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    案例简介:概要 世界上第二大鸟类迁徙路线经过罗马尼亚,每年春天有 10,000 多只鹳回家。但是,因为它们在电力线上筑巢,成千上万的鹳死于电击。随着非洲大陆的生物多样性已经在下降,这个鲜为人知的问题比以往任何时候都更加严重。罗马尼亚最大的能源公司 Enel 想保护在电线上筑巢的鹳。但是,有一个由 90.000千米的电缆和四分之一的电线杆组成的能源网格,挑战是找到散布在全国各地的所有鸟巢, 所以 Enel crews 可以保护他们免受电刑这家能源公司想要一个经济高效的解决方案来定位鹳巢。此外,虽然需要快速产生结果,但解决方案必须长期工作,以适应未来的移民季节,并覆盖不断扩大和发展的能源分配网格。 战略 随着 2012年至 400% 年期间罗马尼亚智能手机渗透率增长 2016,我们意识到定位巢穴的最佳工具已经在每个人的口袋里了: 智能手机。我们创建了一个应用程序,这样任何人都可以通过标记他们看到的任何巢来参与我们的努力。罗马尼亚鸟类学会参与了该应用程序的设计。收集的数据也有助于他们的保护工作。我们通过移动广告活动瞄准智能手机用户。一旦地方当局参与进来,这项倡议就有了更多的受众。市长们批准了对鹳巢的官方演讲,这项倡议很快成为黄金时段的新闻。 结果 这项运动对 Enel 和罗马尼亚鸟类学会来说是成功的。发现了 2.800 多个巢穴,相当于 8.200 多只鹳。这意味着罗马尼亚估计的鹳数量的 80% (10.000 只鸟) 被定位 -- 来自罗马尼亚鸟类学会的数据。令人震惊的是,我们发现 54% 的巢穴会因为电线而让鹳面临电击的危险。根据应用程序用户发送的位置,93% 的鸟巢是由 Enel crews 用特殊的不导电框架保护的,这可以保护鹳的安全。结果更有价值,因为鹳很少改变它们的巢穴,每年都会回到同一个地方。这样,保护专家现在可以长期监控鹳的数量,因为每年应用程序用户都会提供新的数据。 执行 Enel 和罗马尼亚鸟类学会在一次新闻发布会上推出了这款应用,邀请记者和有影响力的人。我们还说服地方当局向他们所在地区的鹳巢提供真实的地址。随着消息的传出,越来越多的新闻媒体报道了这一举措。人们开始在谷歌 Play 和应用商店下载应用程序 (罗马尼亚名字: Uite barza!) 在活动的第一个季节 (2017年春夏),新的巢穴开始每天出现。Enel 的工作人员保护了危险的巢穴,防止鹳被电击。这只是竞选的第一次飞行。该应用程序将在未来继续作为 Enel 的长期解决方案,帮助保护鹳在未来的季节。 活动描述 Enel 与罗马尼亚鸟类学会一起创建了 Nest Address,这是一个地理定位应用程序,人们可以用它发送他们看到的任何鹳巢的 GPS 坐标。这是第一个保护鹳安全的移动众包计划。任何拥有智能手机的人现在都可以发送巢位,甚至可以接收物理地址。Nest Address 是一个易于使用的地理定位工具。当看到一个鹳巢时,人们会用这个应用程序给它拍照。照片自动嵌入精确的全球定位系统坐标,并发送到 Enel。用户可以选择添加更多的数据: 鸟类数量、鸟巢状况等,这些位置是由 Enel 总部接收的,该总部派出小组检查和保护鸟巢。该应用程序还为罗马尼亚鸟类学会提供有价值的信息,以帮助他们的保护工作。在 Google Play & app Store 上下载应用程序,名为 “Uite Barza!” (罗马尼亚名称)。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 不适用。 简要解释 观众 Nest Address 是一个应用程序,有助于将鹳从电击中拯救出来 (它们的巢穴位于电力线上)。我们努力在全国各地寻找危险的巢穴。Enel 船员可以找到并保护它们,保护对生态系统至关重要的鸟类的健康 (见结果)。


