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    Adobe Stock 服装

    案例简介:概要 任务是推出 Adobe Stock,这是股票照片市场中的一项新服务 -- 由几个非常强大和知名的竞争对手主导。挑战是将 Adobe 股票与竞争对手区分开来,并作为 Adobe 销售团队的开门红和对话启动器。此外,我们的目标是通过公关和社交媒体提高对 Adobe 股票的认识。具体目标/关键绩效指标和结果显示在结果部分。 执行 实施我们创建了一个由 t恤和运动衫组成的服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,其中 Adobe Stock 的实际论点印在 t恤洗涤标签上。一名时尚摄影师拍摄了穿着这些物品的模特的专业风格。这些收藏的图像随后被变成了一本时尚的 lookbook。我们在一个设计好的纸板箱里,把服装收藏的物品和 lookbook 一起寄给了相关的记者和影响者, 以及通过社交媒体和 Adobe 自己的渠道传播 lookbook 的数字图像。规模运动首先在北欧实施,然后在全球范围内实施。通过直销和 PR.PlatformWe 创建了一个网站,在那里我们展示了 lookbook,并介绍了 Adobe Stock 和该服务包括的好处。时间线 2016-05-31-2016-09-30 战略 我们的策略是利用股票照片机构最大的弱点,并利用它们为我们带来优势。我们结合了两个极端,以便在普通股票照片代理类别中采取非常规行动。为了确保 Adobe 作为一个品牌和 Adobe Stock 的好处会在所有情况下出现,我们将该系列命名为: Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,并确保将 Adobes 库存的实际使用理由整合到衣服上,把它们贴在洗涤标签上。行动要求是通过联系 Adobe 销售团队触发目标组从收藏中订购物品。 活动描述 创意的想法是把最常用的陈词滥调照片创意专业人士爱恨,并把它们放在一个时尚的背景下。利用股票照片中最大的弱点 -- 一。我们创造了一个服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,在这里我们将陈词滥调照片放在时尚环境中。这导致了一场直接营销活动,服装和 lookbooks 被发送给我们的目标群体 -- 创意总监。我们还向选定的记者和有影响力的人发送了这些项目和 lookbooks,以激发他们对创意论坛活动的兴趣。 相关性 任务是向创意总监推出 Adobe Stock,这是股票照片市场中的一项新服务。目标是为 Adobe 销售团队创建一个开门器和对话启动器。我们的创意是利用库存照片中最大的弱点 -- 即创意专业人士喜欢讨厌的陈词滥调照片。我们创建了一个服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16 -- 我们将陈词滥调照片放在时尚环境中。衣服和样书被发送给目标群体、记者和影响者。图像也通过社交媒体传播。 结果 销售目标: 达到 10% 的转化率 (预订会议)。结果: 转换 (与联系的公司相关的预订销售会议) 总计 42%。销售目标超过 320%。公关目标达到: 10 000 000 总范围全球结果: 总范围达到 720,000,000。目标超过 7100%。PR 目标插入: 10 个国家的 30 篇编辑文章结果: 编辑文章数量: 33 个国家的 131 篇。目标分别超过 336% 230%。社交媒体目标: 5 000 000 个印象结果: 81,000,000 个印象。目标超过 1520%。公关总额或活动总额为 990 万美元。

