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    I Knew It短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 挑战: 拉丁美洲最大的运动品牌需要在 2016年奥运会的席位上发布。该品牌是巴西奥林匹克委员会十年的赞助商,知道其他不在体育领域的公司会试图利用这项活动为他们带来优势。目标: 用一个高影响力的广告快速行动,让这个国家最重要的人回复信息,同时他们会给它可信度。策略: 包裹被发送给 40 个重要人物; 其中包括记者、名人和博客作者。10月2日,里约热内卢赢得了比赛。公告发布五分钟后,包裹到达了人们的房子、工作场所,甚至是被选中人物所在的餐馆。盒子的顶部只有一句话: “我已经知道了”。在里面,一份来自该品牌的宣言和一封由公证处注册的信,日期是前一天,解释了为什么该品牌已经知道巴西会赢。包裹还包括一件个性化的 t恤和贴纸,上面写着 “我知道”。其结果是城市公告的主要网站和报纸上立即出现了大量帖子、推特、笔记。第二天,对于其他品牌来说已经太晚了! 描述客户的简报: 在其他公司之前,2016 宣布里约热内卢为奥运会的所在地。为了表明品牌可能是谈论奥运会的更快,也是最吸引人的。给人们带来很大的影响来传递信息,以便给品牌的演讲带来可信度。 结果: 由于行动的灵活性,奥林匹亚是第一个传播宣布里约热内卢为 2016 届奥运会所在地的消息的人,由于交付的时间安排,影响很大。该品牌只有 40 个套餐,覆盖了 2100万多名拥有特权社会地位的人群,他们的意见越来越大。此外,该行动在免费媒体上获得了 6.857 美元以上的 29,000.000 美元: 它在主要博客上赢得了空间, 除了杂志和报纸,它还进入了社交媒体和最大的门户网站。从各个角度来看,这是一个巨大的成功。 执行: 该行动是在该国南部的阿雷格里港发起的。在圣保罗,公共关系专业人员选择了人民。带有 “Eu j á sabia” (“我知道”) 字样的 40 个包裹在巴西旅行,并在三个战略地点交付: 里约热内卢、圣保罗和累西腓, 在东北部,穿越 5,000 多公里。每个包裹都是亲自交付给设计人员的。所有的包裹都是在获胜者城市宣布后 5 分钟交付的。他们包含了一件个性化的 t恤和贴纸,最重要的是,一封由公证人登记的前一天的信,证明并解释了为什么这个品牌已经知道巴西会赢。 情况: 在足球这个国家,它最大的运动品牌从未在奥运会上下注。作为奥林匹克委员会和巴西排球队的赞助商,他们已经在巴西体育上投资了 10 多年。随着这座城市宣布 2016 举办奥运会,该品牌知道来自不同领域的其他几家公司将试图将这项活动带给自己, 即使他们很少或根本没有参与奥林匹克运动。有必要在其他参赛者面前拥有这个项目,并产生影响。 战略: 一个简单的想法,一个简单的工作和一个复杂的执行。这个想法的力量就在交付的那一刻。至关重要的是,一旦里约热内卢宣布获胜者,包裹就会交付。这就是为什么执行行动的主要策略是确切知道被选中的人在哪里,并保证他们可以在哥本哈根宣布时收到包裹。我们选择有实力和信誉的人来传递信息。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Challenge: The biggest sportive brand from Latin America needed to be in the release of the seat of the Olympics of 2016. The brand, sponsor of the Brazilian Olympic Comité for ten years, knew other companies that are not present in sports, would try to use the event to their advantage. Goal: Act fast with a high impact ad that would make the most important people in the country reply the message, in the same time they would give it credibility. Strategy: Packages were sent to 40 important people; among these were journalists, celebrities and bloggers. On October 2rd, Rio de Janeiro won the contest. Five minutes after the announcement, the package arrived in people’s house, works and even restaurants where the chosen personalities were. On the top of the box there was only one sentence: 'I already knew it'. Inside, a manifesto from the brand and a letter registered by a notary pubic dated the previous day, prooving and explaining why the brand already knew Brazil would win. The package also included a personalised t-shirt and stickers with the sentence 'I knew it'. The result was an immediate 'wave' of posts, tweets, notes in main websites and newspapers in the city announcement. The next day, it was just too late for the other brands! Describe the brief from the client: To own the announcement of Rio de Janeiro as the seat of the Olympic Games 2016 before other companies. To show that the brand could be the faster to talk about Olympics Games and the most engaging. To cause a big impact in people to relay the message, in order to give credibility to the brand’s speech. Results: For the agility of the action Olympikus was the first to spread the news of the announcement of Rio de Janeiro as the seat of the Olympic Games 2016, with great impact because of the timing of delivery. With only 40 packages, the brand reached more than 21 million people in a layer of privileged social position population, with capacity of growing opinion among them. Besides, with only USD 6.857,00 the action got more than USD 29,000.000,00 in free media: it earned space in the main blogs, foudn its way into social media and the largest web portals, in addition to magazines and newspapers. A great success from all points of view. Execution: The action was created in Porto Alegre, in the south of the country. In São Paulo, professionals of Public Relations selected the people. The 40 packages bearing the phrase "Eu já sabia" ("I knew it") travelled Brazil and were delivered in three strategic places: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Recife, in the north-east, crossing more than 5 thousand kilometres. Each package was delivered personally to the designed people. All the packages were delivered only 5 minutes after the announcement of the winner city. They contained a personalised T-shirt and sticker and most important, a letter registered by a notary public dated the previous day, prooving and explaining why the brand already knew Brazil would win. The Situation: In the country of soccer, its biggest sportive brand had never let to bet in Olympic sports. They have invested in Brazilian sport for more than 10 years as Sponsor of the Olympic Committee and the Brazilian volleyball team. With the announcement of the city to host the Olympics Games 2016, the brand knew several other companies from different segment were going to try to bring the event to themselves, even if they had a small or none involvement with Olympic sports. It was necessary to own the event before the other contestants and with impact. The Strategy: A simple idea, a simple job and a complex execution. The strength of the idea was in the moment of the delivery. It was essential the package was delivered as soon as Rio de Janeiro announced the winner. That’s why the main strategy for the execution of the action was to know exactly where the chosen people were and guarantee they could receive the package at the moment of the announcement in Copenhagen. We choose personalities with strength and credibility to pass the message on.

