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    案例简介:活动描述 牛奶是由 16 种对健康至关重要的营养物质组成的。这使牛奶成为固体。这 16 种营养物质中的每一种都与独特的健康益处 (强健肌肉的蛋白质、改善弱光环境下视力的维生素a 等) 相关。).为了证明这一点,我们决定创建 16 个插图,每个插图都展示了其中的一个好处。选择了 16 个不同的插画家来创作不同的处决。将它们团结在一起的是每个插图中心的一杯牛奶。 执行 该运动将牛奶定位为一种营养饮料,使其成为固体。在活动的印刷部分,这种固体液体由一杯完整的牛奶代表。玻璃被加工成不同的插图,取代了插图中视觉上代表营养健康益处的元素。死刑强化了牛奶的多重好处,并提醒目标,牛奶是健康饮食的中心。 概要 加拿大和大多数工业化国家的牛奶消费量急剧下降。大多数人已经将其他类型的饮料纳入他们认为更健康的日常生活中。与大豆、大米或杏仁牛奶相比,白牛奶已经失去了价值和质量,尤其是在营养方面。面对魁北克牛奶消费量 20 多年来的急剧下降,有必要更新魁北克人对这种液体的兴趣,以增加他们的考虑、购买,最重要的是, 他们的饮酒频率,Regular 经常和偶尔饮酒的人。营销目标是减缓白牛奶销售的侵蚀。为了实现这一目标,沟通的目标是给白牛奶应有的感觉: 一种优质、健康和营养的饮料。 结果 随着牛奶消费量急剧下降,消费者将白牛奶换成他们认为更健康的其他饮料,这项运动广泛成功地将白牛奶重新定位为一种完整、营养丰富的 “超级食品”。 “89% 的消费者看到了这场运动,觉得它清楚地传达了牛奶对健康有益的事实,53% 的人说,这场运动促使他们喝更多的牛奶。74% 的消费者说,这项运动让他们意识到牛奶比他们想象的更有营养。 战略 我们必须告知并证明牛奶含有直接有助于健康的必需营养。牛奶含有 16 种营养物质,是一种真正的 “完整食物”。受这一战略定位的启发,该品牌标志性的 “固体物质” 自然暗示了自己。从传播的角度来看,“一杯牛奶 = 16 种人体正常功能的基本营养” 的主要信息是通过一场综合运动和主导的媒体组合来实现的。首先,我们专注于让当前的牛奶饮用者喝得更多。这些饮酒者是年轻的家庭 (对数量下降的 55% 负责) 和 18-65 岁的成年人 (他们消费并对牛奶有积极的看法, 但忽略它的所有附加值)。两组每天可以消费更多。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Milk is made of 16 nutrients essential to one’s health. This makes milk solid stuff. Each of these 16 nutrients is associated with a distinct health benefit (proteins for strong muscles, vitamin A to improve vision in lowlight environments, etc.). To demonstrate this, we decided to create 16 illustrations, each one showcasing one of the benefits. 16 different illustrators were selected to create the different executions. What unites them all is the glass of milk featured in the centre of each illustration. Execution The campaign positions milk as a nutritious beverage, making it solid stuff. In the print component of the campaign, this solid liquid is represented by a full glass of milk. The glass is worked into the different illustrations, replacing the element in the illustration that visually represents the health benefit of the nutrient. The execution reinforces the multiple benefits of milk and reminds the target that milk is at the centre (literally) of a healthy diet. Synopsis Milk consumption is declining steeply in Canada and in most industrialized countries. The majority of people have incorporated other types of beverages into their routines they believe are more healthy. Compared to soy, rice or almond milk, white milk has lost its value and quality, especially in terms of nutrition. Faced with this sharp decline in milk consumption in Quebec for more than 20 years, it was essential to renew Quebecers’ interest for this liquid in order to increase their consideration, their purchases, and most importantly, their drinking frequency, amongst both regular and occasional drinkers.The marketing objective was to slow the erosion of white milk sales. To achieve this, the communication objective was to give white milk the perception it deserves: a quality, healthy and nutritious beverage. Outcome With milk consumption steeply declining and consumers switching white milk for other beverages they believe are healthier, the campaign widely succeeded in repositioning white milk as a complete and nutritious “superfood.” 89% of consumers who saw the campaign felt that it clearly communicated the fact that milk is good for one’s health, and 53% said the campaign motivated them to drink more milk. 74% of consumers said that the campaign made them realize that milk was much more nutritious than they thought. Strategy We had to inform and demonstrate that milk contains essential nutrients that contribute directly to good health. Containing 16 nutrients, milk is a true “complete food.” Inspired by this strategic positioning, the brand’s signature “Solid stuff” naturally suggested itself. From a communication viewpoint, the main message of “a glass of milk = 16 essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body” was deployed using an integrated campaign with a dominating media mix. First, we focused on making current milk drinkers drink more. These drinkers are young families (responsible for 55% of the decline in volume) and adults 18-65 years old (they consume and have a positive opinion of milk, but ignore all of its added value). Both groups could consume more each day.

