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    Tequila Cloud短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 为了扩展龙舌兰酒云,我们制作了一个视频,详细描述了引发这个想法的洞察力,解释了云是如何创建的,并展示了人们对云的反应。我们利用这一引人注目的资产对《赫芬顿邮报》进行独家采访,该邮报以其在全球的影响力和读者之间的高共享性而闻名。《赫芬顿邮报》一发表文章,我们就将该新闻分发给了一份关于病毒新闻、旅游和娱乐的出版物和记者名单。旅游 + 休闲、食品和葡萄酒、电报、 Mashable 和 UPROXX 等有影响力的媒体报道了龙舌兰酒云。从最初的报道来看,龙舌兰酒云的新闻迅速传播到其他出版物,以及世界各地的广播节目。 结果 在柏林出现龙舌兰酒云之后,谷歌在德国搜索 “墨西哥旅行” 的次数增加了 50%。在前三周,云在 50 多个国家和全球范围内被 175 多个新闻媒体覆盖,包括 80 个广播电台,在墨西哥的顶级市场,如美国, 有效地达到我们最初的适度 KPI。大多数文章都阐述了云的科学,语气非常积极。这是《赫芬顿邮报》的前五名,Mashable 的标题是 “……我们现在预订的航班。”一个 $60K 媒体购买产生将近 $4.8 毫米在获得媒体,并产生 473 毫米总印数,放大介质达到 7,833%。人们甚至在其他国家要求云,这样他们就可以亲身体验。主流言论延伸到像切尔西 · 汉德勒这样的名人,他们在推特上写道 “希望……它会扔掉冰冻的玛格丽塔酒。它也渗透到流行文化中 -- 它被作为 NPR (每周 6 毫米听众) 上的一个弹出测验问题提到,并被要求参加体育画报的 “当代女士”。 “最重要的是,它在美国引发了对墨西哥的支持,关于隔离墙的对话,成千上万的人标记他们的朋友,表达他们对墨西哥下一个冬季目的地的考虑。 概要 德国的冬天真的是多雨 -- 甚至比英国还要多。以至于 35% 的德国人的旅行发生在这段时间。我们的目标是让人们意识到墨西哥是德国人在阴郁多雨的冬天逃离的理想温暖、有趣的目的地。 相关性 多亏了公关,龙舌兰酒云不仅在德国,而且在全球都超过了对墨西哥意识的预期。用最少的付费媒体投资 $60 K,我们实现了 473 毫米所得的印象和将近 $4.8 毫米媒体。我们吸引了德国顶级媒体的关注,如《世界报》、《 Vice 》杂志、《法兰克福日报》和《柏林日报》。新闻在全球范围内有机地传播到 50 多个国家,那里的人们甚至在不同的城市要求它,这样他们就可以亲身体验它。它还进入了墨西哥最受欢迎的市场 -- 美国,改变了围绕墨西哥和隔离墙的负面对话,转而考虑墨西哥的旅行。 活动描述 为了让德国人忘记冬天,让他们品尝墨西哥,我们混合了他们最喜欢的墨西哥东西 -- 龙舌兰酒 (德国是世界上第二大龙舌兰酒进口商) -他们最讨厌的天气-雨-创造龙舌兰酒云。在德国,每次下雨,龙舌兰酒的第一朵云。把灰色的日子变成快乐的时光。云与实时天气数据联系在一起,所以柏林每次下雨,龙舌兰酒也下雨。这在我们需要的时候引发了考虑。 战略 德国对墨西哥来说是一个巨大的增长机会。在去年旅行的德国人中,54% 的人不认为墨西哥是目的地。在过去的三年里,只有 18% 的游客访问了墨西哥,这是欧洲前五大市场中游客比例最低的。目标受众: 德国旅行者,其主要动机是摆脱日常烦恼和雨天 (66% *),他们更有可能在 11月至 3 月之间的冬季旅行。在柏林,我们邀请博客作者、影响者和当地媒体参加发布会。反应是压倒性的。龙舌兰酒云首次在当地取得成功后,我们制定了一项媒体战略,目标是一系列高度可共享的消费者、广告交易和旅游兴趣媒体, 具有有机增长的潜力。目标是提高德国的认识,结果超越了我们的期望,达到了全球范围。