    I Knew It

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 挑战: 拉丁美洲最大的运动品牌需要在 2016年奥运会的席位上发布。该品牌是巴西奥林匹克委员会十年的赞助商,知道其他不在体育领域的公司会试图利用这项活动为他们带来优势。目标: 用一个高影响力的广告快速行动,让这个国家最重要的人回复信息,同时他们会给它可信度。策略: 包裹被发送给 40 个重要人物; 其中包括记者、名人和博客作者。10月2日,里约热内卢赢得了比赛。公告发布五分钟后,包裹到达了人们的房子、工作场所,甚至是被选中人物所在的餐馆。盒子的顶部只有一句话: “我已经知道了”。在里面,一份来自该品牌的宣言和一封由公证处注册的信,日期是前一天,解释了为什么该品牌已经知道巴西会赢。包裹还包括一件个性化的 t恤和贴纸,上面写着 “我知道”。其结果是城市公告的主要网站和报纸上立即出现了大量帖子、推特、笔记。第二天,对于其他品牌来说已经太晚了! 描述客户的简报: 在其他公司之前,2016 宣布里约热内卢为奥运会的所在地。为了表明品牌可能是谈论奥运会的更快,也是最吸引人的。给人们带来很大的影响来传递信息,以便给品牌的演讲带来可信度。 结果: 由于行动的灵活性,奥林匹亚是第一个传播宣布里约热内卢为 2016 届奥运会所在地的消息的人,由于交付的时间安排,影响很大。该品牌只有 40 个套餐,覆盖了 2100万多名拥有特权社会地位的人群,他们的意见越来越大。此外,该行动在免费媒体上获得了 6.857 美元以上的 29,000.000 美元: 它在主要博客上赢得了空间, 除了杂志和报纸,它还进入了社交媒体和最大的门户网站。从各个角度来看,这是一个巨大的成功。 执行: 该行动是在该国南部的阿雷格里港发起的。在圣保罗,公共关系专业人员选择了人民。带有 “Eu j á sabia” (“我知道”) 字样的 40 个包裹在巴西旅行,并在三个战略地点交付: 里约热内卢、圣保罗和累西腓, 在东北部,穿越 5,000 多公里。每个包裹都是亲自交付给设计人员的。所有的包裹都是在获胜者城市宣布后 5 分钟交付的。他们包含了一件个性化的 t恤和贴纸,最重要的是,一封由公证人登记的前一天的信,证明并解释了为什么这个品牌已经知道巴西会赢。 情况: 在足球这个国家,它最大的运动品牌从未在奥运会上下注。作为奥林匹克委员会和巴西排球队的赞助商,他们已经在巴西体育上投资了 10 多年。随着这座城市宣布 2016 举办奥运会,该品牌知道来自不同领域的其他几家公司将试图将这项活动带给自己, 即使他们很少或根本没有参与奥林匹克运动。有必要在其他参赛者面前拥有这个项目,并产生影响。 战略: 一个简单的想法,一个简单的工作和一个复杂的执行。这个想法的力量就在交付的那一刻。至关重要的是,一旦里约热内卢宣布获胜者,包裹就会交付。这就是为什么执行行动的主要策略是确切知道被选中的人在哪里,并保证他们可以在哥本哈根宣布时收到包裹。我们选择有实力和信誉的人来传递信息。

