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    一顿有关报应的晚餐 | The Payback Dinner短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:执行 为了报复,我们训练了一群扮演服务器的演员虐待高管,让他们等待,为他们提供冷餐,对他们没有提供的食物收取过高的费用, 给他们回避的答案; 对待他们就像他们的公司对待客户一样。我们用隐藏的摄像头和麦克风准备了假餐馆。所以,从高管们最恼人的反应中进行选择就足以让视频对我们的公众最有吸引力。在短短几分钟内,我们的成功是显而易见的。 结果 视频运动打破了互联网。仅在三天内,该视频就有超过 800 万次的浏览量,270 次点赞,340 次分享,社交媒体上有 30 次评论。网站流量增加 63%。Facebook 粉丝页面上有 180 新粉丝。赚来的媒体 900万美元。该国所有最重要的媒体,如杂志和报纸 Veja 、 Exame 、 Folha 、 estad ã o 和 Globo,都报道了报复晚宴。超过 5000万人受到影响。低预算我们的总预算为 120.000 雷亚尔 (约 30.000 美元),足以建造假餐馆和拍摄行动。 活动描述 我们邀请了巴西客户服务声誉最差的公司的高管参加一家餐馆的开业之夜。然后我们为他们服务得就像他们的公司为客户服务一样糟糕。晚餐结束时,他们没有收到账单,而是收到了一大堆抱怨和一条信息: “你觉得不被尊重了吗?你公司成千上万的客户感觉就像你一样。" 相关性 回报晚宴是直接沟通的综合。晚宴是与巴西一些最大公司的营销总监的直接和报复的接触。视频发布后,人们受到如此大的影响,以至于他们开始一遍又一遍地分享。这段视频很快就引起了社交媒体的轰动。 概要 在巴西,每个人都受到服务公司的不尊重。电信、物流和电子商务是最不尊重的。他们只是虐待他们的客户,让他们在电话中等待几个小时,对他们的服务收取不适当的费用,并混淆他们的权利,而不是帮助澄清他们。这是一个真正的噩梦。该国最重要的消费者保护公司 Reclame Aqui 做了每个巴西人都想做的事情: 复仇。 战略 我们需要找到巴西最不尊重的公司,这些信息是由 Reclame Aqui 提供给我们的。有了这个,我们邀请了 102 名高管参加新餐馆的开业之夜,这显然不是真的。其中,9 名高管接受了邀请,但只有 3 名高管允许我们使用他们的图片。视频发布在 Reclame Aqui 的 Facebook 页面上。然后,我们等待人们分享它。我们不必等太久。

    案例简介:Execution To get revenge, we trained a group of actors portraying servers to mistreat the executives, leaving them waiting, serving them cold food, charging them unduly for food that they weren’t served, giving them evasive answers; treating them exactly the way their companies treat their clients.We prepared fake restaurants with hidden cameras and microphones. So, it was enough to choose from the executives’ most irritated reactions to make the video most appealing to our public. In just a few minutes, our success was evident. Outcome The video campaign broke the internet. In only three days, the video had more than 8 millions views, 270K likes, 340K shares and 30K comments on social media. 63% increase in traffic to the website. 180K new followers on the Facebook fanpage. US$ 9 million on earned media. All the most important media of the country, like the magazines and newspapers Veja, Exame, Folha, Estadão and Globo, covered the PayBack dinner. More than 50 million people were impacted. Low BudgetWe had an overall budget of R$ 120.000,00 (about US$30.000,00), enough to build the fake restaurant and to film the action. Campaign Description We invited executives from companies with the worst customer service reputations in Brazil to a restaurant’s opening night. Then we served them as badly as their companies serve customers. At the end of the dinner, instead of the bill, they received a load of complaints along with a message: “Did you feel disrespected? Thousands of your company’s customers feel just like you.” Relevancy THE PAYBACK DINNER is the synthesis of direct communication. The dinner was a direct and vengeful contact with the marketing directors of some of Brazil´s biggest companies. After the video was launched, people were so impacted that they started sharing it over and over. The video soon became a social media sensation. Synopsis In Brazil, everyone has been disrespected by service companies. Telecom, logistics and e-commerce are among the most disrespectful. They simply mistreat their clients, leaving them waiting for hours on the phone, unduly charging them for services and confusing them regarding their rights, rather than helping to clarify them. It’s a true nightmare. Reclame Aqui, the country’s most important consumer protection company, did what every Brazilian would love to do: get revenge. Strategy We needed to find the most disrespectful companies in Brazil, information that was provided to us by Reclame Aqui. With this, we invited 102 executives for the opening nights of new restaurants, which were obviously not real. Of these, 9 executives accepted the invitation, but only 3 of them allowed us to use their images.The video was released on the Reclame Aqui Facebook page. Then, we waited for people to share it. And we didn’t have to wait too long.

