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    Bring Back The Bees短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 把蜜蜂产生巨大的嗡嗡声在加拿大和美国的混搭,赫芬顿邮报,Facebook,Twitter,通勤电台早餐电视节目, 蜂蜜坚果麦圈和 # BringBackTheBees 举办的活动的主流和特产/社交媒体的所有类型。运动产生的> 250 的新闻报道和 3.2亿的传统和社会媒体对 *,实现了公关费用每 $0.0003 和超越的 KPI 指标的印象> 300%。更重要的是,超过 560万人。事实上,运动是粘,连美国媒体和有影响力的人越过边界,或注意到加拿大的运动。人们不只是说,他们共同的: 只月工作日内,3500万种是通过网站、实现运动满两个月的时间早于预期的目标, 并促使蜂蜜坚果麦圈提高目标为 1.15亿。 活动描述 人们注意到了蜜蜂的困境,我们设计了不可思议的包装商品品牌: 我们的偶像和心爱的蜜蜂吉祥物关的蜂蜜果仁麦片盒首次在该品牌的历史。我们不只是停留在让公众注意的问题; 我们还提供了一个切实解决方案/行动呼吁,会将捐出 3500万野花种子,每加让加拿大人可以种植的种子,以帮助维持和恢复健康的自然环境, 对于我们的蜜蜂。我们还把蜜蜂的广告和创建一个感人视频具有人类拯救动物,请人做同样的蜜蜂。 战略 小贴士: 研究表明,加拿大确认下降太忙了,作为第三个最重要的环境问题,而更多的加拿大人知道这个问题,就越有可能以采取适当行动。 • 伙伴与第三方专家发言人 (TED 演讲明星,玛拉 · 斯皮瓦克) 教育消费者有关的问题和建立信任的品牌 • 引领者目标和 “buzzmakers” 感人的宣传视频通过公关应酬前支付媒介 · 利用最近得到了及时的国际和加拿大小蜜蜂消息推动蜂蜜坚果麦圈和 # BringBackTheBees 突出的原因对话 执行 代言人媒体体验: 世界著名昆虫学家和 TED 演讲明星,玛拉 · 斯皮瓦克,作为我们的竞选发言人提供协助。,倡导和可信性的品牌,她访问了媒体在多伦多和采访一些全国直销活动日前正式启动。加拿大华激活: 攻进月 + 观众的激情和环保,我们创造了一个独特的品牌目前存在和媒体的蜂蜜坚果麦圈在加拿大最大的花园表演。种子包的采样和媒体和消费者预览,录像。“Buzzmaker” 和媒体宣传: 在一周前的宣传运动,套餐含重点宣传资料、种子包,蜂蜜坚果麦圈麦片盒随机发加拿大各地的主要影响因子。该运动的视频也已事先做好。发射时,新闻稿分发并获得面试机会,与我们的品牌代言人。 概要 在过去几年里,已经越来越关注蜜蜂的人口下降。作为一个品牌有蜂蜜的明星成分的产品,一只会说话的蜜蜂作为吉祥物,蜂蜜坚果麦圈决定发起 # BringBackTheBees 事业而斗争。宣传方案的目标是: oCreate 巴斯-媒体之间开展对话, 意见领袖和消费者带来的蜜蜂蜜蜂活动和重要作用在我们的食物 supplyoSocialize 感人视频-种子视频与影响力的提前支付的支持,正品,病毒 movementoEncourage 行动动员加拿大人--尤其是爷爷奶奶-去 BringBackTheBees.ca,要求其无籽包和植物 wildflowersoGenerate 10000万媒体和社会媒体对,送 3500万野花种子 相关性 蜂蜜坚果麦圈加拿大创建一个时髦的 PR-led 运动的最终效果的积极的社会变革。媒体关系、影响者参与和社会媒体被巧妙地部署动员加拿大人,改善其环境和国家种植野花蜜蜂种群。在论证并不仅仅依赖于我们创造的嗡嗡声的媒体和消费者,但与利益攸关方。蜜蜂守护者协会,安大略省环境部,公园,加拿大已经达成了共同的蜂蜜坚果燕麦。吸收利害关系方确认了这项运动已经突破了真实。


