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    Elo 泰迪熊

    案例简介:视频 (英文): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQI-7wvLOY&feature=youtu.beA 参考巴西和拉丁美洲的儿科肿瘤学,位于 (圣保罗) jau 的 Amaral Carvalho 医院, 正在推广一种创新的解决方案,以缓解儿童在癌症治疗隔离中心住院时的孤独感。这场运动是由 DM9Rio 为庆祝医院 100 周年而发起的,以陪伴儿童而闻名的经典泰迪熊出现了升级: 当孩子们想家时, 他们所要做的就是按下名为 “ELO” 的熊的爪子 -- 这意味着链接,因为他们把孩子和他们所爱的人联系起来 -- 他们会随时听到家人和朋友通过 WhatsApp 发送的音频笔记。这段视频最初只发布在医院的粉丝页面上,已经接管了社交网络,并成为全国媒体的热门话题。仅在 YouTube 上,第一周就有近 100万的浏览量。在与低过敏枕头、玩具和靠垫制造商的合作下,开发并改造了这一系列特殊的泰迪熊,以其接收、存储和播放信息的设备为特色。每个孩子都有一个专属号码给他们的亲戚。这项运动的目标是让小病人更接近他们所爱的人,并帮助他们以不那么孤独的方式度过困难的孤立时期。该项目花了六个月的时间来开发,目前有 30 名儿童在该设施住院。对于 DM9Rio 的合作伙伴和创意副总裁阿尔瓦罗 · 罗德里格斯来说,“ELO 是一个做好事的想法。它以技术、创新为特色,最重要的是,它能让孩子们更接近家人和朋友。我希望 ELO 能成为其他医院的灵感,并能得到更多的合作伙伴。我们在 DM9Rio 非常非常自豪能够在某种程度上帮助这些患者,即使这是一个小小的贡献。儿科肿瘤学家 Alejandro Aranciba 解释了儿童孤立的原因。“他们不能花太多时间在外部环境中,因为他们的免疫系统已经衰弱。ELOs 是一扇门,连接着孩子们和外面的人 ”。对于 Amaral Carvalho 医院的首席儿科医生,专门从事儿科肿瘤学的克劳迪娅 · 特蕾莎 · 德 · 奥利维拉博士来说, 这种方法是一种情感支持机制,对儿童治疗期间的健康很重要。“孩子们被从日常生活中抽离出来。她说: “他们想念朋友、学校和对他们康复有巨大影响的感情。”。这项技术是如何工作的: 泰迪熊特别适合接收信息的设备,此外还有设计用于在熊体内工作的特定扬声器。一种机制将 ELOs paws 连接到设备,按下时释放存储的消息。这些信息被发送到中央办公室,并由一名医院员工管理,该员工将这些信息发送给熊。这些信息可以随时更新,并在孩子们下次决定按下熊的爪子听它们时提供给他们。

    Elo 泰迪熊

    案例简介:The video (in English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQI-7wvLOY&feature=youtu.beA reference to pediatric oncology in Brazil and Latin America, Amaral Carvalho Hospital, located in Jaú, (São Paulo), is promoting an innovative solution to ease the loneliness that children feel when hospitalized in the isolation center for cancer treatment. The campaign was created by DM9Rio to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the hospital, and the classic teddy bears, known for keeping children company, emerged featuring an upgrade: when the kids feel homesick, all they have to do is press the paw of the bear named “ELO” – that means LINK, because they connect children to their loved ones – and they will hear audio notes sent at anytime by family members and friends via WhatsApp.The video, initially posted only on the hospital’s fan page, has taken over social networks and has been the talk of the media all over the country. On YouTube alone there´s been close to 1 million views in the first week.In a partnership with a manufacturer of hypoallergenic pillows, toys and cushions, this line of special teddy bears was developed and adapted to feature a device that receives, stores and plays messages. Each child has an exclusive number that is given to their relatives.The goal of the campaign is to get the little patients closer to their loved ones and help them go through the difficult period of isolation in a less lonely way. The project took six months to be developed and currently involves 30 children that are hospitalized in the facility.For Álvaro Rodrigues, partner and Creative VP at DM9Rio, “ELO is an idea to do good. It features technology, innovation and most importantly, the power to bring the children closer to their family and friends. I hope ELO will be an inspiration for other hospitals and that it can get more partners. We at DM9Rio are very, very proud of having been able to help in a way, even if it’s a small contribution, in the treatment of these patients.”Pediatric oncologist Alejandro Aranciba explains the reasons for the isolation of the children. “They can’t spend too much time in the external environment because their immune system is debilitated. The ELOs are a door that connects the kids to those who are outside”. For the Amaral Carvalho Hospital’s head pediatrician, Dr. Claudia Teresa de Oliveira, who specializes in Pediatrics Oncology, this method is a mechanism of emotional support that is important for the children’s well being during treatment. “The children are pulled away from their daily routine. They miss their friends, their school and the affection that makes a huge difference in their recovery”, she states.How the technology works: The teddy bears were especially adapted to feature the device that receives messages, in addition to specific speakers that were designed to work inside the bears. A mechanism connects ELOs paws to the device, releasing the message stored when pressed. The messages are sent to a central office and managed by a hospital employee who sends them to the bears. The messages can be updated at any time and are available to the children for the next time they decide to press the bear’s paw and listen to them.