    案例简介:Synopsis The second largest bird migration route in the world passes over Romania, where over ten thousand storks return home each spring. But, because they build their nests on top of powerlines, thousands of storks die of electrocution. With the continent’s biodiversity already in decline, this little-known issue is more serious than ever. Enel, the number one energy company in Romania, wanted to protect the storks nesting on their powerlines. But, with an energy grid consisting of 90.000 km of cable and a quarter of a million utility poles, the challenge was locating all the nests scattered around the country, so Enel crews could secure them against electrocution. The energy company wanted a cost-effective solution for locating stork nests. Also, while it needed to generate results quickly, the solution had to work on the long term, for future migration seasons and covering an ever expanding and evolving energy distribution grid. Strategy With smartphone penetration in Romania growing by 400% between 2012-2016, we realized that the best instrument to locate nests is already in everyone’s pocket: the smartphone. We created an app so anyone could take part in our effort by tagging any nest they see. The Ornithological Society of Romania was involved in designing the app. The data collected also helped their conservation efforts. We targeted smartphone users through a mobile advertising campaign. The initiative reached an even greater audience, once local authorities got involved. Mayors granted official addresses to stork nests, and the initiative quickly made prime-time news. Outcome The campaign was a success for Enel and the Ornithological Society of Romania. More than 2.800 nests were identified, amounting to over 8.200 storks. This means that 80% of the estimated stork population of Romania (10.000 birds) was located - data from the Ornithological Society of Romania. Alarmingly, we found that 54% of the nests put the storks in danger of electrocution because of power lines. Based on locations sent by app users, 93% of all nests were secured by Enel crews with special non-conductive frames, that keep the storks safe. The results are even more valuable as storks rarely change their nests, returning every year to the same location. This way, conservation experts can now monitor stork population on the long run, as every year new data will be provided by app users. Execution Enel and the Ornithological Society of Romania launched the app in a press event, inviting journalists and influencers. We also convinced local authorities to give out real-life addresses to stork nests in their area. As the story broke, more news outlets reported on the initiative. People started downloading the app on Google Play and App Store (Romanian name: Uite barza!) and new nest locations started coming in every day, during the first season of the campaign (spring-summer of 2017). Enel crews secured the hazardous nests, keeping the storks safe from electrocution. This was just the first flight of the campaign. The app will stay on in the future as a long-term solution for Enel, helping protect storks for seasons to come. CampaignDescription Together with the Ornithological Society of Romania, Enel created The Nest Address, a geolocation app that people can use to send GPS coordinates of any stork nest they see. It is the first mobile crowd-sourced initiative to keep storks safe. Anyone with a smartphone can now send nest locations, that will even receive physical addresses. The Nest Address is an easy-to-use geolocation tool. When seeing a stork nest, people take a picture of it using the app. The photo is automatically embedded with the precise GPS coordinates and sent to Enel. Users can choose to add further data: number of birds, nest condition etc. The locations are received by Enel headquarters that sends teams to check and secure nests. The app also provides valuable information for The Ornithological Society of Romania, to help their conservation efforts. Download the app on Google Play & App Store as “Uite Barza!” (Romanian name). BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Not applicable. BriefExplanation Audience The Nest Address is an app that helps save storks from electrocution (their nests sit on powerlines). We crowd-sourced the effort to find the hazardous nests around the country. Enel crews could locate and secure them, protecting the wellbeing of a bird species important for the ecosystem (see results).

    The Nest Address

    案例简介:概要 世界上第二大鸟类迁徙路线经过罗马尼亚,每年春天有 10,000 多只鹳回家。但是,因为它们在电力线上筑巢,成千上万的鹳死于电击。随着非洲大陆的生物多样性已经在下降,这个鲜为人知的问题比以往任何时候都更加严重。罗马尼亚最大的能源公司 Enel 想保护在电线上筑巢的鹳。但是,有一个由 90.000千米的电缆和四分之一的电线杆组成的能源网格,挑战是找到散布在全国各地的所有鸟巢, 所以 Enel crews 可以保护他们免受电刑这家能源公司想要一个经济高效的解决方案来定位鹳巢。此外,虽然需要快速产生结果,但解决方案必须长期工作,以适应未来的移民季节,并覆盖不断扩大和发展的能源分配网格。 战略 随着 2012年至 400% 年期间罗马尼亚智能手机渗透率增长 2016,我们意识到定位巢穴的最佳工具已经在每个人的口袋里了: 智能手机。我们创建了一个应用程序,这样任何人都可以通过标记他们看到的任何巢来参与我们的努力。罗马尼亚鸟类学会参与了该应用程序的设计。收集的数据也有助于他们的保护工作。我们通过移动广告活动瞄准智能手机用户。一旦地方当局参与进来,这项倡议就有了更多的受众。市长们批准了对鹳巢的官方演讲,这项倡议很快成为黄金时段的新闻。 结果 这项运动对 Enel 和罗马尼亚鸟类学会来说是成功的。发现了 2.800 多个巢穴,相当于 8.200 多只鹳。这意味着罗马尼亚估计的鹳数量的 80% (10.000 只鸟) 被定位 -- 来自罗马尼亚鸟类学会的数据。令人震惊的是,我们发现 54% 的巢穴会因为电线而让鹳面临电击的危险。根据应用程序用户发送的位置,93% 的鸟巢是由 Enel crews 用特殊的不导电框架保护的,这可以保护鹳的安全。结果更有价值,因为鹳很少改变它们的巢穴,每年都会回到同一个地方。这样,保护专家现在可以长期监控鹳的数量,因为每年应用程序用户都会提供新的数据。 执行 Enel 和罗马尼亚鸟类学会在一次新闻发布会上推出了这款应用,邀请记者和有影响力的人。我们还说服地方当局向他们所在地区的鹳巢提供真实的地址。随着消息的传出,越来越多的新闻媒体报道了这一举措。人们开始在谷歌 Play 和应用商店下载应用程序 (罗马尼亚名字: Uite barza!) 在活动的第一个季节 (2017年春夏),新的巢穴开始每天出现。Enel 的工作人员保护了危险的巢穴,防止鹳被电击。这只是竞选的第一次飞行。该应用程序将在未来继续作为 Enel 的长期解决方案,帮助保护鹳在未来的季节。 活动描述 Enel 与罗马尼亚鸟类学会一起创建了 Nest Address,这是一个地理定位应用程序,人们可以用它发送他们看到的任何鹳巢的 GPS 坐标。这是第一个保护鹳安全的移动众包计划。任何拥有智能手机的人现在都可以发送巢位,甚至可以接收物理地址。Nest Address 是一个易于使用的地理定位工具。当看到一个鹳巢时,人们会用这个应用程序给它拍照。照片自动嵌入精确的全球定位系统坐标,并发送到 Enel。用户可以选择添加更多的数据: 鸟类数量、鸟巢状况等,这些位置是由 Enel 总部接收的,该总部派出小组检查和保护鸟巢。该应用程序还为罗马尼亚鸟类学会提供有价值的信息,以帮助他们的保护工作。在 Google Play & app Store 上下载应用程序,名为 “Uite Barza!” (罗马尼亚名称)。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 不适用。 简要解释 观众 Nest Address 是一个应用程序,有助于将鹳从电击中拯救出来 (它们的巢穴位于电力线上)。我们努力在全国各地寻找危险的巢穴。Enel 船员可以找到并保护它们,保护对生态系统至关重要的鸟类的健康 (见结果)。