    案例简介:Outcome Bring Back the Bees generated tremendous buzz in Canada and the U.S. From Mashable to Huffington Post, Facebook to Twitter, commuter radio to breakfast TV programs, Honey Nut Cheerios and the #BringBackTheBees campaign were featured across mainstream and specialty/social media of all types. The campaign generated >250 positive news stories and 320 million traditional and social media impressions*, achieving a PR cost per impression of $0.0003 and surpassing KPI targets by >300%. What’s more, over 5.6 million video views were achieved. In fact, the campaign was so sticky that even U.S. media and influencers across the border took notice of the Canadian campaign. And people weren’t just talking, they were joining in: Within just 10 days, 35 million seeds were distributed through the website, achieving the campaign goal a full two months sooner than projected, and prompting Honey Nut Cheerios to raise their goal to 115 million seeds. Campaign Description To draw attention to the plight of the bees, we did the unthinkable for a packaged goods brand: We took the iconic and beloved bee mascot off of the Honey Nut Cheerios box for the first time in the brand’s history. And we didn’t just stop at putting a spotlight on the issue; we also offered a tangible solution/call to action by pledging to give away 35 million wildflower seeds – one for every Canadian – so that Canadians can plant the seeds to help sustain and restore a healthy natural habitat for our bees. We also removed the bee from all ads and created a touching video featuring humans rescuing animals, and asked people to do the same for bees. Strategy Insight: Research showed that Canadians identify declining bee populations as the third most important environmental issue and that the more Canadians know about the issue, the more likely they are to care and take action.•Partner with a third-party expert spokesperson (TED Talks star, Marla Spivak) to educate consumers about the problem and build credibility for the brand •Target influencers and “buzzmakers” to socialize the touching campaign video through PR before it was supported by paid media •Leverage recent and timely international and Canadian bee news to propel Honey Nut Cheerios and #BringBackTheBees to the forefront of the cause and conversation Execution Spokesperson Media Tour: World-renowned entomologist and TED Talks star, Marla Spivak, was enlisted as our campaign spokesperson. Championing the cause and lending credibility to the brand, she toured media in Toronto and was interviewed by several national outlets prior the official launch of the campaign. Canada Blooms Activation: Tapping into a passionate and eco-friendly 50+ audience, we created a unique brand presence and media moment for Honey Nut Cheerios at Canada’s largest garden show. Seed packs were also sampled and media and consumers previewed the campaign video. “Buzzmaker” and Media Outreach: In the week leading up to the campaign launch, packages containing key campaign information, seed packs and Honey Nut Cheerios cereal boxes were sent to key influencers across Canada. The campaign video was also shared with them in advance. At launch, a press release was distributed and interview opportunities with our brand spokesperson were offered. Synopsis In the past few years, there have been growing concerns over the decline of honeybee populations. As a brand with honey as the star ingredient in its product and a talking bee as its mascot, Honey Nut Cheerios decided to champion the cause by launching #BringBackTheBees. The objectives of the PR program were to: oCreate Buzz - Generate dialogue among media, influencers and consumers around the Bring Back The Bees campaign and the important role bees play in our food supplyoSocialize The Touching Video – Seed video with influencers in advance of paid support to create authentic, viral movementoEncourage Action – Mobilize Canadians – especially grandparents – to go to BringBackTheBees.ca to request their free seed packs and plant wildflowersoGenerate 100 million media and social media impressions, and give away 35 million wildflower seeds Relevancy Honey Nut Cheerios Canada created a buzz-worthy PR-led campaign to ultimately effect positive social change. Media relations, influencer engagement and social media were artfully deployed to mobilize Canadians to make a difference in their environment and national bee populations by planting wildflowers. The proof of concept wasn’t just reliant on the buzz we created with media and consumers, but with stakeholders. Bee Keeper Societies, Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, and Parks Canada have since reached out to join forces with Honey Nut Cheerios. Stakeholder uptake confirms this campaign has broken through authentically.

