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    2 - Burger King-Broiler Salesman - Fairbanks, AK海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 脚本 2 汉堡王-肉鸡推销员 2 v.O.以下是对一家快餐店的真实电话记录。员工: 麦当劳。售货员: 嗨,我能和经理谈谈吗?员工: 这是 (bleep) 有什么我能帮你的吗?售货员: 我只是想问你几个问题,关于你们是如何准备汉堡的?员工: 它在一个平顶上。售货员: 是用火焰还是像油炸的?员工: 你什么意思?就像…… 我所要做的就是按下按钮.顶部的盘子掉下来了。它做饭。它在一个计时器上,然后它又上升了。售货员: 你在麦当劳工作多久了?自从你去过那里,他们有没有使用过火焰烤架?员工: 不,他们没有。我在麦当劳已经 10 多年了。推销员: 所以是 10 年的油炸汉堡馅饼?员工: 是的。售货员: 哦,我的天。有很多油炸馅饼。员工: 我知道,对吗?推销员: 我实际上在一家餐馆供应公司工作,我们正在努力研究向你那里的地方出售火焰烤肉架的可能性。员工: 哦,不。我们不使用这样的东西。你最好停止时,像,汉堡王的说。售货员: 那么汉堡王使用火焰?员工: 这就是他们在广告中宣传的。推销员: 嗯。V.O.为了那种独特的火焰烧烤味道,来到了华勃的家。汉堡王。火焰烧烤自 1954年。 EntrySummary 汉堡王自 1954年以来一直在烧烤。这是该品牌与竞争对手相比的主要差异属性。这就是为什么我们决定尝试向麦当劳和温迪店出售火焰烤肉架,这样他们就可以像汉堡王一样吃美味的火焰烤肉架。这就是为什么我们创建了广播活动: 肉鸡推销员。一场对我们竞争对手餐馆的真实电话的运动。在电话中,汉堡王暴露了其他品牌不火焰烧烤的原因,表明有时他们更喜欢快速而不是伟大。 简要解释 我们邀请了一名推销员尝试向我们的主要竞争对手销售火焰烤肉架,就像汉堡王使用的那种,这些竞争对手使用平板油炸机,比如麦当劳和温迪。收音机是对真实餐馆的电话的实际编辑,问题/答案是完全真实的。所有的电话都是在录音室现场录制的。这是汉堡王在电台的第一次 “现场实验”,以新鲜真实的方式使用媒体。出于法律原因,为了保护餐厅经理的身份,我们不得不 “哔” 他们的名字,并对他们的声音做一点修改。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish SCRIPT 2 Burger King - Broiler Salesman 2 V.O. The following is a recording of a real call made to a fast food restaurant. Employee: Mc Donald's. Salesman: Hi, could I speak with the manager, please? Employee: This is (bleep) how may I help you? Salesman: I was just hoping to ask you a couple of question about how you guys prepare your hamburgers? Employee: It's on a flat top. Salesman: Is it with the flame or is it like fried? Employee: What do you mean? Like… All I gotta do is hit the button... the top plate goes down. It cooks. It's on a timer and then it raises back up. Salesman: How long have you worked in McDonald's? Did they ever use a flame-grill since you have been there? Employee: No they have not. And I have been at McDonald's for over 10 years. Salesman: So it's 10 years of fried burger patties? Employee: Yes. Salesman: Oh my gosh. That's a lot of fried patties. Employee: I know right? Salesman: I actually work for a restaurant supply company, and we are trying to look into the possibility of selling a flame-grill broiler to your location there. Employee: Oh no. We don't use anything like that. You'd be better off at, like, Burger King for that. Salesman: So Burger King uses the flame? Employee: That's what they advertise in their commercials. Salesman: Uhm. V.O. For that unique flame-grill taste come to the home of the Whopper. Burger King. Flame-grilling since 1954. EntrySummary Burger King has been flame-grilling since 1954. This is the brand's main differential attribute comparing to the competitors. That's why we decided to have some fun trying to sell flame-grill broilers to McDonald's and Wendy's, so maybe they can have delicious flame-grilled burgers like in Burger King. That's why we created the radio campaign: Broiler Salesman. A campaign made of real calls to our competitor's restaurants. During the call, Burger King exposed the reason why other brands don't flame-grill, showing that sometimes they prefer to be fast instead of being great. BriefExplanation We invited a salesman to try and sell flame-grill broilers, just like the ones used at Burger King, to our main competitors who use flat tops fryers, like McDonald's and Wendy's. The radios are actual edits from the calls made to the real restaurants and the questions / answers are completely real. All the calls were recorded live from a studio. It's the first "live experiment" from Burger King in radio, using the media in a fresh and authentic way. For legal reasons and to protect the identities of the restaurant managers, we had to "beep" their names and make a slight modification to their voices.

