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    Mirrors Of Racism短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 我们收集的所有数据都是在罪犯的社交网络上找到的。我们搜索他们的照片,以识别他们去过的地方; 我们还扫描了他们帖子上的在线登记和地理定位标签。在某些情况下,我们查看了朋友的个人资料,以找到共同点。然后,我们把我们获得的所有信息交叉起来,找到罪犯的位置。我们利用这个位置建立了一个地理定位的活动,在罪犯之家附近播放移动、桌面和广告牌广告。因此,除了收集数据,这项运动还以一种聪明的方式暴露了这些社会数据,以便让种族主义者重新思考他们的行为。把虚拟种族主义变成全球对话。 活动描述 通过使用地理位置数据和监控社交媒体上罪犯的活动,我们找到了每个人居住的地区。然后,我们让他们面对自己的侮辱和言语,公开将他们的评论放在他们家附近的地理桌面和移动广告上。我们还将评论放在广告牌上,以获得更大的影响。该网站被用作内容中心,吸引合作伙伴扩大活动: 媒体、移动广告公司、在线广告卖家和广告牌公司。 概要 玛丽亚 · 朱莉娅 · 库蒂尼奥 (Maria Julia Coutinho) 是巴西第一个拥有最多观众的气象新闻节目的黑人女性,她的照片被张贴在该节目的粉丝页面上后,成为了 Facebook 上种族主义评论的受害者。很快,众所周知的 Maju 案开始在全国各地回响。Criola 是一个捍卫黑人妇女权利的非政府组织,它希望提高人们对虚拟种族主义的认识,并发起一场针对该法案的运动。目标是让种族主义者在发布新的罪行之前三思而后行,并让互联网成为每个人更好的地方。 结果 这场运动引起了巨大的轰动,并成为全世界的话题,在赢得媒体上产生了超过 4800万美元的收入 (来源: Meltwater)。谷歌上与 “虚拟种族主义” 相关的搜索增加了 4 倍。NGO Criola 的网站覆盖了 152 多个国家,83% 的罪犯删除了他们的账户,这证明他们受到了我们数据驱动的目标定位战略的影响。其中一人甚至决定支持这场运动。该活动有超过 43.9 亿个在线印象 (来源顶部剪辑和 Meltwater,报告附后)。 执行 一旦我们找到了罪犯的位置,我们就联系了手机和数字广告销售商以及在他们家附近拥有广告牌空间的广告牌公司。他们在全国 20 多个城市投放了我们的地理定位广告。数字公关报道对于使这个项目成为全球对话也至关重要,在世界各地有超过 4390 亿的在线印象。六个国家要求我们允许在他们的城市使用这项运动,这当然是我们给予的。一家名为麦克米伦的图书出版公司正在他们的一本书中使用这个项目,用西班牙语告诉孩子们他们的话会在互联网上造成伤害。广告持续了 6 个月。 战略 我们的策略是让种族攻击更加明显,在罪犯生活的地方暴露种族攻击,让他们、他们的社区和朋友意识到他们的话听起来有多可恶。对于每一个新的广告牌或地理目标广告,我们都激活了当地媒体,以增加对罪犯的压力,并传播运动的信息: “虚拟种族主义,真正的后果”。为了发起这项运动,我们邀请了国家媒体、名人、活动家和虚拟种族主义专家在里约的巴西黑人意识日举行新闻发布会。从那天起,这场运动开始在巴西迅速传播,并在不到一周的时间里成为全球话题。由于 Maju 是一名记者,她的网络不允许她提及广告活动,我们联系了其他黑白相间的记者和有影响力的人,在他们的个人渠道上宣传这项活动。 概要 请观看整个背景的案例电影 http://www.saymyname.wtf/mirrorsofracism3Maria 朱莉娅 · 库蒂尼奥 (Julia Coutinho) 是巴西第一个拥有最多观众的气象新闻节目的黑人女性,她的照片被张贴在该节目的粉丝页面上后,成为了 Facebook 上种族主义评论的受害者。很快,众所周知的 Maju 案开始在全国各地回响。Criola 是一个捍卫黑人妇女权利的非政府组织,它希望提高人们对虚拟种族主义的认识,并发起一场针对该法案的运动。目标是让种族主义者在网上攻击黑人之前三思而后行,并试图让互联网成为每个人更好的地方。 执行 一旦我们找到了罪犯的位置,我们就联系了手机和数字广告销售商以及在他们家附近拥有广告牌空间的广告牌公司。他们在全国 20 多个城市播放了我们的地理定位广告。在广告投放前几天,我们联系了当地媒体。由于电源 o听到嗡嗡声和新闻报道,罪犯们开始做出反应。83% 的人删除了他们的账户。他们中的一些人被朋友认出来,并试图在社交网络上解释他们的种族主义评论。一个罪犯甚至决定支持我们的运动。六个国家要求我们允许在他们的城市使用这项运动,这当然是我们给予的。一家名为麦克米伦的图书出版公司正在他们的一本书中使用这个项目,用西班牙语告诉孩子们他们的话会在互联网上造成伤害。广告持续了 6 个月。 结果 这场运动引起了巨大的轰动,并成为全球范围内的一个话题,在赢得的媒体上产生了超过 4800万美元的收入 (来源 Meltwater 和 Top Clip)。谷歌上与 “虚拟种族主义” 相关的搜索增加了 4 倍。非政府组织 Criola 的网站覆盖 152 多个国家,83% 的罪犯删除了他们的账户, 这证明,当地媒体报道当地社区是恐吓和防止他们鼓吹新的种族主义攻击的有效方法。一些被朋友公开指认的人试图在删除他们的帖子和个人资料之前解释他们在社交网络上的种族主义评论。一名罪犯甚至决定支持我们的运动 (请观看案例电影)。该运动在网上有超过 43.9 亿人的印象 (来源: Meltwater)。 活动描述 通过使用地理位置数据和监控社交媒体上罪犯的活动,我们找到了每个人居住的地区。然后,我们让他们面对自己的侮辱和话语,公开将他们的评论放在他们家附近的广告牌上,并在手机和桌面上发布地理目标广告。为了产生最大的影响,对于每一个新的定位犯罪,我们都激活了当地媒体,让种族主义罪犯在攻击其他人并传播运动的信息之前三思而后行: 虚拟种族主义,真正的后果。 相关性 这一切都始于公关洞察,当 Maju 在社交媒体上被攻击,每个人都在谈论它。通过地方、国家和国际公关的力量,它成为一个全球性的话题。我们认为这项工作结合了数据的力量和广告牌的本地影响以及新闻传播的好故事的全球力量。值得一提的是,从一开始,我们的目标是利用当地媒体的报道力量影响社区,让种族主义罪犯在再次攻击黑人之前三思而行。


    案例简介:Strategy All the data we collected was found on the offender’s social networks. We searched for their photos in order to recognize places they had been to; we also scanned through their online check-ins and geo-localization tags on their posts. In some cases, we looked at friends profiles to find places in common. Then, we crossed all the information we acquired to find the location of the offenders. We used this location to set up a geotargeted campaign, running mobile, desktop and billboard ads near the offenders houses. So, more than gathering data, this campaign is exposing this social data in a clever way in order to make racists rethink their behavior. And