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    # Netflixswap

    案例简介:执行 我们专注于网飞热门节目: 纸牌屋,橙色是新的黑色,Narcos,牢不可破的 Kimmy Schmidt.它们特别被设计成适合 Snapchat 过滤器,让人们想分享 # NetflixSwap。这场运动分为两个步骤。第一步: 瞄准观众,我们在法国各地展示海报: 巴黎、里昂、马赛和蒙彼利埃。海报展示在新闻总部、高中、热门地点、旅游景点前.每个地方都被选择来接触尽可能多的观众。第二步: 一旦 NetflixSwap 推出,它很快就成为热门。在欧洲为记者和影响者举办的有史以来最大的网飞活动中,这场活动一直在进行。我们用重新制作的橙色展示了海报,这是新的黑人监狱厨房,客人们在那里吃午饭: 放松和拍照的最佳场所和时刻。感谢他们的社区,NetflixSwap 一直在传播。 结果 法国各地的 Snapchat 用户一次又一次地交换,使得它如此之大,以至于网飞在他们最大的欧洲新闻发布会上使用了它: 石板事件。仅在一周内,就有 12 000 名新基米出现,23 000 名新巴勃罗,27 000 名新布,谁知道有多少弗兰克 · 安德伍德。..这场互动户外运动利用了大规模的 faceswap 趋势,并首次改变了 Snapchat 的用户身份。 概要 我们都梦想成为我们最喜欢的角色,哪怕是短暂的一刻。为了推广网飞原创系列,我们创建了 # NetflixSwap,这是第一个使用 Snapchat 和他们的 # Face Swap 过滤器的户外活动,有一个转折!NetflixSwap 的创建是为了满足你的最终愿望: 成为你最喜欢的角色。 活动描述 今年早些时候,Snapchat 发布了其主要使用的功能: 过滤器。其中一个过滤器 -- 面部交换 -- 从那以后取得了巨大的成功。我们利用这一趋势来推广 Netlix 原创系列。一张自拍.成为你最喜欢的英雄! 战略 在法国的任何地方,我们都安装了海报,展示了你心爱的网飞原创英雄,让你第一次真正成为你最喜欢的角色。所有的海报都是特别设计的,让你立刻用原版人物交换你的脸。成为巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔、弗兰克 · 安德伍德、基米 · 施密特…… 只要选择、交换和分享!

    # Netflixswap

    案例简介:Execution We focused on Netflix hit shows: House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Narcos, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... They were especially designed to fit Snapchat filter and make people want to share the #NetflixSwap. The campaign was divided in two steps. Step 1: targeting the audience We displayed the posters all across France: Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier. The posters were displayed in front of press headquarters, highschools, popular locations, tourist attractions... Each place was chosen to reach the largest audience possible. Step 2: reaching a larger audience Once NetflixSwap was launched, it quickly became a hit. The campaign kept going during the biggest Netflix event ever made in Europe for journalists and influencers. We displayed the posters in a re-created Orange is the New Black jail kitchen where guests had lunch: the perfect place and moment to relax and take pictures. Thank to their communities, the NetflixSwap kept spreading. Outcome All over France Snapchat user swapped again and again, making it so big that Netflix used it during their biggest European press event: the Slate event. In only a week 12 000 new Kimmy appeared, 23 000 new Pablo, 27 000 new Boo and who knows how many Frank Underwood ... This interactive outdoor campaign capitalized on the massive faceswap trend and for the first time changed Snapchat usership. Synopsis We all dreamt of becoming, even for a brief moment, our favourite character. To promote Netflix original series, we created the #NetflixSwap, the first outdoor campaign using Snapchat and their #Face Swap filter, with a twist ! The NetflixSwap was created to fulfill your ultimate desire: becoming your favourite character. Campaign Description Earlier this year, Snapchat released its main used functionality: the filters. One of this filters - the Face Swap - has been a massive success since then. We capitalized on this trend in order to promote Netlix original series. With one selfie... become your favourite hero! Strategy Everywhere in France, we installed posters featuring all your beloved Netflix original heroes, enabling you for the first time to truly become your favourite characters. All the posters were especially designed to make you instantly swap faces you with the originals characters. Become Pablo Escobar, Frank Underwood, Kimmy Schmidt… Just choose, swap and share!


