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    Dancing on Ice: Polar Bears微电影广告营销案例



    在冰上跳舞: 北极熊

    案例简介:想法 为了实现逼真的外观和感觉,我们使用了关键帧3D动画和动作捕捉的组合。生产的第一步是创建数字北极熊资产。然后将其动画制作成逼真的动物。该资产还被创建为与人类动作捕捉演员兼容,因此可以将复杂且可识别的花样滑冰运动员的动作转移到我们的北极熊上,以感觉真实和身体。一位人类演员表演了花样滑冰运动员的基本动作,穿着衬垫来帮助他们更像北极熊。每个动作都由运动捕捉设备记录下来,然后动画师对这些数据进行完善和修饰。这个过程使我们能够创造出一种北极熊,它在每一个动作中都感到沉重,身体和逼真-但仍然具有在冰上进行旋转运动的能力! 入口摘要 冰上舞蹈是一项英国电视比赛,名人及其职业花样滑冰伙伴每周在评委面前现场表演。在中断了四年后重新播出,这部备受喜爱的节目即将重新引入英国。研究揭示了观众最想念的格式: 我们的名人每周都在进行的旅程,到最后完成了一开始没有人想到的壮举。我们还发现,在以前看过该节目的人中,78% 会考虑再次观看该节目。但是,在那些从未看过该节目的人中,87% 无意从现在开始。因此,我们面临的挑战有三个方面: 以适合格式的奇观重新启动节目,刷新品牌以使其对不太感兴趣的观众具有吸引力,12月,当最大的品牌发出最大的声音时。 简要说明 北极熊。我们的竞选活动以令人惊叹的湖边背景为背景,讲述了一只试探性的熊第一次登上冰面的故事。他一开始就滑倒了,跌跌撞撞,但是在朋友的一点帮助下,他变得自信起来,发现了自己真正的能力。结合了动画和真实花样滑冰运动员的动作捕捉,我们的北极熊在冰冻的湖泊环境中表演,反映了著名的冰上舞蹈。作为一种补充,动画松鼠标志着熊在10场比赛中的常规动作,向评委在节目中的角色点头。

    在冰上跳舞: 北极熊

    案例简介:Idea To achieve the realistic look and feel, we used a combination of key framed 3D animation and motion capture. The first step of the production was to create the digital polar bear asset. This was then animated and rendered into a photorealistic animal. The asset was also created to be compatible with a human motion capture actor, so that the complex and recognisable figure skater’s movements could be transferred onto our polar bear to feel authentic and physical. A human actor performed the basic moves of a figure skater, wearing padding to help them move more like a polar bear. Every movement was recorded by a motion capture rig, and this data was then refined and touched up by animators. This process allowed us to create a polar bear that felt heavy, physical and realistic in every move - but still had the ability to perform pirouettes on ice! EntrySummary Dancing On Ice is a British TV competition where celebrities and their professional figure skating partners perform live in front of a panel of judges every week. Back on air after a four-year hiatus, this much loved show was about to be reintroduced the UK. Research revealed what viewers missed most about the format: the journey our celebrities go on week to week, by the end accomplishing feats no one thought possible at the start. We also found that out of those who had watched the show previously, 78% would consider watching the show again. However, of those who had never watched the show, 87% had no intention of starting now. So, our challenge was threefold: to relaunch the show with a spectacle befitting the format, refresh the brand to make it attractive to less interested viewers, AND in December, when the biggest brands are making the biggest noise. BriefExplanation Polar Bears. Set against a stunning lakeside backdrop, our campaign tells the story of a tentative bear making his way out onto the ice for the first time. He slips and stumbles to begin with, but with a little help from a friend, he grows in confidence and discovers what he’s truly capable of. Brought to life using a combination of animation and motion capture of real figure skaters, our polar bears perform on a frozen lake environment that mirrors the famous Dancing on Ice arena. As an added touch, animated squirrels mark the bears’ routine out of 10, nodding to the judges’ role in the show.

