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    案例简介:广告代理商Humanaut通过 “Feel the Blend” 呼吁极端健康和健身大师,这是NutriBullet的一项新电视营销活动,该公司致力于使每个人都能方便地获得营养。 该活动在美国和加拿大通过广播和数字方式启动,开始了NutriBullet从信息商业产品到生活方式品牌的过渡,人们可以依靠它来简化营养。在一个令人困惑的时刻,许多 “专家” 都在吹捧异国情调的药水和不切实际的仪式,该活动旨在将健康带回基础,同时与当今忙碌的消费者群体产生共鸣,寻求简单,现实的解决方案。 继将 “营养提取” 放在地图上的信息商业之后,NutriBullet的新广告系列不仅打破了该品牌最近的广告沉默,而且为推出其新的产品铺平了道路,其中包括: NutriBullet Blender Combo,该品牌的第一款全尺寸搅拌机,将营养提取提升到一个新的水平,同时具有多功能投手和单杯的多功能性; NutriBullet PRO 1000,该品牌最受欢迎的个人搅拌机PRO 900的更新和重新设计版本;nutriBullet Select将个人搅拌机的紧凑设计与全尺寸机器的功能和功能融合在一起。 Humanaut创始人兼首席创意总监David Littlejohn说: “10年前,混合文化可能看起来有点边缘,但与今天的健康炒作相比,喝水果和蔬菜只是简单的营养建议,远远领先于时代。”“如果你能在忙碌的一天里工作,所有这些生物黑客和健身趋势都是很棒的,但这是一件超级健康的事情,真正有现实生活的人实际上有时间去做。” 主要目标是成年女性 (18-45岁),但是这项工作基础广泛,足以吸引任何年龄和性别。 每个30秒的广告都以一个令人发指的在线影响者打开,概述了他或她的异国情调的健康/健康仪式,据推测,这是在线观众的狂热观众。例如,在其中一个景点中,“Optimizer Kate” 开始与粉丝分享她的25步早晨例行活动。但是,值得庆幸的是,在她这样做之前,她烦人的声音被NutriBullet的混合声音脱口而出。屏幕切开以显示噪音来自一个更现实的场景,其中两个孩子正在围着他们的多任务妈妈。“我花大约一分钟的时间喝一堆健康的水果和蔬菜,然后出门怎么样?” 她在屏幕上打趣道,切断了废话。当然,“Feel The Blend” 的标语是对极端健身口号 “feel the burn” 的致敬。 在另一则广告中,“J.P. the Health Warrior” 试图通过他可疑的15分钟全身冰暴跌来指导我们,当NutriBullet的声音将他切断时。最后一个点是Chakra Chic,当我们的观众点击混合按钮时,她将详细介绍她的18步,一小时的健康仪式。18个步骤?我只有两个步骤的时间,”她回答。“做一个健康的冰沙,喝它。” 也有每个执行15秒的版本。这项工作还为2020推出NutriBullet Baby和Magic Bullet 2.0铺平了道路,这是该品牌的两种传统产品。 “毫无疑问,社交媒体在促进健康生活方式方面发挥了重要作用,并为寻求新的健康方法的人们提供了资源,” NutriBullet首席营销官Jeff Cha说。“虽然我们喜欢这一点,但我们认为这是一种有趣且相关的方式,可以与我们的核心粉丝群重新建立联系,同时吸引新的受众,他们可能会发现自己对这种多样性感到不知所措,并且在网上发现了一些不可思议的做法。我们希望这能提醒人们,营养可以简单、实用,而且所有人都可以获得。


