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    Adobe Hidden Treasures: The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus海报/平面广告营销案例



    Adobe隐藏的宝藏: 包豪斯失落的排版

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 包豪斯 (Bauhaus) 失落的版式将印刷艺术史的一部分交给了新一代设计师,鼓励他们通过数字激活和创造力来保持包豪斯 (Bauhaus) 的遗产。 数据显示,与我们的其他产品相比,Adobe字体的使用率和试用版下载量较低。 该团队专注于创造一种能唤起包豪斯美学的外观,但牢记Adobe的现代视觉风格,用一只眼睛来补充而不是阴影来突出每种字体的独特品质。 这项世界首创的计划导致886,000字体下载,超出预期8,760%。 背景 Adobe Fonts (以前是Adobe Typekit) 是一种在线订阅服务,可访问成千上万种高质量字体的库。该服务集成在所有Adobe Creative Cloud应用程序中,例如Photoshop,Illustrator和InDesign。 在夏季2018,我们试图激励我们的数百万创意社区将版式纳入他们的工作,目的是提高我们的字体服务和创意云应用程序的知名度和使用率。 而且由于Adobe是创造力的代名词,因此该活动需要反映我们的传统并传达设计和版式对我们的DNA至关重要的信息。 描述创意 (投票30%) 在20世纪20年代中,标志性的包豪斯设计学院奠定了现代设计的基础。但是学校的进步思想对纳粹政权构成了威胁,1932年在成立仅14年后,学校就被关闭了。许多珍宝,包括今天被认为是现代经典的美术,手工艺品和排版,都被抛在了后面-迷失了历史。 为了庆祝这所传奇学校成立100周年,Adobe与包豪斯·德绍基金会和世界著名的印刷师Erik Spiekermann合作,完成并数字化了埋在学校档案中的标志性字母。使用原始的字母片段和手绘草图,一组国际排字师和设计学生完成并数字化了五个新的字体系列。 这些来自包豪斯大师的永恒字体隐藏了近一个世纪,现在已经掌握在新一代设计师手中。 描述策略 (投票20%) 为了吸引我们的创意专业人士的目标受众,该策略以 “隐藏的宝藏” 为主题。这个想法是为了带回包豪斯大师失落的印刷作品,并利用这些历史宝藏来激发新一代的艺术家和设计师。 与包豪斯·德绍基金会 (Bauhaus Dessau Foundation) 和世界上最重要的排版权威之一埃里克·斯皮克曼 (Erik Spiekermann) 合作,我们将丢失的字母片段和草图从不完整的字母转换为五个新的功能齐全的字体集。 我们以多渠道策略 (现场活动,公关,网络,社交) 为目标受众,并鼓励他们 “下载字体” 和 “像大师一样设计”。 描述执行 (投票20%) 新的包豪斯字体集分五个阶段发布,在我们的微型网站上以及通过公关、社交和电子邮件程序宣布。这些字体可以在Adobe fonts网站上下载,并且对所有Adobe Creative Cloud成员免费。 在从6月15日到2018年9月31日的集成在线活动中,有关该项目的字体和故事通过Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Adobe live streams在全球传播,并在纽约,洛杉矶,伦敦,巴黎和汉堡。 通过在Instagram,Twitter和Behance上进行的由五部分组成的一系列比赛来激活目标受众,在这些比赛中,我们挑战他们使用字体来设计品牌标识。 我们还通过有影响力的合作,现场直播,广告系列广告,YouTube教程和13分钟的幕后纪录片启发了目标受众。 列出结果 (投票30%) 目标: 让创意社区和创意云成员感到惊讶和高兴,推动字体下载和Adobe应用程序的积极使用,并展示创意云的全部价值。 字体下载 目标: 10,000次下载 结果: 886,290次下载。超过目标8,762%。我们每天继续看到2,500字体下载。 社会参与 在全球范围内,该活动产生了15,600多个具有1.472亿潜在印象的社交帖子。 目标: 跨社交渠道500,000视频观看 实际数量: 100万 + 目标: 500设计挑战提交 结果: 提交超过2,000份,超过目标300% 份。 活动微型站点访问 目标: 50,000次访问 结果: 300,000次就诊,增加了500% 次 PR 目标: 相关目标媒体25篇文章 结果: 162篇文章,超过目标548%。 文章的总覆盖范围超过了8亿潜在的印象。总体情绪是积极的,大多数文章都提到f的推出。onts和如何下载它们的号召性用语。