    Bring Back The Bees

    案例简介:结果 把蜜蜂产生巨大的嗡嗡声在加拿大和美国的混搭,赫芬顿邮报,Facebook,Twitter,通勤电台早餐电视节目, 蜂蜜坚果麦圈和 # BringBackTheBees 举办的活动的主流和特产/社交媒体的所有类型。运动产生的> 250 的新闻报道和 3.2亿的传统和社会媒体对 *,实现了公关费用每 $0.0003 和超越的 KPI 指标的印象> 300%。更重要的是,超过 560万人。事实上,运动是粘,连美国媒体和有影响力的人越过边界,或注意到加拿大的运动。人们不只是说,他们共同的: 只月工作日内,3500万种是通过网站、实现运动满两个月的时间早于预期的目标, 并促使蜂蜜坚果麦圈提高目标为 1.15亿。 活动描述 人们注意到了蜜蜂的困境,我们设计了不可思议的包装商品品牌: 我们的偶像和心爱的蜜蜂吉祥物关的蜂蜜果仁麦片盒首次在该品牌的历史。我们不只是停留在让公众注意的问题; 我们还提供了一个切实解决方案/行动呼吁,会将捐出 3500万野花种子,每加让加拿大人可以种植的种子,以帮助维持和恢复健康的自然环境, 对于我们的蜜蜂。我们还把蜜蜂的广告和创建一个感人视频具有人类拯救动物,请人做同样的蜜蜂。 战略 小贴士: 研究表明,加拿大确认下降太忙了,作为第三个最重要的环境问题,而更多的加拿大人知道这个问题,就越有可能以采取适当行动。 • 伙伴与第三方专家发言人 (TED 演讲明星,玛拉 · 斯皮瓦克) 教育消费者有关的问题和建立信任的品牌 • 引领者目标和 “buzzmakers” 感人的宣传视频通过公关应酬前支付媒介 · 利用最近得到了及时的国际和加拿大小蜜蜂消息推动蜂蜜坚果麦圈和 # BringBackTheBees 突出的原因对话 执行 代言人媒体体验: 世界著名昆虫学家和 TED 演讲明星,玛拉 · 斯皮瓦克,作为我们的竞选发言人提供协助。,倡导和可信性的品牌,她访问了媒体在多伦多和采访一些全国直销活动日前正式启动。加拿大华激活: 攻进月 + 观众的激情和环保,我们创造了一个独特的品牌目前存在和媒体的蜂蜜坚果麦圈在加拿大最大的花园表演。种子包的采样和媒体和消费者预览,录像。“Buzzmaker” 和媒体宣传: 在一周前的宣传运动,套餐含重点宣传资料、种子包,蜂蜜坚果麦圈麦片盒随机发加拿大各地的主要影响因子。该运动的视频也已事先做好。发射时,新闻稿分发并获得面试机会,与我们的品牌代言人。 概要 在过去几年里,已经越来越关注蜜蜂的人口下降。作为一个品牌有蜂蜜的明星成分的产品,一只会说话的蜜蜂作为吉祥物,蜂蜜坚果麦圈决定发起 # BringBackTheBees 事业而斗争。宣传方案的目标是: oCreate 巴斯-媒体之间开展对话, 意见领袖和消费者带来的蜜蜂蜜蜂活动和重要作用在我们的食物 supplyoSocialize 感人视频-种子视频与影响力的提前支付的支持,正品,病毒 movementoEncourage 行动动员加拿大人--尤其是爷爷奶奶-去 BringBackTheBees.ca,要求其无籽包和植物 wildflowersoGenerate 10000万媒体和社会媒体对,送 3500万野花种子 相关性 蜂蜜坚果麦圈加拿大创建一个时髦的 PR-led 运动的最终效果的积极的社会变革。媒体关系、影响者参与和社会媒体被巧妙地部署动员加拿大人,改善其环境和国家种植野花蜜蜂种群。在论证并不仅仅依赖于我们创造的嗡嗡声的媒体和消费者,但与利益攸关方。蜜蜂守护者协会,安大略省环境部,公园,加拿大已经达成了共同的蜂蜜坚果燕麦。吸收利害关系方确认了这项运动已经突破了真实。

