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    案例简介:活动描述 了解青少年生活的最好方法是通过他们的手机。因此,我们创建了一个移动网站,一个创新的 Facebook 画布,以及影响者的 IRL 副本,用户可以在其中充分探索汉娜手机的内容。身临其境的体验让你可以访问她的信息、 Instagram feed 、浏览历史、可调用的联系人以及汉娜的独家音频信息。探索汉娜的手机不仅能让你洞察她的生活,更重要的是让你处于欺凌受害者的地位。你越关注她的社会环境,就越了解导致她自杀的原因。该网站和画布旨在激起用户对该节目的兴趣,并通过让用户体验受害者一方前所未有的欺凌行为来提高对网络骚扰的认识。 战略 我们的主要目标是 13-24 岁。我们知道青少年和年轻人总是在打电话,将近 80% 的青少年说他们每小时都会检查手机!所以我们环顾四周,与他们取得联系,并意识到一些事情: 他们的手机是他们的生活,它保存着他们最好的记忆和最黑暗的秘密。为了直接与我们的目标受众对话,我们知道我们的活动必须是数字的和移动的。这就是我们如何想出 “汉娜的手机”。因为青少年大部分时间都花在社交网络上,我们制作了一个 Facebook 画布来创造参与和对话,以及一个仅供人们在平台之外分享的移动网站。此外,为了对青少年产生更大的影响,我们向有影响力的人和记者发送了汉娜的实际电话和最后一封信,让他们体验这种体验,并与他们的社区分享网站链接。 执行 我们首先将手机及其内容设计成一个网站和一个互动画布,忠实于节目的故事和基调,避免任何剧透。然后,我们将所有内容放入 30 部真实的手机中,战略性地选择了追随者基本上与我们的目标受众 (法国的 13 到 24 岁) 相关的有影响力的人,以及为青少年写作的记者, 系列和年轻人杂志。我们分几个阶段推出了这项活动: 在推出前 3 天,我们向记者和有影响力的人发送了手机,他们在社交媒体上分享了汉娜的手机体验 (推特, snapchat 和 Instagram)。他们将网站链接分享给他们的社区,以体验同样的体验。第二天,汉娜的手机被发布在网飞的社交页面上,激活会员,并对活动产生更大的影响。此外,网飞的粉丝可以通过画布在 Facebook 上体验汉娜的手机。在 3月31日,节目发布了, 这时,社交媒体上的粉丝已经打电话给汉娜的手机上的所有 13 个号码,并给他们发了信息,甚至在节目播出之前就开始编造关于它的理论了! 结果 该网站和画布获得了很高的参与度。用户实际上打电话给汉娜手机中的联系人,甚至用它作为帮助热线。仅在几天内,我们平均每个联系人收到 200 个语音邮件。有大约 1000万名累积的影响者和记者的追随者接到了电话,并谈论了这次经历,这项运动在青少年中取得了成功。#13 为什么在这场运动发起后的几个小时内成为法国头号热门话题。最重要的是,一场关于欺凌的巨大对话引发了,今天推特上发布了 800万条信息。由于这种身临其境的体验,有 13 个原因让网飞系列有史以来最成功的发布之一。法国意识到该节目在打击欺凌方面的价值,更重要的是,它帮助青少年打开了这个话题。 概要 在法国推出新的网飞原创系列 “13 个原因”。该节目围绕一名青少年汉娜 · 贝克展开,她在学校被欺负后自杀,引发了学校骚扰和网络欺凌的话题。简报是为了建立对即将到来的节目的期待和兴趣。考虑到 40% 的年轻人是法国网络欺凌的受害者,这是一个让这场运动有意义并提高对这个特定主题的认识的机会。那么,我们如何脱颖而出,吸引青少年的注意力,提高对欺凌行为的认识,因为我们非常清楚青少年不倾向于观看意识运动?


