想谈论一生中拥有爱的重要性。信息是 “没有爱,生活是无味的”。延续品牌娱乐激励观众的传统,今年Lacta推出了一部73分钟的科幻电影,名为 “爱的味道”,该电影于情人节在网上和电视上发布。 战略 在一个痴迷于技术和人工智能的时代,Lacta想提醒每个人,没有爱,生活是无味的,使我们成为人类并使我们与人工智能分开的是我们爱与宽恕的能力。该活动始于1月初播出的新电视广告,显示AI机器人提出了最基本的问题,同时看着一对年轻夫妇的照片,并投影在全息图屏幕上。她想知道 “什么是爱?” 人们如何在没有太多数据的情况下一见钟情,得出结论认为她可能永远不会知道爱的味道是什么,因为爱可能意味着 “活着”。 相关性 延续品牌娱乐激励观众的传统,今年Lacta chocolate推出了一部名为 “爱的味道” 的73部科幻电影,该电影于情人节在网上和电视上发布。Lacta并没有从观看自己喜欢的内容中打断观众的广告,而是制作了观众首先想要看到的内容,并以令人惊讶的方式围绕其爱情主题进行构建。这部电影及其预告片活动成功地通过一个故事打动了观众,讲述了什么使我们成为人类,什么将人工智能与人性区分开来,以及什么是真正的爱情滋味。 结果 由于影片上映前的嗡嗡声,情人节期间Google上的 “Lacta” 关键字搜索增加了1460%,“Lacta” 成为希腊YouTube上搜索的前20个关键字之一。当这部电影在情人节上映时,它成为YouTube上的热门视频,也是希腊Facebook上最具2月吸引力的三大帖子之一。在YouTube和Facebook上,这部电影在拥有700万互联网用户的国家/地区拥有超过2.7万的观看次数,就订户而言,Lacta的YouTube频道已成为希腊最受欢迎的频道。这部电影的电视首映式在15-24岁之间拥有14% 的观众份额,但设法扩大了目标受众,在45-54岁之间获得了最大的亲和力,并达到了12% 的普通观众。更重要的是,在情人节期间,Lacta巧克力达到了过去3年最大的市场份额。 执行 YouTube上的一个预告片活动使用了实时数据,以将ELLi展示为知道一切的机器人,除了爱是什么。邀请用户访问thetasteoflove.gr,并通过提交一张捕捉爱情的照片来帮助ELLi了解爱情是什么。使用人工智能和机器学习,照片被分析并定位在3D地图上,让用户潜入埃利的脑海,实时看到她在学习什么。2月初,当这部电影的预告片在YouTube和Facebook上发布时,它设法以其科幻主题给观众带来惊喜,但也以其生产价值提高了他们的期望,并以其情节和戏剧性吸引了他们。这部故事片在2018情人节在YouTube、Facebook和电视上同时发布,好评如潮,大多数人称其为迄今为止最好的Lacta电影。 运动描述 这部电影讲述了一个孤独的中年男人与一个美丽的年轻女孩生活在一起的故事,这个女孩预测并满足了他的每一个愿望,却从未想要任何回报。因为她实际上是一个机器人,今年是2038。埃利 (ELLi) 拥有完美的人体,并拥有最先进的人工智能,并可以访问云中的所有数据,是理想的个人助理。直到有一天,她的操作系统更新了 “人工情感”,现在她感到被忽视,想知道什么是爱。英雄解雇了她,告诉她爱是人类最糟糕的事情,但是,当她向他赠送Lacta巧克力并要求他为她描述其口味时,由于她无法进食,他屈服并开始向她讲述一个故事,该故事始于20年前的雅典2018年...