    一顿有关报应的晚餐 | The Payback Dinner

    案例简介:执行 为了报复,我们训练了一群扮演服务器的演员虐待高管,让他们等待,为他们提供冷餐,对他们没有提供的食物收取过高的费用, 给他们回避的答案; 对待他们就像他们的公司对待客户一样。我们用隐藏的摄像头和麦克风准备了假餐馆。所以,从高管们最恼人的反应中进行选择就足以让视频对我们的公众最有吸引力。在短短几分钟内,我们的成功是显而易见的。 结果 视频运动打破了互联网。仅在三天内,该视频就有超过 800 万次的浏览量,270 次点赞,340 次分享,社交媒体上有 30 次评论。网站流量增加 63%。Facebook 粉丝页面上有 180 新粉丝。赚来的媒体 900万美元。该国所有最重要的媒体,如杂志和报纸 Veja 、 Exame 、 Folha 、 estad ã o 和 Globo,都报道了报复晚宴。超过 5000万人受到影响。低预算我们的总预算为 120.000 雷亚尔 (约 30.000 美元),足以建造假餐馆和拍摄行动。 活动描述 我们邀请了巴西客户服务声誉最差的公司的高管参加一家餐馆的开业之夜。然后我们为他们服务得就像他们的公司为客户服务一样糟糕。晚餐结束时,他们没有收到账单,而是收到了一大堆抱怨和一条信息: “你觉得不被尊重了吗?你公司成千上万的客户感觉就像你一样。" 相关性 回报晚宴是直接沟通的综合。晚宴是与巴西一些最大公司的营销总监的直接和报复的接触。视频发布后,人们受到如此大的影响,以至于他们开始一遍又一遍地分享。这段视频很快就引起了社交媒体的轰动。 概要 在巴西,每个人都受到服务公司的不尊重。电信、物流和电子商务是最不尊重的。他们只是虐待他们的客户,让他们在电话中等待几个小时,对他们的服务收取不适当的费用,并混淆他们的权利,而不是帮助澄清他们。这是一个真正的噩梦。该国最重要的消费者保护公司 Reclame Aqui 做了每个巴西人都想做的事情: 复仇。 战略 我们需要找到巴西最不尊重的公司,这些信息是由 Reclame Aqui 提供给我们的。有了这个,我们邀请了 102 名高管参加新餐馆的开业之夜,这显然不是真的。其中,9 名高管接受了邀请,但只有 3 名高管允许我们使用他们的图片。视频发布在 Reclame Aqui 的 Facebook 页面上。然后,我们等待人们分享它。我们不必等太久。

    一顿有关报应的晚餐 | The Payback Dinner

    案例简介:Execution To get revenge, we trained a group of actors portraying servers to mistreat the executives, leaving them waiting, serving them cold food, charging them unduly for food that they weren’t served, giving them evasive answers; treating them exactly the way their companies treat their clients.We prepared fake restaurants with hidden cameras and microphones. So, it was enough to choose from the executives’ most irritated reactions to make the video most appealing to our public. In just a few minutes, our success was evident. Outcome The video campaign broke the internet. In only three days, the video had more than 8 millions views, 270K likes, 340K shares and 30K comments on social media. 63% increase in traffic to the website. 180K new followers on the Facebook fanpage. US$ 9 million on earned media. All the most important media of the country, like the magazines and newspapers Veja, Exame, Folha, Estadão and Globo, covered the PayBack dinner. More than 50 million people were impacted. Low BudgetWe had an overall budget of R$ 120.000,00 (about US$30.000,00), enough to build the fake restaurant and to film the action. Campaign Description We invited executives from companies with the worst customer service reputations in Brazil to a restaurant’s opening night. Then we served them as badly as their companies serve customers. At the end of the dinner, instead of the bill, they received a load of complaints along with a message: “Did you feel disrespected? Thousands of your company’s customers feel just like you.” Relevancy THE PAYBACK DINNER is the synthesis of direct communication. The dinner was a direct and vengeful contact with the marketing directors of some of Brazil´s biggest companies. After the video was launched, people were so impacted that they started sharing it over and over. The video soon became a social media sensation. Synopsis In Brazil, everyone has been disrespected by service companies. Telecom, logistics and e-commerce are among the most disrespectful. They simply mistreat their clients, leaving them waiting for hours on the phone, unduly charging them for services and confusing them regarding their rights, rather than helping to clarify them. It’s a true nightmare. Reclame Aqui, the country’s most important consumer protection company, did what every Brazilian would love to do: get revenge. Strategy We needed to find the most disrespectful companies in Brazil, information that was provided to us by Reclame Aqui. With this, we invited 102 executives for the opening nights of new restaurants, which were obviously not real. Of these, 9 executives accepted the invitation, but only 3 of them allowed us to use their images.The video was released on the Reclame Aqui Facebook page. Then, we waited for people to share it. And we didn’t have to wait too long.


    一顿有关报应的晚餐 | The Payback Dinner










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