    I Knew It

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Challenge: The biggest sportive brand from Latin America needed to be in the release of the seat of the Olympics of 2016. The brand, sponsor of the Brazilian Olympic Comité for ten years, knew other companies that are not present in sports, would try to use the event to their advantage. Goal: Act fast with a high impact ad that would make the most important people in the country reply the message, in the same time they would give it credibility. Strategy: Packages were sent to 40 important people; among these were journalists, celebrities and bloggers. On October 2rd, Rio de Janeiro won the contest. Five minutes after the announcement, the package arrived in people’s house, works and even restaurants where the chosen personalities were. On the top of the box there was only one sentence: 'I already knew it'. Inside, a manifesto from the brand and a letter registered by a notary pubic dated the previous day, prooving and explaining why the brand already knew Brazil would win. The package also included a personalised t-shirt and stickers with the sentence 'I knew it'. The result was an immediate 'wave' of posts, tweets, notes in main websites and newspapers in the city announcement. The next day, it was just too late for the other brands! Describe the brief from the client: To own the announcement of Rio de Janeiro as the seat of the Olympic Games 2016 before other companies. To show that the brand could be the faster to talk about Olympics Games and the most engaging. To cause a big impact in people to relay the message, in order to give credibility to the brand’s speech. Results: For the agility of the action Olympikus was the first to spread the news of the announcement of Rio de Janeiro as the seat of the Olympic Games 2016, with great impact because of the timing of delivery. With only 40 packages, the brand reached more than 21 million people in a layer of privileged social position population, with capacity of growing opinion among them. Besides, with only USD 6.857,00 the action got more than USD 29,000.000,00 in free media: it earned space in the main blogs, foudn its way into social media and the largest web portals, in addition to magazines and newspapers. A great success from all points of view. Execution: The action was created in Porto Alegre, in the south of the country. In São Paulo, professionals of Public Relations selected the people. The 40 packages bearing the phrase "Eu já sabia" ("I knew it") travelled Brazil and were delivered in three strategic places: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Recife, in the north-east, crossing more than 5 thousand kilometres. Each package was delivered personally to the designed people. All the packages were delivered only 5 minutes after the announcement of the winner city. They contained a personalised T-shirt and sticker and most important, a letter registered by a notary public dated the previous day, prooving and explaining why the brand already knew Brazil would win. The Situation: In the country of soccer, its biggest sportive brand had never let to bet in Olympic sports. They have invested in Brazilian sport for more than 10 years as Sponsor of the Olympic Committee and the Brazilian volleyball team. With the announcement of the city to host the Olympics Games 2016, the brand knew several other companies from different segment were going to try to bring the event to themselves, even if they had a small or none involvement with Olympic sports. It was necessary to own the event before the other contestants and with impact. The Strategy: A simple idea, a simple job and a complex execution. The strength of the idea was in the moment of the delivery. It was essential the package was delivered as soon as Rio de Janeiro announced the winner. That’s why the main strategy for the execution of the action was to know exactly where the chosen people were and guarantee they could receive the package at the moment of the announcement in Copenhagen. We choose personalities with strength and credibility to pass the message on.



    I Knew It










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