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    Equality Signs短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 耐克想在国际妇女日发表一份重要声明。在一个人们认为运动更适合男性的国家。我们想表明女性也是运动员,但最重要的是,在波哥大数百名女性的参与下,通过直接激活来发表声明,开始关于平等的对话。 相关性 我们激励数百名女性改变在波哥大市市长公园运动的人必须看到的户外运动,那里 100% 的运动标志都是男性形象。在妇女国际日期间,通过使用磁性小马故事将男性人物标志变成女性人物标志。开始了一次对话,促使波哥大市长办公室改变他们的观点,并为城市的主要公园创建了一个新的体育标志,其中包括从事体育运动的男性和女性。与耐克共同创造 执行 在 3 月份,我们在现场活动中分发了一条磁性马尾,作为邀请和行动呼吁,让妇女在国际妇女日动员起来。将小马尾巴放在波哥大不同主要公园的运动标志上,将它们变成雌性。数百个迹象发生了变化。这一行动是通过女性名人、社会和传统媒体推动对话向前发展的,得到了市长办公室的关注。 活动描述 我们想提醒人们,女性也是运动员,但最重要的是在一个人们认为运动更适合男性的国家发表声明。我们在城市公园使用的体育标志中看到了一个机会,所有显示的数字都是男性。我们想出了一个直接营销的想法,把男性形象变成女性。我们分发了磁性马尾,激励女性在国际妇女日将它们放在城市公园的运动标志上,让运动标志成为女性来庆祝女性运动员。 概要 耐克是运动员最受认可的品牌之一,他们致力于建立更深层次的社区联系,并推动世界各地积极的社会变革。我们意识到,即使在体育运动中,性别不平等仍然是现实,波哥大市长公园 100% 的城市体育标志都是由男性形象标志代表的。我们的目标是在国际妇女日解决不平等问题,因为耐克认为每个人,无论性别,都是运动员。 结果 -数百名妇女参加了这项活动,改变了波哥大市不同公园的标志。-这一行动创造了一个巨大的对话,在社交媒体和国家新闻频道上传播。所有这些都使得波哥大市长办公室改变了他们的观点,并与耐克合作为波哥大的主要公园创建了一个新的体育标志, 其中包括从事体育运动的男性和女性。这是这座城市历史上的第一次。


    案例简介:Strategy Nike wanted to create a big statement on Women's International Day. In a country where the perception is that sports are more for men. We wanted to show that women are also athletes, but most of all make a statement by generating a direct activation with the participation of hundreds of women in Bogota to start a conversation about equality. Relevancy We motivated hundreds of women to change the must visible outdoor for people that do sport in Bogota´s city mayor parks where 100% of the Sports signs are represented by male figure. By using a Magnetic Pony Tale to change a male figure sign into a women figure sign during Women´s International Day.Started a conversation that Motivated Bogota's Mayor's Office to change their views and created a new sports sign for the major parks of city, one that would include male and female figures practicing sports. Co-Created with NIKE Execution During the month of March we handed out in live events and Nike stores a magnetic pony tail that served as an invitation and a call to action for women to mobilize on Women's International Day.To place the pony tail on sports signs in different major parks of Bogota to change them to female. Hundreds of signs were changed. The action grew through female celebrities, social and traditional media that pushed the conversation forward, getting the attention of the City Mayor's Office. CampaignDescription We wanted to remind people that women are also athletes, but most of all make a statement in a country where the perception is that sports are more for men. We saw an opportunity in the city's sports signs used in parks, where all figures shown are male. We came up with a direct marketing idea to change the male figure into a female one. We gave out magnetic pony tails, motivating women that on Women's International Day to place them on sports signs all over the city’s parks, to make the sports sign a female to celebrate female athletes. Synopsis NIKE is one of the most recognized brands for athletes, and they are committed to building deeper community connections as well as spurring positive social change around the world. We realized that even in sports gender inequality is still a reality, 100% of Bogota´s city Sports signs in mayor parks are represented by male figure signs. Our objective was to address the inequality issue on Women's International Day, because Nike believes that everyone, regardless of gender, is an athlete. Outcome - Hundreds of women joined the activity, changing the signs of different parks in the city of Bogota.- The action created a huge conversation that spread on social media and national news channels. - All of this made that Bogota's Mayor's Office changed their views and co-created with NIKE a new sports sign for the major parks of Bogota, one that would include male and female figures practicing sports. for the fist time in the city´s history.

