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    Vultures Warn短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 情况: 在利马,每天有超过 7,400 吨的垃圾被非法倾倒,大部分是在市政部门看不到的地方。隐藏在非有机垃圾中的大量有机垃圾分解速度非常快,成为传染病的来源。但是人们不能发现它。简介: 让我们通过一种令人印象深刻的不同方式,让民众和当局意识到垃圾问题,并迫使他们采取行动,让无形变得可见。目标: 每月至少根除 25,000 吨非法垃圾,提高人们对垃圾问题的认识,培养至少 1000 名永久志愿者,并在传统媒体上节省至少 850,000 美元。 活动描述 我们利用了几个世纪以来一直是利马生态系统一部分的秃鹫的帮助。秃鹫警告是一个跟踪、识别和报告利马污染区的系统,由十只配备了全球定位系统和 MD80-DV 高清微型摄像机的秃鹫执行,这些摄像机覆盖了整个城市, 作为探测累积垃圾的实时雷达工作。人们可以在网站上跟踪秃鹫的路径,从而检测污染地区的确切位置。他们可以作为积极的志愿者注册并清理这些区域。尽管秃鹫已经在利马周围清理城市垃圾 14,000 年了,但他们被秘鲁人认为是肮脏的拾荒者。他们不知道的是,在这场战斗中,恐吓他们的鸟类可能是他们最好的盟友,从被忽视的恶棍变成了受欢迎的英雄。 结果 -超过 850.000 美元的媒体收入。 -会话: 34,615-注册用户: 27,739-页面访问: 190,369-新会话的百分比: 80.14%-用户达到: 6,624,581 (+ 250%)-社交网络 (FACEBOOK 和 TWITTER) 上的互动: 692,147 (+ 459%)-视频复制 (YOUTUBE): 498,736 (+ 100%)-社交网络 (FACEBOOK 和 TWITTER) 的追随者:33,732 (+ 87%)-网站流量 (点击): 11,556 (+ 16%)-22,000 人访问了网站。 -长永久时间 (4 分钟和 6 页访问)。 -超过 120 个使用 “警告” 按钮的垃圾倾倒报告,还有数百个在社交网络上的报告。-超过 5,000 个 “陆地秃鹫” 在网上注册。-在数字媒体上达到: 400万人,社交网络上的 120万互动。-活动的两个官方视频达到了 200万的复制品。-25,000 吨物理废物被 “陆地秃鹫” 清除。 相关性 有许多关于公共健康问题的宣传运动,但是承载关键信息的实际手段来自在天空中飞行的秃鹫,这是非常不寻常和创新的。在这场运动中,这些鸟类 (几个世纪以来一直是秘鲁沿海生态系统的一部分) 充当现场广播,通过全球定位系统发送实时数据。这使得地面上的追随者可以提醒当局注意隐藏在其他类型废物中的不健康的有机垃圾浓度。所有信息都由它们生成,并通过数字平台传递。 战略 目标 audiencePrimary: 利马的所有人口都可以上网。次要: 市政当局有权引导打击垃圾的斗争。媒体规划 100% 数字手段被用来引起关注和激励目标公众的参与。为此,我们求助于主要的社交网络,这使我们能够以客观的方式传播信息。接近内容是通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube 传播的; 它让人们参与到不同的行动中: 通过接收关于秃鹫活动、事件和视频的连续信息。 执行 我们训练并装备了一群十只秃鹫,配备了全球定位系统和摄像机,让他们飞越城市,在当局视线之外发现垃圾。每个人都有一个名字和一个 “声音”。一段视频呼吁人们采取行动。秃鹫是一个全新的,活的和明显的支持,促进这一运动。人们可以在 www 上跟踪他们的路径。 gallinazoavisa。 pe (秃鹫警告),接收提示,并被引导到非法垃圾点。当他们注册为志愿者 (“陆地秃鹫”) 时,他们参与了几次活动,从这些点清除垃圾。他们可以报告其他垃圾区域,并在网络、 Facebook 、 YouTube 和 Twitter 上与鸟类互动。在正式启动前五天,我们在社交网络上开始了一个简短的预告,以创造对这场十字军东征的期望,并吸引追随者。在发布会上,我们展示了活动视频和网络出版物,以激励参与一个半月。