turning virtual racism into a global conversation. Campaign Description By using geo location data and monitoring the activities of the offenders on social media, we found the region where each lived. We then made them face their own insults and words by publicly placing their comments on geotargeted desktop and mobile ads near their homes. We also placed the comments on billboards, for a larger impact. The website was used as a content hub to attract partners to expand the campaign: press, mobile ad companies, online ad sellers and billboard companies. Synopsis Maria Julia Coutinho, the first black woman of the weather newscast with the largest audience in Brazil, was a victim of racist comments on Facebook, after having her picture posted on the program’s fan page. Soon, the Maju Case, as it was known, began to reverberate across the country. Criola, an NGO that defends the rights of black women, wanted to raise awareness about the virtual racism and start a campaign in response to the act. The goal was to make racist people think twice before posting new offenses and to make the internet a better place for everyone. Outcome The campaign generated a huge amount of buzz and became a topic of conversation worldwide, producing more than US$ 48 million in earned media (source: Meltwater). The searches related to “virtual racism” on Google increased 4 times. NGO Criola's website reached over 152 countries and 83% of the offenders deleted their accounts, which proves they were impacted by our data driven targeting strategy. One of them even decided to support the campaign. The campaign had over 4,39 billion online impressions (Source Top Clip and Meltwater, report attached). Execution Once we had the location of the offenders, we contacted mobile and digital ads sellers and billboard companies that owned billboard spaces near their homes. They placed our geo targeted ads in more than 20 cities all over the country. The digital PR covering is also essential for making this project become a global conversation, with over 4,39 billion online impressions all over the world. Six countries asked us permission to use the campaign in their cities, which of course we gave. A book publishing company called Macmillan is using this project in one of their books, to teach kids that they words can cause harm on internet, in Spanish. The ads ran for 6 months. Strategy Our strategy was to make racial attacks more visible, exposing it in the areas where the offenders live to make them, their community and friends realize how hateful their words sound. For every new billboard or geo targeted ad we activated the local press in order to increase the pressure on the offender and spread the message of the campaign: "virtual racism, real consequences". To launch the campaign we invited the national press, celebrities, activists and virtual racism experts for a press conference on the Brazilian Black Counsciousness Day, in Rio. After that day the campaign started to spread fast in Brazil and became a global topic conversation in less than a week. Since Maju is a journalist and her network doesn't allow her to mention advertising campaigns, we contacted other journalist and influencers with both black and white skin to promote the campaign on their personal channels. Synopsis Please watch the CASE FILM for the whole background at http://www.saymyname.wtf/mirrorsofracism3Maria