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    Kibo 科学 360-与谷歌的太空实验

    案例简介:结果 宇航员奥尼希的直播和它的预告被观看了 160万多次,这个项目甚至登上了国家新闻。 kibo Science 360 头盔和体验现在在日本顶级科学博物馆米拉坎的一个特别展览中展出,在 JAXA 的筑波航天中心 -- 每月有数百名学生参观。 概要 KIBO (意思是 “希望”) 是日本宇宙航空研究开发机构为国际空间站开发的日本科学模块。但是学童对日本太空计划的兴趣正在减弱。JAXA 和谷歌希望一起强调科学的重要性和相关性,并让它再次令人兴奋。我们开始激励和积极地让下一代宇航员参与太空,并教育他们关于 JAXA 在国际空间站上的科学贡献。 战略 下一代宇航员目前正坐在全国各地的课桌后面 -- 对他们来说,科学是复杂的,太空是光年之外的。我们想以动手的方式使用创新技术,让国际空间站更近一点,并向学生展示科学在太空中有多少惊人的应用。我们与 JAXA 一起开发了一系列基于微重力和国际空间站上进行的真实实验的虚拟现实游戏。与纸板空间头盔一起,虚拟和物理世界第一次相遇,让孩子们沉浸在这种移动虚拟现实体验中。 活动描述 孩子们喜欢玩、建造和制造东西 -- 这是他们学习最好的方式。所以,我们想通过动手的方式使用创新技术来拉近空间。作为折纸的故乡,日本的学童精通纸艺。我们认为将旧传统与虚拟现实新技术结合起来是向学生展示科学在太空中有多少惊人应用的完美方式。JAXA 和谷歌创建了 KIBO科学 360 -- 第一个将任何人变成宇航员的虚拟现实纸板太空头盔。头盔是由一块纸板制成的,可以像折纸一样组装。贴花包被包括在内,用于个性化曾经建造的头盔。谷歌纸板内置在遮阳板上。只需插入您的智能手机,准备前往国际空间站,并与日本宇航员大西高谷一起进行实验。 执行 为了把这个项目送到学校、博物馆和孩子们手中,我们必须利用我们拥有的一切 -- 幸运的是我们有空间! 我们将头盔交给了日本的关键科技影响者,并于 10月26日从国际空间站直接与大西拓谷一起进行了 YouTube 直播,2016-要做到这一点,发射日期和时间必须非常精确!! 直播由 YouTube 创作者 Hajime-Shacho 和宇航员 Akihiko Hoshide 主持,并在筑波太空中心主持。我们邀请了 10 名优秀的学生接受他们自己的头盔,并向大西本人询问关于太空生活的问题。此外,我们还向日本各地的学校发送了数百名品牌 Kibo 360 Science Google Cardboard 观众。头盔和体验在日本最受欢迎的科学博物馆 Miraikan 的一个特别展览中展出,现在住在 JAXA 的筑波航天中心。

    Kibo 科学 360-与谷歌的太空实验

    案例简介:Outcome The live stream with Astronaut Onishi and it’s teaser was viewed over 1.6 million times, and the project even made it onto the national news.The Kibo Science 360 helmet and experience is now featured in a special exhibition at the Miraikan, Japan’s top science museum, and at JAXA’s Tsukuba Space Centre - visited by hundreds of school children every month. Synopsis KIBO (meaning ‘Hope’) is the Japanese science module for the ISS developed by JAXA. But interest in Japan’s Space Program is waning amongst school children. Together, JAXA and Google wanted to emphasize the importance and relevance of science and make it exciting again.We set out to inspire and actively engage the next generation of astronauts with space and educate them about JAXA’s scientific contributions onboard the ISS. Strategy The next generation of astronauts are currently sitting behind school desks around the country - to them science is complicated and space is light years away.We wanted to use innovative technology in a hands-on way to bring the ISS a little bit closer and show students how many amazing applications science has in space. Together with JAXA we developed a series of VR games based on microgravity and the real experiments taking place onboard the ISS. Together with the Cardboard Space Helmet the virtual and physical worlds met for the first time immersing kids in this mobile VR experience. CampaignDescription Kids love to play, build and make things - it’s how they learn best. So, we wanted to use innovative technology in a hands-on way to bring space a little bit closer.Being the home of origami, Japanese school children are well versed in paper craft. We thought combing that old tradition with the new technology of VR was the perfect way to show students how many amazing applications science has in space.JAXA and Google created KIBO SCIENCE 360 - the first ever VR Cardboard Space Helmet that turns anyone into an astronaut.The helmet was created from a single piece of cardboard that can be assembled like origami. Decal packs were included to personalize the helmets with once built.Google Cardboard is built into the visor. Simply insert your smartphone and get ready to travel to the International Space Station and conduct experiments alongside Japanese astronaut Takuya Onishi. Execution To get this project out to schools, museums and into the hands of kids we had to leverage everything we had - lucky we had space!We hand delivered the helmet to key science and technology influencers in Japan and conducted a live YouTube stream with Takuya Onishi direct from the ISS on October 26, 2016 - to make this happen the launch date and timing had to be extremely precise!!The livestream was hosted by YouTube creator Hajime-Shacho and astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and hosted at Tsukuba Space Center.We invited 10 top students to receive their very own helmet and ask Onishi himself questions about life in space. Furthermore we sent hundreds of branded Kibo 360 Science Google Cardboard viewers to schools across Japan.The helmet and experience was featured in a special exhibition at the Miraikan, Japan’s most popular science museum, and now lives at JAXA’s Tsukuba Space Centre.