    案例简介:Execution To scale the Tequila Cloud, we created a video detailing the insight that sparked the idea, explaining how the cloud was created, and showing people’s reactions to the cloud. We used this compelling asset to pitch an exclusive interview to the Huffington Post, known for its influence around the globe and high shareability among its readers. As soon as the Huffington Post article was published, we distributed the news to a robust list of publications and journalists reporting on viral news, travel, and entertainment. Influential outlets, such as Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine, the Telegraph, Mashable, and UPROXX, reported on the Tequila Cloud soon after. From this initial coverage, the news of the tequila-raining cloud spread rapidly to other publications, as well as to broadcast programs around the world. Outcome After the Tequila Cloud showing in Berlin, Google searches for "Mexico Travel" increased by 50% in Germany. In the first three weeks, the cloud was covered locally and globally in 50+ countries and by 175+ news outlets, including 80 broadcast stations, in top markets for Mexico, like the US, effectively hitting our original modest KPI. A majority of articles elaborated on the cloud’s science, and the tone was overwhelmingly positive. It was a Top 5 Story on the Huffington Post and Mashable headlined with “. . .we're booking our flights now.” A $60K media buy generated almost $4.8MM in earned media, and generated 473MM total impressions, amplifying media reach by 7,833%. People even demanded the cloud in other countries, so they could experience it firsthand. Mainstream buzz extended to celebrities like Chelsea Handler, who tweeted “Hopefully . . . it'll drop frozen margaritas.” It also penetrated pop culture—it was mentioned as a pop-quiz question on NPR (6MM listeners per week) and asked to Sports Illustrated’s “Lady of the Day.” Most importantly, it sparked support for Mexico in the US, regarding the wall conversation, and led to thousands of people tagging their friends and expressing their consideration of Mexico for their next winter destination. Synopsis Winters in Germany are really rainy—even more than the UK. So much so that 35% of Germans' travel happens during this time. Our objective was to create awareness of Mexico as the ideal warm, fun destination for Germans to escape to during their gloomy, rainy winter. Relevancy Thanks to PR, the Tequila Cloud surpassed expectations for Mexico awareness not only in Germany but globally. With a minimal paid-media investment of $60K, we achieved 473MM impressions and almost $4.8MM in earned media. We caught the attention of top German media, such as Die Welt, Vice Magazine, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and BZ Berlin. News spread organically worldwide to more than 50 countries, where people even demanded it in different cities, so they could experience it firsthand. It also reached Mexico’s most sought-after market, the US, changing negative conversation around Mexico and the wall, to consideration of Mexico for travel. CampaignDescription To make Germans forget about the winter and give them a taste of Mexico, we mixed the Mexican thing they love most—tequila (Germany is the #2 tequila importer in the world)—with the weather they hate most—rain—to create the Tequila Cloud. The first cloud that rained tequila every time it rained in Germany. Turning gray days into fun happy hours. The cloud was tied to real-time weather data, so every time it rained in Berlin, it also rained tequila. This triggered consideration at the precise moment we needed it to. Strategy Germany represents a huge growth opportunity for Mexico. Of Germans who traveled last year, 54% didn’t consider Mexico as a destination. Only 18% visited Mexico in the past three years, and that is the lowest percentage of travel out of the top-five European markets. Target Audience: German travelers whose main motivation is to get away from everyday hassles and rainy weather (66%*) and who are more likely to travel during winter, between November and March. In Berlin, we invited bloggers, influencers, and local media to the launch event. The response was overwhelming. Following the initial local success of the Tequila Cloud’s debut, we developed a media strategy that targeted a list of highly shareable consumer, advertising-trade, and travel-interest media, with the potential for organic growth. The objective was to amplify awareness in Germany, and the results transcended our expectations, reaching a global scale.