Julia Coutinho, the first black woman of the weather newscast with the largest audience in Brazil, was a victim of racist comments on Facebook, after having her picture posted on the program’s fan page. Soon, the Maju Case, as it was known, began to reverberate across the country. Criola, an NGO that defends the rights of black women, wanted to raise awareness about the virtual racism and start a campaign in response to the act. The goal was to make racist people think twice before attacking black people online and try to make the internet a better place for everyone. Execution Once we had the location of the offenders, we contacted mobile and digital ads sellers and billboard companies that owned billboard spaces near their homes. They ran our geo targeted ads in more than 20 cities all over the country. Days before the placement of the ads we contacted the local press. Due to the power of the buzz and press coverage the offenders started to react. 83% of them deleted their accounts. Some of them where identified by friends and tried to explain their racist comments on their social networks. One offender even decided to support our campaign. Six countries asked us permission to use the campaign in their cities, which of course we gave. A book publishing company called Macmillan is using this project in one of their books, to teach kids that they words can cause harm on internet, in Spanish. The ads ran for 6 months. Outcome The campaign generated a huge amount of buzz and became a topic of conversation worldwide, producing more than US$ 48 million in earned media (source Meltwater and Top Clip). The searches related to “virtual racism” on Google increased 4 times. NGO Criola's website reached over 152 countries and 83% of the offenders deleted their accounts, which proves that local press covering at their local communities was an effective way to intimidate and prevent them from promoting new racist attacks. Some of those who where publicly identified by friends tried to explain their racist comments on their social networks, before deleting their posts and profiles. One offender even decided to support our campaign (please watch the case film). The campaign had over 4,39 billion online impressions (source: Meltwater). Campaign Description By using geo location data and monitoring the activities of the offenders on social media, we found the region where each lived. We then made them face their own insults and words by publicly placing their comments on billboards near their homes and geo targeted ads on mobile phones and desktop. For maximum impact, for every new placed offense we activated the local press, making the racist offender think twice before attacking other people and spreading the message of the campaign: virtual racism, real consequences. Relevancy It all started with a PR insight, when Maju was attacked on social Media and everyone was talking about it. And through the power of local, national and international PR it became a global topic subject. We think this work combines the power of data with the local impact of billboards and the global power of a good story spread on the news. It is worth to mention that since the beginning our goal was to use the power of local press coverage to influence the communities and make the racist offender think twice before attacking black people again.

