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    消失的 “爱”

    案例简介:概要 Vanish作为洗衣产品中的辅助产品的作用正在逐渐被削弱,渗透是一个日益严重的问题。随着普通洗衣粉越来越多地在我们的去污领域提出自己的主张,我们在人们的思想和日常活动中失去了相关性。该活动的目标是重申品牌的相关性,并重新构建专用且卓越的去污产品在现代洗衣程序中的作用。我们的活动需要展示我们产品惊人的去污性能,并与我们的消费者建立更积极的品牌联系。我们的活动将通过减少垃圾填埋场的可持续发展使命来实现这两个目标。我们着手挑战污渍意味着服装寿命的终结的看法,并展示我们的产品在涉及污渍时如何真正 “使不可能的事情成为可能”。 战略 至关重要的是,除了对一次性文化采取大胆的立场外,我们还为我们的产品在故事中树立了明确而积极的角色。Vanish需要重申其优越性,以证明在人们的洗衣房中占有一席之地,因为人们越来越期望他们的常规洗涤剂能够做所有事情,包括去污。实际上,洗涤剂无法胜任这项工作,我们的研究表明,人们丢弃衣服的主要原因之一是洗涤剂无法去除的污渍。为了对这种浪费的习惯产生可量化的影响,我们使用我们的产品来推翻人们普遍认为污渍意味着服装寿命的终结的看法。我们通过提供有关衣物护理的有用建议和提示来支持我们对这一事业的承诺,所有这些都鼓励人们重新评估洗衣和生活中消失的价值。 相关性 我们生活在一个时尚又快又便宜的时代,导致服装过度消费和浪费性处置的螺旋式循环。我们的一次性文化看到大量完美可穿戴的服装最终被填埋。消失的 # loveforlong运动将激发一场全国性的改变行为的运动。我们希望鼓励人们将衣服保留更长的时间,提醒他们注意浪费的问题,并建议他们如何延长服装的使用寿命。我们的综合运动利用了公关,有影响力的人创建的内容,并邀请每个人通过承诺自己的承诺并在社交平台上分享。 结果 早期的研究支持该活动作为一个高度相关和引人注目的品牌平台。消费者积极希望加入这一运动,并重新参与品牌使命和产品角色。最初的竞选活动衡量数据表明,从0.8万英镑的适度支出中,我们能够覆盖1.75亿多人。公关活动超出了其覆盖目标的10倍以上,证明这是一个相关且具有新闻价值的平台。影响者创建的内容在网上获得了10.4印象,参与率超过20%,而KPI目标平均值为2-5%。这是以每次订婚只需0.04英镑的成本实现的。总体而言,该活动已证明自己是一个强大且具有激励性的营销平台,将有助于塑造该品牌的营销DNA和未来的激活方式。 执行 我们的综合运动与公关活动一起发起,揭示了我们对英国人的一次性衣服文化的研究发现,以在公众良心中制造噪音和意识。这得到了我们的TVC推出的支持,该产品突出了英国服装浪费的惊人统计数据,并展示了我们令人难以置信的产品性能实验。我们与知名人士合作,扩大了我们的活动范围,向他们提供了从垃圾填埋场中回收的,现已完全修复的服装的定制礼物。由此产生的影响者创建的内容推动了我们所有的关键竞选信息,既提高了人们对浪费问题的认识,又突出了我们在打击浪费问题中的惊人产品作用。在线是扩大我们的信息和扩大覆盖面的关键渠道,我们创建了一个专门的竞选中心,提供更多信息以及跨社交渠道的内容和意识激活,鼓励人们进一步考虑、分享和讨论。 运动描述 # Loveforlongest运动旨在发起一场全国性的运动,激发人们从字面上爱上他们的衣服更长的时间,而不是将它们放到垃圾填埋场。使用有关衣服浪费问题的惊人统计数据,我们将使人们意识到这个非常现实的问题。除了推动我们的目标驱动的野心,我们还需要通过展示我们惊人的去污性能来建立我们相关的品牌角色。我们通过设置戏剧性的酷刑测试,搜寻一个巨大的垃圾填埋场,找到那些被扔掉的污迹和不受欢迎的衣服来实现这一目标。然后,我们利用我们产品的魔力将它们恢复到完美的健康,从而证明消失可以确实 “使不可能的事情成为可能”。我们通过邀请每个人在线加入我们,并公开承诺他们对保持衣服更长时间的事业的承诺,然后在社交渠道上分享这个词,从而最大限度地扩大了竞选规模和参与度。