    案例简介:CampaignDescription The best way to get an insight into a teen’s life is through their phone. So we created a mobile only website, an innovative Facebook canvas, as well as IRL replicas for influencers, where users can fully explore the content of Hannah’s phone. The immersive experience gives you access to her messages, Instagram feed, browsing history, callable contacts and an exclusive audio message from Hannah. Exploring Hannah’s phone not only gives you insight into her life, but more importantly puts you in the shoes of a bullying victim. The more you look into her social environment, the more you understand the reasons that led her to commit suicide. The website along with the canvas are meant to pique users interest about the show, and raise awareness about cyber-harassment by giving users an unprecedented experience of bullying from the victim’s side. Strategy Our primary target was 13-24 year olds. We know that teenagers and young adults are always on their phones, nearly 80% of teens said they checked their phones hourly! So we looked around, got in touch with them and realized something: their phone is their life, it holds their best memories and their darkest secrets. In order to speak directly to our target audience, we knew our campaign had to be digital and mobile-only. That’s how we came up with ‘Hannah’s Phone’. Because teenagers spend most of their time on social networks, we made a Facebook canvas to create engagement and conversation as well as a mobile-only website for people to share it beyond their platform. Furthermore, to have a greater impact on teens, we sent influencers and journalists Hannah’s actual phone and last letter for them to live the experience and share the website link with their community. Execution We started off by designing the phone and its content as a website and an interactive canvas, staying true to the show’s story and tone and avoiding any spoilers. Then, we put all of the content into 30 actual phones and strategically chose influencers whose followers are essentially to our target audience (13 to 24 year olds in France) and journalists who write for teens, series, and young adults magazines. We rolled out the campaign in several phases:3 days before launch, we sent out the phones to journalists and influencers who shared their experience of going through Hannah’s phone on social media (Twitter, Snapchat, & Instagram). They shared the website link to their communities to live the same experience.The day after, Hannah’s phone was posted on Netflix’ social pages to activate members and give a bigger impact to the campaign. Alongside, Netflix fans could experience Hannah’s phone on Facebook through the canvas.On the 31st of March, the show was released, and by this time fans on social media had already called and sent messages to all 13 numbers on Hannah’s phone and even started making up theories about show before it had aired! Outcome The website along with the canvas received high engagement. Users actually called the contacts in Hannah’s phone and even used it as a help line. In only a few days, we received an average of 200 voicemails per contact. With around 10 million cumulated followers of the influencers and journalists who received a phone and who talked about the experience, the campaign was a success among teens. #13ReasonsWhy became the number 1 trending topic in France in just a few hours after the campaign was launched. Above all, a huge conversation about bullying sparked, counting more than 8 million messages posted on Twitter today. Thanks to this immersive experience, 13 Reasons Why has had one of the most successful launches for a Netflix series ever. France realized the show’s value in the fight against bullying, and more importantly, it helped teenagers open up about the topic. Synopsis Launch of the new Netflix original series ‘13 Reasons Why’ in France. The show revolves around a teen, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide after being bullied at school - raising the topic of school harassment and cyberbullying. The brief was to build anticipation and interest for the upcoming show. Considering that 40% of youngsters have been victims of cyberbullying in France, it was an opportunity to make this campaign count and raise awareness on this particular topic. So how do we stand out, grab the attention of teenagers and raise awareness on the bullying knowing very well that teenagers don’t tend to watch awareness campaigns?

    Hannah's Phone

    案例简介:活动描述 了解青少年生活的最好方法是通过他们的手机。因此,我们创建了一个移动网站,一个创新的 Facebook 画布,以及影响者的 IRL 副本,用户可以在其中充分探索汉娜手机的内容。身临其境的体验让你可以访问她的信息、 Instagram feed 、浏览历史、可调用的联系人以及汉娜的独家音频信息。探索汉娜的手机不仅能让你洞察她的生活,更重要的是让你处于欺凌受害者的地位。你越关注她的社会环境,就越了解导致她自杀的原因。该网站和画布旨在激起用户对该节目的兴趣,并通过让用户体验受害者一方前所未有的欺凌行为来提高对网络骚扰的认识。 战略 我们的主要目标是 13-24 岁。我们知道青少年和年轻人总是在打电话,将近 80% 的青少年说他们每小时都会检查手机!所以我们环顾四周,与他们取得联系,并意识到一些事情: 他们的手机是他们的生活,它保存着他们最好的记忆和最黑暗的秘密。为了直接与我们的目标受众对话,我们知道我们的活动必须是数字的和移动的。这就是我们如何想出 “汉娜的手机”。因为青少年大部分时间都花在社交网络上,我们制作了一个 Facebook 画布来创造参与和对话,以及一个仅供人们在平台之外分享的移动网站。此外,为了对青少年产生更大的影响,我们向有影响力的人和记者发送了汉娜的实际电话和最后一封信,让他们体验这种体验,并与他们的社区分享网站链接。 执行 我们首先将手机及其内容设计成一个网站和一个互动画布,忠实于节目的故事和基调,避免任何剧透。然后,我们将所有内容放入 30 部真实的手机中,战略性地选择了追随者基本上与我们的目标受众 (法国的 13 到 24 岁) 相关的有影响力的人,以及为青少年写作的记者, 系列和年轻人杂志。我们分几个阶段推出了这项活动: 在推出前 3 天,我们向记者和有影响力的人发送了手机,他们在社交媒体上分享了汉娜的手机体验 (推特, snapchat 和 Instagram)。他们将网站链接分享给他们的社区,以体验同样的体验。第二天,汉娜的手机被发布在网飞的社交页面上,激活会员,并对活动产生更大的影响。此外,网飞的粉丝可以通过画布在 Facebook 上体验汉娜的手机。在 3月31日,节目发布了, 这时,社交媒体上的粉丝已经打电话给汉娜的手机上的所有 13 个号码,并给他们发了信息,甚至在节目播出之前就开始编造关于它的理论了! 结果 该网站和画布获得了很高的参与度。用户实际上打电话给汉娜手机中的联系人,甚至用它作为帮助热线。仅在几天内,我们平均每个联系人收到 200 个语音邮件。有大约 1000万名累积的影响者和记者的追随者接到了电话,并谈论了这次经历,这项运动在青少年中取得了成功。#13 为什么在这场运动发起后的几个小时内成为法国头号热门话题。最重要的是,一场关于欺凌的巨大对话引发了,今天推特上发布了 800万条信息。由于这种身临其境的体验,有 13 个原因让网飞系列有史以来最成功的发布之一。法国意识到该节目在打击欺凌方面的价值,更重要的是,它帮助青少年打开了这个话题。 概要 在法国推出新的网飞原创系列 “13 个原因”。该节目围绕一名青少年汉娜 · 贝克展开,她在学校被欺负后自杀,引发了学校骚扰和网络欺凌的话题。简报是为了建立对即将到来的节目的期待和兴趣。考虑到 40% 的年轻人是法国网络欺凌的受害者,这是一个让这场运动有意义并提高对这个特定主题的认识的机会。那么,我们如何脱颖而出,吸引青少年的注意力,提高对欺凌行为的认识,因为我们非常清楚青少年不倾向于观看意识运动?

