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    Drama Queen短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 通过 CFP-E/镜头建立年轻导演奖,作为对有抱负的商业电影导演的竞争,并作为直接回应,尽可能多地获得 2010 竞赛的高质量参赛作品。 (要获得资格,参赛作品必须是导演执导的前四个广告之一。)该策略是通过一个授权的商业广告,通过 CFP-E/镜头,快速接触到尽可能多的有抱负的导演,告知即将到来的年轻导演奖截止日期。 创意执行: 进入截止日期越来越近,这是产生强烈影响并得到目标群体回应的最快方式。在 youtube 上取得快速成功至关重要,这是年轻导演每天寻求参考和灵感的地方。写一个具有强大病毒潜力的剧本,和一个没有经验的年轻导演 (24 岁的 Rogier Hesp) 一起拍摄,激励其他年轻的和未来的导演发挥自己的潜力。支持和激发人才是 CFP-E/镜头的年轻导演奖的唯一目的。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们觉得获得年轻导演奖的最佳方式是以身作则,给一个没有经验的导演一个拍摄具有强大病毒潜力的剧本的机会, 并把它播撒给有抱负的商业导演。我们的主要目标是制作公司和电影学校,但我们希望向更广泛的年轻观众宣传,因为有抱负的电影导演可以在任何地方。它在电视上播出,作为病毒种子,发布在 facebook 网站和 youtube 上,在 youtube 上,它也很快被比我们特定目标大得多的观众接收。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 该链接被发送到 1500 个电子邮件地址,包括制作公司和电影学校。这导致在几周内 youtube 上的浏览量超过 265。这部电影被传统广播发现为本月最佳商业广告,并在黄金时段获得免费播出时间, 30 多个在线网站立即发布了最新、最新鲜的行业和其他领域。一个月内,该广告吸引了大约 400 名来自世界各地的年轻商业导演参赛。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: To establish Young Director Award by CFP-E/SHOTS as THE competition for aspiring commercial film directors and as a direct response get as many high quality entries as possible to the 2010 competition. (to be eligible, entries must be one of the first four commercials a director has directed.) The strategy was to quickly reach as many aspiring directors as possible with an empowering commercial informing about the upcoming entry deadline of Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots. Creative Execution: The entry deadline was getting closer and it was the quickest way to make a strong impact and get a response from our target group. It was crucial to be a fast success on youtube, which is the place where young directors seek references and inspiration on a daily basis. Writing a script with strong viral potential and shooting it with an inexperienced young director (24-year old Rogier Hesp) inspires other young and up-coming directors to fulfill their own potential. Supporting and inspiring talent is the sole purpose of Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We felt the best way to get entries to a young director award show was to lead by example and give an inexperienced director an opportunity to shoot a script with strong viral-potential, and seed it out to aspiring commercial directors. Our main target was production companies and film schools, but wanted to address a wider young audience as aspiring film directors can be anywhere. It was broadcasted on TV, seeded as a viral, posted on facebook-sites and on youtube, where it was quickly picked up also by a significantly larger audience than our specific target. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. The link was sent to 1500 email-addresses including production companies and film schools. This led to over 265 000 views on youtube in a few weeks. The film was discovered by traditional broadcast as best commercial of the month and got free air times on prime time television, it was immediately picked up by over 30 online sites publishing the newest and the freshest of the industry and beyond. Within a month, the commercial led to around 400 entries from young commercial directors around the world.

    Drama Queen

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 通过 CFP-E/镜头建立年轻导演奖,作为对有抱负的商业电影导演的竞争,并作为直接回应,尽可能多地获得 2010 竞赛的高质量参赛作品。 (要获得资格,参赛作品必须是导演执导的前四个广告之一。)该策略是通过一个授权的商业广告,通过 CFP-E/镜头,快速接触到尽可能多的有抱负的导演,告知即将到来的年轻导演奖截止日期。 创意执行: 进入截止日期越来越近,这是产生强烈影响并得到目标群体回应的最快方式。在 youtube 上取得快速成功至关重要,这是年轻导演每天寻求参考和灵感的地方。写一个具有强大病毒潜力的剧本,和一个没有经验的年轻导演 (24 岁的 Rogier Hesp) 一起拍摄,激励其他年轻的和未来的导演发挥自己的潜力。支持和激发人才是 CFP-E/镜头的年轻导演奖的唯一目的。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们觉得获得年轻导演奖的最佳方式是以身作则,给一个没有经验的导演一个拍摄具有强大病毒潜力的剧本的机会, 并把它播撒给有抱负的商业导演。我们的主要目标是制作公司和电影学校,但我们希望向更广泛的年轻观众宣传,因为有抱负的电影导演可以在任何地方。它在电视上播出,作为病毒种子,发布在 facebook 网站和 youtube 上,在 youtube 上,它也很快被比我们特定目标大得多的观众接收。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 该链接被发送到 1500 个电子邮件地址,包括制作公司和电影学校。这导致在几周内 youtube 上的浏览量超过 265。这部电影被传统广播发现为本月最佳商业广告,并在黄金时段获得免费播出时间, 30 多个在线网站立即发布了最新、最新鲜的行业和其他领域。一个月内,该广告吸引了大约 400 名来自世界各地的年轻商业导演参赛。

    Drama Queen

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: To establish Young Director Award by CFP-E/SHOTS as THE competition for aspiring commercial film directors and as a direct response get as many high quality entries as possible to the 2010 competition. (to be eligible, entries must be one of the first four commercials a director has directed.) The strategy was to quickly reach as many aspiring directors as possible with an empowering commercial informing about the upcoming entry deadline of Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots. Creative Execution: The entry deadline was getting closer and it was the quickest way to make a strong impact and get a response from our target group. It was crucial to be a fast success on youtube, which is the place where young directors seek references and inspiration on a daily basis. Writing a script with strong viral potential and shooting it with an inexperienced young director (24-year old Rogier Hesp) inspires other young and up-coming directors to fulfill their own potential. Supporting and inspiring talent is the sole purpose of Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We felt the best way to get entries to a young director award show was to lead by example and give an inexperienced director an opportunity to shoot a script with strong viral-potential, and seed it out to aspiring commercial directors. Our main target was production companies and film schools, but wanted to address a wider young audience as aspiring film directors can be anywhere. It was broadcasted on TV, seeded as a viral, posted on facebook-sites and on youtube, where it was quickly picked up also by a significantly larger audience than our specific target. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. The link was sent to 1500 email-addresses including production companies and film schools. This led to over 265 000 views on youtube in a few weeks. The film was discovered by traditional broadcast as best commercial of the month and got free air times on prime time television, it was immediately picked up by over 30 online sites publishing the newest and the freshest of the industry and beyond. Within a month, the commercial led to around 400 entries from young commercial directors around the world.



    Drama Queen










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