    Elo Teddy Bear

    案例简介:视频 (英文): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQI-7wvLOY&feature=youtu.beA 参考巴西和拉丁美洲的儿科肿瘤学,位于 (圣保罗) jau 的 Amaral Carvalho 医院, 正在推广一种创新的解决方案,以缓解儿童在癌症治疗隔离中心住院时的孤独感。这场运动是由 DM9Rio 为庆祝医院 100 周年而发起的,以陪伴儿童而闻名的经典泰迪熊出现了升级: 当孩子们想家时, 他们所要做的就是按下名为 “ELO” 的熊的爪子 -- 这意味着链接,因为他们把孩子和他们所爱的人联系起来 -- 他们会随时听到家人和朋友通过 WhatsApp 发送的音频笔记。这段视频最初只发布在医院的粉丝页面上,已经接管了社交网络,并成为全国媒体的热门话题。仅在 YouTube 上,第一周就有近 100万的浏览量。在与低过敏枕头、玩具和靠垫制造商的合作下,开发并改造了这一系列特殊的泰迪熊,以其接收、存储和播放信息的设备为特色。每个孩子都有一个专属号码给他们的亲戚。这项运动的目标是让小病人更接近他们所爱的人,并帮助他们以不那么孤独的方式度过困难的孤立时期。该项目花了六个月的时间来开发,目前有 30 名儿童在该设施住院。对于 DM9Rio 的合作伙伴和创意副总裁阿尔瓦罗 · 罗德里格斯来说,“ELO 是一个做好事的想法。它以技术、创新为特色,最重要的是,它能让孩子们更接近家人和朋友。我希望 ELO 能成为其他医院的灵感,并能得到更多的合作伙伴。我们在 DM9Rio 非常非常自豪能够在某种程度上帮助这些患者,即使这是一个小小的贡献。儿科肿瘤学家 Alejandro Aranciba 解释了儿童孤立的原因。“他们不能花太多时间在外部环境中,因为他们的免疫系统已经衰弱。ELOs 是一扇门,连接着孩子们和外面的人 ”。对于 Amaral Carvalho 医院的首席儿科医生,专门从事儿科肿瘤学的克劳迪娅 · 特蕾莎 · 德 · 奥利维拉博士来说, 这种方法是一种情感支持机制,对儿童治疗期间的健康很重要。“孩子们被从日常生活中抽离出来。她说: “他们想念朋友、学校和对他们康复有巨大影响的感情。”。这项技术是如何工作的: 泰迪熊特别适合接收信息的设备,此外还有设计用于在熊体内工作的特定扬声器。一种机制将 ELOs paws 连接到设备,按下时释放存储的消息。这些信息被发送到中央办公室,并由一名医院员工管理,该员工将这些信息发送给熊。这些信息可以随时更新,并在孩子们下次决定按下熊的爪子听它们时提供给他们。

    Elo Teddy Bear

    案例简介:The video (in English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQI-7wvLOY&feature=youtu.beA reference to pediatric oncology in Brazil and Latin America, Amaral Carvalho Hospital, located in Jaú, (São Paulo), is promoting an innovative solution to ease the loneliness that children feel when hospitalized in the isolation center for cancer treatment. The campaign was created by DM9Rio to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the hospital, and the classic teddy bears, known for keeping children company, emerged featuring an upgrade: when the kids feel homesick, all they have to do is press the paw of the bear named “ELO” – that means LINK, because they connect children to their loved ones – and they will hear audio notes sent at anytime by family members and friends via WhatsApp.The video, initially posted only on the hospital’s fan page, has taken over social networks and has been the talk of the media all over the country. On YouTube alone there´s been close to 1 million views in the first week.In a partnership with a manufacturer of hypoallergenic pillows, toys and cushions, this line of special teddy bears was developed and adapted to feature a device that receives, stores and plays messages. Each child has an exclusive number that is given to their relatives.The goal of the campaign is to get the little patients closer to their loved ones and help them go through the difficult period of isolation in a less lonely way. The project took six months to be developed and currently involves 30 children that are hospitalized in the facility.For Álvaro Rodrigues, partner and Creative VP at DM9Rio, “ELO is an idea to do good. It features technology, innovation and most importantly, the power to bring the children closer to their family and friends. I hope ELO will be an inspiration for other hospitals and that it can get more partners. We at DM9Rio are very, very proud of having been able to help in a way, even if it’s a small contribution, in the treatment of these patients.”Pediatric oncologist Alejandro Aranciba explains the reasons for the isolation of the children. “They can’t spend too much time in the external environment because their immune system is debilitated. The ELOs are a door that connects the kids to those who are outside”. For the Amaral Carvalho Hospital’s head pediatrician, Dr. Claudia Teresa de Oliveira, who specializes in Pediatrics Oncology, this method is a mechanism of emotional support that is important for the children’s well being during treatment. “The children are pulled away from their daily routine. They miss their friends, their school and the affection that makes a huge difference in their recovery”, she states.How the technology works: The teddy bears were especially adapted to feature the device that receives messages, in addition to specific speakers that were designed to work inside the bears. A mechanism connects ELOs paws to the device, releasing the message stored when pressed. The messages are sent to a central office and managed by a hospital employee who sends them to the bears. The messages can be updated at any time and are available to the children for the next time they decide to press the bear’s paw and listen to them.

    Elo 泰迪熊


    Elo Teddy Bear








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