    2 - Burger King-Broiler Salesman - Fairbanks, AK

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 脚本 2 汉堡王-肉鸡推销员 2 v.O.以下是对一家快餐店的真实电话记录。员工: 麦当劳。售货员: 嗨,我能和经理谈谈吗?员工: 这是 (bleep) 有什么我能帮你的吗?售货员: 我只是想问你几个问题,关于你们是如何准备汉堡的?员工: 它在一个平顶上。售货员: 是用火焰还是像油炸的?员工: 你什么意思?就像…… 我所要做的就是按下按钮.顶部的盘子掉下来了。它做饭。它在一个计时器上,然后它又上升了。售货员: 你在麦当劳工作多久了?自从你去过那里,他们有没有使用过火焰烤架?员工: 不,他们没有。我在麦当劳已经 10 多年了。推销员: 所以是 10 年的油炸汉堡馅饼?员工: 是的。售货员: 哦,我的天。有很多油炸馅饼。员工: 我知道,对吗?推销员: 我实际上在一家餐馆供应公司工作,我们正在努力研究向你那里的地方出售火焰烤肉架的可能性。员工: 哦,不。我们不使用这样的东西。你最好停止时,像,汉堡王的说。售货员: 那么汉堡王使用火焰?员工: 这就是他们在广告中宣传的。推销员: 嗯。V.O.为了那种独特的火焰烧烤味道,来到了华勃的家。汉堡王。火焰烧烤自 1954年。 EntrySummary 汉堡王自 1954年以来一直在烧烤。这是该品牌与竞争对手相比的主要差异属性。这就是为什么我们决定尝试向麦当劳和温迪店出售火焰烤肉架,这样他们就可以像汉堡王一样吃美味的火焰烤肉架。这就是为什么我们创建了广播活动: 肉鸡推销员。一场对我们竞争对手餐馆的真实电话的运动。在电话中,汉堡王暴露了其他品牌不火焰烧烤的原因,表明有时他们更喜欢快速而不是伟大。 简要解释 我们邀请了一名推销员尝试向我们的主要竞争对手销售火焰烤肉架,就像汉堡王使用的那种,这些竞争对手使用平板油炸机,比如麦当劳和温迪。收音机是对真实餐馆的电话的实际编辑,问题/答案是完全真实的。所有的电话都是在录音室现场录制的。这是汉堡王在电台的第一次 “现场实验”,以新鲜真实的方式使用媒体。出于法律原因,为了保护餐厅经理的身份,我们不得不 “哔” 他们的名字,并对他们的声音做一点修改。

    2 - Burger King-Broiler Salesman - Fairbanks, AK

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish SCRIPT 2 Burger King - Broiler Salesman 2 V.O. The following is a recording of a real call made to a fast food restaurant. Employee: Mc Donald's. Salesman: Hi, could I speak with the manager, please? Employee: This is (bleep) how may I help you? Salesman: I was just hoping to ask you a couple of question about how you guys prepare your hamburgers? Employee: It's on a flat top. Salesman: Is it with the flame or is it like fried? Employee: What do you mean? Like… All I gotta do is hit the button... the top plate goes down. It cooks. It's on a timer and then it raises back up. Salesman: How long have you worked in McDonald's? Did they ever use a flame-grill since you have been there? Employee: No they have not. And I have been at McDonald's for over 10 years. Salesman: So it's 10 years of fried burger patties? Employee: Yes. Salesman: Oh my gosh. That's a lot of fried patties. Employee: I know right? Salesman: I actually work for a restaurant supply company, and we are trying to look into the possibility of selling a flame-grill broiler to your location there. Employee: Oh no. We don't use anything like that. You'd be better off at, like, Burger King for that. Salesman: So Burger King uses the flame? Employee: That's what they advertise in their commercials. Salesman: Uhm. V.O. For that unique flame-grill taste come to the home of the Whopper. Burger King. Flame-grilling since 1954. EntrySummary Burger King has been flame-grilling since 1954. This is the brand's main differential attribute comparing to the competitors. That's why we decided to have some fun trying to sell flame-grill broilers to McDonald's and Wendy's, so maybe they can have delicious flame-grilled burgers like in Burger King. That's why we created the radio campaign: Broiler Salesman. A campaign made of real calls to our competitor's restaurants. During the call, Burger King exposed the reason why other brands don't flame-grill, showing that sometimes they prefer to be fast instead of being great. BriefExplanation We invited a salesman to try and sell flame-grill broilers, just like the ones used at Burger King, to our main competitors who use flat tops fryers, like McDonald's and Wendy's. The radios are actual edits from the calls made to the real restaurants and the questions / answers are completely real. All the calls were recorded live from a studio. It's the first "live experiment" from Burger King in radio, using the media in a fresh and authentic way. For legal reasons and to protect the identities of the restaurant managers, we had to "beep" their names and make a slight modification to their voices.



    2 - Burger King-Broiler Salesman - Fairbanks, AK






    广告公司: David (美国 迈阿密) 制作公司: STICKY AUDIO LABS




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