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    Breathing Life Into Transit Ads短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 网飞是原创内容的最大创造者,并努力在流行文化最受欢迎品牌的入围名单中保持永久位置。要做到这一点,他们原创系列的营销必须像内容本身一样激发快乐和社交对话。改变碳的目标没有什么不同,它是一部原创科幻惊悚片,以独特的前提处理关于伦理、人性和不朽危险的大问题: 技术已经将人类从物质身体中分离出来,允许人类永远活着。我们需要引发关于这个系列的对话和阴谋,以吸引科幻爱好者的注意力,并说服他们这个系列值得观看。 战略 我们的目标是科幻粉丝,无论是极客铁杆爱好者还是更广泛的粉丝,他们对科幻不太感兴趣,但如果有足够多的人谈论这个系列,他们可能会被说服观看。我们媒体计划的其他组成部分通过数字和目标电视接触到背景科幻环境中的粉丝, 但是我们想要一个额外的突出元素,这个元素和这个节目本身一样有趣,并且会创造足够的对话和阴谋来增强这个系列的可信度。洛杉矶没有其他 DMAs 对面向公众的户外活动的严格规定,所以我们在圣莫尼卡大道上保护了五个公共汽车避难所, 一个高度拥挤的地区,当通勤者走过或开车路过时,肯定会引起他们的注意,创造足够的震撼价值,让他们在社交媒体上分享。 相关性 大多数娱乐公司采用他们的关键艺术,并简单地将其重新定位为二维 OOH 单元。为了在 Netflix 上推广科幻系列《改变碳》,我们彻底改造了公共汽车候车亭,将我们的关键艺术转化为人体雕塑形式的三维艺术作品。但我们没有就此止步。我们的雕塑似乎还活着,还在呼吸,上面覆盖着凝胶物质,以反映该系列中尸体的确切外观。他们的皮肤粘糊糊的,吸引路人想为自己感觉,他们做了很多。 结果 结果证明了这样一个事实,即我们已经引起了消费者的注意,并迫使他们在期待发布的时候谈论这个系列:-最终以 15 毫米的努力赢得了印象, 7 倍于原始投资的交易量。-我们在推特上产生了 7,000 多个公共汽车避难所特定的提及。-改变碳是它推出的一个月里最受关注的新流媒体系列。(Nielsen,2018年2月)-这些收容所精选多种新闻和报道收到 2.6 毫米视频的看法。最后,根据谷歌趋势,改变后的碳是 2月搜索最多的电视节目,这证明我们已经对该系列产生了极大的兴趣和可信度。 执行 我们把洛杉矶圣莫尼卡大道上的五个二维公共汽车站广告改造成了全尺寸, 呼吸着男性和女性的雕塑,路人可以触摸并做出反应,就好像身体处于某种停滞状态,看似活着,但没有意识。安装在每个身体胸腔内的内部马达创造了一个真实的持续呼吸效果,模拟深度睡眠的缓慢呼吸。一个硅胶粘粘模仿了系列中无意识身体周围的营养凝胶。这些雕塑出现在定制的钢制外壳中,取代了现有的广告单元,定制的背光标牌被添加到庇护所的顶部和底部, 导致公共汽车庇护所广告单元的完全定制。在执行现场 1月29日至 2月25日日和 2.1 毫米的印象都已预定一空。 活动描述 研究表明,我们的科幻爱好者要求关注细节,并精心制作世界建筑。我们需要说服他们改变碳将实现科幻类型的承诺 -- 将它们运送到另一个地方 -- 以独特的方式在营销中实现这一点。我们知道我们不能依靠典型的二维海报艺术或定制的数字内容来真正捕捉他们的想象力, 我们也知道典型的科幻比喻,如飞行汽车和未来的小玩意,不足以区分我们的系列。所以我们的想法是给我们的主要艺术注入生命,在现实世界中创建三维雕塑。我们以细致的细节复制了该系列中的可重复使用的尸体,将它们放在加州西好莱坞的公共汽车站,等待它们被发现。