    案例简介:Synopsis Lacta chocolate, has always been a symbol for love in Greece. Years of advertising have established it as the perfect gift to give on Valentine's day, comparing it's sweet taste to the sweetness of falling in love. During the last decade, it has become a tradition for Lacta to present each year, a new branded film or online series during Valentine’s season, that have become particularly popular with young viewers. This year, wanting to broaden its reach and appeal to older audiences as well, Lacta wanted to not only speak about the period of falling in love, but about how important it is to have love throughout one's life. The message being that “without love, life is tasteless”. Continuing the tradition of inspiring audiences with branded entertainment, this year Lacta presented a 73-minute science-fiction film titled "The Taste of Love" that was released online and on TV, on Valentine's Day. Strategy In an age of obsession with technology and Artificial Intelligence, Lacta wanted to remind everyone that without love, life is tasteless and that what makes us human and separates us from A.I., is our ability to love and forgive. The campaign started with the airing of a new TV ad in the beginning of January, showing an AI robot posing the most fundamental of questions, while looking at photos of a young couple in love, projected on a hologram screen. She wonders "what is love?" and how can people fall in love at first sight, without having much data, concluding that she'll probably never know what the taste of love is, since love probably means "to live". Relevancy Continuing the tradition of inspiring audiences with branded entertainment, this year Lacta chocolate presented a 73' science-fiction film titled "The Taste of Love" that was released online and on TV, on Valentine's Day. Instead of interrupting audiences with ads, from watching their favorite content, Lacta produced the content audiences wanted to see in the first place, building it around its theme of love, in a suprising way. The film and its teaser campaign, managed to move audiences with a story about what makes us human, what separates Artificial Intelligence from human nature, and what the true taste of love is. Outcome Because of the great buzz that preceded the film's release, "Lacta" keyword searches on Google increased by +1460% during Valentine's week and "Lacta" became one of the top-20 keywords being searched on YouTube in Greece. When the film was released on Valentine's Day, it became a trending video on YouTube and one of the top-3 most engaging posts for February, on Facebook in Greece. On YouTube and Facebook, the film has more than 2.7M views, in a country of 7M Internet users and Lacta's YouTube channel has become the most popular in Greece in terms of subscribers. The TV premiere of the film had 14% viewer share for ages 15-24, but managed to broaden its target audience, scoring its biggest affinity for ages 45-54, as well as reaching 12% of the general audience. More importantly, during Valentine’s week, Lacta chocolate reached its biggest market share for the last 3 years. Execution A teaser campaign on YouTube, used real-time data in order to present ELLi as the robot that knows everything, except what love is. Users were invited to visit thetasteoflove.gr and help ELLi learn what love is, by submitting a photo that captured love for them. Using AI & Machine Learning, photos were analyzed and positioned on a 3D map, letting users dive into ELLi's mind and see what she was learning in real time. When the film’s trailer was launched on YouTube and Facebook at the beginning of February, it managed to surprise audiences with its science fiction theme, but also to raise their expectations with its production values and intrigue them with its plot and its dramatic nature. The feature film was launched simultaneously on YouTube, Facebook and on TV on Valentine’s Day 2018, to rave reviews and comments, with most people calling it the best Lacta film yet. CampaignDescription The film tells the story of a lonely middle-aged man, living with a beautiful young girl that predicts and satisfies his every wish without ever wanting anything in return. Because she's in fact an android robot, and the year is 2038. ELLi, has a perfect human body and features the most advanced Artificial Intelligence as well as access to all his data in the cloud, acting as an ideal personal assistant. Until one day, her operating system is updated with "Artificial Emotions”, and now she feels neglected and wants to know what love is. The hero dismisses her, telling her that love is the worst thing that can happen to man, but when she presents him with a Lacta chocolate and asks him to describe its taste for her, since she cannot eat, he succumbs and starts telling her a story that began 20 years ago, in Athens in 2018...

