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    案例简介:战略 我们的任务是为 UCL CFS 提供一个品牌和传达他们重要信息的手段。这个问题也需要传播给公众,因此传播集中在高调渠道的简单信息上。我们的目标受众是伦敦人,他们高度关注社会不公正的原因和案例,并意识到伦敦大学学院的全球声誉。这项工作需要更长的考虑时间。我们信息的复杂性和意想不到的性质旨在让一群参与其中、感兴趣和理智的观众在看到广告很久后就注意到并讨论这一重要原因。除了筹集捐款,我们的意图是进行对话,让该中心能够进一步接触新的受众。 结果 在两周的时间里,我们在高调、高流量的网站上为通勤者和行人展示了这项工作,并通过印刷, 通过《地铁》、《晚间标准》和《入围名单》杂志的插入,吸引了超过 10,000,000 人的读者。通过数字执行,我们使用了推特捐赠的不到 500 美元的有限预算来获得 48,990 的印象和 23,902 的 gif动画创意视图。在我们的活动之前,UCL 无法启动他们的众筹项目。我们给了他们一个声音,我们给了他们一个视觉身份,我们给了他们一个品牌。我们提供了在媒体过期后很久继续对话的工具。 概要 英国的法医科学长期资金不足。这意味着法医证据可能被错误地解释,导致虚假定罪、司法不公,甚至不公平的监禁。因此,UCL 法医科学中心 (UCL CFS) 正在筹集 100 万英镑的资金来建立一个最先进的法医研究实验室来改变这一现状。简介和目标 1.为 UCL cfs2 创建一个视觉身份、色调和平台。开始通过 UCL CFS 在 ucl 的众筹活动筹集捐款。人群。 scienceBudgetUCL CFS 没有预算,这个重要的项目完全是无偿进行的 -- 通过捐赠的创意和媒体空间。该运动以伦敦和英格兰东南部为中心。 活动描述 该简报要求解决筹集资金和提高认识的挑战,在伦敦大学学院建立一个世界级的法医科学实验室。目前,科学家无法准确解释缺乏资金和资源的证据,导致错误定罪。法医科学是向陪审团提交的一份证据,让他们就受审人的无罪或有罪做出决定。无法获得有效、可靠和可靠的法医科学证据,英国司法系统的公平性受到威胁。作为对这种复杂洞察力的隐喻,我们在各种媒体上展示了一系列模棱两可的句子,通过标点符号,正确的解释可以区分有罪和无罪。就像法医科学中被误解的证据一样。 执行 目标是创造一种坚韧不拔的真实外观和感觉。这些处决使用简单的标点符号,让人们意识到被误解的证据意味着有罪和无罪之间的区别,它们并排放置,并附有胶带和订书钉, 就像印在实际的法医文件上一样。语法是我们执行的核心,所以大胆、清晰的字体起了关键作用。为了获得更大的真实性,没有任何东西是数字化的。相反,我们通过在扫描到更大尺寸之前多次复印它来处理我们的印刷,以突出和困扰我们的墨水和纹理纸的外观。所有的布局都是手工制作的 -- 艺术方向的方法是产生一个更真实的现实,与光泽形成对比,在法医电视节目中修饰世界公众体验。


    案例简介:Strategy Our task was to provide UCL CFS with a brand and the means to communicate their important message. This issue needed to be transmitted to the general public too and so communications focused on simplicity of messaging in high profile channels.Our target audience was Londoners who are highly engaged with causes and cases of social injustice and aware of the global reputation of University College London.The work needed a longer consideration time. The complexity and unexpected nature of our message was intended to cause an engaged, interested and intellectual audience to take note and discuss this vital cause long after they had seen the advertisement. Our intention, beyond raising donations, was to generate a conversation, giving the Centre a means to further engage with a new audience. Outcome Over a two-week period we displayed the work in high-profile, high traffic DOOH sites for both commuters and pedestrians, as well as, through Print, to a combined readership of over 10,000,000 people through insertions in The Metro, The Evening Standard and Shortlist Magazine.With a digital execution, we used a limited budget of under $500 donated by Twitter to gain 48,990 impressions and 23,902 views of our animated GIF creative. Prior to our campaign, UCL were unable to launch their crowd-funding project. We gave them a voice, we gave them a visual identity, and we gave them a brand. We have provided the tools to continue the conversation long after the media had expired. Synopsis Forensic science in the UK is chronically underfunded. This means that forensic evidence could be incorrectly interpreted, leading to false convictions, miscarriages of justice, and even unfair imprisonment. The UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences (UCL CFS) are therefore crowd-funding £1m to build a state-of-the-art forensic research laboratory to change this. Brief and Objectives1.Create a visual identity, tone and platform for UCL CFS2.Begin to generate donations through the UCL CFS crowd-funding campaign at ucl.crowd.scienceBudgetUCL CFS has no budget and this important project has been conducted entirely pro bono – both through donated creative and media space.The campaign is