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    Smart Migration短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:JWT Dubai 发起的亚特兰蒂斯 (Palm 有史以来第一个品牌活动) 综合活动邀请您 “进入另一个世界”。由名为 “智能迁移” 的 80 ”电影电视广告带头,JWT 选择迪拜的电影公司和纽约的 Psyop 作为该项目的制作合作伙伴, 提供丰富的特效作品,让故事栩栩如生。 Psyop 的 Ahn Vu 和 Borja Pena 从纽约飞来指挥快节奏的 4 天拍摄, 在亚特兰蒂斯的位置,并在美国管理巨大的分级和 CGI 后期制作组件。 视觉上丰富的故事情节揭示了一群 “人类鸟” 高高飘扬在著名的地标之上,从灰色、深色、寒冷的气候中一起迁徙。我们看到他们优雅地降落在度假村的异国情调,阳光明媚的地方,包括 2千米的海滩,令人惊叹的水上公园,游泳池和餐馆。一些场景在后期制作中被分级,以增强拍摄中吸引人的温暖金色色调。 迪拜棕榈岛亚特兰蒂斯公司营销、公关和销售高级副总裁拉维尼 · 佩雷拉向参与该项目的所有团队的专业精神致敬,他说: “我们是非常自豪的商业 ”补充道,“ 由于合作伙伴之间的有效合作,即使是这个技术复杂的拍摄已经成为一个制作精美的故事,真正体现了亚特兰蒂斯的精神”消息。” 专业杂技演员被雇佣来作为 “移民” 提供无缝的表演。悬挂在多吨起重机上,他们的个人特技在拍摄开始前进行了广泛的排练,每个角色都配有定制服装来伪装飞行安全带。这部电影还包括一系列戏剧性的空中拍摄,其中一个安装 Shotover 相机被用来捕捉令人兴奋的镜头,并为 CGI 蒙太奇提供一些元素。 在整个拍摄过程中,度假村完全投入使用,这也带来了一些挑战。该团队必须确保没有一个客人被 150 名强大的电影摄制组或七个场景捕捉组件中的任何一个打扰。 概括 “寻找太阳” 故事情节的心情是 “the” Music House (巴黎和洛杉矶) 的一个难忘的作品。开发一个原始的配乐,音乐的情感吸引邀请观众离开一切,离开…… 到亚特兰蒂斯-棕榈。


    案例简介:JWT Dubai’s integrated campaign for the launch of Atlantis - The Palm’s first ever brand campaign – invites you to “Check into another World”. Spearheaded by an 80” filmatic TV commercial entitled “Smart Migration” JWT chose FilmWorks in Dubai and Psyop in New York as its production partners for the project, to deliver on the extensive special effects work that brings the story to life. Ahn Vu and Borja Pena of Psyop were flown in from New York to direct the fast-paced 4-day shoot, on location at Atlantis and manage the huge grading and CGI post-production component back in the United States. The visually rich storyline reveals a flock of ‘human birds’ flying high above famous landmarks, migrating together from their grey colored, darker toned, cold climates. We see them land elegantly at the resort’s exotic, sunny locations including its 2km beach, the amazing waterpark, the pool and its restaurants. Some scenes were graded in post-production to enhance the appealing warm, golden tones from the shoot. Ravini Perera, Senior Vice President of Marketing, PR and Sales, Atlantis The Palm, Dubai, saluted the professionalism of all teams involved in the project saying “We are very proud of the commercial” adding, “thanks to the efficient cooperation between partners even this technically complex shoot has become a beautifully crafted story that really embodies the spirit of Atlantis’ message.” Professional acrobats were hired to deliver seamless performances as ‘migrating people’. Suspended from multi-ton cranes, their individual stunts were rehearsed extensively before filming began, and each character was fitted with tailor made costumes to disguise the flying harnesses. The film also includes a series of dramatic aerial shots, for which a mounted Shotover camera was used to capture the exciting footage and supply some elements for the CGI montage. Throughout filming, the resort was fully operational which posed a few challenges of its own. The team had to ensure not a single guest was disturbed by any of the 150 strong film crew or seven scene capture components. Encapsulating the mood of the ‘sun seeking’ storyline is a memorable composition from “THE” Music House (Paris & L.A.). Developing an original soundtrack , the music’s emotional pull invites the audience to leave everything behind and get away… to Atlantis – The Palm.

