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    Corruption Detector短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 大选定于 2018年10月在巴西举行。40,000 多名候选人受到旨在掩盖腐败行为的复杂司法系统的青睐,他们的竞选活动充斥着全国。这就是为什么巴西最大的消费者保护公司 ReclameAQUI 决定将其业务扩展到公民权利。在一个拥有 2亿多部智能手机的国家,没有比把手机变成反腐败的武器更好的方法了。 战略 策略很简单: 当腐败的政客露面时,我们会放下他们的面具。在政客们必须向每个公民都有智能手机的国家要求投票的一年里,我们给了选民一个有用的武器,让腐败的选民无处可藏: 一个简单而免费的应用程序。由于投票在巴西是强制性的,腐败检测应用程序首次将寻找肮脏政客的工作交给了人们。人们现在可以看到腐败政客的真实面目,随着即将到来的选举,1.2亿选民现在可以改变国家的面貌。 结果 在短短一周内,腐败探测器成为巴西下载最多的应用程序,下载量超过 400.000 次。它还被强调为我们在苹果商店喜欢的第一个应用程序和谷歌 Play 的第一个趋势应用程序。几天后,腐败探测器接管了媒体和社交对话。零媒体投资,超过 1.2亿人受到影响。该项目成为选民和当局讨论的大规模话题,包括洗车行动的联邦调查员和共和国司法部长罗德里戈 · 贾诺。结果,当腐败的政客试图起诉我们时,干净的政客在社交网络上使用它来促进他们的正直。但是,最重要的是,通过了解每个候选人的真实面目,选民现在可以改变国家的面貌。 执行 腐败检测应用程序使用微软面部识别技术,这使得它 98% 的准确性。为了创建我们的数据库,让任何人都能够理解,我们必须收集巴西数百个法院的数据。我们花了几个月的时间来分析、选择哪些指控和调查涉及腐败或公共行政欺诈,并将信息整理成一个简单的列表。然后,我们把法律术语翻译成所有那些难以理解的法庭记录,变成任何人都很容易理解的语言。这款应用是由巴西最著名的喜剧演员之一推出的,他去了巴西利亚,站在国会外,与政治家自拍,并向巴西人展示这款应用是如何工作的。从那以后,下载量从未停止增长。 活动描述 基于面部识别,腐败探测器是一个免费的应用程序,它利用了一个综合数据库,其中包含了所有腐败的官方记录,以前隐藏在巴西数百个法院。通过简单地将电话指向候选人,选民现在可以看到紫色的腐败分子,无论他们在哪里: 电视、报纸、互联网、户外,甚至是人。应用程序组织的所有数据可随时参考。在选举日,用户将收到一个重要通知: 提醒不要投票给腐败的政治家。


    案例简介:Synopsis General elections are scheduled to be held in Brazil in October 2018. More than 40,000 candidates favored by a complex justice system designed to hide their acts of corruption are flooding the country with electoral campaigns. That's why ReclameAQUI, the number one consumer-protection company in Brazil, decided to expand its business to citizen-rights. And in a country with over 200 million smartphones, there was no better way to fight corruption then turning their phones into a weapon against corruption. Strategy The strategy was simple: when corrupt politicians show their faces, we drop their masks. In a year when politicians must ask for votes to a country where there is a smartphone for each citizen, we gave a useful weapon to voters that left the corrupt ones no place to hide: a simple and free app. Since voting is mandatory in Brazil, Corruption Detector app has put, for the first time, the hunt for dirty politicians in the hands of people. People can now see the true face of corrupt politicians, and with an up and coming election, 120 million voters can now change the face of the country. Outcome In just one week Corruption Detector became the most downloaded App in Brazil, with more than 400.000 downloads. It was also highlighted as #1 Apps We Love at Apple Store and #1 Trending Apps at Google Play. In a few days, Corruption Detector took over the media and social conversations. With zero media investments, more than 120 million people were impacted. The project became a mass topic of discussions of voters and authorities, including Federal investigators at the Operation Car Wash and the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot. As a result, while corrupt politicians tried to sue us, clean politicians used it on social networks to promote their integrity. But, most importantly, by knowing the true face of each candidate, voters can now change the face of the country. Execution The Corruption Detector app uses Microsoft facial recognition technology, which gives it 98% accuracy. In order to create our database and make it simple for anyone to understand, we had to gather data across hundreds of courts all over Brazil. It took us months to analyze, select which accusations and investigations concerned corruption or public administration fraud, and organize the information into one simple list. Then, we translated the legal jargon into all those incomprehensible court records into language anyone would find easy to understand. The app was launched by one of Brazil’s most renowned comedians, who went to Brasília, and stood outside Congress, taking selfies with politicians and showing Brazilians how the app works. Since then, the number of downloads has never stopped growing. CampaignDescription Based on facial recognition, Corruption Detector is a free APP that draws on a comprehensive database with all the official records of corruption, previously hidden in hundreds of courts across Brazil. By simply pointing a phone at a candidate, voters can now spot the corrupt ones in purple, no matter where they are: TV, papers, internet, outdoors and even in person. All data organized by the app is available for reference at any time. And on election day, users will receive an important notification: a reminder not to vote for a corrupt politician.