    Adobe隐藏的宝藏: 包豪斯失落的排版

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus put pieces of typographical art history in the hands of a new generation of designers, encouraging them to keep the Bauhaus legacy alive through digital activations and creativity. Data showed that usage and trial downloads of Adobe Fonts was low in comparison to our other products. The team focused on creating a look that evoked the Bauhaus aesthetic, but kept in mind Adobe’s modern visual style, highlighting distinctive qualities of each font with an eye to complement rather than overshadow. The world-first initiative resulted in 886,000 font downloads, exceeding expectations by 8,760 percent. Background Adobe Fonts (previously Adobe Typekit) is an online subscription service that offers access to a library of thousands of high-quality fonts. The service is integrated in all Adobe Creative Cloud apps, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. In the summer 2018 we sought to inspire our community of millions of creatives to incorporate typography into their work, with the aim of increasing awareness and usage of our font service and Creative Cloud apps. And because Adobe is synonymous with creativity, the campaign needed to reflect our heritage and communicate that design and typography are central to our DNA. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) In the 1920s, the iconic Bauhaus school of design laid the foundation for modern design. But the school's progressive ideas were a threat to the Nazi regime and in 1932, just 14 years after it was founded, the school was shut down. Many treasures, including fine art, crafts, and typography that would be considered modern classics today, were left behind — lost to history. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the legendary school, Adobe partnered with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and world-renowned typographer Erik Spiekermann to complete and digitize iconic alphabets buried in the school's archives. Using original letter fragments and hand-drawn sketches, a team of international typographers and design students completed and digitized five new font families. Hidden for nearly a century, these timeless typefaces from Bauhaus masters are now in the hands of a new generation of designers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To engage our target audience of creative professionals, the strategy centered on the theme "Hidden Treasures." The idea was to bring back the lost typographical work of Bauhaus masters and use these historical treasures to inspire a new generation of artists and designers. In partnership with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and Erik Spiekermann, one of the world's foremost authorities on typography, we transformed lost letter fragments and sketches from incomplete alphabets into five new fully functional font sets. We targeted our audience with a multi-channel strategy — live events, PR, web, social — and encouraged them to "Download The Fonts" and "Design Like a Master." Describe the execution (20% of vote) The new Bauhaus font sets were released in five phases, announced on our microsite and through PR, social, and email programs. The fonts were available for download on the Adobe Fonts site and were free to all Adobe Creative Cloud members. In an integrated online campaign that ran from June 15 to September 31, 2018, the typefaces and story about the project were spread globally through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Adobe live streams, and showcased in live events in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, and Hamburg. The target audience was activated through a five-part series of competitions on Instagram, Twitter, and Behance, where we challenged them to use the typefaces to design a brand identity. We also inspired our target audience with influencer collaborations, live streams, campaign commercials, YouTube tutorials, and a 13-minute behind-the-scenes documentary. List the results (30% of vote) Goals: To surprise and delight the creative community and Creative Cloud members, drive font downloads and active use of Adobe apps, and showcase the full value of Creative Cloud. Font downloads Target: 10,000 downloads Result: 886,290 downloads. Exceeding target by 8,762 %. We continue to see 2,500 font downloads per day. Social engagement Worldwide, the campaign generated over 15,600 social posts with 147.2 million potential impressions. Target: 500,000 video views across social channels Actual number: 1 million + Target: 500 design challenge submissions Result: Over 2,000 submissions, exceeding target by 300%. Campaign microsite visits Target: 50,000 visits Result: 300,000 visits, an increase of 500% PR Target: 25 articles in relevant target media Result: 162 articles, exceeding target by 548%. Gross reach of the articles exceeds 800 million potential impressions. The overall sentiment was positive, with most articles mentioning the launch of fonts and the call-to-action on how to download them.