    Tequila Cloud

    案例简介:执行 为了扩展龙舌兰酒云,我们制作了一个视频,详细描述了引发这个想法的洞察力,解释了云是如何创建的,并展示了人们对云的反应。我们利用这一引人注目的资产对《赫芬顿邮报》进行独家采访,该邮报以其在全球的影响力和读者之间的高共享性而闻名。《赫芬顿邮报》一发表文章,我们就将该新闻分发给了一份关于病毒新闻、旅游和娱乐的出版物和记者名单。旅游 + 休闲、食品和葡萄酒、电报、 Mashable 和 UPROXX 等有影响力的媒体报道了龙舌兰酒云。从最初的报道来看,龙舌兰酒云的新闻迅速传播到其他出版物,以及世界各地的广播节目。 结果 在柏林出现龙舌兰酒云之后,谷歌在德国搜索 “墨西哥旅行” 的次数增加了 50%。在前三周,云在 50 多个国家和全球范围内被 175 多个新闻媒体覆盖,包括 80 个广播电台,在墨西哥的顶级市场,如美国, 有效地达到我们最初的适度 KPI。大多数文章都阐述了云的科学,语气非常积极。这是《赫芬顿邮报》的前五名,Mashable 的标题是 “……我们现在预订的航班。”一个 $60K 媒体购买产生将近 $4.8 毫米在获得媒体,并产生 473 毫米总印数,放大介质达到 7,833%。人们甚至在其他国家要求云,这样他们就可以亲身体验。主流言论延伸到像切尔西 · 汉德勒这样的名人,他们在推特上写道 “希望……它会扔掉冰冻的玛格丽塔酒。它也渗透到流行文化中 -- 它被作为 NPR (每周 6 毫米听众) 上的一个弹出测验问题提到,并被要求参加体育画报的 “当代女士”。 “最重要的是,它在美国引发了对墨西哥的支持,关于隔离墙的对话,成千上万的人标记他们的朋友,表达他们对墨西哥下一个冬季目的地的考虑。 概要 德国的冬天真的是多雨 -- 甚至比英国还要多。以至于 35% 的德国人的旅行发生在这段时间。我们的目标是让人们意识到墨西哥是德国人在阴郁多雨的冬天逃离的理想温暖、有趣的目的地。 相关性 多亏了公关,龙舌兰酒云不仅在德国,而且在全球都超过了对墨西哥意识的预期。用最少的付费媒体投资 $60 K,我们实现了 473 毫米所得的印象和将近 $4.8 毫米媒体。我们吸引了德国顶级媒体的关注,如《世界报》、《 Vice 》杂志、《法兰克福日报》和《柏林日报》。新闻在全球范围内有机地传播到 50 多个国家,那里的人们甚至在不同的城市要求它,这样他们就可以亲身体验它。它还进入了墨西哥最受欢迎的市场 -- 美国,改变了围绕墨西哥和隔离墙的负面对话,转而考虑墨西哥的旅行。 活动描述 为了让德国人忘记冬天,让他们品尝墨西哥,我们混合了他们最喜欢的墨西哥东西 -- 龙舌兰酒 (德国是世界上第二大龙舌兰酒进口商) -他们最讨厌的天气-雨-创造龙舌兰酒云。在德国,每次下雨,龙舌兰酒的第一朵云。把灰色的日子变成快乐的时光。云与实时天气数据联系在一起,所以柏林每次下雨,龙舌兰酒也下雨。这在我们需要的时候引发了考虑。 战略 德国对墨西哥来说是一个巨大的增长机会。在去年旅行的德国人中,54% 的人不认为墨西哥是目的地。在过去的三年里,只有 18% 的游客访问了墨西哥,这是欧洲前五大市场中游客比例最低的。目标受众: 德国旅行者,其主要动机是摆脱日常烦恼和雨天 (66% *),他们更有可能在 11月至 3 月之间的冬季旅行。在柏林,我们邀请博客作者、影响者和当地媒体参加发布会。反应是压倒性的。龙舌兰酒云首次在当地取得成功后,我们制定了一项媒体战略,目标是一系列高度可共享的消费者、广告交易和旅游兴趣媒体, 具有有机增长的潜力。目标是提高德国的认识,结果超越了我们的期望,达到了全球范围。