London and South East of England-centric. CampaignDescription The brief required a solution to the challenge of raising funds and awareness to build a world class forensic science laboratory at University College London. At the moment scientists cannot accurately interpret evidence for lack of funding and resources, leading to wrongful convictions.Forensic science is one piece of evidence presented to juries for them to make a decision regarding the innocence or guilt of a person on trial.Without access to valid, robust and reliable forensic science evidence, fairness of the UK’s justice system is threatened.As a metaphor for this complicated insight we showcased, in a variety of media, a series of ambiguous sentences for which the right interpretation, through punctuation, can make the difference between guilty and innocent. Just like misinterpreted evidence in forensics science. Execution The ambition was to create a gritty and authentic look and feel. The executions, that used simple punctuation to bring to life how misinterpreted evidence can mean the difference between guilty and innocent, were placed side by side and attached with tape and staples, as if printed out on actual forensic documents. Grammar is at the core of our execution, so bold, clear typography played a key role. To achieve greater authenticity, nothing was created digitally. Instead we treated our typography by photocopying it multiple times before scanning it to a larger size to highlight and distress the look of our ink and textured paper.All layouts were hand-crafted – the art direction approach was to produce a more truthful reality that would contrast with the glossy, retouched world the general public experiences in forensic TV shows.


    案例简介:战略 我们的任务是为 UCL CFS 提供一个品牌和传达他们重要信息的手段。这个问题也需要传播给公众,因此传播集中在高调渠道的简单信息上。我们的目标受众是伦敦人,他们高度关注社会不公正的原因和案例,并意识到伦敦大学学院的全球声誉。这项工作需要更长的考虑时间。我们信息的复杂性和意想不到的性质旨在让一群参与其中、感兴趣和理智的观众在看到广告很久后就注意到并讨论这一重要原因。除了筹集捐款,我们的意图是进行对话,让该中心能够进一步接触新的受众。 结果 在两周的时间里,我们在高调、高流量的网站上为通勤者和行人展示了这项工作,并通过印刷, 通过《地铁》、《晚间标准》和《入围名单》杂志的插入,吸引了超过 10,000,000 人的读者。通过数字执行,我们使用了推特捐赠的不到 500 美元的有限预算来获得 48,990 的印象和 23,902 的 gif动画创意视图。在我们的活动之前,UCL 无法启动他们的众筹项目。我们给了他们一个声音,我们给了他们一个视觉身份,我们给了他们一个品牌。我们提供了在媒体过期后很久继续对话的工具。 概要 英国的法医科学长期资金不足。这意味着法医证据可能被错误地解释,导致虚假定罪、司法不公,甚至不公平的监禁。因此,UCL 法医科学中心 (UCL CFS) 正在筹集 100 万英镑的资金来建立一个最先进的法医研究实验室来改变这一现状。简介和目标 1.为 UCL cfs2 创建一个视觉身份、色调和平台。开始通过 UCL CFS 在 ucl 的众筹活动筹集捐款。人群。 scienceBudgetUCL CFS 没有预算,这个重要的项目完全是无偿进行的 -- 通过捐赠的创意和媒体空间。该运动以伦敦和英格兰东南部为中心。 活动描述 该简报要求解决筹集资金和提高认识的挑战,在伦敦大学学院建立一个世界级的法医科学实验室。目前,科学家无法准确解释缺乏资金和资源的证据,导致错误定罪。法医科学是向陪审团提交的一份证据,让他们就受审人的无罪或有罪做出决定。无法获得有效、可靠和可靠的法医科学证据,英国司法系统的公平性受到威胁。作为对这种复杂洞察力的隐喻,我们在各种媒体上展示了一系列模棱两可的句子,通过标点符号,正确的解释可以区分有罪和无罪。就像法医科学中被误解的证据一样。 执行 目标是创造一种坚韧不拔的真实外观和感觉。这些处决使用简单的标点符号,让人们意识到被误解的证据意味着有罪和无罪之间的区别,它们并排放置,并附有胶带和订书钉, 就像印在实际的法医文件上一样。语法是我们执行的核心,所以大胆、清晰的字体起了关键作用。为了获得更大的真实性,没有任何东西是数字化的。相反,我们通过在扫描到更大尺寸之前多次复印它来处理我们的印刷,以突出和困扰我们的墨水和纹理纸的外观。所有的布局都是手工制作的 -- 艺术方向的方法是产生一个更真实的现实,与光泽形成对比,在法医电视节目中修饰世界公众体验。


    案例简介:Strategy Our task was to provide UCL CFS with a brand and the means to communicate their important message. This issue needed to be transmitted to the general public too and so communications focused on simplicity of messaging in high profile channels.Our target audience was Londoners who are highly engaged with causes and cases of social injustice and aware of the global reputation of University College London.The work needed a longer consideration time. The complexity and unexpected nature of our message was intended to