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    Miss America 2.0海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 6月5日,美国小姐在《早安美国》上宣布,该组织正在摆脱其最可识别的标志: 泳衣。 以下争议遍及全球,从《纽约时报》到《卫报》的所有主要出版物都有报道。当我们重新构想整个组织时,公关策略通过结合合适的代言人,渠道,放大,# byebyebikini主题标签和GIF,推动了品牌转型的关键时刻。最终,我们获得了2200万美元的盈利媒体 -- 并将美国小姐从没人关心的品牌变成了每个人都关心的品牌。 背景 我们知道你在想什么。选美比赛在最坏的情况下是性别歧视; 充其量是过时的。在决定美国小姐是否值得改变时,我们也有同样的反应。 但是我们很快意识到我们知道的并不像我们想象的那么多。 几乎每个人都不知道,美国小姐是一个非营利组织。它是该国最大的致力于向女性提供奖学金的组织之一,也是女性教育的主要倡导者。校友包括许多女议员,哈佛大学毕业生和医生。 始于1921年的勇敢举动-妇女通过公开和竞争性地穿着泳衣来违背社会期望-演变成客观化的象征。美国小姐正在成为一个无关紧要的品牌。象征性的泳衣使其最初的目的黯然失色: 为聪明,坏蛋的女性提供教育和职业机会。 我们需要重新定义美国小姐在文化中的地位,方法是取消选美比赛的页面,重新命名整个组织,以显着提高品牌的相关性。快。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 美国小姐的目的与其最具争议的象征-比基尼相形见war。通过研究和文化分析,我们发现泳装比赛是品牌相关性直线下降的关键部分。这也是接触目标受众的障碍: 品牌合作伙伴和年轻女性。在 # TimesUp和 # MeToo时代,泳装比赛是音聋。 如果说泳装象征着美国小姐在公众意识中已经成为的一切,那么摆脱它就象征着美国小姐想要成为的一切。 因此,我们告别了比基尼,成为每个主要新闻出版物的头条新闻,并引发了世界各地的对话。 从注重美丽的组成部分中解放出来,比赛的结构完全改变了,而是突出了候选人的成就和平台。它将组织的重点重新放在赋予妇女权力,领导力和奖学金的核心价值观上,并为美国小姐2.0铺平了道路。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 总体战略: 推出美国小姐2.0品牌重塑,并通过摆脱该品牌最突出的标志-比基尼来改变公众的看法。 依靠比基尼象征着引起讨论和关注的有争议的性质,最终将品牌重塑到全球对话中。 将品牌与其他选美大赛 (即美国小姐) 区分开来,后者仅根据外观来判断候选人。 跨垂直领域放大以覆盖目标受众。 启动时刻: 在美国早安 (Good Morning America) 上宣布 # byebyebikini,格雷琴 · 卡尔森 (Gretchen Carlson) 为发言人,在她的诉讼和福克斯 (Fox) 的罗杰 · 艾尔斯 (Roger Ailes) 最终被驱逐后,利用她作为记者和 # MeToo倡导者的庄严和影响力,这是世界上最有影响力的媒体大亨之一。 资产: 创建了 # byebyebikini标签和GIF,修改了网站,户外,“概念小姐” 竞选电影。 消息传递: 将消息传递与有关女性客观化以及品牌如何支持或反对的热键对话联系在一起。 描述公关执行 (20% 的选票) 2018年4月-确定战略、启动时刻和推出 (见上文) 4月-为Y & R和美国小姐提供了戛纳狮子会主舞台演讲时段,作为讨论即将进行的品牌重塑的平台。把毛放在潜在的品牌合作伙伴面前。 5/17-宣布了第一个全女性领导团队,为该组织的新时代奠定了基础。 5/24-宣布2018年比赛日期 + ABC合作伙伴关系。 6/5-格蕾琴 · 卡尔森 (Gretchen Carlson) 在GMA上宣布,美国小姐将不再对出场进行评判。 GMA突出了标签和GIF 6月针对目标受众的扩展范围: 美国小姐观众: 广播,商业网点 年轻女性: 生活方式,广播渠道 潜在品牌合作伙伴: 营销、商业网点 同时宣布该机构与毛的关系 8/24-“概念小姐” 创意活动启动; 覆盖整个营销行业 9/9-美国小姐2.0比赛 规模: 75亿印象,5k新闻报道,2200万美元的广告价值 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: 通过earned media,# byebyebikini公告创建了一个媒体漩涡,在不到48小时的时间内,在Twitter上排名第一,超过37.5亿次。这些数字总共增加到75亿次展示,近5,000个新闻报道和近480,000个数字故事的有机份额,总广告价值超过2200万美元。覆盖范围涵盖广播,印刷和在线,几乎在美国和欧洲的所有顶级媒体中都有报道。生活方式和广播垂直领域的新闻报道达到了年轻女性的目标受众。此外,高级商业和营销出版物的新闻达到了潜在品牌赞助商和合作伙伴的目标受众。从宣布这一消息到美国小姐现场直播,积极情绪增加了131%,帮助美国小姐以一条大胆而有希望的前进道路将其定位在文化的中心。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? On June 5, Miss America announced on Good Morning America that the organization was getting rid of its most identifiable symbol: the swimsuit. The following controversy spanned the globe, with coverage in every major publication from the New York Times to the Guardian. As we reimagined the entire organization, PR strategy drove the pivotal moment for the brand turnaround by combining the right spokesperson, channel, amplification, #byebyebikini hashtag and GIF. Ultimately, we netted $22 million in earned media -- and turned Miss America from the brand that no one cared about, to the brand that everyone cared about. Background We know what you’re thinking. Pageants are sexist at worst; outdated at best. We had the same reaction when deciding whether Miss America was worth transforming. But we quickly realized we didn’t know as much as we thought. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, Miss America is a nonprofit. It’s one of the country’s largest organizations dedicated to providing scholarships to women, and a leading advocate for women’s education. Alumni include numerous congresswomen, Harvard graduates, and doctors. What began as a brave act in 1921 -- women bucking societal expectations by publicly and competitively donning swimsuits – morphed into a symbol of objectification. Miss America was becoming an irrelevant brand. And that symbolic swimsuit eclipsed its original purpose: providing educational and career opportunities to smart, badass women. We needed to redefine Miss America’s place in culture by de-pageanting the pageant, rebranding the entire organization to dramatically increase the brand’s relevance. Quickly. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Miss America’s purpose was dwarfed by its most controversial symbol -- the bikini. Through research and cultural analysis, we found that the swimsuit competition was a key part of the brand’s plummeting relevance. It was also a barrier to reaching its target audiences: brand partners and young women. In the era of #TimesUp and #MeToo, the swimsuit competition was tone deaf. If the swimsuit symbolized everything that Miss America had become in the public consciousness, getting rid of it symbolized everything that Miss America wanted to be. So we said goodbye to the bikinis, making headlines in every major news publication and sparking conversation around the world. Liberated from its beauty-focused components, the competition’s structure changed completely, instead highlighting candidates’ achievements and platforms. It refocused the organization on its core values of women’s empowerment, leadership and scholarship, and paved the way for Miss America 2.0. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Overall Strategy: Launch the Miss America 2.0 rebrand and shift public perception by getting rid of the brand’s most prominent symbol – the bikini. Lean into the controversial nature of what the bikini symbolized to invite discussion and attention, ultimately propelling a rebrand into a worldwide conversation. Differentiate the brand from other pageants, namely Miss USA, that do judge candidates solely on appearance. Amplify across verticals to reach target audiences. Launch moment: Announced #byebyebikini on Good Morning America with Gretchen Carlson as spokesperson, leveraging her gravitas and influence as a journalist and #MeToo advocate following her lawsuit and ultimate ousting of Fox’s Roger Ailes, one of the world’s most powerful media moguls. Assets: Created the #byebyebikini hashtag and GIF, revamped website, outdoor, “Miss Conceptions” campaign films. Messaging: Tied messaging to hot button conversations about the objectification of women, and how brands enable or stand against it. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) April 2018 - Determined strategy, launch moment and rollout (see above) April - Secured Cannes Lions main stage speaking slot for Y&R and Miss America as a platform for discussing the upcoming rebrand. Placed MAO in front of potential brand partners. 5/17 - Announced first all-female leadership team, laying the foundation for a new era for the organization. 5/24 - Announced 2018 competition date + ABC partnership. 