    案例简介:Advertising agency Humanaut is calling out extreme health and fitness gurus with “Feel the Blend,” a new television marketing campaign for NutriBullet, led by the company’s commitment to making nutrition convenient and accessible to everyone. Launched in the U.S. and Canada across broadcast and digital, the campaign sets into motion NutriBullet’s transition from infomercial product to lifestyle brand that people can rely on to simplify nutrition. At a confounding time when so many “experts” are touting exotic potions and unrealistic rituals, the campaign seeks to bring wellness back to the basics, while resonating with today’s busy consumer base looking for simple, realistic solutions. Following the infomercials that put “nutrient extraction” on the map, NutriBullet’s new campaign not only breaks the brand’s recent ad silence, but paves the way for the launch of its new slate of products, which include: the NutriBullet Blender Combo, the brand’s first full-size blender that takes nutrition extraction to the next level with the versatility of both a multi-serve pitcher and a single-serve cup; the NutriBullet PRO 1000, an updated and redesigned version of the brand’s most popular personal blender, the PRO 900; and the NutriBullet Select, which merges the compact design of a personal blender with the power and functionality of a full-sized machine. “The blending culture might have seemed a little fringe 10 years ago but compared to today’s health hype drinking your fruits and vegetables is just simple nutrition advice that was way ahead of its time,” said Humanaut Founder and Chief Creative Director David Littlejohn. “All these bio-hacking and fitness trends are great if you can work them into your busy day, but here’s this super healthy thing that real people with real lives actually have time to do.” The primary target is adult women (18-45), but the work is broad-based enough to appeal to any age and gender. Each 30-second ad opens with an outrageous online influencer outlining his or her exotic health/wellness ritual for, what is assumed, a rapt audience of online viewers. For instance, in one of the spots, “Optimizer Kate” sets out to share her 25 Step Morning Routine with fans. But before she does, thankfully, her annoying voice is blurted out by the blending sound of a NutriBullet. The screen cuts away to reveal the noise is coming from a much-more realistic scenario where two kids are circling their multitasking mom. “How about I take about a minute to drink a bunch of healthy fruit and vegetables and get out the door?” she quips at the screen, cutting through the crap. The “Feel the Blend” tagline, of course, plays homage to the extreme fitness mantra “feel the burn.” In another ad, “J.P. the Health Warrior” attempts to coach us through his dubious 15-minute full-body ice plunge, when the sound of the NutriBullet cuts him off. The final spot features the Chakra Chic, who is about to detail her 18-step, one-hour wellness ritual, when our viewer hits the blend button. “18 steps? I’ve only got time for two steps,” she replies. “Make a healthy smoothie and drink it.” There are also 15-second versions of each execution. The work also paves the way for the 2020 launch of the NutriBullet Baby and the Magic Bullet 2.0, two of the brand’s legacy products. “It’s no doubt that social media has played a significant role in promoting healthy lifestyles and served as a resource for people looking for new approaches to wellness,” said NutriBullet Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Cha. “And while we love that, we saw this as a fun and relevant way of reconnecting with our core fanbase while reaching new audiences that might find themselves overwhelmed with the variety, and somewhat inconceivable practices found online. We hope this serves as a reminder that nutrition can be easy, practical, and accessible to all.”


    案例简介:广告代理商Humanaut通过 “Feel the Blend” 呼吁极端健康和健身大师,这是NutriBullet的一项新电视营销活动,该公司致力于使每个人都能方便地获得营养。 该活动在美国和加拿大通过广播和数字方式启动,开始了NutriBullet从信息商业产品到生活方式品牌的过渡,人们可以依靠它来简化营养。在一个令人困惑的时刻,许多 “专家” 都在吹捧异国情调的药水和不切实际的仪式,该活动旨在将健康带回基础,同时与当今忙碌的消费者群体产生共鸣,寻求简单,现实的解决方案。 继将 “营养提取” 放在地图上的信息商业之后,NutriBullet的新广告系列不仅打破了该品牌最近的广告沉默,而且为推出其新的产品铺平了道路,其中包括: NutriBullet Blender Combo,该品牌的第一款全尺寸搅拌机,将营养提取提升到一个新的水平,同时具有多功能投手和单杯的多功能性; NutriBullet PRO 1000,该品牌最受欢迎的个人搅拌机PRO 900的更新和重新设计版本;nutriBullet Select将个人搅拌机的紧凑设计与全尺寸机器的功能和功能融合在一起。 Humanaut创始人兼首席创意总监David Littlejohn说: “10年前,混合文化可能看起来有点边缘,但与今天的健康炒作相比,喝水果和蔬菜只是简单的营养建议,远远领先于时代。”“如果你能在忙碌的一天里工作,所有这些生物黑客和健身趋势都是很棒的,但这是一件超级健康的事情,真正有现实生活的人实际上有时间去做。” 主要目标是成年女性 (18-45岁),但是这项工作基础广泛,足以吸引任何年龄和性别。 每个30秒的广告都以一个令人发指的在线影响者打开,概述了他或她的异国情调的健康/健康仪式,据推测,这是在线观众的狂热观众。例如,在其中一个景点中,“Optimizer Kate” 开始与粉丝分享她的25步早晨例行活动。但是,值得庆幸的是,在她这样做之前,她烦人的声音被NutriBullet的混合声音脱口而出。屏幕切开以显示噪音来自一个更现实的场景,其中两个孩子正在围着他们的多任务妈妈。“我花大约一分钟的时间喝一堆健康的水果和蔬菜,然后出门怎么样?” 她在屏幕上打趣道,切断了废话。当然,“Feel The Blend” 的标语是对极端健身口号 “feel the burn” 的致敬。 在另一则广告中,“J.P. the Health Warrior” 试图通过他可疑的15分钟全身冰暴跌来指导我们,当NutriBullet的声音将他切断时。最后一个点是Chakra Chic,当我们的观众点击混合按钮时,她将详细介绍她的18步,一小时的健康仪式。18个步骤?我只有两个步骤的时间,”她回答。“做一个健康的冰沙,喝它。” 也有每个执行15秒的版本。这项工作还为2020推出NutriBullet Baby和Magic Bullet 2.0铺平了道路,这是该品牌的两种传统产品。 “毫无疑问,社交媒体在促进健康生活方式方面发挥了重要作用,并为寻求新的健康方法的人们提供了资源,” NutriBullet首席营销官Jeff Cha说。“虽然我们喜欢这一点,但我们认为这是一种有趣且相关的方式,可以与我们的核心粉丝群重新建立联系,同时吸引新的受众,他们可能会发现自己对这种多样性感到不知所措,并且在网上发现了一些不可思议的做法。我们希望这能提醒人们,营养可以简单、实用,而且所有人都可以获得。


