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    案例简介:战略 Checkers 的 “快速美食家知道交易” 活动庆祝我们的目标 -- 毫不掩饰的快餐爱好者。这些快速美食家很年轻 (大多是 25-34 岁),收入较低,许多人看到他们周围的社区慢慢消失。从这个角度来看,我们看到了一个机会,告诉里克 · 罗斯的破布致富故事,并帮助他发起回购街区运动。我们的策略变得不仅仅是卖汉堡: 它成为了一个有助于增强我们观众力量的策略。 活动描述 我们的想法是发起一场运动,以只有跳棋才能授权我们的观众,由一个成功的邻里声音领导: 说唱大亨里克 · 罗斯。罗斯一直是跳棋的真正粉丝。他对这个品牌的热爱始于他在麦当劳旁边的一家洗车店工作。他几乎没有赚到足够的钱每天吃午饭,他会去跳棋,因为他们有最实惠、最美味的食物。首先我们把里克 · 罗斯童年时的跳棋卖给了他。我们跟着他回到了他的家乡卡罗尔市佛罗里达州,并在一部发起回购街区运动的在线纪录片中讲述了他的故事。然后罗斯放了一首同名的热门歌曲和视频,跳棋在歌词和专辑艺术中发挥作用,罗斯斥责一次买回一块砖。 结果 除了对我们的观众产生明显的影响,我们在被《纽约时报》、《滚石》、《旋转》和《 XXL 》等杂志报道后,突破了主流障碍。随着罗斯成为社交领域的活跃品牌大使,DJ Khaled 甚至在推特上与他的 327万粉丝分享了这个故事。其他统计数据包括:-花费 180万小时观看在线内容-超过 3亿的媒体印象-流量增长 4.4%,销售额增长 1.6%,这一趋势仍在继续。# BuyBackTheBlock 执行 首先我们把罗斯童年时的跳棋卖给了他。然后我们推出了一部关于他这样做的纪录片,并开始了回购街区运动。这部电影在 Uproxx 和 bro圣经上推出,并附有关于交易和运动的文章。宣传期从 12月19日到 1月8日。买回街区歌曲和音乐视频,这些视频呼唤罗斯的交易和跳棋品牌, 登上排行榜的榜首,不断提醒人们品牌与观众的联系。 概要 跳棋与社区成员有着真正的联系,他们是他们最大的粉丝。他们的观众大多是低收入的,可以看到品牌的虚假尝试。我们需要找到一种真正的方式,用有限的预算与他们联系。我们看到的品牌机会围绕着这样一个事实,即我们的大部分目标生活在随着失去社区所有权而慢慢消失的地区。他们觉得自己被赶出了他们多年来称之为家的社区。跳棋的成功与这些社区的成功直接相关


    案例简介:Strategy Checkers’ “Fast Foodies Know The Deal” campaign celebrates our target—unabashed lovers of fast food. These Fast Foodies are young (mostly 25-34), lower-income, and many are seeing the neighborhoods around them slowly disappear. From that insight, we saw an opportunity to tell Rick Ross’s rags to riches story and help him launch the Buy Back the Block movement. Our strategy became bigger than just selling burgers: it became one that would help empower our audience. CampaignDescription Our idea was to launch a movement to empower our audience in a way only Checkers could, led by a successful neighborhood voice: rap mogul Rick Ross. Ross has always been a genuine fan of Checkers. His love for the brand began when he was working at a car wash right next to McDonald’s. Hardly making enough to afford his lunch every day, he would go to Checkers since they had the most affordable and best tasting food. So first we sold Rick Ross his childhood Checkers. We followed him back to his hometown of Carroll City Florida, and told his story in an online documentary launching the Buy Back the Block movement. Then Ross dropped a hit song and video by the same name, with Checkers worked into the lyrics and album art as Ross raps about buying back his neighborhood one brick at a time. Outcome Aside from making a noticeable impact on our audience, we broke through mainstream barriers after being written about by the likes of New York Times, Rolling Stone, Spin, and XXL. Along with Ross being an active brand ambassador on social, DJ Khaled even shared the story on Twitter with his 3.27 Million followers. Other stats include:-1.8 Million hours spent watching online content -Over 300 Million media impressions-Traffic up 4.4% and Sales up 1.6% in a declining category-And the movement continues. #BuyBackTheBlock Execution First we sold Ross his childhood Checkers. Then we launched a documentary about him doing it, and kicking off the Buy Back the Block movement. The film launched on Uproxx and BroBible, accompanied by articles about the deal and the movement.The promotional period ran from December 19th – January 8th. The Buy Back the Block song and music video, which call out Ross’s deal and the Checkers brand, rose to the top of the charts and work as a constant reminder of the brand’s connection with the audience. Synopsis Checkers has a genuine connection with members of the community, who are their biggest fans. Their audience is mostly lower-income, and can spot insincere attempts from brands. We needed to find a way to connect with them in a genuine way, with a limited budget.The opportunity we saw for the brand centered around the fact that much of our target lives in areas that are slowly disappearing as they lose ownership of the community. They feel like they’re being pushed out of the neighborhoods they’ve called home for years. And the success of Checkers is directly tied to the success of these communities