    The Nest Address

    案例简介:Synopsis The second largest bird migration route in the world passes over Romania, where over ten thousand storks return home each spring. But, because they build their nests on top of powerlines, thousands of storks die of electrocution. With the continent’s biodiversity already in decline, this little-known issue is more serious than ever. Enel, the number one energy company in Romania, wanted to protect the storks nesting on their powerlines. But, with an energy grid consisting of 90.000 km of cable and a quarter of a million utility poles, the challenge was locating all the nests scattered around the country, so Enel crews could secure them against electrocution. The energy company wanted a cost-effective solution for locating stork nests. Also, while it needed to generate results quickly, the solution had to work on the long term, for future migration seasons and covering an ever expanding and evolving energy distribution grid. Strategy With smartphone penetration in Romania growing by 400% between 2012-2016, we realized that the best instrument to locate nests is already in everyone’s pocket: the smartphone. We created an app so anyone could take part in our effort by tagging any nest they see. The Ornithological Society of Romania was involved in designing the app. The data collected also helped their conservation efforts. We targeted smartphone users through a mobile advertising campaign. The initiative reached an even greater audience, once local authorities got involved. Mayors granted official addresses to stork nests, and the initiative quickly made prime-time news. Outcome The campaign was a success for Enel and the Ornithological Society of Romania. More than 2.800 nests were identified, amounting to over 8.200 storks. This means that 80% of the estimated stork population of Romania (10.000 birds) was located - data from the Ornithological Society of Romania. Alarmingly, we found that 54% of the nests put the storks in danger of electrocution because of power lines. Based on locations sent by app users, 93% of all nests were secured by Enel crews with special non-conductive frames, that keep the storks safe. The results are even more valuable as storks rarely change their nests, returning every year to the same location. This way, conservation experts can now monitor stork population on the long run, as every year new data will be provided by app users. Execution Enel and the Ornithological Society of Romania launched the app in a press event, inviting journalists and influencers. We also convinced local authorities to give out real-life addresses to stork nests in their area. As the story broke, more news outlets reported on the initiative. People started downloading the app on Google Play and App Store (Romanian name: Uite barza!) and new nest locations started coming in every day, during the first season of the campaign (spring-summer of 2017). Enel crews secured the hazardous nests, keeping the storks safe from electrocution. This was just the first flight of the campaign. The app will stay on in the future as a long-term solution for Enel, helping protect storks for seasons to come. CampaignDescription Together with the Ornithological Society of Romania, Enel created The Nest Address, a geolocation app that people can use to send GPS coordinates of any stork nest they see. It is the first mobile crowd-sourced initiative to keep storks safe. Anyone with a smartphone can now send nest locations, that will even receive physical addresses. The Nest Address is an easy-to-use geolocation tool. When seeing a stork nest, people take a picture of it using the app. The photo is automatically embedded with the precise GPS coordinates and sent to Enel. Users can choose to add further data: number of birds, nest condition etc. The locations are received by Enel headquarters that sends teams to check and secure nests. The app also provides valuable information for The Ornithological Society of Romania, to help their conservation efforts. Download the app on Google Play & App Store as “Uite Barza!” (Romanian name). BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Not applicable. BriefExplanation Audience The Nest Address is an app that helps save storks from electrocution (their nests sit on powerlines). We crowd-sourced the effort to find the hazardous nests around the country. Enel crews could locate and secure them, protecting the wellbeing of a bird species important for the ecosystem (see results).



    The Nest Address










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