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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 自行车是巴西税收最高的产品之一。自行车价格的70% 以上包括在内 税收。作为比较,汽车的税率为30%。家具价格为12%。事实并非如此 在巴西人之间获得足够的关注或愤怒,原因有一个: 他们只是不知道 它。 为了在自行车消费者中传达这一点,我们决定违法。 我们创造了Outlaw Bike,这是一种伪装成家具的自行车,因此缴纳的税款更少。A 产品旨在引起所有毫无戒心的巴西人的注意。 背景 在全球范围内,骑自行车杂志的目标是反映骑自行车的人的生活方式,并鼓励 更多的人在日常生活中使用自行车。但是,在巴西,骑自行车的人面临着强大的 障碍: 高税收。巴西超过70% 的自行车价格由税收组成,而家具, 接近12%。如果你看看巴西以外的地方,情况就不同了。在英格兰,自行车税接近 至20%。在德国,19%。在美国,大约8%。 要超越这一障碍,杂志封面就是做不到。我们需要一种强大的方法来 显示这些税收到底有多高。我们需要一个符号。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们创造了Outlaw Bike,这是一种伪装成另一种产品的自行车,因此它的价格更低 税。 它既可以组装成自行车,也可以组装成家具。当组装成自行车时: 70% 的税。 当组装成家具时: 只有12%。它是用相同的部件和相同的部件建造的 材料。只是不同地组合在一起。一个小小的差异,让一切都变得不同。 在了解了我们的自行车之后,我们问了骑自行车的人和骑自行车的人一件事: 下车 离开,做点什么。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 多年来,许多非政府组织和消费者组织试图概述原因 在巴西,自行车是如此昂贵: 高得离谱的税收。但是没有人能真正做到 与巴西人联系。他们的方法一直只基于数字和 图形。 这就是为什么我们需要改变策略。而不是数字,一个符号。 因此,要使其成为象征,首先我们必须将自行车放在那里。让人们注意到它, 谈论它,了解它为什么被创造。 这是将非法自行车变成变革火花的第一步。 描述执行 (30% 的选票) 首先,在《自行车》杂志的网站上披露了非法自行车,直接与其 读者,100% 致力于我们事业的人。它也将出现在 杂志的下一个印刷版。展示自行车的视频也被发送到数字 为所有巴西人争取更便宜的自行车的影响者。 这辆自行车刚刚开始了穿越巴西的旅程,并在各地的自行车商店展出。 国。在那里,它将覆盖那些对看到变化最感兴趣的人: 自行车 消费者。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 自4月份启动以来,超过695.000人受到了非法行为的直接影响 自行车,在杂志的网站和几家自行车商店。通过电子邮件营销,超过 达到70.000人。 下一步是5月中旬出版的杂志印刷版中的一篇文章。 除此之外,电视媒体还向自行车索要自己的零件。 政客们正在加入讨论,到目前为止,反应是100% 积极的, 自行车激起了巴西人对税制改革的渴望。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Bikes are one of the highest taxed products in Brazil. Over 70% of a bike's price is comprised of taxes. For comparison, cars are taxed at 30%. Furniture prices at 12%. That fact doesn't get enough attention nor outrage between Brazilians for one reason: they just don't know it. To communicate that amongst the bike consumers, we decided to break the law. We created The Outlaw Bike, a bike that pretends to be furniture so it pays less taxes. A product designed to get the attention of all unsuspecting Brazilians. Background Globally, the Bicycling magazine's goal is to reflect the biker's lifestyle and also to encourage even more people to use bikes in their everyday lives. But, in Brazil, bikers face a powerful barrier: high taxes. Over 70% of bike prices in Brazil are comprised of taxes, while furniture, close to 12%. If you look outside Brazil, things are different. In England, bike taxes are close to 20%. In Germany, 19%. In the U.S., around 8%. To surpass that barrier, a magazine cover just wouldn't do. We needed a powerful way to show how high these taxes really are. We needed a symbol. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We created the Outlaw Bike, a bike that pretends to be another product so it pays less taxes. It can be assembled both as a bike and as furniture. When assembled as a bike: 70% taxes. When assembled as furniture: only 12%. It's built with the same parts and the same materials. It's just put together differently. A small difference that makes all the difference. After getting to know our bike, we asked bikers and bike lovers one thing: get off their asses off and do something about it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Over the years, lots of NGOs and consumer organizations have tried to outline the reason bikes are so expensive in Brazil: the absurdly high taxes. But none have managed to really connect with Brazilians. Their approach has always been based solely on numbers and graphics. That's why we needed a change in strategy. Instead of numbers, a symbol. So, for it to become a symbol, first we had to get the bike out there. Get people to notice it, talk about it, to understand why it was created. That was the first step into turning the Outlaw Bike a spark of change. Describe the execution (30% of vote) First the Outlaw Bike was revealed at Bicycling magazine's website, talking directly to its readers, people who are 100% committed to our cause. It's also going to be featured in the magazine's next print edition. A video showcasing the bike was also sent to digital influencers who fight for cheaper bikes for all Brazilians. The bike has just began a journey through Brazil, being showcased at bike stores all over the country. There it will reach those who are the most interested in seeing change: bike consumers. List the results (30% of vote) Since its launch in April, over 695.000 people have been directly impacted by the Outlaw Bike, in the magazine's website and at several bike stores. Through e-mail marketing, over 70.000 people were reached. The next step is an article in the print version of the magazine, which comes out mid May. Besides that, TV media outlets have asked the bike for their own pieces. Politicians are joining the discussion and so far, the response was 100% positive and the bike has ignited a desire for tax reform among Brazilians.