    案例简介:Advertising agency Humanaut is calling out extreme health and fitness gurus with “Feel the Blend,” a new television marketing campaign for NutriBullet, led by the company’s commitment to making nutrition convenient and accessible to everyone. Launched in the U.S. and Canada across broadcast and digital, the campaign sets into motion NutriBullet’s transition from infomercial product to lifestyle brand that people can rely on to simplify nutrition. At a confounding time when so many “experts” are touting exotic potions and unrealistic rituals, the campaign seeks to bring wellness back to the basics, while resonating with today’s busy consumer base looking for simple, realistic solutions. Following the infomercials that put “nutrient extraction” on the map, NutriBullet’s new campaign not only breaks the brand’s recent ad silence, but paves the way for the launch of its new slate of products, which include: the NutriBullet Blender Combo, the brand’s first full-size blender that takes nutrition extraction to the next level with the versatility of both a multi-serve pitcher and a single-serve cup; the NutriBullet PRO 1000, an updated and redesigned version of the brand’s most popular personal blender, the PRO 900; and the NutriBullet Select, which merges the compact design of a personal blender with the power and functionality of a full-sized machine. “The blending culture might have seemed a little fringe 10 years ago but compared to today’s health hype drinking your fruits and vegetables is just simple nutrition advice that was way ahead of its time,” said Humanaut Founder and Chief Creative Director David Littlejohn. “All these bio-hacking and fitness trends are great if you can work them into your busy day, but here’s this super healthy thing that real people with real lives actually have time to do.” The primary target is adult women (18-45), but the work is broad-based enough to appeal to any age and gender. Each 30-second ad opens with an outrageous online influencer outlining his or her exotic health/wellness ritual for, what is assumed, a rapt audience of online viewers. For instance, in one of the spots, “Optimizer Kate” sets out to share her 25 Step Morning Routine with fans. But before she does, thankfully, her annoying voice is blurted out by the blending sound of a NutriBullet. The screen cuts away to reveal the noise is coming from a much-more realistic scenario where two kids are circling their multitasking mom. “How about I take about a minute to drink a bunch of healthy fruit and vegetables and get out the door?” she quips at the screen, cutting through the crap. The “Feel the Blend” tagline, of course, plays homage to the extreme fitness mantra “feel the burn.” In another ad, “J.P. the Health Warrior” attempts to coach us through his dubious 15-minute full-body ice plunge, when the sound of the NutriBullet cuts him off. The final spot features the Chakra Chic, who is about to detail her 18-step, one-hour wellness ritual, when our viewer hits the blend button. “18 steps? I’ve only got time for two steps,” she replies. “Make a healthy smoothie and drink it.” There are also 15-second versions of each execution. The work also paves the way for the 2020 launch of the NutriBullet Baby and the Magic Bullet 2.0, two of the brand’s legacy products. “It’s no doubt that social media has played a significant role in promoting healthy lifestyles and served as a resource for people looking for new approaches to wellness,” said NutriBullet Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Cha. “And while we love that, we saw this as a fun and relevant way of reconnecting with our core fanbase while reaching new audiences that might find themselves overwhelmed with the variety, and somewhat inconceivable practices found online. We hope this serves as a reminder that nutrition can be easy, practical, and accessible to all.”









    广告公司: Humanaut (美国 Chattanooga) 制作公司: The Bindery




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