    案例简介:Synopsis •Situation: In Lima over 7,400 tons of garbage is illegally dumped every day, mostly out of sight from municipal services. Huge amounts of organic garbage hidden among non-organic waste decompose really fast and become a source of infectious diseases. But people can’t spot it. •Brief: Let’s make visible the invisible, through an impressive and different way of creating awareness in the population and authorities about the garbage problem and forcing them to take action.•Objectives: To eradicate at least 25,000 tons of illegal garbage per month, creating awareness in the population about the garbage problem and generating a pool of at least 1000 permanent volunteers and bring about savings of at least USD$ 850,000 in traditional media. Campaign Description We used the help of vultures that have been part of Lima’s ecosystem for centuries. Vultures Warn is a tracking, identification and reporting system of contaminated areas in Lima carried out by ten vultures equipped with GPS and MD80 - DV HD mini cameras that overfly the city, working as live radars that detect accumulated garbage. People can track the vultures’ paths on a Website, and thus detect where exactly the contaminated areas are. They can sign up and clean these areas as active volunteers. Though vultures have been around Lima for 14,000 years cleaning the city of garbage, they are considered dirty scavengers by Peruvians. What they don’t know is that the same birds that scare them could be their best allies in this fight, changing from ignored villains to popular heroes. Outcome -Over USD$ 850.000 in earned media.-SESSIONS: 34,615- REGISTERED USERS: 27,739- PAGES VISITED: 190,369- PERCENTAGE OF NEW SESSIONS: 80.14%- USERS REACHED: 6,624,581 (+250%) - INTERACTIONS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS (FACEBOOK AND TWITTER): 692,147 (+459%)- VIDEO REPRODUCTIONS (YOUTUBE): 498,736 (+100%)- FOLLOWERS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS (FACEBOOK AND TWITTER): 33,732 (+87%)- TRAFFIC ON WEBSITE (CLICKS): 11,556 (+16%)- 22 thousand people visited the site.- Long permanence time (4 minutes and 6 pages visited).- More than 120 reports on garbage dumping using the “warn” button and a hundred more on the social networks. - More than 5,000 "Land Vultures" registered on the Web. - Reach on digital media: 4 million people, 1.2 million interactions on social networks. - The two official videos of the campaign reached 2 million reproductions. - 25,000 tons of physical waste removed by “Land Vultures”. Relevancy There are many awareness campaigns about public health issues, but it is highly unusual and innovative that the actual means of carrying the key message comes from vultures flying in the skies. In this campaign, these birds (which have been part of the Peruvian coastal ecosystem for centuries) act as live broadcasters, sending real-time data through a GPS. This allows followers down on the ground to alert authorities about unhealthy concentrations of organic garbage hidden among other type of waste material. All messages are generated by them and channeled through digital platforms. Strategy •Target audiencePrimary: The entire population of Lima with access to the Internet.Secondary: Municipalities and authorities with the power to channel the fight against garbage.•Media planning 100% digital means were used to generate attention and incentivize the participation of the target public. For this purpose, we resorted to the main social networks, which allowed us to disseminate the message in an objective way.•Approach The content was disseminated through: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; it made people get involved in the different actions carried out: by receiving continuous messages about the Vultures’ activities, events and videos. Execution We trained and equipped a group of ten vultures with GPS and cameras to overfly the city and detect garbage out of sight from authorities. Each one had a name and a “voice”.A video called people to action.Vultures are an entirely new, live and visible support for promoting this campaign.People can track their paths on www.gallinazoavisa.pe (Vultures Warn), receive tips and be guided to illegal garbage points. As they sign up as volunteers (“Land Vultures”) they participate in several activations to eradicate garbage from those points. They can report other garbage areas and interact with the birds on the web, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.We started a short teaser on the social networks, five days before the official launching to create expectations about this crusade and to attract followers. At the launching, we showed the campaign video together with network publications to motivate participation for a month and a half.

