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    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与Direct相关? 昂贵的应用程序的智能扫描是改变游戏规则的技术。要做你的费用,你只需拍一张收据的照片,就可以了。为了让人们尝试一下,我们创造了世界上第一个你可以花钱的音乐视频,并在音乐、技术和娱乐的交汇处开辟了新的领域。我们与格莱美获奖的音乐艺术家、SNL获得艾美奖的喜剧作家和昂贵的工程师合作,在YouTube的Vevo上创作了美国排名第一的嘻哈歌曲和音乐视频。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示,包括两个世界第一。 背景 Expensify是一款用于业务支出的移动应用。人们只需拍一张收据的照片就可以报销。Expensify也是硅谷的独角兽,在没有任何广告的情况下年复一年地成长,因为他们的技术是如此革命性。美国大约有 60,000 家企业使用Expensify。但是世界是一个很大的地方,仅在这个国家就有超过 2500万的企业 -- 费斯西菲想为他们所有人服务。他们的商业模式取决于员工个人免费下载该应用,然后在内部向其他公司推广该应用。这是一种自下而上的方法。费用化可以使每个用户成为客户和大使,无论他们是使用收据进行个人预算以建造房屋还是进行业务支出。我们的简报是让更多的人尝试这个应用。所以我们选择让娱乐本身成为一个精心制作的产品演示。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 2019年1月24日,获得格莱美奖的说唱大亨和big spender 2 Chainz掉了一个新的单。几天之内,它成为了YouTube Vevo上美国排名第一的流行嘻哈歌曲和第三的视频,拥有超过 1200万的浏览量。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示。“昂贵的Th!$” 是世界上第一个你可以花费的音乐视频。我们创作了一首由 2 Chainz主演的原创曲目和视频,其中包含价值 50 万美元的收据。观众可以拍一张收据的照片来获得实际的现金报销-这款应用在现实生活中的工作方式。它以世界上第一个你可以消费的广告而告终,该广告在超级碗期间播出。现场展示了 2 Chainz价值 200,000 美元的冰雕兰博基尼的收据。我们的活动与他的新专辑发行同时进行,为了利用这种炒作,我们进一步将exapsify整合到他的热门新单曲和视频中。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) Expensify的革命性技术可以使每个用户成为客户和大使。他们的商业模式取决于个别员工下载应用程序,然后向其他公司推广。Exapsify已经吸引了 60,000 家没有广告的企业。但是当你想让所有 2500万家美国企业成为你的客户时,你需要采取更大的行动。通过自下而上的策略,我们融入了流行文化,并在数百万人手中获得了昂贵的收入。我们与rapper和Grammy winner 2 Chainz一起制作了世界上第一个可以花费的音乐视频,并在超级碗期间首次推出了世界上第一个可以花费的商业广告。这两个世界第一的产品演示激励观众下载应用程序并拍摄收据照片以获得实际现金。它与 2 Chainz的新专辑发布和 360 活动同步。我们动员了一批新的Expensify用户,他们继续推广Expensify。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 这是一个非常精心策划的方法,都与 2 Chainz的新专辑发行相协调。 1.首先,我们与格莱美获奖的说唱歌手 2 Chainz、艾美奖获奖的SNL作家和世界著名的制片人芥子进行了为期几个月的合作,创造了一条关于花钱的热门歌曲,展示昂贵的物品并整合昂贵的物品。 2.我们制作了世界上第一个音乐视频 “你可以花钱: 一个合法的互动视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的与歌词匹配的收据。观众可以拍一张照片来获得实际现金。 3.视频中的更多项目可以通过移动应用程序捕捉广告中的收据照片,在主要的OOH网站,时代广场和社交平台上进行费用支出。 4.在超级碗期间播出的世界上第一个值得花费的商业广告,以 2 Chainz的冰雕 $200,000 兰博基尼的收据为特色。 5.然后,我们将Expensify与Lil Wayne整合到 2 Chainz的新音乐视频中。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -“昂贵的Th!$” 成为YouTube Vevo (世界上最大的音乐视频平台) 上美国第一流行嘻哈歌曲和第三视频,两周内超过 1200万次浏览 -Exensify的新客户增加了 1,400% -Web流量增加 634% -App Store排名有史以来最大的飞跃 (* 所有超级碗广告商) -超级碗期间,网站流量达到峰值,每分钟有 10,000 新访客访问Expensify网站 -超级碗最高积极情绪在任何品牌中,97% -6000万美元的赚媒体 -70亿媒体印象 -由全球 500 多家媒体覆盖 -有史以来第一次,世界被大肆宣传做费用

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Expensify app’s SmartScan is game-changing technology. To do your expenses, you simply snap a photo of your receipt, and done. To get people to try it, we created the world’s first music video you can expense, and broke new ground at the intersection of music, technology and entertainment. We collaborated with Grammy-winning music artists, Emmy-winning comedy writers from SNL and Expensify engineers to create the #1 hip-hop song and music video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history, which included two world firsts. Background Expensify is a mobile app for business expenses. People simply snap a photo of their receipts and get reimbursed. Expensify is also a Silicon Valley unicorn, having grown year after year without any advertising, because their tech is so revolutionary. About 60,000 businesses in the US use Expensify. But the world’s a big place, with over 25 million business in this country alone—and Expensify wants to serve them all. Their business model depends on individual employees downloading the app for free, then promoting the app internally to other companies. It’s a bottom-up approach. Expensify can make every user into a customer and ambassador, whether they’re using receipts for personal budgeting to build a house or to do their business expenses. Our brief was to get more people to try the app. So we chose to make the entertainment itself an elaborate product demonstration. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) On January 24, 2019, Grammy-winning rap mogul and big spender 2 Chainz dropped a new single. Within days, it was the number-one trending hip-hop song and number-three video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo, with over 12 million views. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history. “Expensify Th!$” was the world’s first music video you can expense. We created an original track and video starring 2 Chainz, featuring half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts. Viewers could snap a photo of receipts to get reimbursed actual cash—exactly how the app works in real life. It culminated with the world’s first commercial you can expense, which aired during the Super Bowl. The spot featured a receipt for 2 Chainz’s $200,000 ice-sculpted Lamborghini. Our campaign coincided with his new album launch, to leverage that hype, and we further integrated Expensify into his hot new single and video. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Expensify’s revolutionary technology can make every user into a customer and ambassador. Their business model depends on individual employees downloading the app, then promoting it to other companies. Expensify has attracted 60,000 businesses without advertising. But when you want to make all 25 million US businesses your customer, you need to make bigger moves. Using a bottom-up strategy, we inserted ourselves into pop culture and got Expensify in the hands of millions. We created the world’s first music video you can expense with rapper and Grammy winner 2 Chainz, and debuted the world's first commercial you can expense during the Super Bowl. These two world-first product demos incentivized viewers to download the app and snap a photo of receipts to get reimbursed actual cash. It was timed with 2 Chainz’s new album launch and a 360 campaign. We mobilized an army of new Expensify users, who continue to promote Expensify. Describe the execution (20% of vote) This was a seriously masterminded approach, all coordinated with 2 Chainz’s new album launch. 1. First, we embarked on a multi-month collaboration with Grammy-winning rapper 2 Chainz, Emmy-winning SNL writers and world-renowned producer Mustard, to create a hit track about spending money, showcasing expensive items and integrating Expensify. 2. We produced the world’s first music video you can expense: a legit interactive video integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts matching the lyrics. Viewers could snap a photo to get reimbursed actual cash. 3. More items from the video could be expensed in major OOH sites, Times Square and across social platforms by snapping a photo of the receipts in the ads with the mobile apps. 4. The world’s first expensable commercial aired during the Super Bowl, featuring a receipt for 2 Chainz’s ice-sculpted $200,000 Lamborghini. 5. We then integrated Expensify into 2 Chainz’s new music video with Lil Wayne. List the results (30% of vote) - “Expensify Th!$” became the number-one trending hip-hop song and number-three video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo (the world’s largest music video platform), with over 12 million views in two weeks - Exensify got a 1,400% increase in new customers - 634% increase in web traffic - Largest jump ever in App Store ranking (*of all Super Bowl advertisers) - Site traffic peaked at 10,000 new visitors to the Expensify website every minute during the Super Bowl - Super Bowl highest positive sentiment of any brand, at 97% - $60 million in earned media - 7 billion media impressions - Covered globally by 500+ media outlets - For the first time ever, the world got hyped about doing expenses