    Kibo Science 360 - A Space Experiment With Google

    案例简介:结果 宇航员奥尼希的直播和它的预告被观看了 160万多次,这个项目甚至登上了国家新闻。 kibo Science 360 头盔和体验现在在日本顶级科学博物馆米拉坎的一个特别展览中展出,在 JAXA 的筑波航天中心 -- 每月有数百名学生参观。 概要 KIBO (意思是 “希望”) 是日本宇宙航空研究开发机构为国际空间站开发的日本科学模块。但是学童对日本太空计划的兴趣正在减弱。JAXA 和谷歌希望一起强调科学的重要性和相关性,并让它再次令人兴奋。我们开始激励和积极地让下一代宇航员参与太空,并教育他们关于 JAXA 在国际空间站上的科学贡献。 战略 下一代宇航员目前正坐在全国各地的课桌后面 -- 对他们来说,科学是复杂的,太空是光年之外的。我们想以动手的方式使用创新技术,让国际空间站更近一点,并向学生展示科学在太空中有多少惊人的应用。我们与 JAXA 一起开发了一系列基于微重力和国际空间站上进行的真实实验的虚拟现实游戏。与纸板空间头盔一起,虚拟和物理世界第一次相遇,让孩子们沉浸在这种移动虚拟现实体验中。 活动描述 孩子们喜欢玩、建造和制造东西 -- 这是他们学习最好的方式。所以,我们想通过动手的方式使用创新技术来拉近空间。作为折纸的故乡,日本的学童精通纸艺。我们认为将旧传统与虚拟现实新技术结合起来是向学生展示科学在太空中有多少惊人应用的完美方式。JAXA 和谷歌创建了 KIBO科学 360 -- 第一个将任何人变成宇航员的虚拟现实纸板太空头盔。头盔是由一块纸板制成的,可以像折纸一样组装。贴花包被包括在内,用于个性化曾经建造的头盔。谷歌纸板内置在遮阳板上。只需插入您的智能手机,准备前往国际空间站,并与日本宇航员大西高谷一起进行实验。 执行 为了把这个项目送到学校、博物馆和孩子们手中,我们必须利用我们拥有的一切 -- 幸运的是我们有空间! 我们将头盔交给了日本的关键科技影响者,并于 10月26日从国际空间站直接与大西拓谷一起进行了 YouTube 直播,2016-要做到这一点,发射日期和时间必须非常精确!! 直播由 YouTube 创作者 Hajime-Shacho 和宇航员 Akihiko Hoshide 主持,并在筑波太空中心主持。我们邀请了 10 名优秀的学生接受他们自己的头盔,并向大西本人询问关于太空生活的问题。此外,我们还向日本各地的学校发送了数百名品牌 Kibo 360 Science Google Cardboard 观众。头盔和体验在日本最受欢迎的科学博物馆 Miraikan 的一个特别展览中展出,现在住在 JAXA 的筑波航天中心。

    Kibo Science 360 - A Space Experiment With Google

    案例简介:Outcome The live stream with Astronaut Onishi and it’s teaser was viewed over 1.6 million times, and the project even made it onto the national news.The Kibo Science 360 helmet and experience is now featured in a special exhibition at the Miraikan, Japan’s top science museum, and at JAXA’s Tsukuba Space Centre - visited by hundreds of school children every month. Synopsis KIBO (meaning ‘Hope’) is the Japanese science module for the ISS developed by JAXA. But interest in Japan’s Space Program is waning amongst school children. Together, JAXA and Google wanted to emphasize the importance and relevance of science and make it exciting again.We set out to inspire and actively engage the next generation of astronauts with space and educate them about JAXA’s scientific contributions onboard the ISS. Strategy The next generation of astronauts are currently sitting behind school desks around the country - to them science is complicated and space is light years away.We wanted to use innovative technology in a hands-on way to bring the ISS a little bit closer and show students how many amazing applications science has in space. Together with JAXA we developed a series of VR games based on microgravity and the real experiments taking place onboard the ISS. Together with the Cardboard Space Helmet the virtual and physical worlds met for the first time immersing kids in this mobile VR experience. CampaignDescription Kids love to play, build and make things - it’s how they learn best. So, we wanted to use innovative technology in a hands-on way to bring space a little bit closer.Being the home of origami, Japanese school children are well versed in paper craft. We thought combing that old tradition with the new technology of VR was the perfect way to show students how many amazing applications science has in space.JAXA and Google created KIBO SCIENCE 360 - the first ever VR Cardboard Space Helmet that turns anyone into an astronaut.The helmet was created from a single piece of cardboard that can be assembled like origami. Decal packs were included to personalize the helmets with once built.Google Cardboard is built into the visor. Simply insert your smartphone and get ready to travel to the International Space Station and conduct experiments alongside Japanese astronaut Takuya Onishi. Execution To get this project out to schools, museums and into the hands of kids we had to leverage everything we had - lucky we had space!We hand delivered the helmet to key science and technology influencers in Japan and conducted a live YouTube stream with Takuya Onishi direct from the ISS on October 26, 2016 - to make this happen the launch date and timing had to be extremely precise!!The livestream was hosted by YouTube creator Hajime-Shacho and astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and hosted at Tsukuba Space Center.We invited 10 top students to receive their very own helmet and ask Onishi himself questions about life in space. Furthermore we sent hundreds of branded Kibo 360 Science Google Cardboard viewers to schools across Japan.The helmet and experience was featured in a special exhibition at the Miraikan, Japan’s most popular science museum, and now lives at JAXA’s Tsukuba Space Centre.

    Kibo 科学 360-与谷歌的太空实验


    Kibo Science 360 - A Space Experiment With Google










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