    Adobe Hidden Treasures: The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 包豪斯 (Bauhaus) 失落的版式将印刷艺术史的一部分交给了新一代设计师,鼓励他们通过数字激活和创造力来保持包豪斯 (Bauhaus) 的遗产。 数据显示,与我们的其他产品相比,Adobe字体的使用率和试用版下载量较低。 该团队专注于创造一种能唤起包豪斯美学的外观,但牢记Adobe的现代视觉风格,用一只眼睛来补充而不是阴影来突出每种字体的独特品质。 这项世界首创的计划导致886,000字体下载,超出预期8,760%。 背景 Adobe Fonts (以前是Adobe Typekit) 是一种在线订阅服务,可访问成千上万种高质量字体的库。该服务集成在所有Adobe Creative Cloud应用程序中,例如Photoshop,Illustrator和InDesign。 在夏季2018,我们试图激励我们的数百万创意社区将版式纳入他们的工作,目的是提高我们的字体服务和创意云应用程序的知名度和使用率。 而且由于Adobe是创造力的代名词,因此该活动需要反映我们的传统并传达设计和版式对我们的DNA至关重要的信息。 描述创意 (投票30%) 在20世纪20年代中,标志性的包豪斯设计学院奠定了现代设计的基础。但是学校的进步思想对纳粹政权构成了威胁,1932年在成立仅14年后,学校就被关闭了。许多珍宝,包括今天被认为是现代经典的美术,手工艺品和排版,都被抛在了后面-迷失了历史。 为了庆祝这所传奇学校成立100周年,Adobe与包豪斯·德绍基金会和世界著名的印刷师Erik Spiekermann合作,完成并数字化了埋在学校档案中的标志性字母。使用原始的字母片段和手绘草图,一组国际排字师和设计学生完成并数字化了五个新的字体系列。 这些来自包豪斯大师的永恒字体隐藏了近一个世纪,现在已经掌握在新一代设计师手中。 描述策略 (投票20%) 为了吸引我们的创意专业人士的目标受众,该策略以 “隐藏的宝藏” 为主题。这个想法是为了带回包豪斯大师失落的印刷作品,并利用这些历史宝藏来激发新一代的艺术家和设计师。 与包豪斯·德绍基金会 (Bauhaus Dessau Foundation) 和世界上最重要的排版权威之一埃里克·斯皮克曼 (Erik Spiekermann) 合作,我们将丢失的字母片段和草图从不完整的字母转换为五个新的功能齐全的字体集。 我们以多渠道策略 (现场活动,公关,网络,社交) 为目标受众,并鼓励他们 “下载字体” 和 “像大师一样设计”。 描述执行 (投票20%) 新的包豪斯字体集分五个阶段发布,在我们的微型网站上以及通过公关、社交和电子邮件程序宣布。这些字体可以在Adobe fonts网站上下载,并且对所有Adobe Creative Cloud成员免费。 在从6月15日到2018年9月31日的集成在线活动中,有关该项目的字体和故事通过Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Adobe live streams在全球传播,并在纽约,洛杉矶,伦敦,巴黎和汉堡。 通过在Instagram,Twitter和Behance上进行的由五部分组成的一系列比赛来激活目标受众,在这些比赛中,我们挑战他们使用字体来设计品牌标识。 我们还通过有影响力的合作,现场直播,广告系列广告,YouTube教程和13分钟的幕后纪录片启发了目标受众。 列出结果 (投票30%) 目标: 让创意社区和创意云成员感到惊讶和高兴,推动字体下载和Adobe应用程序的积极使用,并展示创意云的全部价值。 字体下载 目标: 10,000次下载 结果: 886,290次下载。超过目标8,762%。我们每天继续看到2,500字体下载。 社会参与 在全球范围内,该活动产生了15,600多个具有1.472亿潜在印象的社交帖子。 目标: 跨社交渠道500,000视频观看 实际数量: 100万 + 目标: 500设计挑战提交 结果: 提交超过2,000份,超过目标300% 份。 活动微型站点访问 目标: 50,000次访问 结果: 300,000次就诊,增加了500% 次 PR 目标: 相关目标媒体25篇文章 结果: 162篇文章,超过目标548%。 文章的总覆盖范围超过了8亿潜在的印象。总体情绪是积极的,大多数文章都提到f的推出。onts和如何下载它们的号召性用语。

