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    Potable Water Generator短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述客户的简报 2013 的申请期即将开始,所以工程技术大学 UTEC 需要一个解决方案来让学生对申请工程项目感兴趣。 如今,即使对于像 PlayStation 这样的娱乐领域的品牌来说,吸引青少年的注意力也是相当困难的,所以想象一下作为一所工程大学试图这样做。 促进发展 工程技术大学相信世界可以通过工程来改变,所以我们决定从改变我们的城市开始。 为了在申请期间吸引学生的注意力,并考虑到利马是世界第二大沙漠之都,因此缺乏饮用水是一个巨大的问题, UTEC 和该机构设计并建造了一个特殊的广告牌: 世界上第一个从空气中生产饮用水的广告牌。 结果 客户对竞选的结果感到惊讶。UTEC 2013年的申请大幅增加; 比前一年增加了 38%。这意味着学生们得到了这个信息。 此外,广告牌正在帮助数百个无法获得纯净饮用水的家庭。我们在 3 个月内生产了 9,450 升饮用水。 只有一个广告牌,我们为 UTEC 赢得了公关政变。关于第一个从空气中产生饮用水的广告牌的消息在全球范围内盘旋。IIt 在电视、印刷、报纸、互联网和社交媒体上传播迅速。 与产品/服务的相关性 向学生展示工程可以改变世界的最好方法是用 “产品演示” 来证明这一点。 广告牌被我们想吸引注意力的年轻学生看到,学生们可以看到工程可以改变世界,然后申请自己学习工程。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client The application period for 2013 was about to open, so UTEC, The University of Engineering and Technology, needed a solution to get students interested in applying for an engineering programme. Nowadays, getting teenagers' attention is quite difficult even for brands in the entertainment segment like PlayStation so imagine being an Engineering University trying to do it. Promotion Development The University of Engineering and Technology believes the world can be changed through engineering, so we decided to start by changing our city. To attract students' attention during the application period, and having in mind that Lima is the second largest desert capital in the world so the lack of drinkable water is a huge problem, UTEC and the agency designed and built a special billboard: The world's first billboard that produces drinkable water out of air. Results The client was surprised by the results of the campaign. UTEC applications in 2013 increased considerably; they were up by 38% from the previous year. That means that students got the message. In addition, the billboard is helping hundreds of families that didn’t have access to pure drinking water. We produced more than 9,450 litres of drinkable water in 3 months. With just one billboard, we scored a public relations coup for UTEC. The news about the first billboard that produces potable water out of air circled the globe. IIt spread quickly on TV, print, newspapers, internet and social media. Relevancy to Product/Service The best way to show students that engineering could change the world, was to prove it with a 'product demo'. The billboard was seen by the young students whose attention we wanted to attract, students could see that engineering can change the world, and then apply to study engineering themselves.

    Potable Water Generator

    案例简介:描述客户的简报 2013 的申请期即将开始,所以工程技术大学 UTEC 需要一个解决方案来让学生对申请工程项目感兴趣。 如今,即使对于像 PlayStation 这样的娱乐领域的品牌来说,吸引青少年的注意力也是相当困难的,所以想象一下作为一所工程大学试图这样做。 促进发展 工程技术大学相信世界可以通过工程来改变,所以我们决定从改变我们的城市开始。 为了在申请期间吸引学生的注意力,并考虑到利马是世界第二大沙漠之都,因此缺乏饮用水是一个巨大的问题, UTEC 和该机构设计并建造了一个特殊的广告牌: 世界上第一个从空气中生产饮用水的广告牌。 结果 客户对竞选的结果感到惊讶。UTEC 2013年的申请大幅增加; 比前一年增加了 38%。这意味着学生们得到了这个信息。 此外,广告牌正在帮助数百个无法获得纯净饮用水的家庭。我们在 3 个月内生产了 9,450 升饮用水。 只有一个广告牌,我们为 UTEC 赢得了公关政变。关于第一个从空气中产生饮用水的广告牌的消息在全球范围内盘旋。IIt 在电视、印刷、报纸、互联网和社交媒体上传播迅速。 与产品/服务的相关性 向学生展示工程可以改变世界的最好方法是用 “产品演示” 来证明这一点。 广告牌被我们想吸引注意力的年轻学生看到,学生们可以看到工程可以改变世界,然后申请自己学习工程。

    Potable Water Generator

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client The application period for 2013 was about to open, so UTEC, The University of Engineering and Technology, needed a solution to get students interested in applying for an engineering programme. Nowadays, getting teenagers' attention is quite difficult even for brands in the entertainment segment like PlayStation so imagine being an Engineering University trying to do it. Promotion Development The University of Engineering and Technology believes the world can be changed through engineering, so we decided to start by changing our city. To attract students' attention during the application period, and having in mind that Lima is the second largest desert capital in the world so the lack of drinkable water is a huge problem, UTEC and the agency designed and built a special billboard: The world's first billboard that produces drinkable water out of air. Results The client was surprised by the results of the campaign. UTEC applications in 2013 increased considerably; they were up by 38% from the previous year. That means that students got the message. In addition, the billboard is helping hundreds of families that didn’t have access to pure drinking water. We produced more than 9,450 litres of drinkable water in 3 months. With just one billboard, we scored a public relations coup for UTEC. The news about the first billboard that produces potable water out of air circled the globe. IIt spread quickly on TV, print, newspapers, internet and social media. Relevancy to Product/Service The best way to show students that engineering could change the world, was to prove it with a 'product demo'. The billboard was seen by the young students whose attention we wanted to attract, students could see that engineering can change the world, and then apply to study engineering themselves.



    Potable Water Generator





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