    案例简介:执行 我们专注于网飞热门节目: 纸牌屋,橙色是新的黑色,Narcos,牢不可破的 Kimmy Schmidt.它们特别被设计成适合 Snapchat 过滤器,让人们想分享 # NetflixSwap。这场运动分为两个步骤。第一步: 瞄准观众,我们在法国各地展示海报: 巴黎、里昂、马赛和蒙彼利埃。海报展示在新闻总部、高中、热门地点、旅游景点前.每个地方都被选择来接触尽可能多的观众。第二步: 一旦 NetflixSwap 推出,它很快就成为热门。在欧洲为记者和影响者举办的有史以来最大的网飞活动中,这场活动一直在进行。我们用重新制作的橙色展示了海报,这是新的黑人监狱厨房,客人们在那里吃午饭: 放松和拍照的最佳场所和时刻。感谢他们的社区,NetflixSwap 一直在传播。 结果 法国各地的 Snapchat 用户一次又一次地交换,使得它如此之大,以至于网飞在他们最大的欧洲新闻发布会上使用了它: 石板事件。仅在一周内,就有 12 000 名新基米出现,23 000 名新巴勃罗,27 000 名新布,谁知道有多少弗兰克 · 安德伍德。..这场互动户外运动利用了大规模的 faceswap 趋势,并首次改变了 Snapchat 的用户身份。 概要 我们都梦想成为我们最喜欢的角色,哪怕是短暂的一刻。为了推广网飞原创系列,我们创建了 # NetflixSwap,这是第一个使用 Snapchat 和他们的 # Face Swap 过滤器的户外活动,有一个转折!NetflixSwap 的创建是为了满足你的最终愿望: 成为你最喜欢的角色。 活动描述 今年早些时候,Snapchat 发布了其主要使用的功能: 过滤器。其中一个过滤器 -- 面部交换 -- 从那以后取得了巨大的成功。我们利用这一趋势来推广 Netlix 原创系列。一张自拍.成为你最喜欢的英雄! 战略 在法国的任何地方,我们都安装了海报,展示了你心爱的网飞原创英雄,让你第一次真正成为你最喜欢的角色。所有的海报都是特别设计的,让你立刻用原版人物交换你的脸。成为巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔、弗兰克 · 安德伍德、基米 · 施密特…… 只要选择、交换和分享!


    案例简介:Execution We focused on Netflix hit shows: House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Narcos, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... They were especially designed to fit Snapchat filter and make people want to share the #NetflixSwap. The campaign was divided in two steps. Step 1: targeting the audience We displayed the posters all across France: Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier. The posters were displayed in front of press headquarters, highschools, popular locations, tourist attractions... Each place was chosen to reach the largest audience possible. Step 2: reaching a larger audience Once NetflixSwap was launched, it quickly became a hit. The campaign kept going during the biggest Netflix event ever made in Europe for journalists and influencers. We displayed the posters in a re-created Orange is the New Black jail kitchen where guests had lunch: the perfect place and moment to relax and take pictures. Thank to their communities, the NetflixSwap kept spreading. Outcome All over France Snapchat user swapped again and again, making it so big that Netflix used it during their biggest European press event: the Slate event. In only a week 12 000 new Kimmy appeared, 23 000 new Pablo, 27 000 new Boo and who knows how many Frank Underwood ... This interactive outdoor campaign capitalized on the massive faceswap trend and for the first time changed Snapchat usership. Synopsis We all dreamt of becoming, even for a brief moment, our favourite character. To promote Netflix original series, we created the #NetflixSwap, the first outdoor campaign using Snapchat and their #Face Swap filter, with a twist ! The NetflixSwap was created to fulfill your ultimate desire: becoming your favourite character. Campaign Description Earlier this year, Snapchat released its main used functionality: the filters. One of this filters - the Face Swap - has been a massive success since then. We capitalized on this trend in order to promote Netlix original series. With one selfie... become your favourite hero! Strategy Everywhere in France, we installed posters featuring all your beloved Netflix original heroes, enabling you for the first time to truly become your favourite characters. All the posters were especially designed to make you instantly swap faces you with the originals characters. Become Pablo Escobar, Frank Underwood, Kimmy Schmidt… Just choose, swap and share!

    # Netflixswap












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