    Mirrors Of Racism

    案例简介:战略 我们收集的所有数据都是在罪犯的社交网络上找到的。我们搜索他们的照片,以识别他们去过的地方; 我们还扫描了他们帖子上的在线登记和地理定位标签。在某些情况下,我们查看了朋友的个人资料,以找到共同点。然后,我们把我们获得的所有信息交叉起来,找到罪犯的位置。我们利用这个位置建立了一个地理定位的活动,在罪犯之家附近播放移动、桌面和广告牌广告。因此,除了收集数据,这项运动还以一种聪明的方式暴露了这些社会数据,以便让种族主义者重新思考他们的行为。把虚拟种族主义变成全球对话。 活动描述 通过使用地理位置数据和监控社交媒体上罪犯的活动,我们找到了每个人居住的地区。然后,我们让他们面对自己的侮辱和言语,公开将他们的评论放在他们家附近的地理桌面和移动广告上。我们还将评论放在广告牌上,以获得更大的影响。该网站被用作内容中心,吸引合作伙伴扩大活动: 媒体、移动广告公司、在线广告卖家和广告牌公司。 概要 玛丽亚 · 朱莉娅 · 库蒂尼奥 (Maria Julia Coutinho) 是巴西第一个拥有最多观众的气象新闻节目的黑人女性,她的照片被张贴在该节目的粉丝页面上后,成为了 Facebook 上种族主义评论的受害者。很快,众所周知的 Maju 案开始在全国各地回响。Criola 是一个捍卫黑人妇女权利的非政府组织,它希望提高人们对虚拟种族主义的认识,并发起一场针对该法案的运动。目标是让种族主义者在发布新的罪行之前三思而后行,并让互联网成为每个人更好的地方。 结果 这场运动引起了巨大的轰动,并成为全世界的话题,在赢得媒体上产生了超过 4800万美元的收入 (来源: Meltwater)。谷歌上与 “虚拟种族主义” 相关的搜索增加了 4 倍。NGO Criola 的网站覆盖了 152 多个国家,83% 的罪犯删除了他们的账户,这证明他们受到了我们数据驱动的目标定位战略的影响。其中一人甚至决定支持这场运动。该活动有超过 43.9 亿个在线印象 (来源顶部剪辑和 Meltwater,报告附后)。 执行 一旦我们找到了罪犯的位置,我们就联系了手机和数字广告销售商以及在他们家附近拥有广告牌空间的广告牌公司。他们在全国 20 多个城市投放了我们的地理定位广告。数字公关报道对于使这个项目成为全球对话也至关重要,在世界各地有超过 4390 亿的在线印象。六个国家要求我们允许在他们的城市使用这项运动,这当然是我们给予的。一家名为麦克米伦的图书出版公司正在他们的一本书中使用这个项目,用西班牙语告诉孩子们他们的话会在互联网上造成伤害。广告持续了 6 个月。 战略 我们的策略是让种族攻击更加明显,在罪犯生活的地方暴露种族攻击,让他们、他们的社区和朋友意识到他们的话听起来有多可恶。对于每一个新的广告牌或地理目标广告,我们都激活了当地媒体,以增加对罪犯的压力,并传播运动的信息: “虚拟种族主义,真正的后果”。为了发起这项运动,我们邀请了国家媒体、名人、活动家和虚拟种族主义专家在里约的巴西黑人意识日举行新闻发布会。从那天起,这场运动开始在巴西迅速传播,并在不到一周的时间里成为全球话题。由于 Maju 是一名记者,她的网络不允许她提及广告活动,我们联系了其他黑白相间的记者和有影响力的人,在他们的个人渠道上宣传这项活动。 概要 请观看整个背景的案例电影 http://www.saymyname.wtf/mirrorsofracism3Maria 朱莉娅 · 库蒂尼奥 (Julia Coutinho) 是巴西第一个拥有最多观众的气象新闻节目的黑人女性,她的照片被张贴在该节目的粉丝页面上后,成为了 Facebook 上种族主义评论的受害者。很快,众所周知的 Maju 案开始在全国各地回响。Criola 是一个捍卫黑人妇女权利的非政府组织,它希望提高人们对虚拟种族主义的认识,并发起一场针对该法案的运动。目标是让种族主义者在网上攻击黑人之前三思而后行,并试图让互联网成为每个人更好的地方。 执行 一旦我们找到了罪犯的位置,我们就联系了手机和数字广告销售商以及在他们家附近拥有广告牌空间的广告牌公司。他们在全国 20 多个城市播放了我们的地理定位广告。在广告投放前几天,我们联系了当地媒体。由于电源 o听到嗡嗡声和新闻报道,罪犯们开始做出反应。83% 的人删除了他们的账户。他们中的一些人被朋友认出来,并试图在社交网络上解释他们的种族主义评论。一个罪犯甚至决定支持我们的运动。六个国家要求我们允许在他们的城市使用这项运动,这当然是我们给予的。一家名为麦克米伦的图书出版公司正在他们的一本书中使用这个项目,用西班牙语告诉孩子们他们的话会在互联网上造成伤害。广告持续了 6 个月。 结果 这场运动引起了巨大的轰动,并成为全球范围内的一个话题,在赢得的媒体上产生了超过 4800万美元的收入 (来源 Meltwater 和 Top Clip)。谷歌上与 “虚拟种族主义” 相关的搜索增加了 4 倍。非政府组织 Criola 的网站覆盖 152 多个国家,83% 的罪犯删除了他们的账户, 这证明,当地媒体报道当地社区是恐吓和防止他们鼓吹新的种族主义攻击的有效方法。一些被朋友公开指认的人试图在删除他们的帖子和个人资料之前解释他们在社交网络上的种族主义评论。一名罪犯甚至决定支持我们的运动 (请观看案例电影)。该运动在网上有超过 43.9 亿人的印象 (来源: Meltwater)。 活动描述 通过使用地理位置数据和监控社交媒体上罪犯的活动,我们找到了每个人居住的地区。然后,我们让他们面对自己的侮辱和话语,公开将他们的评论放在他们家附近的广告牌上,并在手机和桌面上发布地理目标广告。为了产生最大的影响,对于每一个新的定位犯罪,我们都激活了当地媒体,让种族主义罪犯在攻击其他人并传播运动的信息之前三思而后行: 虚拟种族主义,真正的后果。 相关性 这一切都始于公关洞察,当 Maju 在社交媒体上被攻击,每个人都在谈论它。通过地方、国家和国际公关的力量,它成为一个全球性的话题。我们认为这项工作结合了数据的力量和广告牌的本地影响以及新闻传播的好故事的全球力量。值得一提的是,从一开始,我们的目标是利用当地媒体的报道力量影响社区,让种族主义罪犯在再次攻击黑人之前三思而行。

    Mirrors Of Racism

    案例简介:Strategy All the data we collected was found on the offender’s social networks. We searched for their photos in order to recognize places they had been to; we also scanned through their online check-ins and geo-localization tags on their posts. In some cases, we looked at friends profiles to find places in common. Then, we crossed all the information we acquired to find the location of the offenders. We used this location to set up a geotargeted campaign, running mobile, desktop and billboard ads near the offenders houses. So, more than gathering data, this campaign is exposing this social data in a clever way in order to make racists rethink their behavior. And turning virtual racism into a global conversation. Campaign Description By