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    案例简介:背景 Z世代和年轻的千禧一代代表着培养消费者的未来和吉列最大的长期商机。然而,根据品牌资产数据,吉列在他们的生活中失去了相关性。我们没有渗透年轻观众,而新的剃须品牌正在大力投资以吸引千禧一代和Z一代他们在男性气概的话题上融入文化时代精神,而吉列作为类别领导者,仍然关注产品特征。超过2/3的千禧一代和Z一代表示偏爱对某个问题有观点并代表某件事的品牌,72% 的人愿意为致力于社会变革的公司的产品和服务支付额外费用,吉列显然需要代表更有意义的东西。 描述你所在地区的文化/社会/政治气候,以及在这种背景下你的竞选活动的重要性 在过去的十年里,媒体对男性的描绘已经有了很大的进步,但是他们仍然非常关注性别陈规定型观念。不符合传统男子气概定义的男人很少在广告中看到自己,如果他们看到了,广告往往会关注男同性恋者。变性人,那些最努力成为男人的人,被推到一边。尽管变性人群体近年来在赢得认可和尊重方面取得了长足的进步,但它在很大程度上仍然被边缘化。流行文化和娱乐中的代表性很少,积极的代表性更是如此。作为一个领先的男性美容品牌,我们看到了一个给标志性标语 “男人能得到的最好的” 赋予新含义的机会。 描述创意 男人第一次刮胡子是一种成年礼。一个多世纪以来,吉列一直是那个时刻的一部分。但是现在是我们庆祝每个人的时候了,不管时机何时到来。在发布电影中,我们关注了四个变性人迈出重要第一步的故事。个人电影更深入地挖掘了他们的故事,一个以其中一个男人为主角的操作视频让变性人有机会向有类似经历的人学习这一重要步骤。 描述策略 今年1月,吉列的《我们相信》发起了一场关于男人行为及其对男人的意义的全球对话。随着这场辩论的激烈进行,我们需要证明我们开始的对话不是空洞的,我们向世界各地的男人提出的挑战也将被我们接受。“第一次刮胡子” 是证据。通过让代表性不足的男性群体参与进来,并授权他们讲述自己的故事,分享他们对成为一个男人意味着什么的信念,我们扩大了谈话范围,并提供了经验证明,证明 “一个人能得到最好的” 是一个远远超出简单标语的承诺。 描述执行 我们第一次去变性人的家里给他们刮胡子。我们和他们的家人坐在一起,听他们的故事,创作了一套强有力的电影来庆祝他们的第一次刮胡子。这些电影随后被提供给男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者电影节,为他们提供了一个展示内容的机会,这些内容庆祝了一部分经常被忽视的人群。一个微型网站收录了一个内容系列,其中包括每个人的个人故事和一个由我们的一个英雄主演的剃须视频。 描述结果/影响 作为更大的 “我们相信” 运动的一部分,我们建立在关于男性气质和男性未来的对话的基础上,这些对话已经成为推特上的第一热门话题,并产生了超过150亿种媒体印象。吉列成为美国谷歌搜索词最多的第3,从一个无人关注的品牌迅速发展成为2019年最有意义的7大品牌。为了继续对话,吉列向519捐赠了一个致力于支持快乐、充实LGBTQ生活的组织。


