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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐狮子音乐相关? 我们创建了一个联觉展览: 由OSESP的首席指挥,音乐总监和世界上最伟大的指挥家之一Marin Alsop用技术指挥棒进行的12首最伟大的古典歌曲的绘画。 在画作旁边,有一个蓝牙耳机在播放画作上的歌曲。屏幕上还显示了向访客解释过程的视频。 音乐迷们能够看到并把他们最喜欢的指挥家最喜欢的歌曲带回家。 背景 OSESP是拉丁美洲最重要的乐团,但其社会项目依靠捐赠。我们没有要求,而是邀请了OSESP的首席指挥和音乐总监: Marin Alsop从古典音乐中绘画 描述创造性的想法 为了为圣保罗交响乐团 (OSESP) 的社会项目筹集资金,我们制作并展出了12首最著名的古典歌曲。我们还做了纪念品。 我们跟踪了OSESP的主要指挥Marin Alsop的动作,而她则使用特殊的技术指挥棒将其转换为数据。然后,软件将数据转换为笔划。 我们打印了它,她签名了,我们做了一个展览。这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。我们还制作了纪念品来筹集更多的钱。 Marin Alsop只是第一版,我们正在与其他指挥和其他歌曲一起做。结合音乐和技术,看到音乐现在是OSESP的永久收入来源。 描述策略 我们的项目使用他们自己的产品为OSESP创造了永久的收入来源: 音乐和他们的指挥。 借助tech baton数据,我们能够创建任何类型的产品,从最简单的磁铁到要在拍卖中出售的高端画布。我们把粉丝作为消费者的目标。 展览还增加了OSESP的参观者数量,因为它位于同一地点。 描述执行 我们创建了一个3d打印的技术指挥棒,配备了加速度计,陀螺仪,磁力计和蓝牙,能够捕获导体的最小运动。 然后,我们邀请了世界上最伟大的指挥家之一马林·阿尔索普指挥12首著名的古典歌曲。 然后我们把数据转换成笔画,打印出来,她签名,我们做了一个展览。在每幅画作旁边,都有一个蓝牙耳机播放画布上歌曲的一部分。 这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。 我们还制作了纪念品来筹集更多的钱。 描述结果 这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。 纪念品已经在OSESP的当地商店出售。 一些当地新闻报道了这个想法,互联网也很喜欢。 开幕之夜是成功的: 超过1000人来了,OSESP的访问人数在所有其他日子都有所增加。 总影响为1.304.000印象。 但最重要的是,我们使用自己的产品为OSESP创造了永久的收入来源: 音乐。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? We created a synesthetic exhibition: paintings from the 12 greatest classical songs conducted with a tech baton by Marin Alsop, OSESP’s principal conductor, musical director and one of the greatest conductors of the world. Alongside of the paintings, there were a Bluetooth headphone playing the part of the song that was on the painting. There was also screens showing a video explaining the process to the visitors. Music fans were able to see and bring home their favorite songs by their favorite conductor. Background OSESP is the most important Latin America orchestra, but its social projects lives off donations. Instead of asking for it, we invited OSESP’s principal conductor and music director: Marin Alsop to make paintings from classical music Describe the creative idea To raise money for São Paulo Symphony Orchestra (OSESP)’s social projects, we made and exhibition with paintings from the 12 most famous classical songs. We also made souvenirs. We tracked Marin Alsop, OSESP’s principal conductor, movements while she conducted them while using a especial tech baton that transformed it into data. Then, a software transformed the data into strokes. We printed it, she signed and we made an exhibition. The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. We also made souvenirs to raise even more money. Marin Alsop was just the first edition and we are doing it with other conductors and other songs. Uniting music and technology, See the Music is a now permanent source of income for OSESP. Describe the strategy Our project created a permanent source of income for OSESP using their own product: music and their conductors. With the tech baton data, we are able to create any kind of products, from the simplest magnet to a high-end canvas to be sold on an auction. And we used our fans as a consumer target. The exhibition also increases the number of OSESP’s visitors, since it is in the same location. Describe the execution We created a 3D-printed tech baton fueled with accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and Bluetooth able to capture the smallest movement from the conductor. Then, we invited Marin Alsop, one of the world’s greatest conductors, to conduct 12 famous classical songs. Then we transformed the data into strokes, printed it, she signed and we made an exhibition. Alongside of each painting, there was a Bluetooth headphone playing the part of the song that was on the canvas. The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. We also made souvenirs to raise even more money. Describe the outcome The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. The souvenirs are already being sold at OSESP’s local store. Several local news featured the idea and the internet loved it. The opening night was a success: more than 1000 people came and the visitation number at OSESP increased on all the other days. The total impact was 1.304.000 impressions. But most importantly, we created a permanent source of income for OSESP using our own product: music.