    Dancing on Ice: Polar Bears

    案例简介:想法 为了实现逼真的外观和感觉,我们使用了关键帧3D动画和动作捕捉的组合。生产的第一步是创建数字北极熊资产。然后将其动画制作成逼真的动物。该资产还被创建为与人类动作捕捉演员兼容,因此可以将复杂且可识别的花样滑冰运动员的动作转移到我们的北极熊上,以感觉真实和身体。一位人类演员表演了花样滑冰运动员的基本动作,穿着衬垫来帮助他们更像北极熊。每个动作都由运动捕捉设备记录下来,然后动画师对这些数据进行完善和修饰。这个过程使我们能够创造出一种北极熊,它在每一个动作中都感到沉重,身体和逼真-但仍然具有在冰上进行旋转运动的能力! 入口摘要 冰上舞蹈是一项英国电视比赛,名人及其职业花样滑冰伙伴每周在评委面前现场表演。在中断了四年后重新播出,这部备受喜爱的节目即将重新引入英国。研究揭示了观众最想念的格式: 我们的名人每周都在进行的旅程,到最后完成了一开始没有人想到的壮举。我们还发现,在以前看过该节目的人中,78% 会考虑再次观看该节目。但是,在那些从未看过该节目的人中,87% 无意从现在开始。因此,我们面临的挑战有三个方面: 以适合格式的奇观重新启动节目,刷新品牌以使其对不太感兴趣的观众具有吸引力,12月,当最大的品牌发出最大的声音时。 简要说明 北极熊。我们的竞选活动以令人惊叹的湖边背景为背景,讲述了一只试探性的熊第一次登上冰面的故事。他一开始就滑倒了,跌跌撞撞,但是在朋友的一点帮助下,他变得自信起来,发现了自己真正的能力。结合了动画和真实花样滑冰运动员的动作捕捉,我们的北极熊在冰冻的湖泊环境中表演,反映了著名的冰上舞蹈。作为一种补充,动画松鼠标志着熊在10场比赛中的常规动作,向评委在节目中的角色点头。

    Dancing on Ice: Polar Bears

    案例简介:Idea To achieve the realistic look and feel, we used a combination of key framed 3D animation and motion capture. The first step of the production was to create the digital polar bear asset. This was then animated and rendered into a photorealistic animal. The asset was also created to be compatible with a human motion capture actor, so that the complex and recognisable figure skater’s movements could be transferred onto our polar bear to feel authentic and physical. A human actor performed the basic moves of a figure skater, wearing padding to help them move more like a polar bear. Every movement was recorded by a motion capture rig, and this data was then refined and touched up by animators. This process allowed us to create a polar bear that felt heavy, physical and realistic in every move - but still had the ability to perform pirouettes on ice! EntrySummary Dancing On Ice is a British TV competition where celebrities and their professional figure skating partners perform live in front of a panel of judges every week. Back on air after a four-year hiatus, this much loved show was about to be reintroduced the UK. Research revealed what viewers missed most about the format: the journey our celebrities go on week to week, by the end accomplishing feats no one thought possible at the start. We also found that out of those who had watched the show previously, 78% would consider watching the show again. However, of those who had never watched the show, 87% had no intention of starting now. So, our challenge was threefold: to relaunch the show with a spectacle befitting the format, refresh the brand to make it attractive to less interested viewers, AND in December, when the biggest brands are making the biggest noise. BriefExplanation Polar Bears. Set against a stunning lakeside backdrop, our campaign tells the story of a tentative bear making his way out onto the ice for the first time. He slips and stumbles to begin with, but with a little help from a friend, he grows in confidence and discovers what he’s truly capable of. Brought to life using a combination of animation and motion capture of real figure skaters, our polar bears perform on a frozen lake environment that mirrors the famous Dancing on Ice arena. As an added touch, animated squirrels mark the bears’ routine out of 10, nodding to the judges’ role in the show.

    在冰上跳舞: 北极熊


    Dancing on Ice: Polar Bears






    广告公司: ITV CREATIVE (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: ITV




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