    案例简介:Background Gen Z and younger Millennials represent the future of grooming consumers and the biggest long-term business opportunity for Gillette. Yet according to brand equity data, Gillette was losing relevance in their lives. We were not penetrating younger audiences, while newer shaving brands were investing heavily to appeal to Millennials and Gen Z. They were inserting themselves into the cultural zeitgeist on topics of masculinity while Gillette, as the category leader, remained fixated on product features. With over 2/3 of Millennials and Gen Z expressing a preference for brands that had a point of view on an issue and stood for something, and 72% willing to pay extra for products and services from companies dedicated to social change, it became clear Gillette needed to stand for something more meaningful. Describe the cultural/social/political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context Media portrayals of men have come a long way in the last decade, but they still focus heavily on cisgender stereotypes. Men who don’t conform to traditional definitions of manhood rarely see themselves in advertising and, if they do, it tends to focus on gay men. Transgender men, those who fight the hardest to become men, are pushed to the sidelines. While the transgender community has made great strides in recent years to earn recognition and respect, it remains largely sidelined. Representation in popular culture and entertainment is rare, and positive representation even more so. As a leading male grooming brand, we saw an opportunity to give new meaning to the iconic tagline “The Best A Man Can Get”. Describe the creative idea A man’s first shave is a rite of passage. For over a century, Gillette has been a part of that moment. But now it's time we celebrated every man, no matter when the moment arrives. In the launch film, we follow the stories of four transgender men as they take an important first step. Individual films dig deeper into their stories and a How-To video featuring one of the men gives transgender men taking this important step an opportunity to learn from someone with similar experiences. Describe the strategy In January Gillette’s ‘We Believe’ launched creating a global dialogue about men’s behaviour and what it meant to be a man. As that debate raged we needed to prove that the conversations we had started weren’t hollow, that the challenge we’d put forth to men around the world would also be taken up by us. ‘First Shave’ was the proof. By engaging an underrepresented male demographic and empowering them to tell their stories and share their beliefs of what it means to be a man, we broadened the conversation and provided the empirical proof that ‘The Best A Man Can Get’ is a promise that reaches far beyond a simple tagline. Describe the execution We went to the homes of transgender men to film them shave for the first time. We sat with their families, listened to their stories and created a powerful set of films that celebrated their first shaves. The films were then offered to LGBTQ film festivals providing them with an opportunity to feature content that celebrates a segment of the population that is far too often ignored. A microsite housed a content series that included the individual stories of each man and a how-to shaving video starring one of our heroes. Describe the results/impact As part of the larger ‘We Believe’ campaign, we built on the conversations about masculinity and the future of men that had become the #1 trending topic on Twitter and generated over 15 billion media impressions. Gillette became the 3rd most Googled search term in the US and catapulted from a brand no one was paying attention to, to the #7 most meaningful brands of 2019. To continue the conversation, Gillette donated to The 519 an organization committed to supporting happy, fulfilling LGBTQ lives.

    First Shave

    案例简介:背景 Z世代和年轻的千禧一代代表着培养消费者的未来和吉列最大的长期商机。然而,根据品牌资产数据,吉列在他们的生活中失去了相关性。我们没有渗透年轻观众,而新的剃须品牌正在大力投资以吸引千禧一代和Z一代他们在男性气概的话题上融入文化时代精神,而吉列作为类别领导者,仍然关注产品特征。超过2/3的千禧一代和Z一代表示偏爱对某个问题有观点并代表某件事的品牌,72% 的人愿意为致力于社会变革的公司的产品和服务支付额外费用,吉列显然需要代表更有意义的东西。 描述你所在地区的文化/社会/政治气候,以及在这种背景下你的竞选活动的重要性 在过去的十年里,媒体对男性的描绘已经有了很大的进步,但是他们仍然非常关注性别陈规定型观念。不符合传统男子气概定义的男人很少在广告中看到自己,如果他们看到了,广告往往会关注男同性恋者。变性人,那些最努力成为男人的人,被推到一边。尽管变性人群体近年来在赢得认可和尊重方面取得了长足的进步,但它在很大程度上仍然被边缘化。流行文化和娱乐中的代表性很少,积极的代表性更是如此。作为一个领先的男性美容品牌,我们看到了一个给标志性标语 “男人能得到的最好的” 赋予新含义的机会。 描述创意 男人第一次刮胡子是一种成年礼。一个多世纪以来,吉列一直是那个时刻的一部分。但是现在是我们庆祝每个人的时候了,不管时机何时到来。在发布电影中,我们关注了四个变性人迈出重要第一步的故事。个人电影更深入地挖掘了他们的故事,一个以其中一个男人为主角的操作视频让变性人有机会向有类似经历的人学习这一重要步骤。 描述策略 今年1月,吉列的《我们相信》发起了一场关于男人行为及其对男人的意义的全球对话。随着这场辩论的激烈进行,我们需要证明我们开始的对话不是空洞的,我们向世界各地的男人提出的挑战也将被我们接受。“第一次刮胡子” 是证据。通过让代表性不足的男性群体参与进来,并授权他们讲述自己的故事,分享他们对成为一个男人意味着什么的信念,我们扩大了谈话范围,并提供了经验证明,证明 “一个人能得到最好的” 是一个远远超出简单标语的承诺。 描述执行 我们第一次去变性人的家里给他们刮胡子。我们和他们的家人坐在一起,听他们的故事,创作了一套强有力的电影来庆祝他们的第一次刮胡子。这些电影随后被提供给男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者电影节,为他们提供了一个展示内容的机会,这些内容庆祝了一部分经常被忽视的人群。一个微型网站收录了一个内容系列,其中包括每个人的个人故事和一个由我们的一个英雄主演的剃须视频。 描述结果/影响 作为更大的 “我们相信” 运动的一部分,我们建立在关于男性气质和男性未来的对话的基础上,这些对话已经成为推特上的第一热门话题,并产生了超过150亿种媒体印象。吉列成为美国谷歌搜索词最多的第3,从一个无人关注的品牌迅速发展成为2019年最有意义的7大品牌。为了继续对话,吉列向519捐赠了一个致力于支持快乐、充实LGBTQ生活的组织。