    Hannah's Phone

    案例简介:CampaignDescription The best way to get an insight into a teen’s life is through their phone. So we created a mobile only website, an innovative Facebook canvas, as well as IRL replicas for influencers, where users can fully explore the content of Hannah’s phone. The immersive experience gives you access to her messages, Instagram feed, browsing history, callable contacts and an exclusive audio message from Hannah. Exploring Hannah’s phone not only gives you insight into her life, but more importantly puts you in the shoes of a bullying victim. The more you look into her social environment, the more you understand the reasons that led her to commit suicide. The website along with the canvas are meant to pique users interest about the show, and raise awareness about cyber-harassment by giving users an unprecedented experience of bullying from the victim’s side. Strategy Our primary target was 13-24 year olds. We know that teenagers and young adults are always on their phones, nearly 80% of teens said they checked their phones hourly! So we looked around, got in touch with them and realized something: their phone is their life, it holds their best memories and their darkest secrets. In order to speak directly to our target audience, we knew our campaign had to be digital and mobile-only. That’s how we came up with ‘Hannah’s Phone’. Because teenagers spend most of their time on social networks, we made a Facebook canvas to create engagement and conversation as well as a mobile-only website for people to share it beyond their platform. Furthermore, to have a greater impact on teens, we sent influencers and journalists Hannah’s actual phone and last letter for them to live the experience and share the website link with their community. Execution We started off by designing the phone and its content as a website and an interactive canvas, staying true to the show’s story and tone and avoiding any spoilers. Then, we put all of the content into 30 actual phones and strategically chose influencers whose followers are essentially to our target audience (13 to 24 year olds in France) and journalists who write for teens, series, and young adults magazines. We rolled out the campaign in several phases:3 days before launch, we sent out the phones to journalists and influencers who shared their experience of going through Hannah’s phone on social media (Twitter, Snapchat, & Instagram). They shared the website link to their communities to live the same experience.The day after, Hannah’s phone was posted on Netflix’ social pages to activate members and give a bigger impact to the campaign. Alongside, Netflix fans could experience Hannah’s phone on Facebook through the canvas.On the 31st of March, the show was released, and by this time fans on social media had already called and sent messages to all 13 numbers on Hannah’s phone and even started making up theories about show before it had aired! Outcome The website along with the canvas received high engagement. Users actually called the contacts in Hannah’s phone and even used it as a help line. In only a few days, we received an average of 200 voicemails per contact. With around 10 million cumulated followers of the influencers and journalists who received a phone and who talked about the experience, the campaign was a success among teens. #13ReasonsWhy became the number 1 trending topic in France in just a few hours after the campaign was launched. Above all, a huge conversation about bullying sparked, counting more than 8 million messages posted on Twitter today. Thanks to this immersive experience, 13 Reasons Why has had one of the most successful launches for a Netflix series ever. France realized the show’s value in the fight against bullying, and more importantly, it helped teenagers open up about the topic. Synopsis Launch of the new Netflix original series ‘13 Reasons Why’ in France. The show revolves around a teen, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide after being bullied at school - raising the topic of school harassment and cyberbullying. The brief was to build anticipation and interest for the upcoming show. Considering that 40% of youngsters have been victims of cyberbullying in France, it was an opportunity to make this campaign count and raise awareness on this particular topic. So how do we stand out, grab the attention of teenagers and raise awareness on the bullying knowing very well that teenagers don’t tend to watch awareness campaigns?



    Hannah's Phone






    广告公司: Darewin (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: OCEBO , Darewin




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