using geo location data and monitoring the activities of the offenders on social media, we found the region where each lived. We then made them face their own insults and words by publicly placing their comments on geotargeted desktop and mobile ads near their homes. We also placed the comments on billboards, for a larger impact. The website was used as a content hub to attract partners to expand the campaign: press, mobile ad companies, online ad sellers and billboard companies. Synopsis Maria Julia Coutinho, the first black woman of the weather newscast with the largest audience in Brazil, was a victim of racist comments on Facebook, after having her picture posted on the program’s fan page. Soon, the Maju Case, as it was known, began to reverberate across the country. Criola, an NGO that defends the rights of black women, wanted to raise awareness about the virtual racism and start a campaign in response to the act. The goal was to make racist people think twice before posting new offenses and to make the internet a better place for everyone. Outcome The campaign generated a huge amount of buzz and became a topic of conversation worldwide, producing more than US$ 48 million in earned media (source: Meltwater). The searches related to “virtual racism” on Google increased 4 times. NGO Criola's website reached over 152 countries and 83% of the offenders deleted their accounts, which proves they were impacted by our data driven targeting strategy. One of them even decided to support the campaign. The campaign had over 4,39 billion online impressions (Source Top Clip and Meltwater, report attached). Execution Once we had the location of the offenders, we contacted mobile and digital ads sellers and billboard companies that owned billboard spaces near their homes. They placed our geo targeted ads in more than 20 cities all over the country. The digital PR covering is also essential for making this project become a global conversation, with over 4,39 billion online impressions all over the world. Six countries asked us permission to use the campaign in their cities, which of course we gave. A book publishing company called Macmillan is using this project in one of their books, to teach kids that they words can cause harm on internet, in Spanish. The ads ran for 6 months. Strategy Our strategy was to make racial attacks more visible, exposing it in the areas where the offenders live to make them, their community and friends realize how hateful their words sound. For every new billboard or geo targeted ad we activated the local press in order to increase the pressure on the offender and spread the message of the campaign: "virtual racism, real consequences". To launch the campaign we invited the national press, celebrities, activists and virtual racism experts for a press conference on the Brazilian Black Counsciousness Day, in Rio. After that day the campaign started to spread fast in Brazil and became a global topic conversation in less than a week. Since Maju is a journalist and her network doesn't allow her to mention advertising campaigns, we contacted other journalist and influencers with both black and white skin to promote the campaign on their personal channels. Synopsis Please watch the CASE FILM for the whole background at http://www.saymyname.wtf/mirrorsofracism3Maria Julia Coutinho, the first black woman of the weather newscast