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    Violence Stopping Outdoor短视频,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 芬兰在全球家庭暴力排行榜上名列前茅,尽管报告的案件只有十分之一。被动户外海报的目的是让人们意识到家庭暴力现在正在他们的社区发生,并鼓励他们更积极地报道。这不仅是一个比较棘手的问题。就在国内电话发出后,户外海报出现在犯罪现场附近的街道上,持续 48 小时。家庭暴力经常发生在晚上 (根据赫尔辛基警方 88% 的数据),所以白天/晚上的海报会对黑暗做出反应。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但晚上,灯光将图像变成了法医犯罪现场照片和原始证据照片。 战略 实际的紧急数据,真实的 911 电话确定了反应活动的区域。关于电话位置的信息被发送到 jcdecaux '系统,15 张反暴力海报被立即放在打电话的家附近。接下来的 48 小时内,这些有针对性的 48 小时宣传活动将在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点展开。有两次推出,一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,一次在复活节前的 2017年4月。传统的户外广告海报是被动的。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但天黑后,背景灯亮起,显示出家庭暴力的迹象。 活动描述 芬兰在全球家庭暴力排行榜上名列前茅,尽管报告的案件只有十分之一。无论该地区的财富如何,家庭暴力无处不在。超级本地户外海报让人们意识到家庭暴力也在他们自己的社区发生。88% 更多的家庭暴力行为发生在夜间。所以我们传统的户外海报是被动的。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但天黑后,背景灯亮起,显示出家庭暴力的迹象。户外通常被认为是传统的和缓慢的,尽管每个公共汽车站在地图上都有自己的位置。有了这些地址,我们以一种全新的方式利用户外广告。世界上第一次实时超本地户外运动是由一个实际的紧急电话触发的。接下来的 48 小时里,这场运动立即出现在犯罪现场。 执行 世界上第一次实时超本地户外运动是由一个实际的紧急电话触发的。真正的 911 电话决定了反应运动的区域。关于电话位置的信息被发送到 jcdecaux '系统,15 张反暴力海报被立即放在打电话的家附近。海报在接下来的 48 小时内都在张贴。这些有针对性的 48 小时运动在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点举行。有两次推出,一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,一次在复活节前的 2017年4月。 结果 超级本地户外海报非常有效,因为它们在正确的时间出现在正确的位置。这让人们意识到家庭暴力现在正在他们自己的社区发生。15 张户外海报在四周内产生了 2600万个印象。新闻报道从当地报纸、电视脱口秀一直到欧洲新闻。这些有针对性的 48 小时运动在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点举行。有两次推出: 一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,第二次在复活节前的 2017年4月。这两个季节都是家庭暴力的高峰期。这场运动受到了很多关注,媒体热播,最重要的是,这个重要的问题成为了全球和芬兰电视和报纸的讨论话题。 相关性 户外经常被认为是传统的慢媒体,尽管每个公共汽车站在地图上都有自己的位置。有了这些地址,我们利用户外广告和前所未有的媒体规划。世界上第一个由实际紧急呼叫触发的实时超本地户外运动。然后,这场运动立即出现在犯罪现场,并在接下来的 48 小时内一直直播。该活动通过数据定位彻底改变了户外媒体的使用,并且从未见过客户和媒体所有者的合作。


