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    Elanco 拥有圆锥体

    案例简介:概要 像我们大多数人一样,兽医可以按照自己的方式行事。这包括他们为犬类和猫科患者选择的止痛治疗。我们需要激励兽医从目前的术后止痛药转向 Onsior,并展示它如何独特地有益于他们的患者和实践。 战略 在研究过程中,我们了解到手术后兽医想让他们的病人尽快回家,这样他们就可以和家人一起康复。兽医与他们的病人有联系,并希望让他们在这个过程中的每一步都感到舒适。无处不在的羞耻锥对这一过程的整体成功起着重要作用。然而,主人经常开始为他们看起来悲伤的宠物感到难过,并过早地移除了圆锥体。然后他们的宠物再次受伤,最后回到兽医那里,没有人开心。我们决定向兽医展示,Onsior 不仅是一种安全有效的术后止痛药,而且完全致力于帮助他们在手术后获得长期成功。因为锥是成功的一部分,是时候把耻辱锥变成名声锥了。自己的锥运动诞生了。 相关性 他们的病人手术后,兽医想让他们尽可能舒适和无痛地回家。Onsior®罗贝那考昔是一种安全有效的术后止痛药,致力于帮助兽医在手术后取得成功。我们发现兽医想在手术成功后与宠物主人分享快乐的时刻。实现圆锥体合规通常会给顺利恢复过程制造障碍,这场运动将耻辱的圆锥体变成了名声的圆锥体, 通过提供令人振奋的品牌体验,并鼓励兽医和宠物主人以一种新的方式看待手术。 结果 该活动促进了市场的持续增长,并根据净推广分数,在所有止痛药中,Onsior 的忠诚度和性能排名最高。 执行 一项启动计划已经制定,重点是动物健康行业的意识。贸易广告出现在主要的兽医出版物上。在线数字横幅广告在主要兽医网站上播放。Onsior 网站进行了更新,以突出我们的主要信息 “让他们和 Onsior 一起舒适地回家”。 “为 Elanco 销售代表创建了一个销售工具库,展示了竞选英雄的形象。昂西尔在北美最大的兽医会议上发表。我们通过让参加会议的人在增强现实照片展台上享受他们的名望时刻来推动品牌参与。利用面部识别技术,摄影亭让参加会议的人拍摄自己戴着装饰圆锥体的照片和视频。我们创造了锥形装饰套件作为购买 Onsior 的激励。兽医可以使用 Onsior 向正在康复的宠物家庭提供这些工具包。这些工具包允许家庭在术后恢复期间创造快乐的时刻。 活动描述 当有人打断他们的手臂时,朋友和家人通过签名和装饰演员来表达他们的支持。我们决定将同样的理由应用于手术后的狗和猫锥。通过这样做,我们翻转了耻辱的圆锥体,把它变成了名声的圆锥体,在业主可能感到悲伤的时候培养了一个时刻, 知道他们的宠物刚刚接受了手术。我们设计了鼓舞人心的圆锥体,并将它们作为我们所有竞选宣传材料的英雄形象。这项运动的外观和信息让兽医放心,使用 Onsior 给了他们一个机会,让病人和宠物主人从医院回家,享受舒适、完全的康复。通过拥有锥,Onsior 把术后羞耻的痛苦变成了乐趣和神话般的名声。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 对 Onsior 进行监管。 简要解释 观众 我们的目标是进步兽医。他们被他们与动物的强烈情感联系所驱使,并且总是想付出额外的努力来帮助他们。他们觉得他们工作的一个关键部分是预防和治疗病人的疼痛,并让他们快速舒适地回家。

