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    Last Days短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:简要解释 一群酒鬼选择在文明崩溃的时候度过他们的最后时刻。随着世界末日的环境以最电影的方式恶化,派对者们通过加倍欣赏音乐、跳舞和喝何塞 · 库尔沃龙舌兰酒,给生活带来了 “明天被高估了” 的信息。 EntrySummary 当其他龙舌兰酒品牌专注于精致和整合时,Jose Cuervo 带回了对任何事情的历史性漠视,除了庆祝和生活在当下。由于现在世界上所有的不确定性,这个信息似乎特别相关。这是一个纯粹的概念,Jose Cuervo 在忠于品牌的同时能够传达这一点。播放次数: 9 个月内在广播电视上播放 4,430 位置:: 15,: 30,: 60 在广播电视上运行,在线作为数字广告和 YouTube 广告, 在社交渠道上。电视台包括; AMC 、贝因体育、喜剧中心、探索、 ESPN 2 、福克斯体育 1 、 FX 、 FXX 、 HTS 、 NBA 电视、 NBC 体育、斯派克、 TBS, TNT 体育,美国广播公司,哥伦比亚广播公司。2 分钟在目的地美国的广播电视、 Cuervo.com 在线和社交频道上运行。 解决方案 导演希望这部电影中的一切都感觉完全真实、永恒和电影化 -- 城镇、酒吧、顾客,当然还有启示录。方向是专注于人的因素,在可怕的环境中美妙的情感和精神。其结果是一部真正的电影,与大多数酒精运动中简单化、闪亮的外表相比,它脱颖而出,同时也向该品牌的墨西哥传统以及他们在得克萨斯州巴黎的美国家致敬。导演通过带观众乘坐不可预测的旅程,在这个酒吧创造了一个神秘的元素。随着每一次突发的故事,我们都加剧了紧张、规模和荒谬,直到最后不可避免的揭示: 世界正在结束,没关系 -- 无论如何,明天都被高估了。


    案例简介:BriefExplanation A group of bargoers choose to spend their last moments while civilization crumbles around them. As apocalyptic conditions worsen outside in the most cinematic way, the partiers bring the “Tomorrow is Overrated” message to life by doubling down on their music, dancing and drinking Jose Cuervo tequila. EntrySummary While other tequila brands focus on refinement and conformity, Jose Cuervo is bringing back a historic disregard for anything but celebrating and living in the moment. With all the uncertainty there is in the world now, this message seems particularly relevant. It's a pure concept, which Jose Cuervo was able to convey while staying true to the brand.•Number of Airings: 4,430 on Broadcast TV over 9 months•Placement: :15, :30, :60 running on Broadcast TV, online as digital preroll and YouTube Ads, and on social channels. TV stations include; AMC, BEIN SPORTS, COMEDY CENTRAL, DISCOVERY, ESPN, ESPN 2, FOX SPORTS 1, FX, FXX, HTS, NBA TV, NBC SPORTS, SPIKE, TBS, TNT SPORTS, ABC, CBS. 2 min running on Broadcast TV on Destination America, online on Cuervo.com, and on social channels. Solution The director wanted everything in this film to feel completely authentic, timeless and cinematic - the town, the bar, the patrons, and of course, the apocalypse. The direction is focused on the human element, the wonderful emotion and spirit in what would otherwise be terrifying circumstances. The result is a genuine film that stands out against the simplistic, shiny veneer of most alcohol campaigns while simultaneously nodding to the brand's Mexican heritage, as well as their American home in Paris, Texas. The director creates an element of mystery in this bar by taking the viewer on an unpredictable ride. With every sudden story beat, we escalate the tension, the scale, and the absurdity, until at last the inevitable reveal: The world is ending and it’s okay – tomorrow is overrated anyway.

    Last Days

    案例简介:简要解释 一群酒鬼选择在文明崩溃的时候度过他们的最后时刻。随着世界末日的环境以最电影的方式恶化,派对者们通过加倍欣赏音乐、跳舞和喝何塞 · 库尔沃龙舌兰酒,给生活带来了 “明天被高估了” 的信息。 EntrySummary 当其他龙舌兰酒品牌专注于精致和整合时,Jose Cuervo 带回了对任何事情的历史性漠视,除了庆祝和生活在当下。由于现在世界上所有的不确定性,这个信息似乎特别相关。这是一个纯粹的概念,Jose Cuervo 在忠于品牌的同时能够传达这一点。播放次数: 9 个月内在广播电视上播放 4,430 位置:: 15,: 30,: 60 在广播电视上运行,在线作为数字广告和 YouTube 广告, 在社交渠道上。电视台包括; AMC 、贝因体育、喜剧中心、探索、 ESPN 2 、福克斯体育 1 、 FX 、 FXX 、 HTS 、 NBA 电视、 NBC 体育、斯派克、 TBS, TNT 体育,美国广播公司,哥伦比亚广播公司。2 分钟在目的地美国的广播电视、 Cuervo.com 在线和社交频道上运行。 解决方案 导演希望这部电影中的一切都感觉完全真实、永恒和电影化 -- 城镇、酒吧、顾客,当然还有启示录。方向是专注于人的因素,在可怕的环境中美妙的情感和精神。其结果是一部真正的电影,与大多数酒精运动中简单化、闪亮的外表相比,它脱颖而出,同时也向该品牌的墨西哥传统以及他们在得克萨斯州巴黎的美国家致敬。导演通过带观众乘坐不可预测的旅程,在这个酒吧创造了一个神秘的元素。随着每一次突发的故事,我们都加剧了紧张、规模和荒谬,直到最后不可避免的揭示: 世界正在结束,没关系 -- 无论如何,明天都被高估了。

    Last Days

    案例简介:BriefExplanation A group of bargoers choose to spend their last moments while civilization crumbles around them. As apocalyptic conditions worsen outside in the most cinematic way, the partiers bring the “Tomorrow is Overrated” message to life by doubling down on their music, dancing and drinking Jose Cuervo tequila. EntrySummary While other tequila brands focus on refinement and conformity, Jose Cuervo is bringing back a historic disregard for anything but celebrating and living in the moment. With all the uncertainty there is in the world now, this message seems particularly relevant. It's a pure concept, which Jose Cuervo was able to convey while staying true to the brand.•Number of Airings: 4,430 on Broadcast TV over 9 months•Placement: :15, :30, :60 running on Broadcast TV, online as digital preroll and YouTube Ads, and on social channels. TV stations include; AMC, BEIN SPORTS, COMEDY CENTRAL, DISCOVERY, ESPN, ESPN 2, FOX SPORTS 1, FX, FXX, HTS, NBA TV, NBC SPORTS, SPIKE, TBS, TNT SPORTS, ABC, CBS. 2 min running on Broadcast TV on Destination America, online on Cuervo.com, and on social channels. Solution The director wanted everything in this film to feel completely authentic, timeless and cinematic - the town, the bar, the patrons, and of course, the apocalypse. The direction is focused on the human element, the wonderful emotion and spirit in what would otherwise be terrifying circumstances. The result is a genuine film that stands out against the simplistic, shiny veneer of most alcohol campaigns while simultaneously nodding to the brand's Mexican heritage, as well as their American home in Paris, Texas. The director creates an element of mystery in this bar by taking the viewer on an unpredictable ride. With every sudden story beat, we escalate the tension, the scale, and the absurdity, until at last the inevitable reveal: The world is ending and it’s okay – tomorrow is overrated anyway.



    Last Days





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