    案例简介:Synopsis Finland is topping the domestic violence charts globally, even though only every tenth case is reported. The aim of the reactive outdoor posters was to make people realize that domestic violence is happening in their neighborhood right now, and encourage them to report it more actively. It is not only a problem of the rougher areas. Right after the domestic call had been made, the outdoor posters appeared in the streets near the crime scene for the next 48 hours. Domestic violence often happens during the night (according the Helsinki Police data 88%) , so with day/night effect the posters reacted to the dark. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but in the evening the lights changed the images into a forensic crime scene photo and a raw evidence photo. Strategy The actual emergency data, the real 911 calls determined the area of the reactive campaign. The information about the location of the call was sent to JCDecaux’ system and 15 anti-violence posters were immediately placed near to the home that made the call. The posters were up for the next 48 hours.These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs, one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and one in April 2017 before Easter.The traditional outdoor ad poster was reactive. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but after dark, the background lights switched on and revealed the signs of domestic violence. CampaignDescription Finland is topping the domestic violence charts globally, even though only every tenth case is reported. Domestic violence happens everywhere regardless of the wealth of the area. The hyperlocal outdoor posters made people realize that domestic violence is happening also in their own neighborhood. 88 percent more domestic violence acts happen during the night. So our traditional outdoor posters were reactive. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but after dark, the background lights switched on and revealed the signs of domestic violence.Outdoor is often regarded traditional and slow, although each bus stop has its own location on the map. With these addresses we utilized outdoor advertising in a completely new way. The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign was triggered by an actual emergency call. The campaign then immediately appeared in the crime scene for the next 48 hours. Execution The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign was triggered by an actual emergency call. The real 911 calls determined the area of the reactive campaign. The information about the location of the call was sent to JCDecaux’ system and 15 anti-violence posters were immediately placed near to the home that made the call. The posters were up for the next 48 hours. These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs, one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and one in April 2017 before Easter. Outcome The hyperlocal outdoor posters were highly effective because they appeared in the right locations at the right time. This made people wake up to the fact that domestic violence is happening in their own neighborhood, right now. 15 outdoor posters generated 26 million impressions during the four weeks they were up. Press coverage ranged from local newspapers, tv talk shows all the way to Adweek to Euronews. These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs: one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and second in April 2017 before Easter. Both are the peak seasons for domestic violence. The campaign received lots of attention, media hits and most importantly, the important issue became the topic of discussion in both tv and newspapers, globally and in Finland. Relevancy Outdoor is often regarded traditional and slow media, although each bus stop has its own location on the map. With these addresses we utilized outdoor advertising an media planning like never before. The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign that was triggered by actual emergency call. The campaign then immediately appeared in the crime scene area and stayed live for the next 48 hours.The campaign revolutionized the usage of outdoor media through data targeting and never seen before collaboration of client and media owner.

    Violence Stopping Outdoor

    案例简介:概要 芬兰在全球家庭暴力排行榜上名列前茅,尽管报告的案件只有十分之一。被动户外海报的目的是让人们意识到家庭暴力现在正在他们的社区发生,并鼓励他们更积极地报道。这不仅是一个比较棘手的问题。就在国内电话发出后,户外海报出现在犯罪现场附近的街道上,持续 48 小时。家庭暴力经常发生在晚上 (根据赫尔辛基警方 88% 的数据),所以白天/晚上的海报会对黑暗做出反应。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但晚上,灯光将图像变成了法医犯罪现场照片和原始证据照片。 战略 实际的紧急数据,真实的 911 电话确定了反应活动的区域。关于电话位置的信息被发送到 jcdecaux '系统,15 张反暴力海报被立即放在打电话的家附近。接下来的 48 小时内,这些有针对性的 48 小时宣传活动将在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点展开。有两次推出,一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,一次在复活节前的 2017年4月。传统的户外广告海报是被动的。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但天黑后,背景灯亮起,显示出家庭暴力的迹象。 活动描述 芬兰在全球家庭暴力排行榜上名列前茅,尽管报告的案件只有十分之一。无论该地区的财富如何,家庭暴力无处不在。超级本地户外海报让人们意识到家庭暴力也在他们自己的社区发生。88% 更多的家庭暴力行为发生在夜间。所以我们传统的户外海报是被动的。白天,海报以室内设计照片和过滤自拍的形式出现,但天黑后,背景灯亮起,显示出家庭暴力的迹象。户外通常被认为是传统的和缓慢的,尽管每个公共汽车站在地图上都有自己的位置。有了这些地址,我们以一种全新的方式利用户外广告。世界上第一次实时超本地户外运动是由一个实际的紧急电话触发的。接下来的 48 小时里,这场运动立即出现在犯罪现场。 执行 世界上第一次实时超本地户外运动是由一个实际的紧急电话触发的。真正的 911 电话决定了反应运动的区域。关于电话位置的信息被发送到 jcdecaux '系统,15 张反暴力海报被立即放在打电话的家附近。海报在接下来的 48 小时内都在张贴。这些有针对性的 48 小时运动在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点举行。有两次推出,一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,一次在复活节前的 2017年4月。 结果 超级本地户外海报非常有效,因为它们在正确的时间出现在正确的位置。这让人们意识到家庭暴力现在正在他们自己的社区发生。15 张户外海报在四周内产生了 2600万个印象。新闻报道从当地报纸、电视脱口秀一直到欧洲新闻。这些有针对性的 48 小时运动在两周内在赫尔辛基周围的六个不同地点举行。有两次推出: 一次在 2016 圣诞节前的 2016年12月,第二次在复活节前的 2017年4月。这两个季节都是家庭暴力的高峰期。这场运动受到了很多关注,媒体热播,最重要的是,这个重要的问题成为了全球和芬兰电视和报纸的讨论话题。 相关性 户外经常被认为是传统的慢媒体,尽管每个公共汽车站在地图上都有自己的位置。有了这些地址,我们利用户外广告和前所未有的媒体规划。世界上第一个由实际紧急呼叫触发的实时超本地户外运动。然后,这场运动立即出现在犯罪现场,并在接下来的 48 小时内一直直播。该活动通过数据定位彻底改变了户外媒体的使用,并且从未见过客户和媒体所有者的合作。