6/5 - Gretchen Carlson announced on GMA that Miss America would no longer judge on appearances. GMA highlights hashtag and GIF June - Scaled outreach to target audiences: Miss America viewers: Broadcast, business outlets Young women: Lifestyle, broadcast outlets Potential brand partners: Marketing, business outlets Announced the agency's relationship with MAO simultaneously 8/24 - “Miss Conceptions” creative campaign launch; coverage across marketing trades 9/9 - Miss America 2.0 competition SCALE: 7.5 billion impressions, 5K news stories, $22 million earned ad value List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Through earned media, the #byebyebikini announcement created a media maelstrom, trending No. 1 on Twitter with over 3.75 billion impressions in less than 48 hours. The numbers grew to a total of 7.5 billion impressions, almost 5,000 news stories and nearly 480,000 organic shares of digital stories with a total earned advertising value of more than $22 million. Coverage spanned broadcast, print, and online, and was featured in nearly every top-tier press outlet in the U.S. and Europe. Press coverage in lifestyle and broadcast verticals reached the target audience of young women. Additionally, press in high level business and marketing publications reached the target audience of potential brand sponsors and partners. From the time of the announcement to the Miss America Live Broadcast, positive sentiment increased by 131 percent helping to position Miss America at the center of culture with a bold, promising path forward.

    Miss America 2.0

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 6月5日,美国小姐在《早安美国》上宣布,该组织正在摆脱其最可识别的标志: 泳衣。 以下争议遍及全球,从《纽约时报》到《卫报》的所有主要出版物都有报道。当我们重新构想整个组织时,公关策略通过结合合适的代言人,渠道,放大,# byebyebikini主题标签和GIF,推动了品牌转型的关键时刻。最终,我们获得了2200万美元的盈利媒体 -- 并将美国小姐从没人关心的品牌变成了每个人都关心的品牌。 背景 我们知道你在想什么。选美比赛在最坏的情况下是性别歧视; 充其量是过时的。在决定美国小姐是否值得改变时,我们也有同样的反应。 但是我们很快意识到我们知道的并不像我们想象的那么多。 几乎每个人都不知道,美国小姐是一个非营利组织。它是该国最大的致力于向女性提供奖学金的组织之一,也是女性教育的主要倡导者。校友包括许多女议员,哈佛大学毕业生和医生。 始于1921年的勇敢举动-妇女通过公开和竞争性地穿着泳衣来违背社会期望-演变成客观化的象征。美国小姐正在成为一个无关紧要的品牌。象征性的泳衣使其最初的目的黯然失色: 为聪明,坏蛋的女性提供教育和职业机会。 我们需要重新定义美国小姐在文化中的地位,方法是取消选美比赛的页面,重新命名整个组织,以显着提高品牌的相关性。快。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 美国小姐的目的与其最具争议的象征-比基尼相形见war。通过研究和文化分析,我们发现泳装比赛是品牌相关性直线下降的关键部分。这也是接触目标受众的障碍: 品牌合作伙伴和年轻女性。在 # TimesUp和 # MeToo时代,泳装比赛是音聋。 如果说泳装象征着美国小姐在公众意识中已经成为的一切,那么摆脱它就象征着美国小姐想要成为的一切。 因此,我们告别了比基尼,成为每个主要新闻出版物的头条新闻,并引发了世界各地的对话。 从注重美丽的组成部分中解放出来,比赛的结构完全改变了,而是突出了候选人的成就和平台。它将组织的重点重新放在赋予妇女权力,领导力和奖学金的核心价值观上,并为美国小姐2.0铺平了道路。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 总体战略: 推出美国小姐2.0品牌重塑,并通过摆脱该品牌最突出的标志-比基尼来改变公众的看法。 依靠比基尼象征着引起讨论和关注的有争议的性质,最终将品牌重塑到全球对话中。 将品牌与其他选美大赛 (即美国小姐) 区分开来,后者仅根据外观来判断候选人。 跨垂直领域放大以覆盖目标受众。 启动时刻: 在美国早安 (Good Morning America) 上宣布 # byebyebikini,格雷琴 · 卡尔森 (Gretchen Carlson) 为发言人,在她的诉讼和福克斯 (Fox) 的罗杰 · 艾尔斯 (Roger Ailes) 最终被驱逐后,利用她作为记者和 # MeToo倡导者的庄严和影响力,这是世界上最有影响力的媒体大亨之一。 资产: 创建了 # byebyebikini标签和GIF,修改了网站,户外,“概念小姐” 竞选电影。 消息传递: 将消息传递与有关女性客观化以及品牌如何支持或反对的热键对话联系在一起。 描述公关执行 (20% 的选票) 2018年4月-确定战略、启动时刻和推出 (见上文) 4月-为Y & R和美国小姐提供了戛纳狮子会主舞台演讲时段,作为讨论即将进行的品牌重塑的平台。把毛放在潜在的品牌合作伙伴面前。 5/17-宣布了第一个全女性领导团队,为该组织的新时代奠定了基础。 5/24-宣布2018年比赛日期 + ABC合作伙伴关系。 6/5-格蕾琴 · 卡尔森 (Gretchen Carlson) 在GMA上宣布,美国小姐将不再对出场进行评判。 