    First Shave

    案例简介:Background Gen Z and younger Millennials represent the future of grooming consumers and the biggest long-term business opportunity for Gillette. Yet according to brand equity data, Gillette was losing relevance in their lives. We were not penetrating younger audiences, while newer shaving brands were investing heavily to appeal to Millennials and Gen Z. They were inserting themselves into the cultural zeitgeist on topics of masculinity while Gillette, as the category leader, remained fixated on product features. With over 2/3 of Millennials and Gen Z expressing a preference for brands that had a point of view on an issue and stood for something, and 72% willing to pay extra for products and services from companies dedicated to social change, it became clear Gillette needed to stand for something more meaningful. Describe the cultural/social/political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context Media portrayals of men have come a long way in the last decade, but they still focus heavily on cisgender stereotypes. Men who don’t conform to traditional definitions of manhood rarely see themselves in advertising and, if they do, it tends to focus on gay men. Transgender men, those who fight the hardest to become men, are pushed to the sidelines. While the transgender community has made great strides in recent years to earn recognition and respect, it remains largely sidelined. Representation in popular culture and entertainment is rare, and positive representation even more so. As a leading male grooming brand, we saw an opportunity to give new meaning to the iconic tagline “The Best A Man Can Get”. Describe the creative idea A man’s first shave is a rite of passage. For over a century, Gillette has been a part of that moment. But now it's time we celebrated every man, no matter when the moment arrives. In the launch film, we follow the stories of four transgender men as they take an important first step. Individual films dig deeper into their stories and a How-To video featuring one of the men gives transgender men taking this important step an opportunity to learn from someone with similar experiences. Describe the strategy In January Gillette’s ‘We Believe’ launched creating a global dialogue about men’s behaviour and what it meant to be a man. As that debate raged we needed to prove that the conversations we had started weren’t hollow, that the challenge we’d put forth to men around the world would also be taken up by us. ‘First Shave’ was the proof. By engaging an underrepresented male demographic and empowering them to tell their stories and share their beliefs of what it means to be a man, we broadened the conversation and provided the empirical proof that ‘The Best A Man Can Get’ is a promise that reaches far beyond a simple tagline. Describe the execution We went to the homes of transgender men to film them shave for the first time. We sat with their families, listened to their stories and created a powerful set of films that celebrated their first shaves. The films were then offered to LGBTQ film festivals providing them with an opportunity to feature content that celebrates a segment of the population that is far too often ignored. A microsite housed a content series that included the individual stories of each man and a how-to shaving video starring one of our heroes. Describe the results/impact As part of the larger ‘We Believe’ campaign, we built on the conversations about masculinity and the future of men that had become the #1 trending topic on Twitter and generated over 15 billion media impressions. Gillette became the 3rd most Googled search term in the US and catapulted from a brand no one was paying attention to, to the #7 most meaningful brands of 2019. To continue the conversation, Gillette donated to The 519 an organization committed to supporting happy, fulfilling LGBTQ lives.



    First Shave










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