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    Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:孤儿的现实在引人注目的收养运动中实现 约翰内斯堡,2013年5月23日 -- 南非目前有 200万多名孤儿、被遗弃和弱势儿童,预计到 2015年将增加到 550万多名。在一项新的广播电视运动中,全国收养联盟与老上海鞭炮厂、弗里兹电影和媒体一起, 通过一场情感上令人信服的运动,旨在为孤儿和被遗弃的人寻找更多充满爱心的家庭,通过让人们考虑收养作为一种选择。 在去年发表的一份报告中,每年只有 2,000 名儿童被收养,在四年时间里,孤儿人数增加了 29%,收养人数减少了 52%, 这在南非是一个非常现实的问题和挑战。除此之外,人类科学研究委员会报告说,有 800万多名儿童靠儿童补助金生活,这增加了持续的经济压力。 大卫 · 泰勒老上海的创意总监表示,该机构的任务是创建一个 TVC 和广播活动,与不认为收养是一种选择的目标市场产生共鸣,目的是增加南非的采用率。 “Mediology 通过谈判获得了 5 到 1000万兰特的免费媒体曝光,我们抓住了创造一个有意义和有说服力的信息的机会, 这将是值得的,足以抓住所有南非人的心,”他说。 他说,“通过采取一些我们许多人认为理所当然的事情 -- 有父母 -- 我们把这转化为一个孩子的街机体验的简单想法, 通过与 Frieze Films 导演 Marc Rowlston 的合作,我们的愿景通过精彩的导演、角度、铸造和照明得到了说明。” 泰勒说: “输出看到了一个精彩的故事栩栩如生,一个将一个人吸引到一个孤儿的脑海中,他们希望什么,以及他们如何看待世界的故事。”。 他补充说,一个小男孩在街机设置的爪子游戏中插入了一枚 “无现金价值” 的硬币,当他抢到奖品时,看到了他母亲的沉默。但是当爪子掉落娃娃时,他的 “母亲” 消失了,把信息带回家,给观众或听众更多的思考。 在此查看 TVC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4dk8Ey1UA 泰勒补充道: “每个孩子都应该有第二次家庭机会,这一信息再次重申了将收养视为一种选择。”。“在我们发起这场运动的时候,我们希望更多的南非人从孩子的角度来理解一个失去家庭的孩子意味着什么。" 泰勒解释说,在电台广告中,他们用了一首用来安抚孩子的天真童谣,并把这首歌改成了一个孤儿的恳求。“信息是,你有权通过考虑收养给孩子第二次机会,” 他解释道。 在此收听或下载广播广告: https://soundcloud.com/tincanpr/national-adoption-coalition 歌词写道: “闪烁,闪烁的小星星,我怎么想知道你在哪里?”?你晚上会梦见我吗?你能教我放风筝吗?我需要你的指导和建议,拥抱和亲吻也很好。我知道你每天都会关心我,请马上来接我。' JHB 儿童福利机构收养负责人、全国收养联盟董事会成员帕姆 · 威尔逊评论道: “当我们接近儿童保护周时,我们利用这个平台发起我们的附加选项运动, 这将有助于提高人们的认识,展示在一个孩子的生活中找到一个充满爱的家意味着什么。” 她补充道: “对收养缺乏了解,对收养过程有许多误解, 然而,除了我们新的电视和广播曝光之外,我们还通过持续和集中的活动来提高南非的采用率。更重要的是,我们的目标是让不同文化的人理解收养是一种选择。" 她指出,我们都有联系,因此,儿童是我们整个社会的责任,帮助缓解这一非常现实的问题。 “随着附加选项运动的启动,我们希望这个信息能引起所有南非人的共鸣,无论是面临不孕不育问题的夫妇, 希望成为父母或家庭的单身人士,他们希望向孩子敞开心扉,回家。威尔逊总结道: “那些能够以收养家庭的形式为孤儿和被遗弃的孩子提供急需的安全保障的人将有望给更多的孩子第二次机会。”。 欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.adoption.org.za 或加入 Twitter 上的对话: # 收养或拨打 0800 864 658 呼叫中心。-结束- 编辑笔记 * * 更多关于收养和统计 有 200万多名儿童他们正在南非等待被收养。每年的平均收养率是 0.2%,即每年大约 2,000 名儿童,这几乎不包括每年进入该系统的新儿童人数。 南非精算协会估计,到 2015年,南非孤儿人数将增加 350万,达到惊人的 550万,但同时被收养的孤儿也将减少。 南非种族关系研究所 (SAIRR) 的一项研究发现,收养不是家庭中常见的选择。许多孤儿由家人或朋友通过非正式安排照顾,称为亲属寄养。南非统计局估计,有 140万儿童生活在这些安排之下。 同一项研究还发现,在四年 (2005-2009) 期间,孤儿人数增加了 29%,同期收养人数减少了 52%。 据救世军称,许多孤儿如果得不到适当的照顾,最终会成为人口贩运活动的产物,非洲是世界上童工比例最高的国家,占 8000万 (41%) 大部分年龄在 5 岁到 14 岁之间。


    案例简介:Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign Johannesburg, 23rd May 2013 – There are currently over 2-million orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in South Africa with the number expected to increase to over 5.5-million by 2015. In a new radio and TV campaign, The National Adoption Coalition, together with Old Shanghai Firecracker Factory, Frieze Films and Mediology, have set out to create awareness around the very real problem of adoption in South Africa through an emotionally compelling campaign, aimed at finding more loving families for those orphaned and abandoned, by getting people to consider adoption as an option. In a report published last year, only 2,000 children are adopted annually, with an increase of 29% of orphans over a four year period and a decrease in adoptions by 52%, making this a very real problem and challenge in South Africa. Added to this, The Human Sciences Research Council reports that there are over 8-million children living on child grants which adds to ongoing economic pressure. David Taylor, Creative Director at Old Shanghai says that the agency was tasked with creating a TVC and radio campaign that would