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    The Baby Stroller Test-ride By Contours短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 到目前为止,美国每年有近 400万个新生婴儿出生,当婴儿车购物时, 0% 的父母能够真正知道什么是对他们家庭中最宝贵的补充最好的。婴儿车轮廓试驾改变了婴儿车购物行为,这是父母有史以来第一次体验婴儿车的骑行体验。 战略 美国 90% 的新妈妈是千禧一代,他们重视非凡的体验,并在品牌中寻找四个方面: 真实性、意义、独特性和创新。以这一知识为指导,我们必须创造一种方法,让妈妈们在店内测试婴儿车,感受他们孩子的感受。我们通过创造一个不寻常的体验来实现这一点: 婴儿车轮廓试驾。我们在电影上捕捉到了这种体验,并制作了一个视频,在网上分享,介绍并邀请更多的人参加试驾。我们特别针对父母,在婴儿商店、儿童友好型公园和其他他们经常去的地方拦截他们。 概要 婴儿车购物对父母来说是一个挑战,原因有很多。但是一个经常被忽视的婴儿车购买考虑是婴儿的感觉。这是因为婴儿不能说出他们的舒适水平或偏好,普通成年人也不能坐在婴儿车里亲身体验。轮廓要求我们想出一种方法向父母展示轮廓婴儿车是该类别中最安全、最舒适的婴儿车。由于预算有限 (50,000 美元),我们需要一个在目标受众中产生大量嗡嗡声和参与的想法,这样他们就可以帮助在网上传播这个词。 相关性 婴儿车轮廓试驾是一种独一无二的真实体验 -- 也是一种产品演示,是轮廓独有的,直到现在都不可能。在试乘体验期间,我们与父母建立了一种关系,在这种关系中,他们注册接收关于我们产品线的信息。无论试驾发生在哪里,购买婴儿车的选择也很容易。 执行 2016年4月,我们在芝加哥地区的婴儿商店和公园进行了婴儿车试驾。我们制作了一部引人入胜的在线电影,介绍并邀请更多的人参与婴儿车的轮廓测试。我们的现场体验活动得到了在线电影、推特和脸谱网以及其他社交媒体的直播支持。 活动描述 婴儿车通过轮廓试驾。我们为我们最畅销的婴儿车之一制作了一个完全成人大小的复制品,并邀请父母在我们的试驾中尝试。有史以来第一次,父母可以体验他们的婴儿经历,证明婴儿推车有多舒适。婴儿推车的轮廓测试是一种真实的生活体验 -- 也是一种产品演示,是轮廓独有的,直到现在都是不可能的。在体验过程中,我们与父母建立了一种关系,在这种关系中,他们注册接收关于我们产品线的信息。无论试驾发生在哪里,购买婴儿车的选择也很容易。


    案例简介:Outcome There are nearly 4.0 million new babies born each year in the U.S. Up until now, when baby stroller shopping, 0% of parents have been able to really know what’s best for the most precious addition to their family. The Baby Stroller Test-Drive by Contours changes stroller-shopping behavior by giving parents, for the first time ever, the experience of riding in the stroller. Strategy 90% of new moms in America are Millennials who value remarkable experiences and look for four aspects in brands: authenticity, meaningfulness, uniqueness and innovation.Using this knowledge as our guide, we had to create a way to allow moms to test the stroller in-store to feel what their baby feels. We achieved this by creating an unusual experience: the Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours. We captured the experience on film and created a video that was shared online to introduce and invite more people to participate in the Test-Ride. We specifically targeted parents by intercepting them at baby stores, child-friendly parks, and other places that they frequent. Synopsis Stroller shopping can be a challenge for parents for many reasons. But an often overlooked stroller buying consideration is how the baby feels. This is because babies can’t verbalize their comfort levels or preferences, and average-sized adults can’t fit themselves into strollers to experience them firsthand.Contours asked us to come up with a way to show parents how the Contours Stroller is the safest and most comfortable stroller in the category. As budgets were limited (US$50,000), we needed an idea that would generate a lot of buzz and engagement among our target audience, so they would help spread the word online. Relevancy The Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours serves as a one-of-a-kind, real-life experience— one that is also a product demo, unique to Contours and impossible until now.During the Test-Ride experience, we created a relationship with parents where they registered to receive information about our line of products. The option of buying a stroller was also readily available wherever the test-ride was happening. Execution We conducted the Baby Stroller Test-Ride in baby stores and parks around the Chicago area in April 2016. We created an engaging online film that introduced and invited more people to participate in the Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours.Our live, experiential events were supported with an online film, live broadcasts via Twitter and Facebook, and through other social media. Campaign Description The Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours. We created an exact adult-size replica of one of our best-selling baby strollers and invited parents to try it in our Test-Ride. For the first time ever, parents could experience what their baby experiences, proving just how comfortable Contours strollers are for babies. The Baby Stroller Test Ride by Contours serves as a one of a kind real life experience— one that is also a product demo, unique to Contours and impossible until now.During the experience, we created a relationship with parents where they registered to receive information about our line of products. The option of buying a stroller was also readily available wherever the test-ride was happening.