    消失的 “爱”

    案例简介:Synopsis The role for Vanish as an ancillary product in the laundry repertoire is gradually being eroded and penetration is a growing issue. As regular laundry detergents increasingly stake their claims in our stain removal territory, we are losing relevance in people’s minds and routines. The objectives for the campaign were to reassert the brand’s relevance and reframe the role of a dedicated, and superior, stain removal product in modern laundry routines. Our campaign needed to showcase the amazing stain removal performance of our products as well as build a more engaged brand connection with our consumers. Our campaign would address both these goals through our sustainability mission to reduce clothes wastage landfill. We set out to challenge the perception that a stain means the end of a garment’s life and demonstrate how our products really do ‘Make the impossible possible’ when it comes to stains. Strategy It was essential that alongside taking a bold stance against the throwaway culture, we also established a clear and active role for our products in the story. Vanish needed to reassert its superiority to justify a place in people’s laundry repertoire because people increasingly expect their regular detergent to do everything, including stain removal. In reality, detergents just aren’t up to the job and our research showed that one of the top reasons people discarded garments was due to stains that detergent had failed to remove. Vanish set out to make a quantifiable impact on this wasteful habit, we used our products to overturn the widely held perception that a stain means the end of a garment’s life. We backed our commitment to the cause by providing helpful advice and tips on clothes care, all of which encouraged people to reappraise the worth of Vanish in laundry and life. Relevancy We live in an age where fashion is fast and cheap leading to a spiralling cycle of garment over-consumption and wasteful disposal. Our throwaway culture sees huge amounts of perfectly wearable garments ending up in landfill. The Vanish #LoveForLonger campaign will inspire a nationwide movement to change behaviour. We want to encourage people to keep their clothes for longer, alerting them to the issue of wastage and advising how they can prolong the lifespan of their garments Our integrated campaign harnessed PR, influencer-created content and invited everyone to join the cause by pledging their commitment and sharing across social platforms. Outcome Early research supported the campaign as a highly relevant and attention-grabbing brand platform. Consumers actively wanted to join the movement and became re-engaged with both the brand mission and the product role. First campaign measurement figures suggest that from a modest spend of £0.8m, we were able to reach over 175 million people. The PR campaign exceeded its reach targets by over 10 times, proving this to be a relevant and newsworthy platform. Influencer-created content achieved 10.4 impressions online with an engagement rate of over 20% against a KPI target average of 2 - 5%. This was achieved at a cost of just £0.04 per engagement. Overall, the campaign has proved itself to be a powerful and motivating marketing platform that will help shape the brand’s marketing DNA and activations in the future. Execution Our integrated campaign launched with a PR reveal of our research finding around on the throwaway clothes culture of Brits to create noise and awareness in the public conscience. This was supported by the launch of our TVC which highlighted the startling statistics on clothes wastage in the UK and showcased our incredible product performance experiment. We worked with high profile influencers to amplify our campaign, presenting them with bespoke gifts of the salvaged and now fully restored garments from landfill. The resulting influencer-created content drove all our key campaign messages, both raising awareness of the wastage issue and highlighting our amazing product role in combating it. Online was a key channel to amplify our message and extend reach, we created a dedicated campaign hub with further information as well as content and awareness activations across social channels encouraging people to further consider, share and discuss. CampaignDescription The #LoveForLonger campaign aimed to create a nationwide movement inspiring people to literally love their garments for longer, rather than consigning them to landfill. Using startling statistics around the issue of clothes wastage we would wake people up to this very real issue. As well as driving our purpose-driven ambition, we needed to establish our relevant brand role by showcasing our amazing stain removal performance. We achieved this by setting up a dramatic torture test, scouring a massive landfill site, finding those stained and unloved garments that had been thrown away. We then restored them to perfect health, using the magic of our products and thereby proving that Vanish can indeed ‘Make the impossible possible’. We maximised campaign scale and engagement by inviting everyone to join us online and publicly pledge their commitment to the cause of keeping their clothes longer and then sharing the word across social channels.