resonate with a target market who do not consider adoption as an option and the aim is to increase the adoption rate in South Africa. “With between 5 and 10 million rand’s worth of free media exposure negotiated by Mediology, we jumped at the opportunity to create a meaningful and convincing message, something that would be worthy enough to capture the hearts of all South Africans,” he says. He says, “By taking something that many of us take for granted – having parents - we translated this into a simple idea of a child’s arcade experience and, by teaming up with Frieze Films director, Marc Rowlston, our vision was illustrated through brilliant directing, angles, casting and lighting.” “The output sees a superb tale come to life, a story that draws a person into the mind of an orphaned child, what they hope for and how they see the world,” says Taylor. He adds that the story of a little boy inserting a ‘no cash value’ coin into a claw game in an arcade setting, seeing a siloutte of his mother as he grabs his prize. But as the claw drops the doll, his ‘mother’ disappears, bringing the message home and giving the viewer or listener something much more to think about. View the TVC here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4dk8Ey1UA “The message that every child deserves a second chance at a family, brings about the reaffirmation to consider adoption as an option,” Taylor adds. “As we launch this campaign, we hope that more South Africans will grasp the reality of what it means to be a child who has lost his family, from a child’s perspective.” For the radio advert, Taylor explains, they took an innocent nursery rhyme used to soothe children and changed the rhyme as a plea from an orphaned child. “The message is that you have the power to give a child a second chance by considering adoption,” he explains. Listen to or download the Radio advert here: https://soundcloud.com/tincanpr/national-adoption-coalition The rhyme reads: ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are? Do you dream of me at night? Will you teach me to fly a kite? I need your guidance and advice, hugs and kisses would also be nice. I know you’ll care for me each day, please come get me right away.’ Pam Wilson, Head of Adoptions at JHB Child Welfare and board member of the National Adoption Coalition comments: “As we approach Child Protection Week we use this as a platform to launch our Add-Option campaign, which will assist in raising awareness by showing what it will mean in one child’s life to find a loving home.” She adds: “There is a lack of knowledge about adoption and many harbour misconceptions about the process, however through an ongoing and focused campaign of activities in addition to our new TV and radio exposure we aim to increase the adoption rate in South Africa. More importantly, we aim to create an understanding amongst culturally different people that adoption is an option.” She points out that we are all connected, and so, children are the responsibility of our total society to assist in alleviating this very real problem. “As the Add-Option campaign launches, we hope that the message resonates with all South Africans be it couples facing infertility problems, single people who wish to become a parent or families who would like to open their hearts and home to a child. Those that can offer the much needed