    案例简介:Synopsis Netflix is the largest creator of original content and strives to maintain a permanent spot on the shortlist of pop culture’s most beloved brands. To do that, the marketing for their original series must spark as much joy and social conversation as the content itself. The goal was no different for Altered Carbon, an original sci-fi thriller tackling big questions about ethics, humanity, and the dangers of immortality with a unique premise: technology has separated humanity from physical bodies, allowing humans to live forever. We needed to spark conversation and intrigue about the series to catch the attention of sci-fi fans and convince them that this series was worth watching. Strategy Our targets were sci-fi fans, both geeky hardcore enthusiasts and broader fans who were less passionate about sci-fi, but could be convinced to view a series if enough people talked about it. Other components of our media plan reached fans in contextual sci-fi environments through digital and targeted television, but we wanted an additional stand-out element that would be as interesting as the show itself and would create enough conversation and intrigue to reinforce the credibility of the series. Los Angeles does not have the strict rules of other DMAs in terms of what is allowed in public-facing OOH units, so we secured five bus shelters on Santa Monica Boulevard, a highly trafficked area that was sure to catch the attention of commuters as they walked or drove by, creating enough shock value that they would share on social media. Relevancy Most entertainment companies take their key art and simply repurpose it to run in two-dimensional OOH units. To promote the sci-fi series Altered Carbon on Netflix, we completely reinvented bus shelters, transforming our key art into a three-dimensional art piece in the form of a body sculpture. But we didn’t stop there. Our sculptures appeared to be alive and breathing and were covered in a gel substance to mirror the exact look of the bodies in the series. Their skin was squishy to the touch to entice passersby to want to feel for themselves, which they did in large numbers. Outcome The results were testament to the fact that we had caught the attention of consumers and compelled them to talk about the series in anticipation of the launch: -The effort culminated in 15MM earned impressions, seven times the volume of the original investment. -We generated more than 7,000 bus shelter-specific mentions on Twitter. -Altered Carbon was the most talked about new streaming series the month it launched. (Nielsen Social, February 2018) -The shelters were featured in multiple newscasts and coverage received 2.6MM video views. Finally, Altered Carbon was the single most-searched-for TV show in February according to Google Trends, proving we had created significant interest in and credibility for the series. Execution We transformed five two-dimensional bus-stop ads on Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles into full size, breathing male and female sculptures that passersby could touch and react to as if the bodies were in some kind of stasis, seemingly alive but without consciousness. An internal motor installed in the chest cavity of each body created a realistic continuous breathing effect timed to mimic the slow breaths of deep sleep. A silicone goo mimicked the nutrition gel seen around the unconscious bodies in the series. The sculptures appeared in custom steel housings that replaced the existing ad units, and custom backlit signage was added to the top and bottom of the shelter, resulting in a complete customization of the bus shelter ad unit. The execution was live from January 29 to February 25 and 2.1MM impressions were booked. CampaignDescription Research showed our sci-fi fans demanded attention to detail and carefully crafted world-building. We needed to convince them Altered Carbon would deliver on the promise of the sci-fi genre—to transport them to another place—by bringing this to life in the marketing in a unique way. We knew we couldn’t rely on the typical two-dimensional poster art or a piece of custom digital content to truly capture their imagination, and we also knew typical sci-fi tropes like flying cars and futuristic gadgetry weren’t enough to differentiate our series from others. So our idea was to literally breathe life into our key art and create three dimensional sculptures in the real world. We replicated the reusable bodies featured in the series in painstaking detail, placed them in bus shelters in West Hollywood, California, and waited for them to be discovered.

    Breathing Life Into Transit Ads

    案例简介:概要 网飞是原创内容的最大创造者,并努力在流行文化最受欢迎品牌的入围名单中保持永久位置。要做到这一点,他们原创系列的营销必须像内容本身一样激发快乐和社交对话。改变碳的目标没有什么不同,它是一部原创科幻惊悚片,以独特的前提处理关于伦理、人性和不朽危险的大问题: 技术已经将人类从物质身体中分离出来,允许人类永远活着。我们需要引发关于这个系列的对话和阴谋,以吸引科幻爱好者的注意力,并说服他们这个系列值得观看。 战略 我们的目标是科幻粉丝,无论是极客铁杆爱好者还是更广泛的粉丝,他们对科幻不太感兴趣,但如果有足够多的人谈论这个系列,他们可能会被说服观看。我们媒体计划的其他组成部分通过数字和目标电视接触到背景科幻环境中的粉丝, 但是我们想要一个额外的突出元素,这个元素和这个节目本身一样有趣,并且会创造足够的对话和阴谋来增强这个系列的可信度。洛杉矶没有其他 DMAs 对面向公众的户外活动的严格规定,所以我们在圣莫尼卡大道上保护了五个公共汽车避难所, 一个高度拥挤的地区,当通勤者走过或开车路过时,肯定会引起他们的注意,创造足够的震撼价值,让他们在社交媒体上分享。 相关性 大多数娱乐公司采用他们的关键艺术,并简单地将其重新定位为二维 OOH 单元。为了在 Netflix 上推广科幻系列《改变碳》,我们彻底改造了公共汽车候车亭,将我们的关键艺术转化为人体雕塑形式的三维艺术作品。但我们没有就此止步。我们的雕塑似乎还活着,还在呼吸,上面覆盖着凝胶物质,以反映该系列中尸体的确切外观。他们的皮肤粘糊糊的,吸引路人想为自己感觉,他们做了很多。 结果 结果证明了这样一个事实,即我们已经引起了消费者的注意,并迫使他们在期待发布的时候谈论这个系列:-最终以 15 毫米的努力赢得了印象, 7 倍于原始投资的交易量。-我们在推特上产生了 7,000 多个公共汽车避难所特定的提及。-改变碳是它推出的一个月里最受关注的新流媒体系列。(Nielsen,2018年2月)-这些收容所精选多种新闻和报道收到 2.6 毫米视频的看法。最后,根据谷歌趋势,改变后的碳是 2月搜索最多的电视节目,这证明我们已经对该系列产生了极大的兴趣和可信度。 执行 我们把洛杉矶圣莫尼卡大道上的五个二维公共汽车站广告改造成了全尺寸, 呼吸着男性和女性的雕塑,路人可以触摸并做出反应,就好像身体处于某种停滞状态,看似活着,但没有意识。安装在每个身体胸腔内的内部马达创造了一个真实的持续呼吸效果,模拟深度睡眠的缓慢呼吸。一个硅胶粘粘模仿了系列中无意识身体周围的营养凝胶。这些雕塑出现在定制的钢制外壳中,取代了现有的广告单元,定制的背光标牌被添加到庇护所的顶部和底部, 导致公共汽车庇护所广告单元的完全定制。在执行现场 1月29日至 2月25日日和 2.1 毫米的印象都已预定一空。 活动描述 研究表明,我们的科幻爱好者要求关注细节,并精心制作世界建筑。我们需要说服他们改变碳将实现科幻类型的承诺 -- 将它们运送到另一个地方 -- 以独特的方式在营销中实现这一点。我们知道我们不能依靠典型的二维海报艺术或定制的数字内容来真正捕捉他们的想象力, 我们也知道典型的科幻比喻,如飞行汽车和未来的小玩意,不足以区分我们的系列。所以我们的想法是给我们的主要艺术注入生命,在现实世界中创建三维雕塑。我们以细致的细节复制了该系列中的可重复使用的尸体,将它们放在加州西好莱坞的公共汽车站,等待它们被发现。