    Vanish 'Love for Longer'

    案例简介:概要 Vanish作为洗衣产品中的辅助产品的作用正在逐渐被削弱,渗透是一个日益严重的问题。随着普通洗衣粉越来越多地在我们的去污领域提出自己的主张,我们在人们的思想和日常活动中失去了相关性。该活动的目标是重申品牌的相关性,并重新构建专用且卓越的去污产品在现代洗衣程序中的作用。我们的活动需要展示我们产品惊人的去污性能,并与我们的消费者建立更积极的品牌联系。我们的活动将通过减少垃圾填埋场的可持续发展使命来实现这两个目标。我们着手挑战污渍意味着服装寿命的终结的看法,并展示我们的产品在涉及污渍时如何真正 “使不可能的事情成为可能”。 战略 至关重要的是,除了对一次性文化采取大胆的立场外,我们还为我们的产品在故事中树立了明确而积极的角色。Vanish需要重申其优越性,以证明在人们的洗衣房中占有一席之地,因为人们越来越期望他们的常规洗涤剂能够做所有事情,包括去污。实际上,洗涤剂无法胜任这项工作,我们的研究表明,人们丢弃衣服的主要原因之一是洗涤剂无法去除的污渍。为了对这种浪费的习惯产生可量化的影响,我们使用我们的产品来推翻人们普遍认为污渍意味着服装寿命的终结的看法。我们通过提供有关衣物护理的有用建议和提示来支持我们对这一事业的承诺,所有这些都鼓励人们重新评估洗衣和生活中消失的价值。 相关性 我们生活在一个时尚又快又便宜的时代,导致服装过度消费和浪费性处置的螺旋式循环。我们的一次性文化看到大量完美可穿戴的服装最终被填埋。消失的 # loveforlong运动将激发一场全国性的改变行为的运动。我们希望鼓励人们将衣服保留更长的时间,提醒他们注意浪费的问题,并建议他们如何延长服装的使用寿命。我们的综合运动利用了公关,有影响力的人创建的内容,并邀请每个人通过承诺自己的承诺并在社交平台上分享。 结果 早期的研究支持该活动作为一个高度相关和引人注目的品牌平台。消费者积极希望加入这一运动,并重新参与品牌使命和产品角色。最初的竞选活动衡量数据表明,从0.8万英镑的适度支出中,我们能够覆盖1.75亿多人。公关活动超出了其覆盖目标的10倍以上,证明这是一个相关且具有新闻价值的平台。影响者创建的内容在网上获得了10.4印象,参与率超过20%,而KPI目标平均值为2-5%。这是以每次订婚只需0.04英镑的成本实现的。总体而言,该活动已证明自己是一个强大且具有激励性的营销平台,将有助于塑造该品牌的营销DNA和未来的激活方式。 执行 我们的综合运动与公关活动一起发起,揭示了我们对英国人的一次性衣服文化的研究发现,以在公众良心中制造噪音和意识。这得到了我们的TVC推出的支持,该产品突出了英国服装浪费的惊人统计数据,并展示了我们令人难以置信的产品性能实验。我们与知名人士合作,扩大了我们的活动范围,向他们提供了从垃圾填埋场中回收的,现已完全修复的服装的定制礼物。由此产生的影响者创建的内容推动了我们所有的关键竞选信息,既提高了人们对浪费问题的认识,又突出了我们在打击浪费问题中的惊人产品作用。在线是扩大我们的信息和扩大覆盖面的关键渠道,我们创建了一个专门的竞选中心,提供更多信息以及跨社交渠道的内容和意识激活,鼓励人们进一步考虑、分享和讨论。 运动描述 # Loveforlongest运动旨在发起一场全国性的运动,激发人们从字面上爱上他们的衣服更长的时间,而不是将它们放到垃圾填埋场。使用有关衣服浪费问题的惊人统计数据,我们将使人们意识到这个非常现实的问题。除了推动我们的目标驱动的野心,我们还需要通过展示我们惊人的去污性能来建立我们相关的品牌角色。我们通过设置戏剧性的酷刑测试,搜寻一个巨大的垃圾填埋场,找到那些被扔掉的污迹和不受欢迎的衣服来实现这一目标。然后,我们利用我们产品的魔力将它们恢复到完美的健康,从而证明消失可以确实 “使不可能的事情成为可能”。我们通过邀请每个人在线加入我们,并公开承诺他们对保持衣服更长时间的事业的承诺,然后在社交渠道上分享这个词,从而最大限度地扩大了竞选规模和参与度。