cause an engaged, interested and intellectual audience to take note and discuss this vital cause long after they had seen the advertisement. Our intention, beyond raising donations, was to generate a conversation, giving the Centre a means to further engage with a new audience. Outcome Over a two-week period we displayed the work in high-profile, high traffic DOOH sites for both commuters and pedestrians, as well as, through Print, to a combined readership of over 10,000,000 people through insertions in The Metro, The Evening Standard and Shortlist Magazine.With a digital execution, we used a limited budget of under $500 donated by Twitter to gain 48,990 impressions and 23,902 views of our animated GIF creative. Prior to our campaign, UCL were unable to launch their crowd-funding project. We gave them a voice, we gave them a visual identity, and we gave them a brand. We have provided the tools to continue the conversation long after the media had expired. Synopsis Forensic science in the UK is chronically underfunded. This means that forensic evidence could be incorrectly interpreted, leading to false convictions, miscarriages of justice, and even unfair imprisonment. The UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences (UCL CFS) are therefore crowd-funding £1m to build a state-of-the-art forensic research laboratory to change this. Brief and Objectives1.Create a visual identity, tone and platform for UCL CFS2.Begin to generate donations through the UCL CFS crowd-funding campaign at ucl.crowd.scienceBudgetUCL CFS has no budget and this important project has been conducted entirely pro bono – both through donated creative and media space.The campaign is London and South East of England-centric. CampaignDescription The brief required a solution to the challenge of raising funds and awareness to build a world class forensic science laboratory at University College London. At the moment scientists cannot accurately interpret evidence for lack of funding and resources, leading to wrongful convictions.Forensic science is one piece of evidence presented to juries for them to make a decision regarding the innocence or guilt of a person on trial.Without access to valid, robust and reliable forensic science evidence, fairness of the UK’s justice system is threatened.As a metaphor for this complicated insight we showcased, in a variety of media, a series of ambiguous sentences for which the right interpretation, through punctuation, can make the difference between guilty and innocent. Just like misinterpreted evidence in forensics science. Execution The ambition was to create a gritty and authentic look and feel. The executions, that used simple punctuation to bring to life how misinterpreted evidence can mean the difference between guilty and innocent, were placed side by side and attached with tape and staples, as if printed out on actual forensic documents. Grammar is at the core of our execution, so bold, clear typography played a key role. To achieve greater authenticity, nothing was created digitally. Instead we treated our typography by photocopying it multiple times before scanning it to a larger size to highlight and distress the look of our ink and textured paper.All layouts were hand-crafted – the art direction approach was to produce a more truthful reality that would contrast with the glossy, retouched world the general public experiences in forensic TV shows.













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