    Vultures Warn

    案例简介:概要 情况: 在利马,每天有超过 7,400 吨的垃圾被非法倾倒,大部分是在市政部门看不到的地方。隐藏在非有机垃圾中的大量有机垃圾分解速度非常快,成为传染病的来源。但是人们不能发现它。简介: 让我们通过一种令人印象深刻的不同方式,让民众和当局意识到垃圾问题,并迫使他们采取行动,让无形变得可见。目标: 每月至少根除 25,000 吨非法垃圾,提高人们对垃圾问题的认识,培养至少 1000 名永久志愿者,并在传统媒体上节省至少 850,000 美元。 活动描述 我们利用了几个世纪以来一直是利马生态系统一部分的秃鹫的帮助。秃鹫警告是一个跟踪、识别和报告利马污染区的系统,由十只配备了全球定位系统和 MD80-DV 高清微型摄像机的秃鹫执行,这些摄像机覆盖了整个城市, 作为探测累积垃圾的实时雷达工作。人们可以在网站上跟踪秃鹫的路径,从而检测污染地区的确切位置。他们可以作为积极的志愿者注册并清理这些区域。尽管秃鹫已经在利马周围清理城市垃圾 14,000 年了,但他们被秘鲁人认为是肮脏的拾荒者。他们不知道的是,在这场战斗中,恐吓他们的鸟类可能是他们最好的盟友,从被忽视的恶棍变成了受欢迎的英雄。 结果 -超过 850.000 美元的媒体收入。 -会话: 34,615-注册用户: 27,739-页面访问: 190,369-新会话的百分比: 80.14%-用户达到: 6,624,581 (+ 250%)-社交网络 (FACEBOOK 和 TWITTER) 上的互动: 692,147 (+ 459%)-视频复制 (YOUTUBE): 498,736 (+ 100%)-社交网络 (FACEBOOK 和 TWITTER) 的追随者:33,732 (+ 87%)-网站流量 (点击): 11,556 (+ 16%)-22,000 人访问了网站。 -长永久时间 (4 分钟和 6 页访问)。 -超过 120 个使用 “警告” 按钮的垃圾倾倒报告,还有数百个在社交网络上的报告。-超过 5,000 个 “陆地秃鹫” 在网上注册。-在数字媒体上达到: 400万人,社交网络上的 120万互动。-活动的两个官方视频达到了 200万的复制品。-25,000 吨物理废物被 “陆地秃鹫” 清除。 相关性 有许多关于公共健康问题的宣传运动,但是承载关键信息的实际手段来自在天空中飞行的秃鹫,这是非常不寻常和创新的。在这场运动中,这些鸟类 (几个世纪以来一直是秘鲁沿海生态系统的一部分) 充当现场广播,通过全球定位系统发送实时数据。这使得地面上的追随者可以提醒当局注意隐藏在其他类型废物中的不健康的有机垃圾浓度。所有信息都由它们生成,并通过数字平台传递。 战略 目标 audiencePrimary: 利马的所有人口都可以上网。次要: 市政当局有权引导打击垃圾的斗争。媒体规划 100% 数字手段被用来引起关注和激励目标公众的参与。为此,我们求助于主要的社交网络,这使我们能够以客观的方式传播信息。接近内容是通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube 传播的; 它让人们参与到不同的行动中: 通过接收关于秃鹫活动、事件和视频的连续信息。 执行 我们训练并装备了一群十只秃鹫,配备了全球定位系统和摄像机,让他们飞越城市,在当局视线之外发现垃圾。每个人都有一个名字和一个 “声音”。一段视频呼吁人们采取行动。秃鹫是一个全新的,活的和明显的支持,促进这一运动。人们可以在 www 上跟踪他们的路径。 gallinazoavisa。 pe (秃鹫警告),接收提示,并被引导到非法垃圾点。当他们注册为志愿者 (“陆地秃鹫”) 时,他们参与了几次活动,从这些点清除垃圾。他们可以报告其他垃圾区域,并在网络、 Facebook 、 YouTube 和 Twitter 上与鸟类互动。在正式启动前五天,我们在社交网络上开始了一个简短的预告,以创造对这场十字军东征的期望,并吸引追随者。在发布会上,我们展示了活动视频和网络出版物,以激励参与一个半月。