    Breathing Life Into Transit Ads

    案例简介:Synopsis Netflix is the largest creator of original content and strives to maintain a permanent spot on the shortlist of pop culture’s most beloved brands. To do that, the marketing for their original series must spark as much joy and social conversation as the content itself. The goal was no different for Altered Carbon, an original sci-fi thriller tackling big questions about ethics, humanity, and the dangers of immortality with a unique premise: technology has separated humanity from physical bodies, allowing humans to live forever. We needed to spark conversation and intrigue about the series to catch the attention of sci-fi fans and convince them that this series was worth watching. Strategy Our targets were sci-fi fans, both geeky hardcore enthusiasts and broader fans who were less passionate about sci-fi, but could be convinced to view a series if enough people talked about it. Other components of our media plan reached fans in contextual sci-fi environments through digital and targeted television, but we wanted an additional stand-out element that would be as interesting as the show itself and would create enough conversation and intrigue to reinforce the credibility of the series. Los Angeles does not have the strict rules of other DMAs in terms of what is allowed in public-facing OOH units, so we secured five bus shelters on Santa Monica Boulevard, a highly trafficked area that was sure to catch the attention of commuters as they walked or drove by, creating enough shock value that they would share on social media. Relevancy Most entertainment companies take their key art and simply repurpose it to run in two-dimensional OOH units. To promote the sci-fi series Altered Carbon on Netflix, we completely reinvented bus shelters, transforming our key art into a three-dimensional art piece in the form of a body sculpture. But we didn’t stop there. Our sculptures appeared to be alive and breathing and were covered in a gel substance to mirror the exact look of the bodies in the series. Their skin was squishy to the touch to entice passersby to want to feel for themselves, which they did in large numbers. Outcome The results were testament to the fact that we had caught the attention of consumers and compelled them to talk about the series in anticipation of the launch: -The effort culminated in 15MM earned impressions, seven times the volume of the original investment. -We generated more than 7,000 bus shelter-specific mentions on Twitter. -Altered Carbon was the most talked about new streaming series the month it launched. (Nielsen Social, February 2018) -The shelters were featured in multiple newscasts and coverage received 2.6MM video views. Finally, Altered Carbon was the single most-searched-for TV show in February according to Google Trends, proving we had created significant interest in and credibility for the series. Execution We transformed five two-dimensional bus-stop ads on Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles into full size, breathing male and female sculptures that passersby could touch and react to as if the bodies were in some kind of stasis, seemingly alive but without consciousness. An internal motor installed in the chest cavity of each body created a realistic continuous breathing effect timed to mimic the slow breaths of deep sleep. A silicone goo mimicked the nutrition gel seen around the unconscious bodies in the series. The sculptures appeared in custom steel housings that replaced the existing ad units, and custom backlit signage was added to the top and bottom of the shelter, resulting in a complete customization of the bus shelter ad unit. The execution was live from January 29 to February 25 and 2.1MM impressions were booked. CampaignDescription Research showed our sci-fi fans demanded attention to detail and carefully crafted world-building. We needed to convince them Altered Carbon would deliver on the promise of the sci-fi genre—to transport them to another place—by bringing this to life in the marketing in a unique way. We knew we couldn’t rely on the typical two-dimensional poster art or a piece of custom digital content to truly capture their imagination, and we also knew typical sci-fi tropes like flying cars and futuristic gadgetry weren’t enough to differentiate our series from others. So our idea was to literally breathe life into our key art and create three dimensional sculptures in the real world. We replicated the reusable bodies featured in the series in painstaking detail, placed them in bus shelters in West Hollywood, California, and waited for them to be discovered.



    Breathing Life Into Transit Ads






    广告公司: Lowe (美国 波士顿) 制作公司: Rapport




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