    Solid Stuff

    案例简介:活动描述 牛奶是由 16 种对健康至关重要的营养物质组成的。这使牛奶成为固体。这 16 种营养物质中的每一种都与独特的健康益处 (强健肌肉的蛋白质、改善弱光环境下视力的维生素a 等) 相关。).为了证明这一点,我们决定创建 16 个插图,每个插图都展示了其中的一个好处。选择了 16 个不同的插画家来创作不同的处决。将它们团结在一起的是每个插图中心的一杯牛奶。 执行 该运动将牛奶定位为一种营养饮料,使其成为固体。在活动的印刷部分,这种固体液体由一杯完整的牛奶代表。玻璃被加工成不同的插图,取代了插图中视觉上代表营养健康益处的元素。死刑强化了牛奶的多重好处,并提醒目标,牛奶是健康饮食的中心。 概要 加拿大和大多数工业化国家的牛奶消费量急剧下降。大多数人已经将其他类型的饮料纳入他们认为更健康的日常生活中。与大豆、大米或杏仁牛奶相比,白牛奶已经失去了价值和质量,尤其是在营养方面。面对魁北克牛奶消费量 20 多年来的急剧下降,有必要更新魁北克人对这种液体的兴趣,以增加他们的考虑、购买,最重要的是, 他们的饮酒频率,Regular 经常和偶尔饮酒的人。营销目标是减缓白牛奶销售的侵蚀。为了实现这一目标,沟通的目标是给白牛奶应有的感觉: 一种优质、健康和营养的饮料。 结果 随着牛奶消费量急剧下降,消费者将白牛奶换成他们认为更健康的其他饮料,这项运动广泛成功地将白牛奶重新定位为一种完整、营养丰富的 “超级食品”。 “89% 的消费者看到了这场运动,觉得它清楚地传达了牛奶对健康有益的事实,53% 的人说,这场运动促使他们喝更多的牛奶。74% 的消费者说,这项运动让他们意识到牛奶比他们想象的更有营养。 战略 我们必须告知并证明牛奶含有直接有助于健康的必需营养。牛奶含有 16 种营养物质,是一种真正的 “完整食物”。受这一战略定位的启发,该品牌标志性的 “固体物质” 自然暗示了自己。从传播的角度来看,“一杯牛奶 = 16 种人体正常功能的基本营养” 的主要信息是通过一场综合运动和主导的媒体组合来实现的。首先,我们专注于让当前的牛奶饮用者喝得更多。这些饮酒者是年轻的家庭 (对数量下降的 55% 负责) 和 18-65 岁的成年人 (他们消费并对牛奶有积极的看法, 但忽略它的所有附加值)。两组每天可以消费更多。

    Solid Stuff

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Milk is made of 16 nutrients essential to one’s health. This makes milk solid stuff. Each of these 16 nutrients is associated with a distinct health benefit (proteins for strong muscles, vitamin A to improve vision in lowlight environments, etc.). To demonstrate this, we decided to create 16 illustrations, each one showcasing one of the benefits. 16 different illustrators were selected to create the different executions. What unites them all is the glass of milk featured in the centre of each illustration. Execution The campaign positions milk as a nutritious beverage, making it solid stuff. In the print component of the campaign, this solid liquid is represented by a full glass of milk. The glass is worked into the different illustrations, replacing the element in the illustration that visually represents the health benefit of the nutrient. The execution reinforces the multiple benefits of milk and reminds the target that milk is at the centre (literally) of a healthy diet. Synopsis Milk consumption is declining steeply in Canada and in most industrialized countries. The majority of people have incorporated other types of beverages into their routines they believe are more healthy. Compared to soy, rice or almond milk, white milk has lost its value and quality, especially in terms of nutrition. Faced with this sharp decline in milk consumption in Quebec for more than 20 years, it was essential to renew Quebecers’ interest for this liquid in order to increase their consideration, their purchases, and most importantly, their drinking frequency, amongst both regular and occasional drinkers.The marketing objective was to slow the erosion of white milk sales. To achieve this, the communication objective was to give white milk the perception it deserves: a quality, healthy and nutritious beverage. Outcome With milk consumption steeply declining and consumers switching white milk for other beverages they believe are healthier, the campaign widely succeeded in repositioning white milk as a complete and nutritious “superfood.” 89% of consumers who saw the campaign felt that it clearly communicated the fact that milk is good for one’s health, and 53% said the campaign motivated them to drink more milk. 74% of consumers said that the campaign made them realize that milk was much more nutritious than they thought. Strategy We had to inform and demonstrate that milk contains essential nutrients that contribute directly to good health. Containing 16 nutrients, milk is a true “complete food.” Inspired by this strategic positioning, the brand’s signature “Solid stuff” naturally suggested itself. From a communication viewpoint, the main message of “a glass of milk = 16 essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body” was deployed using an integrated campaign with a dominating media mix. First, we focused on making current milk drinkers drink more. These drinkers are young families (responsible for 55% of the decline in volume) and adults 18-65 years old (they consume and have a positive opinion of milk, but ignore all of its added value). Both groups could consume more each day.



    Solid Stuff










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