    Elanco 拥有圆锥体

    案例简介:Synopsis Like most of us, veterinarians can get set in their ways. This includes their choice pain relief treatment for their canine and feline patients. We needed to motivate veterinarians to switch from their current postoperative pain medications to Onsior and demonstrate how it can uniquely benefit their patients and practice. Strategy During research, we learned that after surgery veterinarians want to get their patients home quickly so they can recover with their families. Veterinarians have a bond with their patients and want to make them comfortable through every step in the process. And the ubiquitous cone of shame plays a big part in the overall success of that process. Too often, however, owners begin feeling sorry for their sad-looking pets and remove the cone too soon. Then their pets get re-injured and end up back at the vet and no one is happy. We decided to show veterinarians that Onsior is not only a safe and effective postoperative pain medication, but it’s totally committed to helping them achieve long-term post surgical success. Because cones are a part of that success, it was time to turn the cone of shame into the cone of fame. The Own the Cone campaign was born. Relevancy After their patients have had an operation, veterinarians want to get them home as comfortably and pain-free as possible. Onsior® (robenacoxib) is a safe and effective postoperative pain medication committed to helping vets achieve success after surgery. We found that veterinarians want to share a moment of joy with pet owners after a successful operation. Realizing cone compliance often creates a barrier to a smooth recovery process, this campaign turned the cone of shame into the cone of fame, by providing an uplifting brand experience and encouraging veterinarians and pet owners to look at surgery a new way. Outcome The campaign contributed to continued growth in the market and saw Onsior rank highest in loyalty and performance among all pain medications based on the Net Promoter Score. Execution A launch plan was built, focusing on awareness within the animal health industry. Trade ads ran in major veterinarian publications. Online digital banner ads ran on major veterinarian websites. The Onsior website was refreshed to highlight the cone of fame along with our key message, “Get them home comfortably with Onsior.” A library of selling tools were created for Elanco sales reps featuring campaign hero imagery. Onsior presented at the biggest veterinarian conference in North America, NAVC. We drove brand engagement by letting conference-goers have their cone of fame moment in an augmented reality photo booth. Using facial recognition technology, the photo booth let conference-goers take a picture and video of themselves wearing a decorated cone. We created cone-decorating kits as an incentive for purchasing Onsior. Veterinarians could offer these kits to families of recovering pets using Onsior. These kits allowed families to create moments of joy during postsurgical recovery. CampaignDescription When someone breaks their arm, friends and family show their support by signing and decorating the cast. We decided to apply the same rationale to postsurgical dog and cat cones. By doing so, we flipped the cone of shame on its head and turned it into the cone of fame, fostering a moment of at a time when owners may be feeling sad, knowing their pet just went through surgery. We designed inspirational cones and used them as our hero imagery for all campaign collateral. The campaign’s look and message reassured vets that using Onsior gave them an opportunity to send patients and pet owners home from the hospital for a comfortable, complete recovery. By owning the cone, Onsior turned the pain of postoperative shame into fun and fabulous fame. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Onsior is regulated in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). BriefExplanation Audience Our target is progressive veterinarians. They are driven by their strong emotional connection to animals and always want to go the extra mile to help. They feel that a critical part of their job is to prevent and treat pain in their patients and get them home quickly and comfortably.

    Elanco Own the Cone

    案例简介:概要 像我们大多数人一样,兽医可以按照自己的方式行事。这包括他们为犬类和猫科患者选择的止痛治疗。我们需要激励兽医从目前的术后止痛药转向 Onsior,并展示它如何独特地有益于他们的患者和实践。 战略 在研究过程中,我们了解到手术后兽医想让他们的病人尽快回家,这样他们就可以和家人一起康复。兽医与他们的病人有联系,并希望让他们在这个过程中的每一步都感到舒适。无处不在的羞耻锥对这一过程的整体成功起着重要作用。然而,主人经常开始为他们看起来悲伤的宠物感到难过,并过早地移除了圆锥体。然后他们的宠物再次受伤,最后回到兽医那里,没有人开心。我们决定向兽医展示,Onsior 不仅是一种安全有效的术后止痛药,而且完全致力于帮助他们在手术后获得长期成功。因为锥是成功的一部分,是时候把耻辱锥变成名声锥了。自己的锥运动诞生了。 相关性 他们的病人手术后,兽医想让他们尽可能舒适和无痛地回家。Onsior®罗贝那考昔是一种安全有效的术后止痛药,致力于帮助兽医在手术后取得成功。我们发现兽医想在手术成功后与宠物主人分享快乐的时刻。实现圆锥体合规通常会给顺利恢复过程制造障碍,这场运动将耻辱的圆锥体变成了名声的圆锥体, 通过提供令人振奋的品牌体验,并鼓励兽医和宠物主人以一种新的方式看待手术。 结果 该活动促进了市场的持续增长,并根据净推广分数,在所有止痛药中,Onsior 的忠诚度和性能排名最高。 执行 一项启动计划已经制定,重点是动物健康行业的意识。贸易广告出现在主要的兽医出版物上。在线数字横幅广告在主要兽医网站上播放。Onsior 网站进行了更新,以突出我们的主要信息 “让他们和 Onsior 一起舒适地回家”。 “为 Elanco 销售代表创建了一个销售工具库,展示了竞选英雄的形象。昂西尔在北美最大的兽医会议上发表。我们通过让参加会议的人在增强现实照片展台上享受他们的名望时刻来推动品牌参与。利用面部识别技术,摄影亭让参加会议的人拍摄自己戴着装饰圆锥体的照片和视频。我们创造了锥形装饰套件作为购买 Onsior 的激励。兽医可以使用 Onsior 向正在康复的宠物家庭提供这些工具包。这些工具包允许家庭在术后恢复期间创造快乐的时刻。 活动描述 当有人打断他们的手臂时,朋友和家人通过签名和装饰演员来表达他们的支持。我们决定将同样的理由应用于手术后的狗和猫锥。通过这样做,我们翻转了耻辱的圆锥体,把它变成了名声的圆锥体,在业主可能感到悲伤的时候培养了一个时刻, 知道他们的宠物刚刚接受了手术。我们设计了鼓舞人心的圆锥体,并将它们作为我们所有竞选宣传材料的英雄形象。这项运动的外观和信息让兽医放心,使用 Onsior 给了他们一个机会,让病人和宠物主人从医院回家,享受舒适、完全的康复。通过拥有锥,Onsior 把术后羞耻的痛苦变成了乐趣和神话般的名声。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 对 Onsior 进行监管。 简要解释 观众 我们的目标是进步兽医。他们被他们与动物的强烈情感联系所驱使,并且总是想付出额外的努力来帮助他们。他们觉得他们工作的一个关键部分是预防和治疗病人的疼痛,并让他们快速舒适地回家。