    Violence Stopping Outdoor

    案例简介:Synopsis Finland is topping the domestic violence charts globally, even though only every tenth case is reported. The aim of the reactive outdoor posters was to make people realize that domestic violence is happening in their neighborhood right now, and encourage them to report it more actively. It is not only a problem of the rougher areas. Right after the domestic call had been made, the outdoor posters appeared in the streets near the crime scene for the next 48 hours. Domestic violence often happens during the night (according the Helsinki Police data 88%) , so with day/night effect the posters reacted to the dark. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but in the evening the lights changed the images into a forensic crime scene photo and a raw evidence photo. Strategy The actual emergency data, the real 911 calls determined the area of the reactive campaign. The information about the location of the call was sent to JCDecaux’ system and 15 anti-violence posters were immediately placed near to the home that made the call. The posters were up for the next 48 hours.These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs, one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and one in April 2017 before Easter.The traditional outdoor ad poster was reactive. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but after dark, the background lights switched on and revealed the signs of domestic violence. CampaignDescription Finland is topping the domestic violence charts globally, even though only every tenth case is reported. Domestic violence happens everywhere regardless of the wealth of the area. The hyperlocal outdoor posters made people realize that domestic violence is happening also in their own neighborhood. 88 percent more domestic violence acts happen during the night. So our traditional outdoor posters were reactive. During the day the posters appeared as an interior design photo and a filtered selfie, but after dark, the background lights switched on and revealed the signs of domestic violence.Outdoor is often regarded traditional and slow, although each bus stop has its own location on the map. With these addresses we utilized outdoor advertising in a completely new way. The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign was triggered by an actual emergency call. The campaign then immediately appeared in the crime scene for the next 48 hours. Execution The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign was triggered by an actual emergency call. The real 911 calls determined the area of the reactive campaign. The information about the location of the call was sent to JCDecaux’ system and 15 anti-violence posters were immediately placed near to the home that made the call. The posters were up for the next 48 hours. These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs, one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and one in April 2017 before Easter. Outcome The hyperlocal outdoor posters were highly effective because they appeared in the right locations at the right time. This made people wake up to the fact that domestic violence is happening in their own neighborhood, right now. 15 outdoor posters generated 26 million impressions during the four weeks they were up. Press coverage ranged from local newspapers, tv talk shows all the way to Adweek to Euronews. These targeted 48-hour campaigns took place around Helsinki within two weeks in six different locations. There were two roll-outs: one in December 2016 before Christmas 2016 and second in April 2017 before Easter. Both are the peak seasons for domestic violence. The campaign received lots of attention, media hits and most importantly, the important issue became the topic of discussion in both tv and newspapers, globally and in Finland. Relevancy Outdoor is often regarded traditional and slow media, although each bus stop has its own location on the map. With these addresses we utilized outdoor advertising an media planning like never before. The world’s first real-time hyperlocal outdoor campaign that was triggered by actual emergency call. The campaign then immediately appeared in the crime scene area and stayed live for the next 48 hours.The campaign revolutionized the usage of outdoor media through data targeting and never seen before collaboration of client and media owner.



    Violence Stopping Outdoor






    广告公司: 腾迈 (芬兰 赫尔辛基) 制作公司: 腾迈




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