    Corruption Detector

    案例简介:概要 大选定于 2018年10月在巴西举行。40,000 多名候选人受到旨在掩盖腐败行为的复杂司法系统的青睐,他们的竞选活动充斥着全国。这就是为什么巴西最大的消费者保护公司 ReclameAQUI 决定将其业务扩展到公民权利。在一个拥有 2亿多部智能手机的国家,没有比把手机变成反腐败的武器更好的方法了。 战略 策略很简单: 当腐败的政客露面时,我们会放下他们的面具。在政客们必须向每个公民都有智能手机的国家要求投票的一年里,我们给了选民一个有用的武器,让腐败的选民无处可藏: 一个简单而免费的应用程序。由于投票在巴西是强制性的,腐败检测应用程序首次将寻找肮脏政客的工作交给了人们。人们现在可以看到腐败政客的真实面目,随着即将到来的选举,1.2亿选民现在可以改变国家的面貌。 结果 在短短一周内,腐败探测器成为巴西下载最多的应用程序,下载量超过 400.000 次。它还被强调为我们在苹果商店喜欢的第一个应用程序和谷歌 Play 的第一个趋势应用程序。几天后,腐败探测器接管了媒体和社交对话。零媒体投资,超过 1.2亿人受到影响。该项目成为选民和当局讨论的大规模话题,包括洗车行动的联邦调查员和共和国司法部长罗德里戈 · 贾诺。结果,当腐败的政客试图起诉我们时,干净的政客在社交网络上使用它来促进他们的正直。但是,最重要的是,通过了解每个候选人的真实面目,选民现在可以改变国家的面貌。 执行 腐败检测应用程序使用微软面部识别技术,这使得它 98% 的准确性。为了创建我们的数据库,让任何人都能够理解,我们必须收集巴西数百个法院的数据。我们花了几个月的时间来分析、选择哪些指控和调查涉及腐败或公共行政欺诈,并将信息整理成一个简单的列表。然后,我们把法律术语翻译成所有那些难以理解的法庭记录,变成任何人都很容易理解的语言。这款应用是由巴西最著名的喜剧演员之一推出的,他去了巴西利亚,站在国会外,与政治家自拍,并向巴西人展示这款应用是如何工作的。从那以后,下载量从未停止增长。 活动描述 基于面部识别,腐败探测器是一个免费的应用程序,它利用了一个综合数据库,其中包含了所有腐败的官方记录,以前隐藏在巴西数百个法院。通过简单地将电话指向候选人,选民现在可以看到紫色的腐败分子,无论他们在哪里: 电视、报纸、互联网、户外,甚至是人。应用程序组织的所有数据可随时参考。在选举日,用户将收到一个重要通知: 提醒不要投票给腐败的政治家。

    Corruption Detector

    案例简介:Synopsis General elections are scheduled to be held in Brazil in October 2018. More than 40,000 candidates favored by a complex justice system designed to hide their acts of corruption are flooding the country with electoral campaigns. That's why ReclameAQUI, the number one consumer-protection company in Brazil, decided to expand its business to citizen-rights. And in a country with over 200 million smartphones, there was no better way to fight corruption then turning their phones into a weapon against corruption. Strategy The strategy was simple: when corrupt politicians show their faces, we drop their masks. In a year when politicians must ask for votes to a country where there is a smartphone for each citizen, we gave a useful weapon to voters that left the corrupt ones no place to hide: a simple and free app. Since voting is mandatory in Brazil, Corruption Detector app has put, for the first time, the hunt for dirty politicians in the hands of people. People can now see the true face of corrupt politicians, and with an up and coming election, 120 million voters can now change the face of the country. Outcome In just one week Corruption Detector became the most downloaded App in Brazil, with more than 400.000 downloads. It was also highlighted as #1 Apps We Love at Apple Store and #1 Trending Apps at Google Play. In a few days, Corruption Detector took over the media and social conversations. With zero media investments, more than 120 million people were impacted. The project became a mass topic of discussions of voters and authorities, including Federal investigators at the Operation Car Wash and the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot. As a result, while corrupt politicians tried to sue us, clean politicians used it on social networks to promote their integrity. But, most importantly, by knowing the true face of each candidate, voters can now change the face of the country. Execution The Corruption Detector app uses Microsoft facial recognition technology, which gives it 98% accuracy. In order to create our database and make it simple for anyone to understand, we had to gather data across hundreds of courts all over Brazil. It took us months to analyze, select which accusations and investigations concerned corruption or public administration fraud, and organize the information into one simple list. Then, we translated the legal jargon into all those incomprehensible court records into language anyone would find easy to understand. The app was launched by one of Brazil’s most renowned comedians, who went to Brasília, and stood outside Congress, taking selfies with politicians and showing Brazilians how the app works. Since then, the number of downloads has never stopped growing. CampaignDescription Based on facial recognition, Corruption Detector is a free APP that draws on a comprehensive database with all the official records of corruption, previously hidden in hundreds of courts across Brazil. By simply pointing a phone at a candidate, voters can now spot the corrupt ones in purple, no matter where they are: TV, papers, internet, outdoors and even in person. All data organized by the app is available for reference at any time. And on election day, users will receive an important notification: a reminder not to vote for a corrupt politician.



    Corruption Detector






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: 葛瑞




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