    Buy Back the Block

    案例简介:战略 Checkers 的 “快速美食家知道交易” 活动庆祝我们的目标 -- 毫不掩饰的快餐爱好者。这些快速美食家很年轻 (大多是 25-34 岁),收入较低,许多人看到他们周围的社区慢慢消失。从这个角度来看,我们看到了一个机会,告诉里克 · 罗斯的破布致富故事,并帮助他发起回购街区运动。我们的策略变得不仅仅是卖汉堡: 它成为了一个有助于增强我们观众力量的策略。 活动描述 我们的想法是发起一场运动,以只有跳棋才能授权我们的观众,由一个成功的邻里声音领导: 说唱大亨里克 · 罗斯。罗斯一直是跳棋的真正粉丝。他对这个品牌的热爱始于他在麦当劳旁边的一家洗车店工作。他几乎没有赚到足够的钱每天吃午饭,他会去跳棋,因为他们有最实惠、最美味的食物。首先我们把里克 · 罗斯童年时的跳棋卖给了他。我们跟着他回到了他的家乡卡罗尔市佛罗里达州,并在一部发起回购街区运动的在线纪录片中讲述了他的故事。然后罗斯放了一首同名的热门歌曲和视频,跳棋在歌词和专辑艺术中发挥作用,罗斯斥责一次买回一块砖。 结果 除了对我们的观众产生明显的影响,我们在被《纽约时报》、《滚石》、《旋转》和《 XXL 》等杂志报道后,突破了主流障碍。随着罗斯成为社交领域的活跃品牌大使,DJ Khaled 甚至在推特上与他的 327万粉丝分享了这个故事。其他统计数据包括:-花费 180万小时观看在线内容-超过 3亿的媒体印象-流量增长 4.4%,销售额增长 1.6%,这一趋势仍在继续。# BuyBackTheBlock 执行 首先我们把罗斯童年时的跳棋卖给了他。然后我们推出了一部关于他这样做的纪录片,并开始了回购街区运动。这部电影在 Uproxx 和 bro圣经上推出,并附有关于交易和运动的文章。宣传期从 12月19日到 1月8日。买回街区歌曲和音乐视频,这些视频呼唤罗斯的交易和跳棋品牌, 登上排行榜的榜首,不断提醒人们品牌与观众的联系。 概要 跳棋与社区成员有着真正的联系,他们是他们最大的粉丝。他们的观众大多是低收入的,可以看到品牌的虚假尝试。我们需要找到一种真正的方式,用有限的预算与他们联系。我们看到的品牌机会围绕着这样一个事实,即我们的大部分目标生活在随着失去社区所有权而慢慢消失的地区。他们觉得自己被赶出了他们多年来称之为家的社区。跳棋的成功与这些社区的成功直接相关

    Buy Back the Block

    案例简介:Strategy Checkers’ “Fast Foodies Know The Deal” campaign celebrates our target—unabashed lovers of fast food. These Fast Foodies are young (mostly 25-34), lower-income, and many are seeing the neighborhoods around them slowly disappear. From that insight, we saw an opportunity to tell Rick Ross’s rags to riches story and help him launch the Buy Back the Block movement. Our strategy became bigger than just selling burgers: it became one that would help empower our audience. CampaignDescription Our idea was to launch a movement to empower our audience in a way only Checkers could, led by a successful neighborhood voice: rap mogul Rick Ross. Ross has always been a genuine fan of Checkers. His love for the brand began when he was working at a car wash right next to McDonald’s. Hardly making enough to afford his lunch every day, he would go to Checkers since they had the most affordable and best tasting food. So first we sold Rick Ross his childhood Checkers. We followed him back to his hometown of Carroll City Florida, and told his story in an online documentary launching the Buy Back the Block movement. Then Ross dropped a hit song and video by the same name, with Checkers worked into the lyrics and album art as Ross raps about buying back his neighborhood one brick at a time. Outcome Aside from making a noticeable impact on our audience, we broke through mainstream barriers after being written about by the likes of New York Times, Rolling Stone, Spin, and XXL. Along with Ross being an active brand ambassador on social, DJ Khaled even shared the story on Twitter with his 3.27 Million followers. Other stats include:-1.8 Million hours spent watching online content -Over 300 Million media impressions-Traffic up 4.4% and Sales up 1.6% in a declining category-And the movement continues. #BuyBackTheBlock Execution First we sold Ross his childhood Checkers. Then we launched a documentary about him doing it, and kicking off the Buy Back the Block movement. The film launched on Uproxx and BroBible, accompanied by articles about the deal and the movement.The promotional period ran from December 19th – January 8th. The Buy Back the Block song and music video, which call out Ross’s deal and the Checkers brand, rose to the top of the charts and work as a constant reminder of the brand’s connection with the audience. Synopsis Checkers has a genuine connection with members of the community, who are their biggest fans. Their audience is mostly lower-income, and can spot insincere attempts from brands. We needed to find a way to connect with them in a genuine way, with a limited budget.The opportunity we saw for the brand centered around the fact that much of our target lives in areas that are slowly disappearing as they lose ownership of the community. They feel like they’re being pushed out of the neighborhoods they’ve called home for years. And the success of Checkers is directly tied to the success of these communities



    Buy Back the Block










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