    Bring Back The Bees

    案例简介:Outcome Bring Back the Bees generated tremendous buzz in Canada and the U.S. From Mashable to Huffington Post, Facebook to Twitter, commuter radio to breakfast TV programs, Honey Nut Cheerios and the #BringBackTheBees campaign were featured across mainstream and specialty/social media of all types. The campaign generated >250 positive news stories and 320 million traditional and social media impressions*, achieving a PR cost per impression of $0.0003 and surpassing KPI targets by >300%. What’s more, over 5.6 million video views were achieved. In fact, the campaign was so sticky that even U.S. media and influencers across the border took notice of the Canadian campaign. And people weren’t just talking, they were joining in: Within just 10 days, 35 million seeds were distributed through the website, achieving the campaign goal a full two months sooner than projected, and prompting Honey Nut Cheerios to raise their goal to 115 million seeds. Campaign Description To draw attention to the plight of the bees, we did the unthinkable for a packaged goods brand: We took the iconic and beloved bee mascot off of the Honey Nut Cheerios box for the first time in the brand’s history. And we didn’t just stop at putting a spotlight on the issue; we also offered a tangible solution/call to action by pledging to give away 35 million wildflower seeds – one for every Canadian – so that Canadians can plant the seeds to help sustain and restore a healthy natural habitat for our bees. We also removed the bee from all ads and created a touching video featuring humans rescuing animals, and asked people to do the same for bees. Strategy Insight: Research showed that Canadians identify declining bee populations as the third most important environmental issue and that the more Canadians know about the issue, the more likely they are to care and take action.•Partner with a third-party expert spokesperson (TED Talks star, Marla Spivak) to educate consumers about the problem and build credibility for the brand •Target influencers and “buzzmakers” to socialize the touching campaign video through PR before it was supported by paid media •Leverage recent and timely international and Canadian bee news to propel Honey Nut Cheerios and #BringBackTheBees to the forefront of the cause and conversation Execution Spokesperson Media Tour: World-renowned entomologist and TED Talks star, Marla Spivak, was enlisted as our campaign spokesperson. Championing the cause and lending credibility to the brand, she toured media in Toronto and was interviewed by several national outlets prior the official launch of the campaign. Canada Blooms Activation: Tapping into a passionate and eco-friendly 50+ audience, we created a unique brand presence and media moment for Honey Nut Cheerios at Canada’s largest garden show. Seed packs were also sampled and media and consumers previewed the campaign video. “Buzzmaker” and Media Outreach: In the week leading up to the campaign launch, packages containing key campaign information, seed packs and Honey Nut Cheerios cereal boxes were sent to key influencers across Canada. The campaign video was also shared with them in advance. At launch, a press release was distributed and interview opportunities with our brand spokesperson were offered. Synopsis In the past few years, there have been growing concerns over the decline of honeybee populations. As a brand with honey as the star ingredient in its product and a talking bee as its mascot, Honey Nut Cheerios decided to champion the cause by launching #BringBackTheBees. The objectives of the PR program were to: oCreate Buzz - Generate dialogue among media, influencers and consumers around the Bring Back The Bees campaign and the important role bees play in our food supplyoSocialize The Touching Video – Seed video with influencers in advance of paid support to create authentic, viral movementoEncourage Action – Mobilize Canadians – especially grandparents – to go to BringBackTheBees.ca to request their free seed packs and plant wildflowersoGenerate 100 million media and social media impressions, and give away 35 million wildflower seeds Relevancy Honey Nut Cheerios Canada created a buzz-worthy PR-led campaign to ultimately effect positive social change. Media relations, influencer engagement and social media were artfully deployed to mobilize Canadians to make a difference in their environment and national bee populations by planting wildflowers. The proof of concept wasn’t just reliant on the buzz we created with media and consumers, but with stakeholders. Bee Keeper Societies, Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, and Parks Canada have since reached out to join forces with Honey Nut Cheerios. Stakeholder uptake confirms this campaign has broken through authentically.



    Bring Back The Bees










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