    The Baby Stroller Test-ride By Contours

    案例简介:结果 到目前为止,美国每年有近 400万个新生婴儿出生,当婴儿车购物时, 0% 的父母能够真正知道什么是对他们家庭中最宝贵的补充最好的。婴儿车轮廓试驾改变了婴儿车购物行为,这是父母有史以来第一次体验婴儿车的骑行体验。 战略 美国 90% 的新妈妈是千禧一代,他们重视非凡的体验,并在品牌中寻找四个方面: 真实性、意义、独特性和创新。以这一知识为指导,我们必须创造一种方法,让妈妈们在店内测试婴儿车,感受他们孩子的感受。我们通过创造一个不寻常的体验来实现这一点: 婴儿车轮廓试驾。我们在电影上捕捉到了这种体验,并制作了一个视频,在网上分享,介绍并邀请更多的人参加试驾。我们特别针对父母,在婴儿商店、儿童友好型公园和其他他们经常去的地方拦截他们。 概要 婴儿车购物对父母来说是一个挑战,原因有很多。但是一个经常被忽视的婴儿车购买考虑是婴儿的感觉。这是因为婴儿不能说出他们的舒适水平或偏好,普通成年人也不能坐在婴儿车里亲身体验。轮廓要求我们想出一种方法向父母展示轮廓婴儿车是该类别中最安全、最舒适的婴儿车。由于预算有限 (50,000 美元),我们需要一个在目标受众中产生大量嗡嗡声和参与的想法,这样他们就可以帮助在网上传播这个词。 相关性 婴儿车轮廓试驾是一种独一无二的真实体验 -- 也是一种产品演示,是轮廓独有的,直到现在都不可能。在试乘体验期间,我们与父母建立了一种关系,在这种关系中,他们注册接收关于我们产品线的信息。无论试驾发生在哪里,购买婴儿车的选择也很容易。 执行 2016年4月,我们在芝加哥地区的婴儿商店和公园进行了婴儿车试驾。我们制作了一部引人入胜的在线电影,介绍并邀请更多的人参与婴儿车的轮廓测试。我们的现场体验活动得到了在线电影、推特和脸谱网以及其他社交媒体的直播支持。 活动描述 婴儿车通过轮廓试驾。我们为我们最畅销的婴儿车之一制作了一个完全成人大小的复制品,并邀请父母在我们的试驾中尝试。有史以来第一次,父母可以体验他们的婴儿经历,证明婴儿推车有多舒适。婴儿推车的轮廓测试是一种真实的生活体验 -- 也是一种产品演示,是轮廓独有的,直到现在都是不可能的。在体验过程中,我们与父母建立了一种关系,在这种关系中,他们注册接收关于我们产品线的信息。无论试驾发生在哪里,购买婴儿车的选择也很容易。

    The Baby Stroller Test-ride By Contours

    案例简介:Outcome There are nearly 4.0 million new babies born each year in the U.S. Up until now, when baby stroller shopping, 0% of parents have been able to really know what’s best for the most precious addition to their family. The Baby Stroller Test-Drive by Contours changes stroller-shopping behavior by giving parents, for the first time ever, the experience of riding in the stroller. Strategy 90% of new moms in America are Millennials who value remarkable experiences and look for four aspects in brands: authenticity, meaningfulness, uniqueness and innovation.Using this knowledge as our guide, we had to create a way to allow moms to test the stroller in-store to feel what their baby feels. We achieved this by creating an unusual experience: the Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours. We captured the experience on film and created a video that was shared online to introduce and invite more people to participate in the Test-Ride. We specifically targeted parents by intercepting them at baby stores, child-friendly parks, and other places that they frequent. Synopsis Stroller shopping can be a challenge for parents for many reasons. But an often overlooked stroller buying consideration is how the baby feels. This is because babies can’t verbalize their comfort levels or preferences, and average-sized adults can’t fit themselves into strollers to experience them firsthand.Contours asked us to come up with a way to show parents how the Contours Stroller is the safest and most comfortable stroller in the category. As budgets were limited (US$50,000), we needed an idea that would generate a lot of buzz and engagement among our target audience, so they would help spread the word online. Relevancy The Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours serves as a one-of-a-kind, real-life experience— one that is also a product demo, unique to Contours and impossible until now.During the Test-Ride experience, we created a relationship with parents where they registered to receive information about our line of products. The option of buying a stroller was also readily available wherever the test-ride was happening. Execution We conducted the Baby Stroller Test-Ride in baby stores and parks around the Chicago area in April 2016. We created an engaging online film that introduced and invited more people to participate in the Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours.Our live, experiential events were supported with an online film, live broadcasts via Twitter and Facebook, and through other social media. Campaign Description The Baby Stroller Test-Ride by Contours. We created an exact adult-size replica of one of our best-selling baby strollers and invited parents to try it in our Test-Ride. For the first time ever, parents could experience what their baby experiences, proving just how comfortable Contours strollers are for babies. The Baby Stroller Test Ride by Contours serves as a one of a kind real life experience— one that is also a product demo, unique to Contours and impossible until now.During the experience, we created a relationship with parents where they registered to receive information about our line of products. The option of buying a stroller was also readily available wherever the test-ride was happening.



    The Baby Stroller Test-ride By Contours





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