security to orphaned and abandoned children in the form of an adoptive family will hopefully be able to give many more children a second chance,” Wilson concludes. For more information visit: www.adoption.org.za or join the conversation on Twitter: #adoption or call the call centre on 0800 864 658. -Ends- **Editors Notes** More about Adoption & Statistics There are more than 2-million children who are waiting to be adopted in South Africa. The average annual adoption rate is 0.2% or approximately 2,000 children per year, which barely covers the number of new children entering the system each year. The Actuarial Society of SA estimates that by 2015 there will be an increase of 3.5-million more orphans South Africa taking the number to a staggering 5.5-million and yet at the same time fewer are being adopted. A study by the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) found that adoptions were not a frequent choice among families. Many orphans are looked after by family or friends through informal arrangements, referred to as kinship foster care. Statistics SA estimates that there are 1.4 million children living by these arrangements. The same study also found that in a four-year period (2005 – 2009) the number of orphans had increased by 29% and during this same period adoptions had decreased by 52%. According to The Salvation Army, many orphaned children end up as the product of human trafficking activities if not cared for properly, Africa has the highest percentage of child labourers in the world with 80-million (41%) mostly between the ages five and fourteen years old.

    Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign

    案例简介:孤儿的现实在引人注目的收养运动中实现 约翰内斯堡,2013年5月23日 -- 南非目前有 200万多名孤儿、被遗弃和弱势儿童,预计到 2015年将增加到 550万多名。在一项新的广播电视运动中,全国收养联盟与老上海鞭炮厂、弗里兹电影和媒体一起, 通过一场情感上令人信服的运动,旨在为孤儿和被遗弃的人寻找更多充满爱心的家庭,通过让人们考虑收养作为一种选择。 在去年发表的一份报告中,每年只有 2,000 名儿童被收养,在四年时间里,孤儿人数增加了 29%,收养人数减少了 52%, 这在南非是一个非常现实的问题和挑战。除此之外,人类科学研究委员会报告说,有 800万多名儿童靠儿童补助金生活,这增加了持续的经济压力。 大卫 · 泰勒老上海的创意总监表示,该机构的任务是创建一个 TVC 和广播活动,与不认为收养是一种选择的目标市场产生共鸣,目的是增加南非的采用率。 “Mediology 通过谈判获得了 5 到 1000万兰特的免费媒体曝光,我们抓住了创造一个有意义和有说服力的信息的机会, 这将是值得的,足以抓住所有南非人的心,”他说。 他说,“通过采取一些我们许多人认为理所当然的事情 -- 有父母 -- 我们把这转化为一个孩子的街机体验的简单想法, 通过与 Frieze Films 导演 Marc Rowlston 的合作,我们的愿景通过精彩的导演、角度、铸造和照明得到了说明。” 泰勒说: “输出看到了一个精彩的故事栩栩如生,一个将一个人吸引到一个孤儿的脑海中,他们希望什么,以及他们如何看待世界的故事。”。 他补充说,一个小男孩在街机设置的爪子游戏中插入了一枚 “无现金价值” 的硬币,当他抢到奖品时,看到了他母亲的沉默。但是当爪子掉落娃娃时,他的 “母亲” 消失了,把信息带回家,给观众或听众更多的思考。 在此查看 TVC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4dk8Ey1UA 泰勒补充道: “每个孩子都应该有第二次家庭机会,这一信息再次重申了将收养视为一种选择。”。“在我们发起这场运动的时候,我们希望更多的南非人从孩子的角度来理解一个失去家庭的孩子意味着什么。" 泰勒解释说,在电台广告中,他们用了一首用来安抚孩子的天真童谣,并把这首歌改成了一个孤儿的恳求。“信息是,你有权通过考虑收养给孩子第二次机会,” 他解释道。 在此收听或下载广播广告: https://soundcloud.com/tincanpr/national-adoption-coalition 歌词写道: “闪烁,闪烁的小星星,我怎么想知道你在哪里?”?你晚上会梦见我吗?你能教我放风筝吗?我需要你的指导和建议,拥抱和亲吻也很好。我知道你每天都会关心我,请马上来接我。' JHB 儿童福利机构收养负责人、全国收养联盟董事会成员帕姆 · 威尔逊评论道: “当我们接近儿童保护周时,我们利用这个平台发起我们的附加选项运动, 这将有助于提高人们的认识,展示在一个孩子的生活中找到一个充满爱的家意味着什么。” 她补充道: “对收养缺乏了解,对收养过程有许多误解, 然而,除了我们新的电视和广播曝光之外,我们还通过持续和集中的活动来提高南非的采用率。更重要的是,我们的目标是让不同文化的人理解收养是一种选择。" 她指出,我们都有联系,因此,儿童是我们整个社会的责任,帮助缓解这一非常现实的问题。 “随着附加选项运动的启动,我们希望这个信息能引起所有南非人的共鸣,无论是面临不孕不育问题的夫妇, 希望成为父母或家庭的单身人士,他们希望向孩子敞开心扉,回家。威尔逊总结道: “那些能够以收养家庭的形式为孤儿和被遗弃的孩子提供急需的安全保障的人将有望给更多的孩子第二次机会。”。 欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.adoption.org.za 或加入 Twitter 上的对话: # 收养或拨打 0800 864 658 呼叫中心。-结束- 编辑笔记 * * 更多关于收养和统计 有 200万多名儿童他们正在南非等待被收养。每年的平均收养率是 0.2%,即每年大约 2,000 名儿童,这几乎不包括每年进入该系统的新儿童人数。 南非精算协会估计,到 2015年,南非孤儿人数将增加 350万,达到惊人的 550万,但同时被收养的孤儿也将减少。 南非种族关系研究所 (SAIRR) 的一项研究发现,收养不是家庭中常见的选择。许多孤儿由家人或朋友通过非正式安排照顾,称为亲属寄养。南非统计局估计,有 140万儿童生活在这些安排之下。 同一项研究还发现,在四年 (2005-2009) 期间,孤儿人数增加了 29%,同期收养人数减少了 52%。 据救世军称,许多孤儿如果得不到适当的照顾,最终会成为人口贩运活动的产物,非洲是世界上童工比例最高的国家,占 8000万 (41%) 大部分年龄在 5 岁到 14 岁之间。

    Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign

    案例简介:Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign Johannesburg, 23rd May 2013 – There are currently over 2-million orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in South Africa with the number expected to increase to over 5.5-million by 2015. In a new radio and TV campaign, The National Adoption Coalition, together with Old Shanghai Firecracker Factory, Frieze Films and Mediology, have set out to create awareness around the very real problem of adoption in South Africa through an emotionally compelling campaign, aimed at finding more loving families for those orphaned and abandoned, by getting people to consider adoption as an option. In a report published last year, only 2,000 children are adopted annually, with an increase of 29% of orphans over a four year period and a decrease in adoptions by 52%, making this a very real problem and challenge in South Africa. Added to this, The Human Sciences Research Council reports that there are over 8-million children living on child grants which adds to ongoing economic pressure. David Taylor, Creative Director at Old Shanghai says that the agency was tasked with creating a TVC and radio campaign that would resonate with a target market who do not consider adoption as an option and the aim is to increase the adoption rate in South Africa. “With between 5 and 10 million rand’s worth of free media exposure negotiated by Mediology, we jumped at the opportunity to create a meaningful and convincing message, something that would be worthy enough to capture the hearts of all South Africans,” he says. He says, “By taking something that many of us take for granted – having parents - we translated this into a simple idea of a child’s arcade experience and, by teaming up with Frieze Films director, Marc Rowlston, our vision was illustrated through brilliant directing, angles, casting and lighting.” “The output sees a superb tale come to life, a story that draws a person into the mind of an orphaned child, what they hope for and how they see the world,” says Taylor. He adds that the story of a little boy inserting a ‘no cash value’ coin into a claw game in an arcade setting, seeing a siloutte of his mother as he grabs his prize. But as the claw drops the doll, his ‘mother’ disappears, bringing the message home and giving the viewer or listener something much more to think about. View the TVC here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4dk8Ey1UA “The message that every child deserves a second chance at a family, brings about the reaffirmation to consider adoption as an option,” Taylor adds. “As we launch this campaign, we hope that more South Africans will grasp the reality of what it means to be a child who has lost his family, from a child’s perspective.” For the radio advert, Taylor explains, they took an innocent nursery rhyme used to soothe children and changed the rhyme as a plea from an orphaned child. “The message is that you have the power to give a child a second chance by considering adoption,” he explains. Listen to or download the Radio advert here: https://soundcloud.com/tincanpr/national-adoption-coalition The rhyme reads: ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are? Do you dream of me at night? Will you teach me to fly a kite? I need your guidance and advice, hugs and kisses would also be nice. I know you’ll care for me each day, please come get me right away.’ Pam Wilson, Head of Adoptions at JHB Child Welfare and board member of the National Adoption Coalition comments: “As we approach Child Protection Week we use this as a platform to launch our Add-Option campaign, which will assist in raising awareness by showing what it will mean in one child’s life to find a loving home.” She adds: “There is a lack of knowledge about adoption and many harbour misconceptions about the process, however through an ongoing and focused campaign of activities in addition to our new TV and radio exposure we aim to increase the adoption rate in South Africa. More importantly, we aim to create an understanding amongst culturally different people that adoption is an option.” She points out that we are all connected, and so, children are the responsibility of our total society to assist in alleviating this very real problem. “As the Add-Option campaign launches, we hope that the message resonates with all South Africans be it couples facing infertility problems, single people who wish to become a parent or families who would like to open their hearts and home to a child. Those that can offer the much needed security to orphaned and abandoned children in the form of an adoptive family will hopefully be able to give many more children a second chance,” Wilson concludes. For more information visit: www.adoption.org.za or join the conversation on Twitter: #adoption or call the call centre on 0800 864 658. -Ends- **Editors Notes** More about Adoption & Statistics There are more than 2-million children who are waiting to be adopted in South Africa. The average annual adoption rate is 0.2% or approximately 2,000 children per year, which barely covers the number of new children entering the system each year. The Actuarial Society of SA estimates that by 2015 there will be an increase of 3.5-million more orphans South Africa taking the number to a staggering 5.5-million and yet at the same time fewer are being adopted. A study by the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) found that adoptions were not a frequent choice among families. Many orphans are looked after by family or friends through informal arrangements, referred to as kinship foster care. Statistics SA estimates that there are 1.4 million children living by these arrangements. The same study also found that in a four-year period (2005 – 2009) the number of orphans had increased by 29% and during this same period adoptions had decreased by 52%. According to The Salvation Army, many orphaned children end up as the product of human trafficking activities if not cared for properly, Africa has the highest percentage of child labourers in the world with 80-million (41%) mostly between the ages five and fourteen years old.



    Orphaned Children’s Reality Realised in Compelling Adoption Campaign






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