    Smart Migration

    案例简介:JWT Dubai 发起的亚特兰蒂斯 (Palm 有史以来第一个品牌活动) 综合活动邀请您 “进入另一个世界”。由名为 “智能迁移” 的 80 ”电影电视广告带头,JWT 选择迪拜的电影公司和纽约的 Psyop 作为该项目的制作合作伙伴, 提供丰富的特效作品,让故事栩栩如生。 Psyop 的 Ahn Vu 和 Borja Pena 从纽约飞来指挥快节奏的 4 天拍摄, 在亚特兰蒂斯的位置,并在美国管理巨大的分级和 CGI 后期制作组件。 视觉上丰富的故事情节揭示了一群 “人类鸟” 高高飘扬在著名的地标之上,从灰色、深色、寒冷的气候中一起迁徙。我们看到他们优雅地降落在度假村的异国情调,阳光明媚的地方,包括 2千米的海滩,令人惊叹的水上公园,游泳池和餐馆。一些场景在后期制作中被分级,以增强拍摄中吸引人的温暖金色色调。 迪拜棕榈岛亚特兰蒂斯公司营销、公关和销售高级副总裁拉维尼 · 佩雷拉向参与该项目的所有团队的专业精神致敬,他说: “我们是非常自豪的商业 ”补充道,“ 由于合作伙伴之间的有效合作,即使是这个技术复杂的拍摄已经成为一个制作精美的故事,真正体现了亚特兰蒂斯的精神”消息。” 专业杂技演员被雇佣来作为 “移民” 提供无缝的表演。悬挂在多吨起重机上,他们的个人特技在拍摄开始前进行了广泛的排练,每个角色都配有定制服装来伪装飞行安全带。这部电影还包括一系列戏剧性的空中拍摄,其中一个安装 Shotover 相机被用来捕捉令人兴奋的镜头,并为 CGI 蒙太奇提供一些元素。 在整个拍摄过程中,度假村完全投入使用,这也带来了一些挑战。该团队必须确保没有一个客人被 150 名强大的电影摄制组或七个场景捕捉组件中的任何一个打扰。 概括 “寻找太阳” 故事情节的心情是 “the” Music House (巴黎和洛杉矶) 的一个难忘的作品。开发一个原始的配乐,音乐的情感吸引邀请观众离开一切,离开…… 到亚特兰蒂斯-棕榈。

    Smart Migration

    案例简介:JWT Dubai’s integrated campaign for the launch of Atlantis - The Palm’s first ever brand campaign – invites you to “Check into another World”. Spearheaded by an 80” filmatic TV commercial entitled “Smart Migration” JWT chose FilmWorks in Dubai and Psyop in New York as its production partners for the project, to deliver on the extensive special effects work that brings the story to life. Ahn Vu and Borja Pena of Psyop were flown in from New York to direct the fast-paced 4-day shoot, on location at Atlantis and manage the huge grading and CGI post-production component back in the United States. The visually rich storyline reveals a flock of ‘human birds’ flying high above famous landmarks, migrating together from their grey colored, darker toned, cold climates. We see them land elegantly at the resort’s exotic, sunny locations including its 2km beach, the amazing waterpark, the pool and its restaurants. Some scenes were graded in post-production to enhance the appealing warm, golden tones from the shoot. Ravini Perera, Senior Vice President of Marketing, PR and Sales, Atlantis The Palm, Dubai, saluted the professionalism of all teams involved in the project saying “We are very proud of the commercial” adding, “thanks to the efficient cooperation between partners even this technically complex shoot has become a beautifully crafted story that really embodies the spirit of Atlantis’ message.” Professional acrobats were hired to deliver seamless performances as ‘migrating people’. Suspended from multi-ton cranes, their individual stunts were rehearsed extensively before filming began, and each character was fitted with tailor made costumes to disguise the flying harnesses. The film also includes a series of dramatic aerial shots, for which a mounted Shotover camera was used to capture the exciting footage and supply some elements for the CGI montage. Throughout filming, the resort was fully operational which posed a few challenges of its own. The team had to ensure not a single guest was disturbed by any of the 150 strong film crew or seven scene capture components. Encapsulating the mood of the ‘sun seeking’ storyline is a memorable composition from “THE” Music House (Paris & L.A.). Developing an original soundtrack , the music’s emotional pull invites the audience to leave everything behind and get away… to Atlantis – The Palm.



    Smart Migration










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