    Elanco Own the Cone

    案例简介:Synopsis Like most of us, veterinarians can get set in their ways. This includes their choice pain relief treatment for their canine and feline patients. We needed to motivate veterinarians to switch from their current postoperative pain medications to Onsior and demonstrate how it can uniquely benefit their patients and practice. Strategy During research, we learned that after surgery veterinarians want to get their patients home quickly so they can recover with their families. Veterinarians have a bond with their patients and want to make them comfortable through every step in the process. And the ubiquitous cone of shame plays a big part in the overall success of that process. Too often, however, owners begin feeling sorry for their sad-looking pets and remove the cone too soon. Then their pets get re-injured and end up back at the vet and no one is happy. We decided to show veterinarians that Onsior is not only a safe and effective postoperative pain medication, but it’s totally committed to helping them achieve long-term post surgical success. Because cones are a part of that success, it was time to turn the cone of shame into the cone of fame. The Own the Cone campaign was born. Relevancy After their patients have had an operation, veterinarians want to get them home as comfortably and pain-free as possible. Onsior® (robenacoxib) is a safe and effective postoperative pain medication committed to helping vets achieve success after surgery. We found that veterinarians want to share a moment of joy with pet owners after a successful operation. Realizing cone compliance often creates a barrier to a smooth recovery process, this campaign turned the cone of shame into the cone of fame, by providing an uplifting brand experience and encouraging veterinarians and pet owners to look at surgery a new way. Outcome The campaign contributed to continued growth in the market and saw Onsior rank highest in loyalty and performance among all pain medications based on the Net Promoter Score. Execution A launch plan was built, focusing on awareness within the animal health industry. Trade ads ran in major veterinarian publications. Online digital banner ads ran on major veterinarian websites. The Onsior website was refreshed to highlight the cone of fame along with our key message, “Get them home comfortably with Onsior.” A library of selling tools were created for Elanco sales reps featuring campaign hero imagery. Onsior presented at the biggest veterinarian conference in North America, NAVC. We drove brand engagement by letting conference-goers have their cone of fame moment in an augmented reality photo booth. Using facial recognition technology, the photo booth let conference-goers take a picture and video of themselves wearing a decorated cone. We created cone-decorating kits as an incentive for purchasing Onsior. Veterinarians could offer these kits to families of recovering pets using Onsior. These kits allowed families to create moments of joy during postsurgical recovery. CampaignDescription When someone breaks their arm, friends and family show their support by signing and decorating the cast. We decided to apply the same rationale to postsurgical dog and cat cones. By doing so, we flipped the cone of shame on its head and turned it into the cone of fame, fostering a moment of at a time when owners may be feeling sad, knowing their pet just went through surgery. We designed inspirational cones and used them as our hero imagery for all campaign collateral. The campaign’s look and message reassured vets that using Onsior gave them an opportunity to send patients and pet owners home from the hospital for a comfortable, complete recovery. By owning the cone, Onsior turned the pain of postoperative shame into fun and fabulous fame. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Onsior is regulated in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). BriefExplanation Audience Our target is progressive veterinarians. They are driven by their strong emotional connection to animals and always want to go the extra mile to help. They feel that a critical part of their job is to prevent and treat pain in their patients and get them home quickly and comfortably.

    Elanco 拥有圆锥体


    Elanco Own the Cone










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