    The Taste of Love

    案例简介:概要 Lacta巧克力,一直是希腊爱情的象征。多年的广告已将其作为情人节礼物的完美礼物,将其甜味与坠入爱河的甜蜜相提并论。在过去的十年中,Lacta每年在情人节期间展示一部新的品牌电影或在线系列已成为一种传统,这些电影在年轻观众中特别受欢迎。今年,为了扩大影响力并吸引年长的观众,Lacta不仅想谈论坠入爱河的时期,而且还想谈论一生中拥有爱的重要性。信息是 “没有爱,生活是无味的”。延续品牌娱乐激励观众的传统,今年Lacta推出了一部73分钟的科幻电影,名为 “爱的味道”,该电影于情人节在网上和电视上发布。 战略 在一个痴迷于技术和人工智能的时代,Lacta想提醒每个人,没有爱,生活是无味的,使我们成为人类并使我们与人工智能分开的是我们爱与宽恕的能力。该活动始于1月初播出的新电视广告,显示AI机器人提出了最基本的问题,同时看着一对年轻夫妇的照片,并投影在全息图屏幕上。她想知道 “什么是爱?” 人们如何在没有太多数据的情况下一见钟情,得出结论认为她可能永远不会知道爱的味道是什么,因为爱可能意味着 “活着”。 相关性 延续品牌娱乐激励观众的传统,今年Lacta chocolate推出了一部名为 “爱的味道” 的73部科幻电影,该电影于情人节在网上和电视上发布。Lacta并没有从观看自己喜欢的内容中打断观众的广告,而是制作了观众首先想要看到的内容,并以令人惊讶的方式围绕其爱情主题进行构建。这部电影及其预告片活动成功地通过一个故事打动了观众,讲述了什么使我们成为人类,什么将人工智能与人性区分开来,以及什么是真正的爱情滋味。 结果 由于影片上映前的嗡嗡声,情人节期间Google上的 “Lacta” 关键字搜索增加了1460%,“Lacta” 成为希腊YouTube上搜索的前20个关键字之一。当这部电影在情人节上映时,它成为YouTube上的热门视频,也是希腊Facebook上最具2月吸引力的三大帖子之一。在YouTube和Facebook上,这部电影在拥有700万互联网用户的国家/地区拥有超过2.7万的观看次数,就订户而言,Lacta的YouTube频道已成为希腊最受欢迎的频道。这部电影的电视首映式在15-24岁之间拥有14% 的观众份额,但设法扩大了目标受众,在45-54岁之间获得了最大的亲和力,并达到了12% 的普通观众。更重要的是,在情人节期间,Lacta巧克力达到了过去3年最大的市场份额。 执行 YouTube上的一个预告片活动使用了实时数据,以将ELLi展示为知道一切的机器人,除了爱是什么。邀请用户访问thetasteoflove.gr,并通过提交一张捕捉爱情的照片来帮助ELLi了解爱情是什么。使用人工智能和机器学习,照片被分析并定位在3D地图上,让用户潜入埃利的脑海,实时看到她在学习什么。2月初,当这部电影的预告片在YouTube和Facebook上发布时,它设法以其科幻主题给观众带来惊喜,但也以其生产价值提高了他们的期望,并以其情节和戏剧性吸引了他们。这部故事片在2018情人节在YouTube、Facebook和电视上同时发布,好评如潮,大多数人称其为迄今为止最好的Lacta电影。 运动描述 这部电影讲述了一个孤独的中年男人与一个美丽的年轻女孩生活在一起的故事,这个女孩预测并满足了他的每一个愿望,却从未想要任何回报。因为她实际上是一个机器人,今年是2038。埃利 (ELLi) 拥有完美的人体,并拥有最先进的人工智能,并可以访问云中的所有数据,是理想的个人助理。直到有一天,她的操作系统更新了 “人工情感”,现在她感到被忽视,想知道什么是爱。英雄解雇了她,告诉她爱是人类最糟糕的事情,但是,当她向他赠送Lacta巧克力并要求他为她描述其口味时,由于她无法进食,他屈服并开始向她讲述一个故事,该故事始于20年前的雅典2018年...