    Adobe Hidden Treasures: The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus put pieces of typographical art history in the hands of a new generation of designers, encouraging them to keep the Bauhaus legacy alive through digital activations and creativity. Data showed that usage and trial downloads of Adobe Fonts was low in comparison to our other products. The team focused on creating a look that evoked the Bauhaus aesthetic, but kept in mind Adobe’s modern visual style, highlighting distinctive qualities of each font with an eye to complement rather than overshadow. The world-first initiative resulted in 886,000 font downloads, exceeding expectations by 8,760 percent. Background Adobe Fonts (previously Adobe Typekit) is an online subscription service that offers access to a library of thousands of high-quality fonts. The service is integrated in all Adobe Creative Cloud apps, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. In the summer 2018 we sought to inspire our community of millions of creatives to incorporate typography into their work, with the aim of increasing awareness and usage of our font service and Creative Cloud apps. And because Adobe is synonymous with creativity, the campaign needed to reflect our heritage and communicate that design and typography are central to our DNA. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) In the 1920s, the iconic Bauhaus school of design laid the foundation for modern design. But the school's progressive ideas were a threat to the Nazi regime and in 1932, just 14 years after it was founded, the school was shut down. Many treasures, including fine art, crafts, and typography that would be considered modern classics today, were left behind — lost to history. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the legendary school, Adobe partnered with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and world-renowned typographer Erik Spiekermann to complete and digitize iconic alphabets buried in the school's archives. Using original letter fragments and hand-drawn sketches, a team of international typographers and design students completed and digitized five new font families. Hidden for nearly a century, these timeless typefaces from Bauhaus masters are now in the hands of a new generation of designers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To engage our target audience of creative professionals, the strategy centered on the theme "Hidden Treasures." The idea was to bring back the lost typographical work of Bauhaus masters and use these historical treasures to inspire a new generation of artists and designers. In partnership with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and Erik Spiekermann, one of the world's foremost authorities on typography, we transformed lost letter fragments and sketches from incomplete alphabets into five new fully functional font sets. We targeted our audience with a multi-channel strategy — live events, PR, web, social — and encouraged them to "Download The Fonts" and "Design Like a Master." Describe the execution (20% of vote) The new Bauhaus font sets were released in five phases, announced on our microsite and through PR, social, and email programs. The fonts were available for download on the Adobe Fonts site and were free to all Adobe Creative Cloud members. In an integrated online campaign that ran from June 15 to September 31, 2018, the typefaces and story about the project were spread globally through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Adobe live streams, and showcased in live events in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, and Hamburg. The target audience was activated through a five-part series of competitions on Instagram, Twitter, and Behance, where we challenged them to use the typefaces to design a brand identity. We also inspired our target audience with influencer collaborations, live streams, campaign commercials, YouTube tutorials, and a 13-minute behind-the-scenes documentary. List the results (30% of vote) Goals: To surprise and delight the creative community and Creative Cloud members, drive font downloads and active use of Adobe apps, and showcase the full value of Creative Cloud. Font downloads Target: 10,000 downloads Result: 886,290 downloads. Exceeding target by 8,762 %. We continue to see 2,500 font downloads per day. Social engagement Worldwide, the campaign generated over 15,600 social posts with 147.2 million potential impressions. Target: 500,000 video views across social channels Actual number: 1 million + Target: 500 design challenge submissions Result: Over 2,000 submissions, exceeding target by 300%. Campaign microsite visits Target: 50,000 visits Result: 300,000 visits, an increase of 500% PR Target: 25 articles in relevant target media Result: 162 articles, exceeding target by 548%. Gross reach of the articles exceeds 800 million potential impressions. The overall sentiment was positive, with most articles mentioning the launch of fonts and the call-to-action on how to download them.

    Adobe隐藏的宝藏: 包豪斯失落的排版


    Adobe Hidden Treasures: The Lost Typography of the Bauhaus










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