    Adobe Stock 服装

    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to launch Adobe Stock, a new service within the stock photo market - which is dominated by a few very strong and well-known competitors. The challenge was to differentiate Adobe Stock from the competitors and function as a door opener and conversation starter for the Adobe sales team. Furthermore, our aim was to create awareness of Adobe Stock through PR and social media. Specific objectives/KPIs and results are presented in the result section. Execution Implementation We created a clothing collection consisting of T-shirts and Sweatshirts – Adobe Stock Apparel SS16, where the practical argument for Adobe Stock was printed on the T-shirts washing label. A fashion photographer shot the collection where the models wearing the items were professionally styled. The collection images were then turned into a fashion lookbook. We sent items of the clothing collection along with the lookbook to relevant journalists and influencers, in a designed cardboard box, as well as spreading digital images of the lookbook through social media and in Adobe’s own channels. Scale The campaign was first implemented in the Nordics and then carried out globally. via Direct Marketing and PR.PlatformWe created a website where we displayed the lookbook, as well as introducing Adobe Stock and the benefits the service include. Timeline 2016-05-31 – 2016-09-30 Strategy The strategy was to utilize the biggest perceived weaknesses of stock photo agencies and use them to our advantage. We combined two extremes in order to act unconventional in the generic stock photo agency category. To make sure that Adobe as a brand and the benefits of Adobe Stock would come across in all contexts we named the collection: Adobe Stock Apparel SS16, and made sure that the practical arguments for using Adobes Stock was integrated in to the clothes by putting them on the washing labels.Call to action was to trigger the target group to order items from the collection by contacting the Adobe sales team. CampaignDescription The creative idea was to take the most used cliché photos creative professionals love to hate and put them in a fashion context. By taking advantage of the biggest perceived weakness among stock photos – i.e the cliché photos creative professionals love to hate, we created a clothing collection – Adobe Stock Apparel SS16 where we put the cliché photos in a fashion context. This resulted in a Direct Marketing campaign where clothing items and lookbooks were sent to our target group - Creative Director. We also sent the items and lookbooks to selected journalists and influencers to spark the interest for the campaign in creative forums. Relevancy The task was to launch Adobe Stock, a new service within the stock photo market, towards Creative Directors. The objective was to create a door opener and conversation starter for the Adobe sales team. Our creative idea was to take advantage of the biggest perceived weakness among stock photos - i.e the cliché photos creative professionals love to hate. We created a clothing collection - Adobe Stock Apparel SS16 - where we put the cliché photos in a fashion context. Clothes and lookbooks were sent to the target group, journalists and influencers. Images were also spread through social media. Outcome Sales objectives: Achieve a conversion rate (booked meetings) of 10%.Result: Conversion (booked sales meetings in relation to companies contacted) totaled 42%. Sales target exceeded by 320%.PR objectives reach: 10 000 000 gross range globally Result: Total gross range amounted to 720,000,000. Target exceeded by 7100%.PR objectives insertions: 30 editorial articles in 10 countriesResult: Number of editorial articles: 131 in 33 countries. Target exceeded by 336% respective 230%.Social media objectives: 5 000 000 impressions Result: 81,000,000 impressions. Target exceeded by 1520%.The total PR value or the campaign amounted to 9,9 million USD.

    Adobe Stock Apparel

    案例简介:概要 任务是推出 Adobe Stock,这是股票照片市场中的一项新服务 -- 由几个非常强大和知名的竞争对手主导。挑战是将 Adobe 股票与竞争对手区分开来,并作为 Adobe 销售团队的开门红和对话启动器。此外,我们的目标是通过公关和社交媒体提高对 Adobe 股票的认识。具体目标/关键绩效指标和结果显示在结果部分。 执行 实施我们创建了一个由 t恤和运动衫组成的服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,其中 Adobe Stock 的实际论点印在 t恤洗涤标签上。一名时尚摄影师拍摄了穿着这些物品的模特的专业风格。这些收藏的图像随后被变成了一本时尚的 lookbook。我们在一个设计好的纸板箱里,把服装收藏的物品和 lookbook 一起寄给了相关的记者和影响者, 以及通过社交媒体和 Adobe 自己的渠道传播 lookbook 的数字图像。规模运动首先在北欧实施,然后在全球范围内实施。通过直销和 PR.PlatformWe 创建了一个网站,在那里我们展示了 lookbook,并介绍了 Adobe Stock 和该服务包括的好处。时间线 2016-05-31-2016-09-30 战略 我们的策略是利用股票照片机构最大的弱点,并利用它们为我们带来优势。我们结合了两个极端,以便在普通股票照片代理类别中采取非常规行动。为了确保 Adobe 作为一个品牌和 Adobe Stock 的好处会在所有情况下出现,我们将该系列命名为: Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,并确保将 Adobes 库存的实际使用理由整合到衣服上,把它们贴在洗涤标签上。行动要求是通过联系 Adobe 销售团队触发目标组从收藏中订购物品。 活动描述 创意的想法是把最常用的陈词滥调照片创意专业人士爱恨,并把它们放在一个时尚的背景下。利用股票照片中最大的弱点 -- 一。我们创造了一个服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16,在这里我们将陈词滥调照片放在时尚环境中。这导致了一场直接营销活动,服装和 lookbooks 被发送给我们的目标群体 -- 创意总监。我们还向选定的记者和有影响力的人发送了这些项目和 lookbooks,以激发他们对创意论坛活动的兴趣。 相关性 任务是向创意总监推出 Adobe Stock,这是股票照片市场中的一项新服务。目标是为 Adobe 销售团队创建一个开门器和对话启动器。我们的创意是利用库存照片中最大的弱点 -- 即创意专业人士喜欢讨厌的陈词滥调照片。我们创建了一个服装系列 -- Adobe Stock 服装 SS16 -- 我们将陈词滥调照片放在时尚环境中。衣服和样书被发送给目标群体、记者和影响者。图像也通过社交媒体传播。 结果 销售目标: 达到 10% 的转化率 (预订会议)。结果: 转换 (与联系的公司相关的预订销售会议) 总计 42%。销售目标超过 320%。公关目标达到: 10 000 000 总范围全球结果: 总范围达到 720,000,000。目标超过 7100%。PR 目标插入: 10 个国家的 30 篇编辑文章结果: 编辑文章数量: 33 个国家的 131 篇。目标分别超过 336% 230%。社交媒体目标: 5 000 000 个印象结果: 81,000,000 个印象。目标超过 1520%。公关总额或活动总额为 990 万美元。