    The Taste of Love

    案例简介:Synopsis Lacta chocolate, has always been a symbol for love in Greece. Years of advertising have established it as the perfect gift to give on Valentine's day, comparing it's sweet taste to the sweetness of falling in love. During the last decade, it has become a tradition for Lacta to present each year, a new branded film or online series during Valentine’s season, that have become particularly popular with young viewers. This year, wanting to broaden its reach and appeal to older audiences as well, Lacta wanted to not only speak about the period of falling in love, but about how important it is to have love throughout one's life. The message being that “without love, life is tasteless”. Continuing the tradition of inspiring audiences with branded entertainment, this year Lacta presented a 73-minute science-fiction film titled "The Taste of Love" that was released online and on TV, on Valentine's Day. Strategy In an age of obsession with technology and Artificial Intelligence, Lacta wanted to remind everyone that without love, life is tasteless and that what makes us human and separates us from A.I., is our ability to love and forgive. The campaign started with the airing of a new TV ad in the beginning of January, showing an AI robot posing the most fundamental of questions, while looking at photos of a young couple in love, projected on a hologram screen. She wonders "what is love?" and how can people fall in love at first sight, without having much data, concluding that she'll probably never know what the taste of love is, since love probably means "to live". Relevancy Continuing the tradition of inspiring audiences with branded entertainment, this year Lacta chocolate presented a 73' science-fiction film titled "The Taste of Love" that was released online and on TV, on Valentine's Day. Instead of interrupting audiences with ads, from watching their favorite content, Lacta produced the content audiences wanted to see in the first place, building it around its theme of love, in a suprising way. The film and its teaser campaign, managed to move audiences with a story about what makes us human, what separates Artificial Intelligence from human nature, and what the true taste of love is. Outcome Because of the great buzz that preceded the film's release, "Lacta" keyword searches on Google increased by +1460% during Valentine's week and "Lacta" became one of the top-20 keywords being searched on YouTube in Greece. When the film was released on Valentine's Day, it became a trending video on YouTube and one of the top-3 most engaging posts for February, on Facebook in Greece. On YouTube and Facebook, the film has more than 2.7M views, in a country of 7M Internet users and Lacta's YouTube channel has become the most popular in Greece in terms of subscribers. The TV premiere of the film had 14% viewer share for ages 15-24, but managed to broaden its target audience, scoring its biggest affinity for ages 45-54, as well as reaching 12% of the general audience. More importantly, during Valentine’s week, Lacta chocolate reached its biggest market share for the last 3 years. Execution A teaser campaign on YouTube, used real-time data in order to present ELLi as the robot that knows everything, except what love is. Users were invited to visit thetasteoflove.gr and help ELLi learn what love is, by submitting a photo that captured love for them. Using AI & Machine Learning, photos were analyzed and positioned on a 3D map, letting users dive into ELLi's mind and see what she was learning in real time. When the film’s trailer was launched on YouTube and Facebook at the beginning of February, it managed to surprise audiences with its science fiction theme, but also to raise their expectations with its production values and intrigue them with its plot and its dramatic nature. The feature film was launched simultaneously on YouTube, Facebook and on TV on Valentine’s Day 2018, to rave reviews and comments, with most people calling it the best Lacta film yet. CampaignDescription The film tells the story of a lonely middle-aged man, living with a beautiful young girl that predicts and satisfies his every wish without ever wanting anything in return. Because she's in fact an android robot, and the year is 2038. ELLi, has a perfect human body and features the most advanced Artificial Intelligence as well as access to all his data in the cloud, acting as an ideal personal assistant. Until one day, her operating system is updated with "Artificial Emotions”, and now she feels neglected and wants to know what love is. The hero dismisses her, telling her that love is the worst thing that can happen to man, but when she presents him with a Lacta chocolate and asks him to describe its taste for her, since she cannot eat, he succumbs and starts telling her a story that began 20 years ago, in Athens in 2018...



    The Taste of Love






    广告公司: 奥美 (希腊 雅典) 制作公司: FOSS Productions




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