    Tequila Cloud

    案例简介:Execution To scale the Tequila Cloud, we created a video detailing the insight that sparked the idea, explaining how the cloud was created, and showing people’s reactions to the cloud. We used this compelling asset to pitch an exclusive interview to the Huffington Post, known for its influence around the globe and high shareability among its readers. As soon as the Huffington Post article was published, we distributed the news to a robust list of publications and journalists reporting on viral news, travel, and entertainment. Influential outlets, such as Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine, the Telegraph, Mashable, and UPROXX, reported on the Tequila Cloud soon after. From this initial coverage, the news of the tequila-raining cloud spread rapidly to other publications, as well as to broadcast programs around the world. Outcome After the Tequila Cloud showing in Berlin, Google searches for "Mexico Travel" increased by 50% in Germany. In the first three weeks, the cloud was covered locally and globally in 50+ countries and by 175+ news outlets, including 80 broadcast stations, in top markets for Mexico, like the US, effectively hitting our original modest KPI. A majority of articles elaborated on the cloud’s science, and the tone was overwhelmingly positive. It was a Top 5 Story on the Huffington Post and Mashable headlined with “. . .we're booking our flights now.” A $60K media buy generated almost $4.8MM in earned media, and generated 473MM total impressions, amplifying media reach by 7,833%. People even demanded the cloud in other countries, so they could experience it firsthand. Mainstream buzz extended to celebrities like Chelsea Handler, who tweeted “Hopefully . . . it'll drop frozen margaritas.” It also penetrated pop culture—it was mentioned as a pop-quiz question on NPR (6MM listeners per week) and asked to Sports Illustrated’s “Lady of the Day.” Most importantly, it sparked support for Mexico in the US, regarding the wall conversation, and led to thousands of people tagging their friends and expressing their consideration of Mexico for their next winter destination. Synopsis Winters in Germany are really rainy—even more than the UK. So much so that 35% of Germans' travel happens during this time. Our objective was to create awareness of Mexico as the ideal warm, fun destination for Germans to escape to during their gloomy, rainy winter. Relevancy Thanks to PR, the Tequila Cloud surpassed expectations for Mexico awareness not only in Germany but globally. With a minimal paid-media investment of $60K, we achieved 473MM impressions and almost $4.8MM in earned media. We caught the attention of top German media, such as Die Welt, Vice Magazine, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and BZ Berlin. News spread organically worldwide to more than 50 countries, where people even demanded it in different cities, so they could experience it firsthand. It also reached Mexico’s most sought-after market, the US, changing negative conversation around Mexico and the wall, to consideration of Mexico for travel. CampaignDescription To make Germans forget about the winter and give them a taste of Mexico, we mixed the Mexican thing they love most—tequila (Germany is the #2 tequila importer in the world)—with the weather they hate most—rain—to create the Tequila Cloud. The first cloud that rained tequila every time it rained in Germany. Turning gray days into fun happy hours. The cloud was tied to real-time weather data, so every time it rained in Berlin, it also rained tequila. This triggered consideration at the precise moment we needed it to. Strategy Germany represents a huge growth opportunity for Mexico. Of Germans who traveled last year, 54% didn’t consider Mexico as a destination. Only 18% visited Mexico in the past three years, and that is the lowest percentage of travel out of the top-five European markets. Target Audience: German travelers whose main motivation is to get away from everyday hassles and rainy weather (66%*) and who are more likely to travel during winter, between November and March. In Berlin, we invited bloggers, influencers, and local media to the launch event. The response was overwhelming. Following the initial local success of the Tequila Cloud’s debut, we developed a media strategy that targeted a list of highly shareable consumer, advertising-trade, and travel-interest media, with the potential for organic growth. The objective was to amplify awareness in Germany, and the results transcended our expectations, reaching a global scale.



    Tequila Cloud










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