    Vultures Warn

    案例简介:Synopsis •Situation: In Lima over 7,400 tons of garbage is illegally dumped every day, mostly out of sight from municipal services. Huge amounts of organic garbage hidden among non-organic waste decompose really fast and become a source of infectious diseases. But people can’t spot it. •Brief: Let’s make visible the invisible, through an impressive and different way of creating awareness in the population and authorities about the garbage problem and forcing them to take action.•Objectives: To eradicate at least 25,000 tons of illegal garbage per month, creating awareness in the population about the garbage problem and generating a pool of at least 1000 permanent volunteers and bring about savings of at least USD$ 850,000 in traditional media. Campaign Description We used the help of vultures that have been part of Lima’s ecosystem for centuries. Vultures Warn is a tracking, identification and reporting system of contaminated areas in Lima carried out by ten vultures equipped with GPS and MD80 - DV HD mini cameras that overfly the city, working as live radars that detect accumulated garbage. People can track the vultures’ paths on a Website, and thus detect where exactly the contaminated areas are. They can sign up and clean these areas as active volunteers. Though vultures have been around Lima for 14,000 years cleaning the city of garbage, they are considered dirty scavengers by Peruvians. What they don’t know is that the same birds that scare them could be their best allies in this fight, changing from ignored villains to popular heroes. Outcome -Over USD$ 850.000 in earned media.-SESSIONS: 34,615- REGISTERED USERS: 27,739- PAGES VISITED: 190,369- PERCENTAGE OF NEW SESSIONS: 80.14%- USERS REACHED: 6,624,581 (+250%) - INTERACTIONS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS (FACEBOOK AND TWITTER): 692,147 (+459%)- VIDEO REPRODUCTIONS (YOUTUBE): 498,736 (+100%)- FOLLOWERS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS (FACEBOOK AND TWITTER): 33,732 (+87%)- TRAFFIC ON WEBSITE (CLICKS): 11,556 (+16%)- 22 thousand people visited the site.- Long permanence time (4 minutes and 6 pages visited).- More than 120 reports on garbage dumping using the “warn” button and a hundred more on the social networks. - More than 5,000 "Land Vultures" registered on the Web. - Reach on digital media: 4 million people, 1.2 million interactions on social networks. - The two official videos of the campaign reached 2 million reproductions. - 25,000 tons of physical waste removed by “Land Vultures”. Relevancy There are many awareness campaigns about public health issues, but it is highly unusual and innovative that the actual means of carrying the key message comes from vultures flying in the skies. In this campaign, these birds (which have been part of the Peruvian coastal ecosystem for centuries) act as live broadcasters, sending real-time data through a GPS. This allows followers down on the ground to alert authorities about unhealthy concentrations of organic garbage hidden among other type of waste material. All messages are generated by them and channeled through digital platforms. Strategy •Target audiencePrimary: The entire population of Lima with access to the Internet.Secondary: Municipalities and authorities with the power to channel the fight against garbage.•Media planning 100% digital means were used to generate attention and incentivize the participation of the target public. For this purpose, we resorted to the main social networks, which allowed us to disseminate the message in an objective way.•Approach The content was disseminated through: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; it made people get involved in the different actions carried out: by receiving continuous messages about the Vultures’ activities, events and videos. Execution We trained and equipped a group of ten vultures with GPS and cameras to overfly the city and detect garbage out of sight from authorities. Each one had a name and a “voice”.A video called people to action.Vultures are an entirely new, live and visible support for promoting this campaign.People can track their paths on www.gallinazoavisa.pe (Vultures Warn), receive tips and be guided to illegal garbage points. As they sign up as volunteers (“Land Vultures”) they participate in several activations to eradicate garbage from those points. They can report other garbage areas and interact with the birds on the web, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.We started a short teaser on the social networks, five days before the official launching to create expectations about this crusade and to attract followers. At the launching, we showed the campaign video together with network publications to motivate participation for a month and a half.



    Vultures Warn










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