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与Direct相关? 昂贵的应用程序的智能扫描是改变游戏规则的技术。要做你的费用,你只需拍一张收据的照片,就可以了。为了让人们尝试一下,我们创造了世界上第一个你可以花钱的音乐视频,并在音乐、技术和娱乐的交汇处开辟了新的领域。我们与格莱美获奖的音乐艺术家、SNL获得艾美奖的喜剧作家和昂贵的工程师合作,在YouTube的Vevo上创作了美国排名第一的嘻哈歌曲和音乐视频。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示,包括两个世界第一。 背景 Expensify是一款用于业务支出的移动应用。人们只需拍一张收据的照片就可以报销。Expensify也是硅谷的独角兽,在没有任何广告的情况下年复一年地成长,因为他们的技术是如此革命性。美国大约有 60,000 家企业使用Expensify。但是世界是一个很大的地方,仅在这个国家就有超过 2500万的企业 -- 费斯西菲想为他们所有人服务。他们的商业模式取决于员工个人免费下载该应用,然后在内部向其他公司推广该应用。这是一种自下而上的方法。费用化可以使每个用户成为客户和大使,无论他们是使用收据进行个人预算以建造房屋还是进行业务支出。我们的简报是让更多的人尝试这个应用。所以我们选择让娱乐本身成为一个精心制作的产品演示。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 2019年1月24日,获得格莱美奖的说唱大亨和big spender 2 Chainz掉了一个新的单。几天之内,它成为了YouTube Vevo上美国排名第一的流行嘻哈歌曲和第三的视频,拥有超过 1200万的浏览量。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示。“昂贵的Th!$” 是世界上第一个你可以花费的音乐视频。我们创作了一首由 2 Chainz主演的原创曲目和视频,其中包含价值 50 万美元的收据。观众可以拍一张收据的照片来获得实际的现金报销-这款应用在现实生活中的工作方式。它以世界上第一个你可以消费的广告而告终,该广告在超级碗期间播出。现场展示了 2 Chainz价值 200,000 美元的冰雕兰博基尼的收据。我们的活动与他的新专辑发行同时进行,为了利用这种炒作,我们进一步将exapsify整合到他的热门新单曲和视频中。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) Expensify的革命性技术可以使每个用户成为客户和大使。他们的商业模式取决于个别员工下载应用程序,然后向其他公司推广。Exapsify已经吸引了 60,000 家没有广告的企业。但是当你想让所有 2500万家美国企业成为你的客户时,你需要采取更大的行动。通过自下而上的策略,我们融入了流行文化,并在数百万人手中获得了昂贵的收入。我们与rapper和Grammy winner 2 Chainz一起制作了世界上第一个可以花费的音乐视频,并在超级碗期间首次推出了世界上第一个可以花费的商业广告。这两个世界第一的产品演示激励观众下载应用程序并拍摄收据照片以获得实际现金。它与 2 Chainz的新专辑发布和 360 活动同步。我们动员了一批新的Expensify用户,他们继续推广Expensify。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 这是一个非常精心策划的方法,都与 2 Chainz的新专辑发行相协调。 1.首先,我们与格莱美获奖的说唱歌手 2 Chainz、艾美奖获奖的SNL作家和世界著名的制片人芥子进行了为期几个月的合作,创造了一条关于花钱的热门歌曲,展示昂贵的物品并整合昂贵的物品。 2.我们制作了世界上第一个音乐视频 “你可以花钱: 一个合法的互动视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的与歌词匹配的收据。观众可以拍一张照片来获得实际现金。 3.视频中的更多项目可以通过移动应用程序捕捉广告中的收据照片,在主要的OOH网站,时代广场和社交平台上进行费用支出。 4.在超级碗期间播出的世界上第一个值得花费的商业广告,以 2 Chainz的冰雕 $200,000 兰博基尼的收据为特色。 5.然后,我们将Expensify与Lil Wayne整合到 2 Chainz的新音乐视频中。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -“昂贵的Th!$” 成为YouTube Vevo (世界上最大的音乐视频平台) 上美国第一流行嘻哈歌曲和第三视频,两周内超过 1200万次浏览 -Exensify的新客户增加了 1,400% -Web流量增加 634% -App Store排名有史以来最大的飞跃 (* 所有超级碗广告商) -超级碗期间,网站流量达到峰值,每分钟有 10,000 新访客访问Expensify网站 -超级碗最高积极情绪在任何品牌中,97% -6000万美元的赚媒体 -70亿媒体印象 -由全球 500 多家媒体覆盖 -有史以来第一次,世界被大肆宣传做费用

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Expensify app’s SmartScan is game-changing technology. To do your expenses, you simply snap a photo of your receipt, and done. To get people to try it, we created the world’s first music video you can expense, and broke new ground at the intersection of music, technology and entertainment. We collaborated with Grammy-winning music artists, Emmy-winning comedy writers from SNL and Expensify engineers to create the #1 hip-hop song and music video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history, which included two world firsts. Background Expensify is a mobile app for business expenses. People simply snap a photo of their receipts and get reimbursed. Expensify is also a Silicon Valley unicorn, having grown year after year without any advertising, because their tech is so revolutionary. About 60,000 businesses in the US use Expensify. But the world’s a big place, with over 25 million business in this country alone—and Expensify wants to serve them all. Their business model depends on individual employees downloading the app for free, then promoting the app internally to other companies. It’s a bottom-up approach. Expensify can make every user into a customer and ambassador, whether they’re using receipts for personal budgeting to build a house or to do their business expenses. Our brief was to get more people to try the app. So we chose to make the entertainment itself an elaborate product demonstration. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) On January 24, 2019, Grammy-winning rap mogul and big spender 2 Chainz dropped a new single. Within days, it was the number-one trending hip-hop song and number-three video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo, with over 12 million views. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history. “Expensify Th!$” was the world’s first music video you can expense. We created an original track and video starring 2 Chainz, featuring half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts. Viewers could snap a photo of receipts to get reimbursed actual cash—exactly how the app works in real life. It culminated with the world’s first commercial you can expense, which aired during the Super Bowl. The spot featured a receipt for 2 Chainz’s $200,000 ice-sculpted Lamborghini. Our campaign coincided with his new album launch, to leverage that hype, and we further integrated Expensify into his hot new single and video. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Expensify’s revolutionary technology can make every user into a customer and ambassador. Their business model depends on individual employees downloading the app, then promoting it to other companies. Expensify has attracted 60,000 businesses without advertising. But when you want to make all 25 million US businesses your customer, you need to make bigger moves. Using a bottom-up strategy, we inserted ourselves into pop culture and got Expensify in the hands of millions. We created the world’s first music video you can expense with rapper and Grammy winner 2 Chainz, and debuted the world's first commercial you can expense during the Super Bowl. These two world-first product demos incentivized viewers to download the app and snap a photo of receipts to get reimbursed actual cash. It was timed with 2 Chainz’s new album launch and a 360 campaign. We mobilized an army of new Expensify users, who continue to promote Expensify. Describe the execution (20% of vote) This was a seriously masterminded approach, all coordinated with 2 Chainz’s new album launch. 1. First, we embarked on a multi-month collaboration with Grammy-winning rapper 2 Chainz, Emmy-winning SNL writers and world-renowned producer Mustard, to create a hit track about spending money, showcasing expensive items and integrating Expensify. 2. We produced the world’s first music video you can expense: a legit interactive video integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts matching the lyrics. Viewers could snap a photo to get reimbursed actual cash. 3. More items from the video could be expensed in major OOH sites, Times Square and across social platforms by snapping a photo of the receipts in the ads with the mobile apps. 4. The world’s first expensable commercial aired during the Super Bowl, featuring a receipt for 2 Chainz’s ice-sculpted $200,000 Lamborghini. 5. We then integrated Expensify into 2 Chainz’s new music video with Lil Wayne. List the results (30% of vote) - “Expensify Th!$” became the number-one trending hip-hop song and number-three video in the US on YouTube’s Vevo (the world’s largest music video platform), with over 12 million views in two weeks - Exensify got a 1,400% increase in new customers - 634% increase in web traffic - Largest jump ever in App Store ranking (*of all Super Bowl advertisers) - Site traffic peaked at 10,000 new visitors to the Expensify website every minute during the Super Bowl - Super Bowl highest positive sentiment of any brand, at 97% - $60 million in earned media - 7 billion media impressions - Covered globally by 500+ media outlets - For the first time ever, the world got hyped about doing expenses

    Expensify Th!$


    Expensify Th!$










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