    See The Music

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐狮子音乐相关? 我们创建了一个联觉展览: 由OSESP的首席指挥,音乐总监和世界上最伟大的指挥家之一Marin Alsop用技术指挥棒进行的12首最伟大的古典歌曲的绘画。 在画作旁边,有一个蓝牙耳机在播放画作上的歌曲。屏幕上还显示了向访客解释过程的视频。 音乐迷们能够看到并把他们最喜欢的指挥家最喜欢的歌曲带回家。 背景 OSESP是拉丁美洲最重要的乐团,但其社会项目依靠捐赠。我们没有要求,而是邀请了OSESP的首席指挥和音乐总监: Marin Alsop从古典音乐中绘画 描述创造性的想法 为了为圣保罗交响乐团 (OSESP) 的社会项目筹集资金,我们制作并展出了12首最著名的古典歌曲。我们还做了纪念品。 我们跟踪了OSESP的主要指挥Marin Alsop的动作,而她则使用特殊的技术指挥棒将其转换为数据。然后,软件将数据转换为笔划。 我们打印了它,她签名了,我们做了一个展览。这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。我们还制作了纪念品来筹集更多的钱。 Marin Alsop只是第一版,我们正在与其他指挥和其他歌曲一起做。结合音乐和技术,看到音乐现在是OSESP的永久收入来源。 描述策略 我们的项目使用他们自己的产品为OSESP创造了永久的收入来源: 音乐和他们的指挥。 借助tech baton数据,我们能够创建任何类型的产品,从最简单的磁铁到要在拍卖中出售的高端画布。我们把粉丝作为消费者的目标。 展览还增加了OSESP的参观者数量,因为它位于同一地点。 描述执行 我们创建了一个3d打印的技术指挥棒,配备了加速度计,陀螺仪,磁力计和蓝牙,能够捕获导体的最小运动。 然后,我们邀请了世界上最伟大的指挥家之一马林·阿尔索普指挥12首著名的古典歌曲。 然后我们把数据转换成笔画,打印出来,她签名,我们做了一个展览。在每幅画作旁边,都有一个蓝牙耳机播放画布上歌曲的一部分。 这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。 我们还制作了纪念品来筹集更多的钱。 描述结果 这些画将在7月的拍卖会上出售。 纪念品已经在OSESP的当地商店出售。 一些当地新闻报道了这个想法,互联网也很喜欢。 开幕之夜是成功的: 超过1000人来了,OSESP的访问人数在所有其他日子都有所增加。 总影响为1.304.000印象。 但最重要的是,我们使用自己的产品为OSESP创造了永久的收入来源: 音乐。

    See The Music

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? We created a synesthetic exhibition: paintings from the 12 greatest classical songs conducted with a tech baton by Marin Alsop, OSESP’s principal conductor, musical director and one of the greatest conductors of the world. Alongside of the paintings, there were a Bluetooth headphone playing the part of the song that was on the painting. There was also screens showing a video explaining the process to the visitors. Music fans were able to see and bring home their favorite songs by their favorite conductor. Background OSESP is the most important Latin America orchestra, but its social projects lives off donations. Instead of asking for it, we invited OSESP’s principal conductor and music director: Marin Alsop to make paintings from classical music Describe the creative idea To raise money for São Paulo Symphony Orchestra (OSESP)’s social projects, we made and exhibition with paintings from the 12 most famous classical songs. We also made souvenirs. We tracked Marin Alsop, OSESP’s principal conductor, movements while she conducted them while using a especial tech baton that transformed it into data. Then, a software transformed the data into strokes. We printed it, she signed and we made an exhibition. The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. We also made souvenirs to raise even more money. Marin Alsop was just the first edition and we are doing it with other conductors and other songs. Uniting music and technology, See the Music is a now permanent source of income for OSESP. Describe the strategy Our project created a permanent source of income for OSESP using their own product: music and their conductors. With the tech baton data, we are able to create any kind of products, from the simplest magnet to a high-end canvas to be sold on an auction. And we used our fans as a consumer target. The exhibition also increases the number of OSESP’s visitors, since it is in the same location. Describe the execution We created a 3D-printed tech baton fueled with accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and Bluetooth able to capture the smallest movement from the conductor. Then, we invited Marin Alsop, one of the world’s greatest conductors, to conduct 12 famous classical songs. Then we transformed the data into strokes, printed it, she signed and we made an exhibition. Alongside of each painting, there was a Bluetooth headphone playing the part of the song that was on the canvas. The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. We also made souvenirs to raise even more money. Describe the outcome The paintings will be sold on an auction in July. The souvenirs are already being sold at OSESP’s local store. Several local news featured the idea and the internet loved it. The opening night was a success: more than 1000 people came and the visitation number at OSESP increased on all the other days. The total impact was 1.304.000 impressions. But most importantly, we created a permanent source of income for OSESP using our own product: music.



    See The Music










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