    Equality Signs

    案例简介:战略 耐克想在国际妇女日发表一份重要声明。在一个人们认为运动更适合男性的国家。我们想表明女性也是运动员,但最重要的是,在波哥大数百名女性的参与下,通过直接激活来发表声明,开始关于平等的对话。 相关性 我们激励数百名女性改变在波哥大市市长公园运动的人必须看到的户外运动,那里 100% 的运动标志都是男性形象。在妇女国际日期间,通过使用磁性小马故事将男性人物标志变成女性人物标志。开始了一次对话,促使波哥大市长办公室改变他们的观点,并为城市的主要公园创建了一个新的体育标志,其中包括从事体育运动的男性和女性。与耐克共同创造 执行 在 3 月份,我们在现场活动中分发了一条磁性马尾,作为邀请和行动呼吁,让妇女在国际妇女日动员起来。将小马尾巴放在波哥大不同主要公园的运动标志上,将它们变成雌性。数百个迹象发生了变化。这一行动是通过女性名人、社会和传统媒体推动对话向前发展的,得到了市长办公室的关注。 活动描述 我们想提醒人们,女性也是运动员,但最重要的是在一个人们认为运动更适合男性的国家发表声明。我们在城市公园使用的体育标志中看到了一个机会,所有显示的数字都是男性。我们想出了一个直接营销的想法,把男性形象变成女性。我们分发了磁性马尾,激励女性在国际妇女日将它们放在城市公园的运动标志上,让运动标志成为女性来庆祝女性运动员。 概要 耐克是运动员最受认可的品牌之一,他们致力于建立更深层次的社区联系,并推动世界各地积极的社会变革。我们意识到,即使在体育运动中,性别不平等仍然是现实,波哥大市长公园 100% 的城市体育标志都是由男性形象标志代表的。我们的目标是在国际妇女日解决不平等问题,因为耐克认为每个人,无论性别,都是运动员。 结果 -数百名妇女参加了这项活动,改变了波哥大市不同公园的标志。-这一行动创造了一个巨大的对话,在社交媒体和国家新闻频道上传播。所有这些都使得波哥大市长办公室改变了他们的观点,并与耐克合作为波哥大的主要公园创建了一个新的体育标志, 其中包括从事体育运动的男性和女性。这是这座城市历史上的第一次。

    Equality Signs

    案例简介:Strategy Nike wanted to create a big statement on Women's International Day. In a country where the perception is that sports are more for men. We wanted to show that women are also athletes, but most of all make a statement by generating a direct activation with the participation of hundreds of women in Bogota to start a conversation about equality. Relevancy We motivated hundreds of women to change the must visible outdoor for people that do sport in Bogota´s city mayor parks where 100% of the Sports signs are represented by male figure. By using a Magnetic Pony Tale to change a male figure sign into a women figure sign during Women´s International Day.Started a conversation that Motivated Bogota's Mayor's Office to change their views and created a new sports sign for the major parks of city, one that would include male and female figures practicing sports. Co-Created with NIKE Execution During the month of March we handed out in live events and Nike stores a magnetic pony tail that served as an invitation and a call to action for women to mobilize on Women's International Day.To place the pony tail on sports signs in different major parks of Bogota to change them to female. Hundreds of signs were changed. The action grew through female celebrities, social and traditional media that pushed the conversation forward, getting the attention of the City Mayor's Office. CampaignDescription We wanted to remind people that women are also athletes, but most of all make a statement in a country where the perception is that sports are more for men. We saw an opportunity in the city's sports signs used in parks, where all figures shown are male. We came up with a direct marketing idea to change the male figure into a female one. We gave out magnetic pony tails, motivating women that on Women's International Day to place them on sports signs all over the city’s parks, to make the sports sign a female to celebrate female athletes. Synopsis NIKE is one of the most recognized brands for athletes, and they are committed to building deeper community connections as well as spurring positive social change around the world. We realized that even in sports gender inequality is still a reality, 100% of Bogota´s city Sports signs in mayor parks are represented by male figure signs. Our objective was to address the inequality issue on Women's International Day, because Nike believes that everyone, regardless of gender, is an athlete. Outcome - Hundreds of women joined the activity, changing the signs of different parks in the city of Bogota.- The action created a huge conversation that spread on social media and national news channels. - All of this made that Bogota's Mayor's Office changed their views and co-created with NIKE a new sports sign for the major parks of Bogota, one that would include male and female figures practicing sports. for the fist time in the city´s history.



    Equality Signs






    广告公司: 智威汤逊 (哥伦比亚 波哥大) 制作公司: Glue




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