    Vanish 'Love for Longer'

    案例简介:Synopsis The role for Vanish as an ancillary product in the laundry repertoire is gradually being eroded and penetration is a growing issue. As regular laundry detergents increasingly stake their claims in our stain removal territory, we are losing relevance in people’s minds and routines. The objectives for the campaign were to reassert the brand’s relevance and reframe the role of a dedicated, and superior, stain removal product in modern laundry routines. Our campaign needed to showcase the amazing stain removal performance of our products as well as build a more engaged brand connection with our consumers. Our campaign would address both these goals through our sustainability mission to reduce clothes wastage landfill. We set out to challenge the perception that a stain means the end of a garment’s life and demonstrate how our products really do ‘Make the impossible possible’ when it comes to stains. Strategy It was essential that alongside taking a bold stance against the throwaway culture, we also established a clear and active role for our products in the story. Vanish needed to reassert its superiority to justify a place in people’s laundry repertoire because people increasingly expect their regular detergent to do everything, including stain removal. In reality, detergents just aren’t up to the job and our research showed that one of the top reasons people discarded garments was due to stains that detergent had failed to remove. Vanish set out to make a quantifiable impact on this wasteful habit, we used our products to overturn the widely held perception that a stain means the end of a garment’s life. We backed our commitment to the cause by providing helpful advice and tips on clothes care, all of which encouraged people to reappraise the worth of Vanish in laundry and life. Relevancy We live in an age where fashion is fast and cheap leading to a spiralling cycle of garment over-consumption and wasteful disposal. Our throwaway culture sees huge amounts of perfectly wearable garments ending up in landfill. The Vanish #LoveForLonger campaign will inspire a nationwide movement to change behaviour. We want to encourage people to keep their clothes for longer, alerting them to the issue of wastage and advising how they can prolong the lifespan of their garments Our integrated campaign harnessed PR, influencer-created content and invited everyone to join the cause by pledging their commitment and sharing across social platforms. Outcome Early research supported the campaign as a highly relevant and attention-grabbing brand platform. Consumers actively wanted to join the movement and became re-engaged with both the brand mission and the product role. First campaign measurement figures suggest that from a modest spend of £0.8m, we were able to reach over 175 million people. The PR campaign exceeded its reach targets by over 10 times, proving this to be a relevant and newsworthy platform. Influencer-created content achieved 10.4 impressions online with an engagement rate of over 20% against a KPI target average of 2 - 5%. This was achieved at a cost of just £0.04 per engagement. Overall, the campaign has proved itself to be a powerful and motivating marketing platform that will help shape the brand’s marketing DNA and activations in the future. Execution Our integrated campaign launched with a PR reveal of our research finding around on the throwaway clothes culture of Brits to create noise and awareness in the public conscience. This was supported by the launch of our TVC which highlighted the startling statistics on clothes wastage in the UK and showcased our incredible product performance experiment. We worked with high profile influencers to amplify our campaign, presenting them with bespoke gifts of the salvaged and now fully restored garments from landfill. The resulting influencer-created content drove all our key campaign messages, both raising awareness of the wastage issue and highlighting our amazing product role in combating it. Online was a key channel to amplify our message and extend reach, we created a dedicated campaign hub with further information as well as content and awareness activations across social channels encouraging people to further consider, share and discuss. CampaignDescription The #LoveForLonger campaign aimed to create a nationwide movement inspiring people to literally love their garments for longer, rather than consigning them to landfill. Using startling statistics around the issue of clothes wastage we would wake people up to this very real issue. As well as driving our purpose-driven ambition, we needed to establish our relevant brand role by showcasing our amazing stain removal performance. We achieved this by setting up a dramatic torture test, scouring a massive landfill site, finding those stained and unloved garments that had been thrown away. We then restored them to perfect health, using the magic of our products and thereby proving that Vanish can indeed ‘Make the impossible possible’. We maximised campaign scale and engagement by inviting everyone to join us online and publicly pledge their commitment to the cause of keeping their clothes longer and then sharing the word across social channels.

    消失的 “爱”


    Vanish 'Love for Longer'










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