    The Outlaw Bike

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 自行车是巴西税收最高的产品之一。自行车价格的70% 以上包括在内 税收。作为比较,汽车的税率为30%。家具价格为12%。事实并非如此 在巴西人之间获得足够的关注或愤怒,原因有一个: 他们只是不知道 它。 为了在自行车消费者中传达这一点,我们决定违法。 我们创造了Outlaw Bike,这是一种伪装成家具的自行车,因此缴纳的税款更少。A 产品旨在引起所有毫无戒心的巴西人的注意。 背景 在全球范围内,骑自行车杂志的目标是反映骑自行车的人的生活方式,并鼓励 更多的人在日常生活中使用自行车。但是,在巴西,骑自行车的人面临着强大的 障碍: 高税收。巴西超过70% 的自行车价格由税收组成,而家具, 接近12%。如果你看看巴西以外的地方,情况就不同了。在英格兰,自行车税接近 至20%。在德国,19%。在美国,大约8%。 要超越这一障碍,杂志封面就是做不到。我们需要一种强大的方法来 显示这些税收到底有多高。我们需要一个符号。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们创造了Outlaw Bike,这是一种伪装成另一种产品的自行车,因此它的价格更低 税。 它既可以组装成自行车,也可以组装成家具。当组装成自行车时: 70% 的税。 当组装成家具时: 只有12%。它是用相同的部件和相同的部件建造的 材料。只是不同地组合在一起。一个小小的差异,让一切都变得不同。 在了解了我们的自行车之后,我们问了骑自行车的人和骑自行车的人一件事: 下车 离开,做点什么。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 多年来,许多非政府组织和消费者组织试图概述原因 在巴西,自行车是如此昂贵: 高得离谱的税收。但是没有人能真正做到 与巴西人联系。他们的方法一直只基于数字和 图形。 这就是为什么我们需要改变策略。而不是数字,一个符号。 因此,要使其成为象征,首先我们必须将自行车放在那里。让人们注意到它, 谈论它,了解它为什么被创造。 这是将非法自行车变成变革火花的第一步。 描述执行 (30% 的选票) 首先,在《自行车》杂志的网站上披露了非法自行车,直接与其 读者,100% 致力于我们事业的人。它也将出现在 杂志的下一个印刷版。展示自行车的视频也被发送到数字 为所有巴西人争取更便宜的自行车的影响者。 这辆自行车刚刚开始了穿越巴西的旅程,并在各地的自行车商店展出。 国。在那里,它将覆盖那些对看到变化最感兴趣的人: 自行车 消费者。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 自4月份启动以来,超过695.000人受到了非法行为的直接影响 自行车,在杂志的网站和几家自行车商店。通过电子邮件营销,超过 达到70.000人。 下一步是5月中旬出版的杂志印刷版中的一篇文章。 除此之外,电视媒体还向自行车索要自己的零件。 政客们正在加入讨论,到目前为止,反应是100% 积极的, 自行车激起了巴西人对税制改革的渴望。

    The Outlaw Bike

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Bikes are one of the highest taxed products in Brazil. Over 70% of a bike's price is comprised of taxes. For comparison, cars are taxed at 30%. Furniture prices at 12%. That fact doesn't get enough attention nor outrage between Brazilians for one reason: they just don't know it. To communicate that amongst the bike consumers, we decided to break the law. We created The Outlaw Bike, a bike that pretends to be furniture so it pays less taxes. A product designed to get the attention of all unsuspecting Brazilians. Background Globally, the Bicycling magazine's goal is to reflect the biker's lifestyle and also to encourage even more people to use bikes in their everyday lives. But, in Brazil, bikers face a powerful barrier: high taxes. Over 70% of bike prices in Brazil are comprised of taxes, while furniture, close to 12%. If you look outside Brazil, things are different. In England, bike taxes are close to 20%. In Germany, 19%. In the U.S., around 8%. To surpass that barrier, a magazine cover just wouldn't do. We needed a powerful way to show how high these taxes really are. We needed a symbol. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We created the Outlaw Bike, a bike that pretends to be another product so it pays less taxes. It can be assembled both as a bike and as furniture. When assembled as a bike: 70% taxes. When assembled as furniture: only 12%. It's built with the same parts and the same materials. It's just put together differently. A small difference that makes all the difference. After getting to know our bike, we asked bikers and bike lovers one thing: get off their asses off and do something about it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Over the years, lots of NGOs and consumer organizations have tried to outline the reason bikes are so expensive in Brazil: the absurdly high taxes. But none have managed to really connect with Brazilians. Their approach has always been based solely on numbers and graphics. That's why we needed a change in strategy. Instead of numbers, a symbol. So, for it to become a symbol, first we had to get the bike out there. Get people to notice it, talk about it, to understand why it was created. That was the first step into turning the Outlaw Bike a spark of change. Describe the execution (30% of vote) First the Outlaw Bike was revealed at Bicycling magazine's website, talking directly to its readers, people who are 100% committed to our cause. It's also going to be featured in the magazine's next print edition. A video showcasing the bike was also sent to digital influencers who fight for cheaper bikes for all Brazilians. The bike has just began a journey through Brazil, being showcased at bike stores all over the country. There it will reach those who are the most interested in seeing change: bike consumers. List the results (30% of vote) Since its launch in April, over 695.000 people have been directly impacted by the Outlaw Bike, in the magazine's website and at several bike stores. Through e-mail marketing, over 70.000 people were reached. The next step is an article in the print version of the magazine, which comes out mid May. Besides that, TV media outlets have asked the bike for their own pieces. Politicians are joining the discussion and so far, the response was 100% positive and the bike has ignited a desire for tax reform among Brazilians.



    The Outlaw Bike










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