GMA突出了标签和GIF 6月针对目标受众的扩展范围: 美国小姐观众: 广播,商业网点 年轻女性: 生活方式,广播渠道 潜在品牌合作伙伴: 营销、商业网点 同时宣布该机构与毛的关系 8/24-“概念小姐” 创意活动启动; 覆盖整个营销行业 9/9-美国小姐2.0比赛 规模: 75亿印象,5k新闻报道,2200万美元的广告价值 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: 通过earned media,# byebyebikini公告创建了一个媒体漩涡,在不到48小时的时间内,在Twitter上排名第一,超过37.5亿次。这些数字总共增加到75亿次展示,近5,000个新闻报道和近480,000个数字故事的有机份额,总广告价值超过2200万美元。覆盖范围涵盖广播,印刷和在线,几乎在美国和欧洲的所有顶级媒体中都有报道。生活方式和广播垂直领域的新闻报道达到了年轻女性的目标受众。此外,高级商业和营销出版物的新闻达到了潜在品牌赞助商和合作伙伴的目标受众。从宣布这一消息到美国小姐现场直播,积极情绪增加了131%,帮助美国小姐以一条大胆而有希望的前进道路将其定位在文化的中心。

    Miss America 2.0

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? On June 5, Miss America announced on Good Morning America that the organization was getting rid of its most identifiable symbol: the swimsuit. The following controversy spanned the globe, with coverage in every major publication from the New York Times to the Guardian. As we reimagined the entire organization, PR strategy drove the pivotal moment for the brand turnaround by combining the right spokesperson, channel, amplification, #byebyebikini hashtag and GIF. Ultimately, we netted $22 million in earned media -- and turned Miss America from the brand that no one cared about, to the brand that everyone cared about. Background We know what you’re thinking. Pageants are sexist at worst; outdated at best. We had the same reaction when deciding whether Miss America was worth transforming. But we quickly realized we didn’t know as much as we thought. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, Miss America is a nonprofit. It’s one of the country’s largest organizations dedicated to providing scholarships to women, and a leading advocate for women’s education. Alumni include numerous congresswomen, Harvard graduates, and doctors. What began as a brave act in 1921 -- women bucking societal expectations by publicly and competitively donning swimsuits – morphed into a symbol of objectification. Miss America was becoming an irrelevant brand. And that symbolic swimsuit eclipsed its original purpose: providing educational and career opportunities to smart, badass women. We needed to redefine Miss America’s place in culture by de-pageanting the pageant, rebranding the entire organization to dramatically increase the brand’s relevance. Quickly. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Miss America’s purpose was dwarfed by its most controversial symbol -- the bikini. Through research and cultural analysis, we found that the swimsuit competition was a key part of the brand’s plummeting relevance. It was also a barrier to reaching its target audiences: brand partners and young women. In the era of #TimesUp and #MeToo, the swimsuit competition was tone deaf. If the swimsuit symbolized everything that Miss America had become in the public consciousness, getting rid of it symbolized everything that Miss America wanted to be. So we said goodbye to the bikinis, making headlines in every major news publication and sparking conversation around the world. Liberated from its beauty-focused components, the competition’s structure changed completely, instead highlighting candidates’ achievements and platforms. It refocused the organization on its core values of women’s empowerment, leadership and scholarship, and paved the way for Miss America 2.0. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Overall Strategy: Launch the Miss America 2.0 rebrand and shift public perception by getting rid of the brand’s most prominent symbol – the bikini. Lean into the controversial nature of what the bikini symbolized to invite discussion and attention, ultimately propelling a rebrand into a worldwide conversation. Differentiate the brand from other pageants, namely Miss USA, that do judge candidates solely on appearance. Amplify across verticals to reach target audiences. Launch moment: Announced #byebyebikini on Good Morning America with Gretchen Carlson as spokesperson, leveraging her gravitas and influence as a journalist and #MeToo advocate following her lawsuit and ultimate ousting of Fox’s Roger Ailes, one of the world’s most powerful media moguls. Assets: Created the #byebyebikini hashtag and GIF, revamped website, outdoor, “Miss Conceptions” campaign films. Messaging: Tied messaging to hot button conversations about the objectification of women, and how brands enable or stand against it. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) April 2018 - Determined strategy, launch moment and rollout (see above) April - Secured Cannes Lions main stage speaking slot for Y&R and Miss America as a platform for discussing the upcoming rebrand. Placed MAO in front of potential brand partners. 5/17 - Announced first all-female leadership team, laying the foundation for a new era for the organization. 5/24 - Announced 2018 competition date + ABC partnership. 6/5 - Gretchen Carlson announced on GMA that Miss America would no longer judge on appearances. GMA highlights hashtag and GIF June - Scaled outreach to target audiences: Miss America viewers: Broadcast, business outlets Young women: Lifestyle, broadcast outlets Potential brand partners: Marketing, business outlets Announced the agency's relationship with MAO simultaneously 8/24 - “Miss Conceptions” creative campaign launch; coverage across marketing trades 9/9 - Miss America 2.0 competition SCALE: 7.5 billion impressions, 5K news stories, $22 million earned ad value List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Through earned media, the #byebyebikini announcement created a media maelstrom, trending No. 1 on Twitter with over 3.75 billion impressions in less than 48 hours. The numbers grew to a total of 7.5 billion impressions, almost 5,000 news stories and nearly 480,000 organic shares of digital stories with a total earned advertising value of more than $22 million. Coverage spanned broadcast, print, and online, and was featured in nearly every top-tier press outlet in the U.S. and Europe. Press coverage in lifestyle and broadcast verticals reached the target audience of young women. Additionally, press in high level business and marketing publications reached the target audience of potential brand sponsors and partners. From the time of the announcement to the Miss America Live Broadcast, positive sentiment increased by 131 percent helping to position Miss America at the center of culture with a bold, promising path forward.



    Miss America 2.0






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