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    Expensify Th!$微电影广告营销案例



    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:描述创意 1月24日,格莱美获奖说唱大亨和 big spender 2 Chainz 掉了一个新的曲目和音乐视频。几天之内,它就成为了 YouTube Vevo 上美国排名第一的嘻哈音乐和视频,拥有超过 1200万的浏览量。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示。介绍 “Expensify Th!$” 世界上第一个你可以花费的音乐视频。Expensify 是一款改变游戏规则的应用程序,您可以通过简单地抓拍收据照片来支付费用。 我们用 2chainz 创建了一个原创曲目和互动音乐视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的收据,让人们体验了这个昂贵的应用。当 2 Chainz 过着芭蕾舞演员的生活时,观众可以为视频中出现的所有奢华物品拍摄收据的照片,获得实际现金报销-这正是应用程序在现实生活中的工作方式。 描述执行 这是一个非常精心策划的方法,都与 2 Chainz 的新专辑发行相协调。 1.首先,我们与格莱美获奖的说唱歌手 2 Chainz 、艾美奖获奖的 SNL 作家和世界著名的制片人芥子进行了为期几个月的合作,创造了一条关于花钱的热门歌曲,展示昂贵的物品并整合昂贵的物品。 2.我们制作了世界上第一个音乐视频,你可以花钱: 这是一个合法的互动音乐视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的收据,从黄金摩托艇到由海鲜塔驱动的冰雕跑车。我们让人们体验到改变游戏的昂贵应用。观众可以拍一张照片来获得实际现金。 3.我们从各地的音乐视频中获得了昂贵的项目: 疯狂的帖子,数字哦,时代广场,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Spotify 和其他定制的音乐媒体,通过用应用程序捕捉广告中收据的照片。 4.这一切都在世界上第一个可有可无的超级碗广告中达到高潮,该广告以 2 Chainz 的冰雕 200,000 美元兰博基尼的收据为特色。 5-然后我们将 Expensify 整合到与 Lil Wayne 合作的 2 Chainz 新专辑最热门单曲的音乐视频中。

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:Describe the creative idea On January 24, Grammy-winning rap mogul and big spender 2 Chainz dropped a new track and music video. Within days, it was the #1 trending hip-hop track and video in the U.S. on YouTube’s Vevo, with over 12 million views. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history. Introducing “Expensify Th!$” the world’s first music video you can expense. Expensify is a game-changing app that lets you do your expenses by simply snapping a photo of a receipt. We created an original track and interactive music video with 2 Chainz, integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts, and got people experiencing the Expensify app. While 2 Chainz lived the life of a baller, viewers could snap a photo of the receipts for all the lavish items that appeared in the video, to get reimbursed actual cash—which is exactly how the app works in real life. Describe the execution This was a seriously masterminded approach, all coordinated with 2 Chainz’s new album launch. 1. First, we embarked on a multi-month collaboration with Grammy-winning rapper 2 Chainz, Emmy-winning SNL writers and world-renowned producer Mustard, to create a hit track about spending money, showcasing expensive items and integrating Expensify. 2. We produced the world’s first music video you can expense: a legit interactive music video integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts for everything from a gold Jet Ski to an ice-sculpted sports car powered by a seafood tower. We got people experiencing the game-changing Expensify app. Viewers could snap a photo to get reimbursed actual cash. 3. We got people Expensify-ing items from the music video everywhere: in wild postings, digital OOH, Times Square, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and other bespoke music media, by snapping a photo of the receipts in the ads with the app. 4. It all culminated in the world’s first expensable Super Bowl commercial, featuring a receipt for 2 Chainz’s ice-sculpted $200,000 Lamborghini. 5 - We then integrated Expensify into the music video of the hottest single on 2 Chainz’s new album with Lil Wayne.

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:描述创意 1月24日,格莱美获奖说唱大亨和 big spender 2 Chainz 掉了一个新的曲目和音乐视频。几天之内,它就成为了 YouTube Vevo 上美国排名第一的嘻哈音乐和视频,拥有超过 1200万的浏览量。这也是历史上最复杂的产品演示。介绍 “Expensify Th!$” 世界上第一个你可以花费的音乐视频。Expensify 是一款改变游戏规则的应用程序,您可以通过简单地抓拍收据照片来支付费用。 我们用 2chainz 创建了一个原创曲目和互动音乐视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的收据,让人们体验了这个昂贵的应用。当 2 Chainz 过着芭蕾舞演员的生活时,观众可以为视频中出现的所有奢华物品拍摄收据的照片,获得实际现金报销-这正是应用程序在现实生活中的工作方式。 描述执行 这是一个非常精心策划的方法,都与 2 Chainz 的新专辑发行相协调。 1.首先,我们与格莱美获奖的说唱歌手 2 Chainz 、艾美奖获奖的 SNL 作家和世界著名的制片人芥子进行了为期几个月的合作,创造了一条关于花钱的热门歌曲,展示昂贵的物品并整合昂贵的物品。 2.我们制作了世界上第一个音乐视频,你可以花钱: 这是一个合法的互动音乐视频,整合了价值 50 万美元的收据,从黄金摩托艇到由海鲜塔驱动的冰雕跑车。我们让人们体验到改变游戏的昂贵应用。观众可以拍一张照片来获得实际现金。 3.我们从各地的音乐视频中获得了昂贵的项目: 疯狂的帖子,数字哦,时代广场,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Spotify 和其他定制的音乐媒体,通过用应用程序捕捉广告中收据的照片。 4.这一切都在世界上第一个可有可无的超级碗广告中达到高潮,该广告以 2 Chainz 的冰雕 200,000 美元兰博基尼的收据为特色。 5-然后我们将 Expensify 整合到与 Lil Wayne 合作的 2 Chainz 新专辑最热门单曲的音乐视频中。

    Expensify Th!$

    案例简介:Describe the creative idea On January 24, Grammy-winning rap mogul and big spender 2 Chainz dropped a new track and music video. Within days, it was the #1 trending hip-hop track and video in the U.S. on YouTube’s Vevo, with over 12 million views. It was also the most elaborate product demo in history. Introducing “Expensify Th!$” the world’s first music video you can expense. Expensify is a game-changing app that lets you do your expenses by simply snapping a photo of a receipt. We created an original track and interactive music video with 2 Chainz, integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts, and got people experiencing the Expensify app. While 2 Chainz lived the life of a baller, viewers could snap a photo of the receipts for all the lavish items that appeared in the video, to get reimbursed actual cash—which is exactly how the app works in real life. Describe the execution This was a seriously masterminded approach, all coordinated with 2 Chainz’s new album launch. 1. First, we embarked on a multi-month collaboration with Grammy-winning rapper 2 Chainz, Emmy-winning SNL writers and world-renowned producer Mustard, to create a hit track about spending money, showcasing expensive items and integrating Expensify. 2. We produced the world’s first music video you can expense: a legit interactive music video integrating half-a-million dollars’ worth of receipts for everything from a gold Jet Ski to an ice-sculpted sports car powered by a seafood tower. We got people experiencing the game-changing Expensify app. Viewers could snap a photo to get reimbursed actual cash. 3. We got people Expensify-ing items from the music video everywhere: in wild postings, digital OOH, Times Square, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and other bespoke music media, by snapping a photo of the receipts in the ads with the app. 4. It all culminated in the world’s first expensable Super Bowl commercial, featuring a receipt for 2 Chainz’s ice-sculpted $200,000 Lamborghini. 5 - We then integrated Expensify into the music video of the hottest single on 2 Chainz’s new album with Lil Wayne.

    Expensify Th!$


    Expensify Th!$










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