    Adobe Stock Apparel

    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to launch Adobe Stock, a new service within the stock photo market - which is dominated by a few very strong and well-known competitors. The challenge was to differentiate Adobe Stock from the competitors and function as a door opener and conversation starter for the Adobe sales team. Furthermore, our aim was to create awareness of Adobe Stock through PR and social media. Specific objectives/KPIs and results are presented in the result section. Execution Implementation We created a clothing collection consisting of T-shirts and Sweatshirts – Adobe Stock Apparel SS16, where the practical argument for Adobe Stock was printed on the T-shirts washing label. A fashion photographer shot the collection where the models wearing the items were professionally styled. The collection images were then turned into a fashion lookbook. We sent items of the clothing collection along with the lookbook to relevant journalists and influencers, in a designed cardboard box, as well as spreading digital images of the lookbook through social media and in Adobe’s own channels. Scale The campaign was first implemented in the Nordics and then carried out globally. via Direct Marketing and PR.PlatformWe created a website where we displayed the lookbook, as well as introducing Adobe Stock and the benefits the service include. Timeline 2016-05-31 – 2016-09-30 Strategy The strategy was to utilize the biggest perceived weaknesses of stock photo agencies and use them to our advantage. We combined two extremes in order to act unconventional in the generic stock photo agency category. To make sure that Adobe as a brand and the benefits of Adobe Stock would come across in all contexts we named the collection: Adobe Stock Apparel SS16, and made sure that the practical arguments for using Adobes Stock was integrated in to the clothes by putting them on the washing labels.Call to action was to trigger the target group to order items from the collection by contacting the Adobe sales team. CampaignDescription The creative idea was to take the most used cliché photos creative professionals love to hate and put them in a fashion context. By taking advantage of the biggest perceived weakness among stock photos – i.e the cliché photos creative professionals love to hate, we created a clothing collection – Adobe Stock Apparel SS16 where we put the cliché photos in a fashion context. This resulted in a Direct Marketing campaign where clothing items and lookbooks were sent to our target group - Creative Director. We also sent the items and lookbooks to selected journalists and influencers to spark the interest for the campaign in creative forums. Relevancy The task was to launch Adobe Stock, a new service within the stock photo market, towards Creative Directors. The objective was to create a door opener and conversation starter for the Adobe sales team. Our creative idea was to take advantage of the biggest perceived weakness among stock photos - i.e the cliché photos creative professionals love to hate. We created a clothing collection - Adobe Stock Apparel SS16 - where we put the cliché photos in a fashion context. Clothes and lookbooks were sent to the target group, journalists and influencers. Images were also spread through social media. Outcome Sales objectives: Achieve a conversion rate (booked meetings) of 10%.Result: Conversion (booked sales meetings in relation to companies contacted) totaled 42%. Sales target exceeded by 320%.PR objectives reach: 10 000 000 gross range globally Result: Total gross range amounted to 720,000,000. Target exceeded by 7100%.PR objectives insertions: 30 editorial articles in 10 countriesResult: Number of editorial articles: 131 in 33 countries. Target exceeded by 336% respective 230%.Social media objectives: 5 000 000 impressions Result: 81,000,000 impressions. Target exceeded by 1520%.The total PR value or the campaign amounted to 9,9 million USD.

    Adobe Stock 服装


    Adobe Stock Apparel










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