with the largest audience in Brazil, was a victim of racist comments on Facebook, after having her picture posted on the program’s fan page. Soon, the Maju Case, as it was known, began to reverberate across the country. Criola, an NGO that defends the rights of black women, wanted to raise awareness about the virtual racism and start a campaign in response to the act. The goal was to make racist people think twice before attacking black people online and try to make the internet a better place for everyone. Execution Once we had the location of the offenders, we contacted mobile and digital ads sellers and billboard companies that owned billboard spaces near their homes. They ran our geo targeted ads in more than 20 cities all over the country. Days before the placement of the ads we contacted the local press. Due to the power of the buzz and press coverage the offenders started to react. 83% of them deleted their accounts. Some of them where identified by friends and tried to explain their racist comments on their social networks. One offender even decided to support our campaign. Six countries asked us permission to use the campaign in their cities, which of course we gave. A book publishing company called Macmillan is using this project in one of their books, to teach kids that they words can cause harm on internet, in Spanish. The ads ran for 6 months. Outcome The campaign generated a huge amount of buzz and became a topic of conversation worldwide, producing more than US$ 48 million in earned media (source Meltwater and Top Clip). The searches related to “virtual racism” on Google increased 4 times. NGO Criola's website reached over 152 countries and 83% of the offenders deleted their accounts, which proves that local press covering at their local communities was an effective way to intimidate and prevent them from promoting new racist attacks. Some of those who where publicly identified by friends tried to explain their racist comments on their social networks, before deleting their posts and profiles. One offender even decided to support our campaign (please watch the case film). The campaign had over 4,39 billion online impressions (source: Meltwater). Campaign Description By using geo location data and monitoring the activities of the offenders on social media, we found the region where each lived. We then made them face their own insults and words by publicly placing their comments on billboards near their homes and geo targeted ads on mobile phones and desktop. For maximum impact, for every new placed offense we activated the local press, making the racist offender think twice before attacking other people and spreading the message of the campaign: virtual racism, real consequences. Relevancy It all started with a PR insight, when Maju was attacked on social Media and everyone was talking about it. And through the power of local, national and international PR it became a global topic subject. We think this work combines the power of data with the local impact of billboards and the global power of a good story spread on the news. It is worth to mention that since the beginning our goal was to use the power of local press coverage to influence the communities and make the racist offender think twice before attacking black people again.



    Mirrors Of Racism










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